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Русский корабль - иди нахуй


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At one of the sections of the SSO front, they saw the Russians bring ammunition for their anti-RPG weapons. Assessing the situation, the SSO operators were the first to attack without delay. The missiles of the Ukrainian ATGM from the first shot accurately hit the enemy, destroying them together with the newly brought ammunition. 🇺🇦

It is reported that the Russian Ka-52 together with the crew is burning down in Kharkiv region.


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How do you reckon they're going to get up the Bosphorus? 

Exactly. The Montreux Convention doesn’t allow non-Black Sea navy’s ships with guns larger than 8” to pass (missiles are in dispute I think), and closes the strait to all non-Black Sea navy access during a conflict. We’re not sailing up the straight unless something really changes, that’s why Turkey’s navy needs to go get that grain, and tell Russia that firing on the Turkish escorted convoy will be an act of war and will trigger Article 5 of NATO. Then we could help defend Turkey, and they could maybe grant us access to the Bosphorus to aid in their defense (per my understanding) without breaking the Convention. We have a Carrier Strike Group in the western Med right now. If Russia shoots at the Turks or sinks a grain freighter under escort, (likely using their subs which all put to sea about a week ago) I would like to see someone sink that sub in retaliation.

That said, “this business will get out of hand and we’ll be lucky to live through it”.
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Well, that's all. Thank you from the shelters of Azovstal - the place of my death and my life.

By the way, while I am in captivity, I will leave you photos in the best quality, send them to all journalistic awards and photo contests, if I win something, it will be very nice after the release. Thank you all for your support. See ❤️

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On 5/19/2022 at 2:35 PM, MillerEP said:

Dumbass should have stayed in Mexico. As an average-looking white boy he could have walked into the clubs and have all the cutest (and richest) girls trying to meet him. Weather even nicer than Crimea. Could have told people he hated the US and he'd be fine.

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44 minutes ago, MillerEP said:

They won't be able to unless Turkey flips, I'm just shitposting, but generally, I'm saying if they get cargo ships in there under guard, I doubt Russia will do much.

Let’s play a game. We put some serious naval power in the eastern med, get their jimmies good and rustled, then kick them out of nato. 

does it get us permission to sail on by into the black, no it probably doesn’t.   Might make for some good theater though. 

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3 minutes ago, Pato del Muerto said:

Let’s play a game. We put some serious naval power in the eastern med, get their jimmies good and rustled, then kick them out of nato. 

does it get us permission to sail on by into the black, no it probably doesn’t.   Might make for some good theater though. 

They surround our base, join the Russian camp, and eventually get our nukes. 

The world will have to weather the storm. One thing that is going on is China's stockpiling of grain and soy. Convince South America to put it into the Donor coffers. Brazilian President won't, but Argentina is about to have severe economic problems, yet again, and some debt relief could be worked out I am sure. A boat of grain = this much debt relief. 

Or what about sanctions for hoarding food? The issue is not only Ukraine, but that is probably better for a new thread in the CR. 

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Hell yeah! Joy riding in a BMP. 

About Moldova. Arm them up. Conduct exercises, say 20K NATO Troops on a Peacekeeping preparation mission. Surround the Russians there. Trade 1 Russian troop for 2 Ukrainians captured in the mill. Russian Officers count as .5

Get those POW's out of russia, and remove the potential threat at your back. 

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13 minutes ago, InkaUtexas said:


I anticipate it will only take a few days before the US has to crackdown on American creepers and weirdos accepting only young female Ukrainian refugees, same way the UK did.

And 98.2% of those creepers and weirdos will have surly handles.

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OK, so back to reopening ports. Sure, Harpoons would devastate their fleet, but have we been training the Ukrainians to use them? If not will take some time. No idea how long so perhaps one of our Navy Experts can chime in. Reuters article says 14 days. Another challenge cited is these are not land based systems. 

Another thing to be considered is I am sure some Eastern European countries that use Russian aircraft have anti-ship missiles. Looking at you Poland and Romania. 

Reuters article, then Twitter link. 




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6 minutes ago, utee94 said:

I anticipate it will only take a few days before the US has to crackdown on American creepers and weirdos accepting only young female Ukrainian refugees, same way the UK did.

And 98.2% of those creepers and weirdos will have surly handles.


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49 minutes ago, utee94 said:

I anticipate it will only take a few days before the US has to crackdown on American creepers and weirdos accepting only young female Ukrainian refugees, same way the UK did.

And 98.2% of those creepers and weirdos will have surly handles.

він наносить лосьйон на шкіру або знову отримує шланг
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1 hour ago, utee94 said:

I anticipate it will only take a few days before the US has to crackdown on American creepers and weirdos accepting only young female Ukrainian refugees, same way the UK did.

And 98.2% of those creepers and weirdos will have surly handles.

Oh, so because I asked the DHS "how do I access the database of wimminz' photos?", I'm the bad guy?  Just trying to make a difference in the life of a young Ukranian lady here*.  Shame on you.

*no fatties allowed

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5 hours ago, InkaUtexas said:

Orcs trying to erase culture. Anyone see any military targets around? 

On the one hand, really sucks, and shows just how childish Russia's leadership is.

On the other hand, every missile wasted on a non-military target is one more missile Russia could have used later on to help Russian soldiers.

