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  1. yeah i'm honestly thinking that my 22 win prediction is going to be difficult to reach, but everything i saw from the freshmen reaffirmed my feelings that we are going to be stupid good in a year or two if we can add/hold on to Baker and McDaniels. Stupid good.
  2. Rising might be the next thing, but they’d be foolish to put all their eggs in that basket if there were an option available to mitigate the risk. We agree. You play to win now. You recruit to win now. If you recruitnreally well for a few years you may have the luxury to to recruit to keep winning later. We recruited you to win now, and tomorrow we’re going to try our best by hook or crook to find someone to replace you.
  3. i think it's important we get to the bottom of this before the game, because if we do somehow pull out a miracle win you are not going to want to talk about this anymore. but i don't have time to keep going on it right now. the next request would be for you to explain how we are not innocent.
  4. I'm beginning to think we should push in our chips and go get Simmons from Philly. If we are going to win because some white guy from Lipscomb is unstoppable, then we should roll with it. Simmons, Brooks/Green, Mathews, Tate, and Wood. Sengun, Theis, Martin, and Christopher behind them.
  5. 2015 - 0 wins 2016 - 2 wins (UT after they had given up on Charlie and had 6 turnovers) 2017 - 1 win We are realistically expecting 1 win against a very tough Nicholls team. They could beat us at home though (same team that took georgia and A&M to the brink). We go to Central Michigan (they boat raced us at home last year) so we don't see that as a win. We get Rutgers at home but they are in better shape than we are. It came out yesterday that all of the building we have done is for naught. We actually have less scholarship players right now than we did when Beaty took over. We do have hope that we will hire Bert though. So we've got 2019 to look forward to being meme'd into D1AA status.
  6. @MD - Win: We are better than them. We have a revenge factor going for us. They are going through some turmoil. Passing game is going to look good. Tulsa - Win. Running game appears to be improving. Offense looks balanced. 2 Special Team TDs. USC - Win. First game in awhile that Texas looks complete. Texas by 10. TCU - Loss. Texas has a USC hangover. However, the game is exceptionally close. The recent DT loss for TCU may change this prediction. @KSU - Win. Texas rebounds in a big way. OU - Win. OT thriller in which Sam runs in the winning TD, after D holds OU to a FG. Baylor - Win. Low scoring, but running game gets it done. @OSU - Win. Defense holds OSU to 10. WVU - Win. Offense goes crazy. Texas wins 56-31@Tech - Win. KK was fired the week before. Texas rolls. ISU - Win. ISU has no more gas in the tank, or athletes to overcome how beat up they are. Texas wins by 10 in the most boring game of the year. @KU - Win. Mudhole. Texas is first team out of college football playoff. Tom goes nuts. Recruiting goes crazy, and we flip 3 top A&M recruits that realize A&M has some shady shit going down that they dont want to be a part of (also A&M has a losing record).
  7. We're not really tied with the Yankees. They have a better win percentage and are two ahead of us in the loss column. We have played 4 more games than the Yankees. Two more wins and two more losses. If the Yankees go 3-1 in those extra games and play even in the rest, they finish a game ahead. If they go 2-2 then we are tied. Sorry to nitpick....I agree that we have hell of a ride ahead of us.
  8. And folks are thinking we are going to leap over a 1 loss champ that is ahead of us or they are going to pick us over SEC champ Alabama. That's not happening. On the other hand Georgia is six spots ahead of us. Washington is four spots ahead of us. I don't know. But none of this really matters. If FSU losses and we win we should be in. Or Iowa wins (LOL). I would rather not sweat a 1 loss Georgia is all.
  9. i'm a no he's not proven to be a fraud..... yet which means until he is proven to be fraudulent, he's not /parcells he's going to need time and we are going to have to accept that we are not going to win instantly fuck, the gomers are in year 4 of boomhauer and they have 2 quality wins in 4 seasons, florida and satan everyone just needs to chill out a little this has been very easy to digest with the parcells mantra i went in to this season with
  10. .....yea...but we had some really good losses....hello? We are 16-16. We don't deserve to go to the tournament. NIT might give us a fighting chance to win at least one game....and Shaka needs to go...the sooner, the better...don't know who we would replace him with....but, there's no future to our basketball future with him.
  11. How many times have we read shit like this from aggy after every coaching change and signature win in his first season? And I got news for the aggy ass clowns. The LSU win was not a signature win. My gosh I had to stay off Facebook most of Sunday because I know a lot of aggys and it was nothing but tripe about the win on Saturday night and how it was going to take them to the next level. Good fricken luck with that! This clown should check the LSU schedule for next season. We are going to get beat LSU first......Then what in hell are they going to say after that???????
  12. I am pretty sure I can down a bottle of Clase Azul in an hour. I look forward to this... because we are going to win at least 9.
  13. So yeah let’s salvage a win today and do that David Pierce thing where we go on a random ass 12-2 run or some shit
  14. We were bubble before the tenn win, off the bubble after isu, and hopefully not going back there now. Regardless, it can always turn back around
  15. This Chriss kid is a beast. We need to go ahead and sign him for the rest of the season. Nice win tonight albeit against a fucking shitty Rockets team.
  16. Kansas is going to win its next two (at home against WV and Tech) so we need to split these two road games to play for at least a tie.
  17. We split with SA, and are now tied with 21 wins. 2nd worst is still on the table. Their Sunday finale with Dallas is going to be the tankiest tanky tank game of this season.
  18. Yeah I’m sure that’s why the 6 point threshold was chosen. Just going to forget that ever happened and act like we win that game with RT lol.
  19. If we dont get pressure on the QB its going to be a frustrating day. Their WRs dont suck. I'm not sure there is a pathway for them to win, but they need to be taken seriously.
  20. I hope so. But I won't be surprised if we are #5 since Florida State is going to win. We'll see. Hope so. But now it is up to the Committee.
  21. i'm just glad we have some coaches that are actually war vets now, instead of hoping Mehringer could go out there and win a rock fight
  22. I think we go 2-2 and in the 2 losses do our usual 2nd half collapse. Win a shitty bowl game. fuck everything
  23. Great win. Some stuff to work on but we are going to be really fucking hard to beat in Moody. Can't wait to watch us play a big game on the road.
  24. Any chance we can go up 28-0 so I can focus on the Astros? Wait, that wouldn't be enough. Fuck it, just win, please.
  25. What’s our max wins this year? 8? I just want to be sure that we can’t run the table. Fuck the haters. Fuck the doubters. Go longhorns!
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