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Donald Trump 2018


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33 minutes ago, Native Horn said:

Can you at least wait until later in the football season when it might be more useful?  

Sure, I expect to be extremely fragile next season. I'll find you in the Tim Beck thread.

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49 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:

It's a perfectly cynical response, and not unwarranted, but it's possible that Comey is actually just a dude who has tried hard to manage his career in the right way and things got nuts at the end.  He was faced with a decision between two bad choices . . . there isn't a whole lot he could have done.

I disagree.  His grandstanding while announcing no charges was unnecessary, inappropriate, and purely in service of his own self-image.   In fact, his little press conference came as a total surprise to Justice leadership, which had promised to follow whatever course he recommended, but didn't ever delegate the decision on charges to him.  They expected a written recommendation that they would then act on.   And that's exactly what he should have given them.  Instead he wanted to tell the world how fair and wise he was, and ended up backing himself into a corner that later led him to disrupt the course of the election. 

I don't think he's a bad guy, but I do think he did the wrong thing for the wrong reason.

Edited by Mojo Hand
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It's a perfectly cynical response, and not unwarranted, but it's possible that Comey is actually just a dude who has tried hard to manage his career in the right way and things got nuts at the end.  He was faced with a decision between two bad choices . . . there isn't a whole lot he could have done.

Anastasis made another uninformed opinion where both sides are to blame, not unlike the sentiment shared in TLJ where arms dealers got rich by selling to both sides of the war. But given the the rebellion was against the evil First Order, it would make complete sense for the rebels to buy weapons and for a neutral supplier to sell such weapons to both sides.

Had he waited to make cynical comments after the Comey interview was assessed to be overblown, he’d have a valid point. He still may be able to do a victory lap.
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25 minutes ago, Eskimohorn said:

Anastasis made another uninformed opinion where both sides are to blame...


Uninformed opinion?  I may be a cynical asshole, and I may sport argue from the extremes, but I am not generally uninformed. The interview is part of his book tour. That is not a both sides observation.

1 hour ago, jimmyjazz said:

It's a perfectly cynical response, and not unwarranted, but it's possible that Comey is actually just a dude who has tried hard to manage his career in the right way and things got nuts at the end.  He was faced with a decision between two bad choices . . . there isn't a whole lot he could have done.

Comey talk not going away, but here's my final thoughts. Comey out thought himself and ultimately boxed himself in.  I agree wiht a lot of Mojo's post. Like everybody else, he assumed that Clinton was going to win, and he felt the urge to go outside of the proper SOPs to puff himself up and to buffer the FBI from the inevitable blow back of the situation created by Bubba and Lynch on the tarmac, and the other aspects circling the Clinton investigation. Further, his actions were influenced by documents planted by Russian intelligence, which the FBI knew to be flawed, but had the potential to call the integrity of the investigation into account. His did his dressing down of Clinton calling her reckless and all but indicating that she was guilty, but that he wasnt going to press charges (not his decision). In month before the election, he sends a letter to congress saying that the investigation is back on, and then just a few days before the election, that it is back off.  The FBI SOPs around types of investigations are there for a very specific reason. Comey circumvented those SOPs because he felt that the appearance of integrity was more important than keeping it between the lines. And in the process, he effected the very thing that the SOPs are in place to prevent, the FBI inappropriately influencing political outcomes. I mean, look, I was popcorning with the rest of us as this was all playing out. But in hindsight you have to admit that he made some extreme mistakes.  Yes, its hindsight. But that's how history will judge. 

Meanwhile, at the same time that he is coloring down Clinton, he is authorizing FISA captures related to contacts between individuals associated with the Trump campaign and Russia.  Clinton is right to point out that the differential disclosure relating to one FBI investigation but not the other is problematic. But he thought Clinton was going to win and thought that he had to posture to maintain the appearance of integrity and distance once she was in office. Maybe if Comey had played Both Sides (TM) the same he wouldn't have created this situation.  As far as his firing goes, Trumps mistake was not to fire him on day 1, like Clinton would have. /Comeytalk

Edited by Anastasis
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2 hours ago, Anastasis said:

I didn't dismiss anything. I said that it would boost book sales.  Which is the purpose. Comey starting his book tour. 

If anyone deserves a profitable book tour, it’s James Comey.

There are plenty of valid reasons not to like Comey but one thing he is not is a liar.

His reputation has been dragged through the mud by dotard and the entire right wing media.  He was fired for doing his job and he walked up to capital hill and testified under oath in front of the world. Meanwhile, Trump and his people hide and lie behind closed doors so they don’t get embarrassed or exposed.  Fuck these people.

I hope Comey’s book sells a shitload of copies drives Trump fucking insane, even if it’s not that good.

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4 minutes ago, SuingToGetAMessageBoard? said:

That’s not the analogue to JFK I’m rooting for.  

