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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/01/20 in Posts

  1. It’s a fucking disaster for any Brits living in EU countries. I feel horribly for them. Most of the retirees living on their pension are having to move back to the U.K. because all of a sudden their EHIC won’t be valid. Pretty interesting that a board that is 99% against Trump and the Republicans are universally cheering this decision. It’s the same nationalistic bullshit sentiment that drove this. Pro tip: If Icono celebrates it, it’s a fucking terrible idea.
    11 points
  2. enough with the race to 1000. stop shitposting
    10 points
  3. Worked at the ranch today with Dad, he turned 87 last Sunday and was mad at me because I would not let him run the chainsaw. Since we went into town early today for some fencing we didn’t feel like driving back for dinner tonight. The setting: an old hay barn that has served as our camp barn on the place for 30 years of duck and squirrel hunts, spring and winter break family campouts and many weekends of scout camping. The barn over looks a cove that used to be a native pecan orchard before the lake flooded. The meal: grilled jalapeño sausage on flour tortillas with processed cheese and a splash of Stubbs. Sides were HEB frito scoops and bean dip. The tableware was paper towels on top of newspaper and the table an upside down cattle feed syrup bucket.
    10 points
  4. We got us a new (to us) guitar. 1962 [piphone Century. Hardly a scratch on it. I got it from a guy who bought it last April from Carter Vintage in Nashville. The serial number finder gives 3 different dates (actually a range of dates) but Carters certified it was a 62. I think the strings are probably from 74. Haven't plugged it in yet but I know it works. It is loud as hell just by itself.
    10 points
  5. "Jerry, Jerry, Jerry, Jerry!" Apparently not. The card will continue to work for this year while negotiations continue for future years. And if for some reason they don't reach an agreement, there still are other ways to access health care. And worst case, they could simply do the same as what non-EU expats (like, ya know, US expats) do. For example, in Spain they could buy the same private health insurance that non-EU expats purchase, and since rents/property in Spain and many other popular expats spots are much cheaper than in the UK, most would still financially come out ahead to stay and buy private health insurance than to move back to the UK. But talking points! https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-44850972 https://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/pensions/article-7925857/Threat-frozen-state-pensions-lifted-British-expats-EU.html https://www.thelocal.fr/20200124/what-are-the-healthcare-changes-for-british-people-in-france-after-brexit Lulz. OK, Pauline Kael Pro tip: The Cloak Room is not the least bit representative of Surly. The board seems to be a lot more diverse than that, but few people want to get into endless bad faith arguments in an often emo scream room.
    10 points
  6. 10 points
  7. Here's the fucking deal with the Brockermeyers, regardless of what they do over the next six months. If Texas is in a good place during/after the season, they're fucking going to Texas. If Texas isn't in a good place, then they're something around 50/50. Any other updates aside from them joining the fold and actively trying to build the class are meaningless, because in this particular recruitment, the season matters, unless they decide that it doesn't and pick Texas early.
    9 points
  8. Such brave guardians of the republic! The GOPs elected a president that is every evil thing they've falsely accused his Dem predecessor of being: a lying, divisive, anti-democratic danger to the republic. Now they take subtle offense at any turn of phrase that can be, through bland sophistry, made to appear offensive to some element of government. Fuck all of these vile quibblers. They use a car's air freshener to hide from themselves the stench of the rotting elephant they sell as prime beef. I hope all these ambulatory pieces of shit are "going to go through some things."
    9 points
  9. Joe just shot up to the top of my list:
    9 points
  10. ....on their first day of emancipation from the EU. I just drank a toast of Pusser’s Rum (a gift from a Brit friend) in their honor. 🇬🇧
    7 points
  11. The British recaptured their national sovereignty from faceless bureaucrats from Brussels. Just last week, it was reported that the EU wanted to force phone and tablet makers to use a universal charging interface without any thought as to the impact it would have on the current array of products being made. Boris Johnson delivering Brexit has been the greatest victory for those of us who are national conservatives. Repudiation of those that consider themselves "citizens of the world". Sorry - borders matter, regaining national sovereignty matters, maintaining a country's own currency matters and finally restricting immigration to meet the needs of the state and desires of the existing population for the number and qualifications of immigrants matters.
    7 points
  12. I similarly opined earlier that the post game commentary about possible errors made by the house managers negatively impacting the chances for witnesses is based on a false premise. The house managers performed excellently. In the bits and pieces that I saw or heard, the case was laid out with supporting evidence in a convincing manner. So, if you agree that the house managers did their jobs more than adequately, the question becomes why weren't the GOP senators swayed? The answer to that question has been illuminated in many fine posts on this thread already. They've aligned with a man who cares nothing for a republic that he probably never even understood. They support absolute dishonesty and third rate sophistry in the name of partisan purity. They bank on the ignorance of an electorate whose education they regularly refuse to fund and whose teachers they regularly vilify. They're proud of this. That's just how depraved they are. They support the murder of journalists, the abandonment of comrades in arms, and the embrace of autocrats. What the alleged fence sitters must be telling themselves as they cling to this POS is beyond me. Fig leaf. Sad! Do something!
    6 points
  13. These idiots are singlehandedly changing the comp structure for the college football coaching community. Also, Liucci is constantly talking about how things everyone is a sucker that is being duped by someone in one form or another. It’s non-stop. Hey, dickless, if you look around and all you see are assholes and idiots, you might be the one who is the asshole and idiot.
