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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/05/19 in Posts

  1. Everybody here missed me asking Brandon Jones about the documentary. Come on people. I did that for y'all.
    16 points
  2. Your mom’s been passed down from generation to generation via the oral tradition.
    15 points
  3. We went camping with another family and my friend’s wife loaded their new Yeti with food and drinks. When we got there, she discovered that she should have added ice if she wanted everything cold. She thought the cold was included in the price.
    14 points
  4. 14 points
  5. Oh, no doubt. I do see some upsides to handing him over to the Mexicans though. 1. We don't need to feed this dirtbag. 2. Doing a swap has a certain "Old Time New York Mafia" vibe that makes me want to go get some nice linguine. With clams. 3. We certainly want some of the Mexican dirtbags that the Mexicans are holding. Let's start doing business. 4. Seeing this American dirtbag handed over to Mexico may forestall the ticking time-bomb inside some unbalanced Mexican's head who stares at American tourists in Cabo all day. 5. It will certainly scare the living shit out of similar US incels who think they'll shoot-em-up, surrender, then play D&D all day in a nice clean American prison. 6. It'd be funny. We need more things that are funny.
    12 points
  6. You know what's fucking REAL? Bullets. The ones that ripped through 46 people who committed the sin of being brown in this country. There. There's your fucking reality. There's an open fucking hunting season on brown people in this country. There's your fucking fact. You figure out where the fuck that comes from -- gosh, it's such a MYSTERY. Quit your fucking equivocating. We have 1) state sponsored dehumanization and gleeful human rights violations of brown people, 2) state-encouraged white nationalist genocidal terrorism against brown people. We know what the fucking problem is. We know where it comes from. And we know that it can be delivered at 3,000 fps. This is EXACTLY what the start of an extermination campaign looks like. Pick up a fucking book -- any fucking book -- chronicling the 1930s in Europe. You and your fucking pipe-smoking pseudo-erudite bullshit pontificating about a fucking manifesto, as if you're fucking above it all. Tumbling lead at 3,000 fps, aimed at brown people because they are brown, is more than enough factual basis. So fuck right off.
    12 points
  7. We're executing the mentally ill now? Oh shit, RIP Donald Trump Jr.
    12 points
  8. Apparently China didn't heed the stark example of what happens to those in a battle of financial wit between Donald Trump and Dennis Rodman. Ask Clint Black or Gene Simmons what happens. Go ahead and ask Danny Bonoduce or Todd Bridges. Does China think they're smarter than Lou Ferrigno? They better tread lightly when going head to head with a guy who once owned Gary Busey and Bret Michael's from Poison in the same season. Ask Lil Jon or Jose Canseco or Cyndi Lauper what happens. Does China want a little of what Kloe Kardashian got? I think not. The global economy is in good, albeit tiny, hands.
    11 points
  9. I am kind of tired of this asshole weighing as some voice of morality while literally married to this Administration.
    10 points
  10. To date, it has been passed down from generation to generation via the oral tradition. Some now claim it is apocryphal. Researchers right now are parsing through ancient manuscripts, tomes, and papyri from various civilations to locate it in the written record.
    9 points
  11. Guys, I'm starting to think our President is a moron.
    8 points
  12. Today is the economy. When the economy craps out, it will be because of "the judges." When/if Gorsuch or Kavanaugh doesn't do something they like on something monumental, it will be "well, he's not Hillary." There will always be a reason why they can excuse his shitty behavior.
    8 points
  13. I like this one, at 2:29 an aggy throws in their 12th man towel
    8 points
  14. I'd pay $3 million if it meant you could never post again.
    8 points
  15. Congrats on getting married !!!!!!!
    7 points
  16. May God bless those who perished in Tuxedos.
    7 points
  17. A real President chimes in
    7 points
  18. No dude, there is no discussion about people fucking targeting and killing specific people based on their skin or nationality. You can blather on all you want, there is no discussion to be had. It is unacceptable. Anyone who is not completely outraged by the last 48 hours to the point of calling for new legislation or productive talks about some type of solution is a piece of shit and doesn't even deserve a voice, but because this is a great country like America you get one anyway - doesn't mean anyone has to fucking listen to it.
    6 points
  19. This guy does not fuck. He was made for this. Packaged with complimentary mommy issues, too! Just like Norman Bates! Bad skin. Wonky eye. Masturbates to Highlander reruns. Once fell in love with a girl who accidentally bumped into his backpack on public transportation. Will passionately debate you on crossbow brands. Reviews stuffed crust pizza on Yelp. 8chan account not included. Butt weight! THERE'S MORE!!! Oh goddamn you better believe there's more!