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We focus on the genocidal aspects of what Russia has been doing, but a good argument to be made that we treat Russia like fascists as well.  Fascists with nukes, to be sure.

Of course, arguably we are doing some of the same things already if we just came out and said it, and I think everybody now understands that if we had not backed Ukraine in this fight and Russia had rolled through Ukraine, they'd be knocking on Moldova's door.


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One of those special operations types killed on Snake Island a few weeks ago.
[/url] The first picture had to be taken in Ukraine, given that it's a functional washing machine.

Nice Punisher logo. It really makes things easy from a graphic design perspective when you can just use all the American/western graphics without worry because your populous has little access to outside media to realize you plagiarize as much as possible from the entity you blame all of your troubles on. I guess imitation and flattery, etc.
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8 hours ago, InkaUtexas said:

We can discuss all we want if Ukraine's war is genocide. Hard to state that. But it surely falls into the category of Ethnic Cleansing. 

UN's definition. 


Russia has done all the things Bolded in the spoiler. 

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The Commission of Experts also stated that the coercive practices used to remove the civilian population can include: murder, torture, arbitrary arrest and detention, extrajudicial executions, rape and sexual assaults, severe physical injury to civilians, confinement of civilian population in ghetto areas, forcible removal, displacement and deportation of civilian population, deliberate military attacks or threats of attacks on civilians and civilian areas, use of civilians as human shields, destruction of property, robbery of personal property, attacks on hospitals, medical personnel, and locations with the Red Cross/Red Crescent emblem, among others


It's like Russia is playing Potemkin Go and has to catch them all.  

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1 hour ago, The Dog said:


Wow, if we are selling them Patriot systems, they can secure Western Ukraine and probably push an air defense bubble out into the contested areas of Eastern Ukraine

And HIMARS can provide a pretty decent sized cushion for artillery - really hammer at their ammo depots, rail supply areas, etc.

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Not downplaying the challenge, but they have until mid-Sept to iron out truck and rail logistics. Farmers are incredibly adaptive.  Grain companies are always in it for a buck.  They'll figure it out.

I appreciate your optimism, but wheat, barley, and rye harvest starts in July.


Hopefully they have plenty of silo space available to store if logistics aren’t sorted. The fact that we’re already talking about sending Harpoons, etc. means we’re taking it seriously which is great. Even if the Ukrainians sink another couple surface ships, I still feel like the psychopath Russians will stage their subs to try to torpedo the freighters. They still think they will get traction blaming a famine on us somehow.

Whoever sends freighters and escorts needs to have a live video feed of the boats if possible and make a Don Corelone homage declaration that if a freighter should get shot in the head, or hang itself in its jail cell, or be struck by a bolt of lightning — then there will be blame cast upon some with boats in the Black Sea and no forgiveness. Haul the grain largely straight to Africa / Turkey and publish the whole thing and take a humanitarian victory lap. If I was the blockade running country, I would spring to have bags printed at the destination ports (like USAID does) that say something like “this grain was brought past Russian blockades by me at mortal risk to avert famine in your country. As-salamu alaykum. Go with God. May we meet one day as friends… (P.S. I would value your warm recollections of this event and forbearance regarding my future military or political maneuvers that may trespass against you, or those that have in the past. Very truly yours, etc..)”
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3 hours ago, Nivek said:

Who doesn't think they are a kleptocratic fascist state?  This isn't some kind of revelation. 


There are different definitions for fascist-

 1. Nationalist, authoritarian, state directed economy. 
2. Somebody to the right of my position. 
3. Opponent of Russia. 
#1 is the best definition with 2 and 3 overused. 

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4 hours ago, 686 said:

I still feel like the psychopath Russians will stage their subs to try to torpedo the freighters. They still think they will get traction blaming a famine on us somehow.

What is the worst thing they could do if Ukraine was trying to ship grain to Africa/Middle East/etc.?

Take their submarines and sink slow-moving big-ass freighters carrying lots of life-saving grain, destroying the cargo and killing the crews.

Because they are fucking Russia, and that is exactly what Putin will do at this point, given their propensity for targeting schools, hospitals, shelters, etc. inside of Ukraine.

If Poland/Germany/etc. are able to step up and actually get the grain out on rail, and get it to ports, and put it on non-Ukrainian ships, wonder if the Russians would fuck around.

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5 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

What is the worst thing they could do if Ukraine was trying to ship grain to Africa/Middle East/etc.?

Take their submarines and sink slow-moving big-ass freighters carrying lots of life-saving grain, destroying the cargo and killing the crews.

Because they are fucking Russia, and that is exactly what Putin will do at this point, given their propensity for targeting schools, hospitals, shelters, etc. inside of Ukraine.

If Poland/Germany/etc. are able to step up and actually get the grain out on rail, and get it to ports, and put it on non-Ukrainian ships, wonder if the Russians would fuck around.

The Russians don’t really need to sink anything.  Marine insurers and shippers are insisting that the ships in Ukraine stay there and won’t let new vessels try to run the blockade. I think it’s far more likely that the Russians would target port infrastructure and lay more mines as opposed to merchant shipping as such.  I don’t think Putin would want the image of Russian forces actually sending a third country ship full of grain to the bottom while there are better ways of doing this.  Rail is an option but again the Russians will target rail hubs and other key points. Russia has figured out that this particular issue is a real pain point for the West and will do whatever they can to maintain that pressure as invisibly as possible. 

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