Kennedy had an older brother that died.

Trump had an older brother that died.


Kennedy's dad was pretty much a dick.

Trump's dad was pretty much a dick.


Kennedy liked to bang skanky hot pieces on the side.

Trump likes to bang skanky hot pieces on the side.


Kennedy's presidential administration came to an abrupt end.

Trump's presidential administration...

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Kennedy had an older brother that died.
Trump had an older brother that died.
Kennedy's dad was pretty much a dick.
Trump's dad was pretty much a dick.
Kennedy liked to bang skanky hot pieces on the side.
Trump likes to bang skanky hot pieces on the side.
Kennedy's presidential administration came to an abrupt end.
Trump's presidential administration...

Trump’s secretary’s first name was John
Kennedy’s secretary’s first name was Donald

Trump calls JFK airport a 3rd World Country
JFK helped found the Peace Corps

Trump can barely manage a lucid thought
JFK made some of the most profound speeches in history

Trump ordered the strike of an abandoned runway
JFK navigated the US on the brink of nuclear war

Trump is a horrible president
Andrew Johnson was a horrible president

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1 hour ago, Herpa Derpa said:

Kennedy had an older brother that died.

Trump had an older brother that died.


Kennedy's dad was pretty much a dick.

Trump's dad was pretty much a dick.


Kennedy liked to bang skanky hot pieces on the side.

Trump likes to bang skanky hot pieces on the side.


Kennedy's presidential administration came to an abrupt end.

Trump's presidential administration...

All that shit works for Nixon too, except the skanks. 

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24 minutes ago, Grade of D as in David said:

Well in his defense DOTUS did the same thing...


There are EPA challenge coins? WTF. Here I thought millennials we're fucking snowflakes that needed participation trophies.


You get a silver coin for every $10k and a gold coin for every $100k that you bilk .. er... invest in protecting the environment.

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19 minutes ago, Eskimohorn said:


Pence would suck hard. But not completely insane.


This. And, less important than the “not completely insane” thing, he’d still be completely incompetent but wouldn’t have the rabid trumper support. He’d probably lose more on that end than he’d gain in support from centristish republicans looking for an excuse to vote R without feeling too embarrassed.

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5 hours ago, jimmyjazz said:

\comeytalk Yeah, I think you're making a shit-ton of assumptions, Anastasis, but this is obviously not going to be resolved here.

Fair enough, but I do not think that I have made a single unreasonable assumption in that post. 

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Fuck you, David.

Trump Nominates Austin Attorney Who Stymied Investigation Into Trump University




President Donald Trump this week nominated to fill a federal judge vacancy the man who claimed responsibility for the state of Texas’ failure to pursue a $5.4 million settlement against the president and his now-defunct Trump University.

Trump’s nominee, David S. Morales, said in 2016 that he was responsible for pulling the plug on an investigation into Trump University when he served as deputy attorney general for then-Attorney General Greg Abbott. The investigation fizzled in 2010, but when a whistleblower in 2016 accused Abbott of going easy on Trump for political reasons, Morales said it was his call, not Abbott’s.

In 2009, the attorney general’s consumer protection division began investigating Trump University. Ultimately brought down by numerous fraud lawsuits across the country, Trump U existed for less than a decade and sold wealth-creation “education” services for thousands of dollars. Despite not providing academic credit or even grading its thousands of students, Trump and the company promised the services would make clients rich.

In May 2010, according to attorney general records obtained by the Dallas Morning News, the chief of the consumer protection division sought formal approval from Morales to “enter into settlement negotiations” with Trump U for its “false, misleading and deceptive practices.” Trump is individually named for his “direct involvement in this business.”

The attorney general was preparing to seek $5.4 million in legal fees and restitution for the nearly 500 Texans who spent millions on the “university.” (At least 39 Texans purchased Trump’s $35,000 “Gold Elite” package.) But for reasons that weren’t made public at the time, the state never filed suit or sought monetary damages for the allegedly swindled Texans.



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1 hour ago, Fudge Nuggets said:

What the heck is a “challenge coin”?  I think these shitheels in DC need to MAGA and go back to duels.

It's typically a military thing.  If military folk are sitting around drinking and someone slams one on the bar, whoever doesn't have one has to buy a round.  If everyone has one, the person who started it has to buy the round.  It pisses me off to no end that pussies like Scott Fucking Pruitt could even have one, much less design one. 

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4 hours ago, Burt said:

It's typically a military thing.  If military folk are sitting around drinking and someone slams one on the bar, whoever doesn't have one has to buy a round.  If everyone has one, the person who started it has to buy the round.  It pisses me off to no end that pussies like Scott Fucking Pruitt could even have one, much less design one. 

That sounds pretty stupid.

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