    6 points
  20. Snake Poem Just sounds nasty Sent from my SM-G970U using Tapatalk
    6 points
  21. Call the GOP what it is and let the chips fall where they may. This white nationalist, profoundly corrupt criminal organization is not established in the Constitution as the forever voice of political conservatives. Keep firing torpedoes into this shit barge until it sinks beneath the waves. Let refugee Republicans start something new. Who in this lifetime wants to claim the same label as Donald Trump? Find something new and fresh. The GOP needs to be dead. The deplorables need to be isolated and, if possible marginalized. Problem is, there's so damned many of them.
    6 points
  22. No, what he's saying is Trevor's backup is going to have a career day.
    5 points
  23. Very unenlightened of you. The proper term is “little ho”.
    5 points
  24. And I'll repeat myself for a second time. Ban them. Go right ahead. Again, like bump-stocks they have an ridiculously limited application that a lunatic was able to exploit. 100rd drums jam all the time. They are heavy, hard to load, hard to clear, and make up an infinitesimally small percentage of magazines sold. You have this childlike notion that if a person could kill 10 people with 100 rounds, he'd only be able to kill 3 with 30, etc. It doesn't work that way. You have no idea how many round were spent. If there were pass through casualties. The report said "dozens". Is that 2 dozen? 3 dozen? What is it exactly. That being said, the Columbine massacre was carried out using one of the first guns sold in compliance with the Clinton era assault weapons ban. The capability of the weapon is in the hands of the user, not the looks of the gun. You have no way to know how many lives, if any would have been saved. But keep fucking that chicken and patting yourself on the back that you "did something".
    5 points
  25. How about just trotting calmly out and kicking the shit out of whatever opponent is scheduled that day?
    5 points
  26. So he has pitched against the Rangers, Blue Jays, and Yankees twice. In those starts he has pitched 25.1 innings, gave up 6 total earned runs (7 total runs), struck out 29, and walked 7. I'm convinced if Greinke was traded to the Yankees you would be gobbling his knob as we speak.
    5 points
  27. Are you very old or very young? (It's a popular meme)
    5 points
  28. I'm not anywhere near as talented as most of the folks on this thread, but was pretty pleased at how this one turned out. From Mt. Baker wilderness up near the Canadian border.
    5 points
  29. Have you not heard about Rondale's bout with severe depression during the winter? He was very open about his suicidality. Rondale opens up about his mental struggles during the winter months.
    5 points
  30. He’s being an emotional woman. I think that was the point. That’s what I took away anyway.
    5 points
  31. No you are just into crazy message boards for teams that have nothing to do with your life. It's the same shit dude it's the internet - teens and young adults grew up with the internet, have you been on Twitter or FB lately? It's a fucking cesspool of trolls and the deep dark corners of the internet are now just out on public display with no shame at all. Morbid curiousity used to be the reason to stumble on that stuff, now it's just so in your face unless you actively avoid it poof there it is in your feed.
    5 points
  32. 5 points
  33. Ask her to substantiate the rumor that the English sense of humor is drier than the Texas sand.
    5 points
  34. I use an ATM to get cash once there. Rates are usually ok, and the fees are less than the money exchange places. I use my credit card as much as possible to conserve cash for when I really need it, but my CC doesn't have a foreign transaction fee. She should check with her credit card company on that point. London is expensive, and if she's going to be there for 7 days she's going to spend some money. If she's on a tight budget, she should probably spend some time doing basic research on how much things cost, like hotel, things to do, etc rather than having a co-worker ask vague questions on the internet.
    5 points
  35. You'd think someone still transitioning would be a little kinder to the transgender community.
    5 points
  36. I was pointed to a non partisan group that studies mass violence and was featured in the LA Times yesterday. It’s some good stuff to chew on and then act. You know.... actually being proactive and productive. It covers multiple angles of mass shootings including developmental issues, psychology issues and access to weapons then lays out ways to prevent the lead up to events like El Paso, Dayton, etc. I imagine these concepts can be applied to other forms of homicide which take multiple more lives per week in our country than mass shootings. Or we can can continue to call each other names and point blame on the internet. “Our goal has been to find new, data-driven pathways for preventing such shootings. Although we haven’t found that mass shooters are all alike, our data do reveal four commonalities among the perpetrators of nearly all the mass shootings we studied.” LA Times - The Violence Project
    5 points
  37. In general there is a kernel of truth to the idea but I think the majority of this feeling is Charlie PTSD. I would not say that either Caden Stearns or BJ Foster was anything like a liability last season even as true freshmen. Each year that Todd Orlando has been here, multiple players have taken big leaps in performance or come out of nowhere to become stars. Would it be nice to have proven and talented upperclassmen starting at every position? Of course. But with the trend towards more 3rd year players declaring plus the kind of talent Tom Herman is bringing in, that dream just isn't realistic every year.
    5 points
  38. Meanwhile in aggyland m.e. https://dailycaller.com/2019/08/03/qatar-travel-ban-billionaires-slaves-trapped-middle-east/
    5 points
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