    6 points
  14. He could have handed Putin the nuclear football after sucking his dick and killed Biden. Absolutely nothing would have removed him from office. This is a naked power grab and a move toward autocracy. It's also a blank check for even more widespread election interference including vote rigging. All the stuff you complain about, much of which I agree with, is irrelevant. An autocratic state is going to further increase surveillance and further depress dissent. Congrats on sticking to your guns, but it's going to get a lot worse. Just wait until exit polling in November point to a comfortable Dem win. And then we all wake up the next day to find out that exit polls were "wrong" and Trump won handily in Republican controlled swing states. All those GOP statehouses have been working for more than a decade for this. Appointing crooks to supervise elections and disenfranchising minorities. After the Trump 2020 win is when the long knives come out, political eliminations start to occur, and we get a constitutional amendment overturning the 22nd amendment and consolidating power further in the executive branch and Senate, and God knows what else. White Christian theocracy maybe. The only real unknown is Trump's heir to power. It won't be his kids and Mitch is old too. And the thing about trees of liberty being watered is bullshit too. The American people are pussies. The Republic will go out with a whimper with Brisket on a ledge and you complaining about surveillance until the autocracy tells you that you better stop complaining. Nobody is going to do shit until they are starving.
    6 points
  15. Well, that was as emotional an event I’ve been to other than a funeral/memorial. Yes, we lost, but that house was feeling Kobe all night. I know you all hate the Lakers, and I don’t blame you. I hate the Yankees with a passion. But the Lakers ARE the premier team in the NBA, and I really hope and pray AD and LBJ lead us back where we belong.
    6 points
  16. It just winds up being fatal for the part of the country that wanted something better. Instead we get 51 cowards who do not give one iota about our country. Party and money over country. I am embarrassed to be an American right now. We have so much potential to do good, but we have a raging 5 year old constantly throwing a temper tantrum in the Oval Office and he has an entire party of enablers I will say this again. If you are sticking with this party, even if you are a county clerk, you are complicit in this. You are actively supporting our country being run by a thief and someone who lies everytime he opens his fat ass mouth. I hope y'all feel pride sticking it to the libs and acting exactly like the worthless shitstain holding the highest office in the land.
    6 points
  17. I’ve known that nothing would be enough, from the beginning. Because the dynamic is one of a party held hostage by their own misconduct. They have no choice but to be all-in. They can’t betray him - it would be fatal.
    6 points
  18. Lotta bitter folks around here. It is a current event... and none of the CR idjits care when they pollute this forum with their vitriol. There are 4 other threads down this page that are no less “political” than this one, so any objections to this one can just have a donut. Mods can move it if they like, I don’t care.
    5 points
  19. 5 points
  20. Someone has a sense of humor. Four horseman buses carrying evacuees from Wuhan.
    5 points
  21. I put it in my phone. But I know where this is headed and im truly terrified. I’m just hoping I can hold on long enough to see my daughters graduate college and maybe walk them down the aisle. anyone that says cte isn’t real is a fucking asshole.
    5 points
  22. This entire thread is totally not Cloak Room. (wink, wink. nudge, nudge.)
    5 points
  23. If they had done that, you would have criticized them for dragging the process out in an election year you disingenuous fuck.
    5 points
  24. Farage's statement captures it in a nutshell. This is a truly glorious moment. Britain was always apart from the continent, always maintaining its separate status. The `exceptionalism' power of Europe. It was not right that it be increasingly under the thumb of an agenda driven by Germany and especially some kind of border-less and identity-less perspective. Europe's great culture heritage is all about its variations and distinctions. The EU has become too much of a political party rather than an element of commerce
    5 points
  25. yeah, here's the thing: everything a republican has told us is true for the last ~40 years (my lifetime) is a straight up fucking lie. this is no different.
    5 points
  26. 4 points
  27. Robinson threw his name in the hat, to try to get A&M to give him a raise, but once word got out that Robinson was a candidate to the PSU job, every DL coach in college and the NFL reached out to Cuckbo to show their interest in joining the greatest program in the history of the sport. /Looch
    4 points
  28. Good thing I’ve been slowly taking cannon blasts of increasing size over the past decade. I am immune to cannons, howitzers, and mortars now. Still allergic to pecans tho.
    4 points
  29. I got a freezer full of venison, a keg, a bunch of booze, a generator, and guns. Let's do this.
    4 points
  30. Or, along those lines....imagine Britain, Germany, Australia, etc all openly offering their assistance or providing whatever is necessary to whoever the Dem candidate ends up being. Or China. Easily seem them approaching the eventual Dem nominee and telling them that in exchange for lifting of tariffs, here's all the shit we have on the Trump family. Or any other nation Trump has pissed off; you know damn well their security apparatus is holding onto shit for just the right opportunity. Thanks, Senate.
    4 points
  31. So instead they destroy the fabric from which the Nation was built...what patriots. Fuck them all
    4 points
  32. The international conspiracy is well established by both instances. Trump asked for help in both. That, in and of itself, is a crime. We obviously have differing opinions, but we've heard from both Rubio and Alexander today that they don't believe the severity of it reaches the standard for removal. They're both on record with saying they're okay with foreign influence in the Ukraine situation. I'm simply extrapolating their opinion to voice my own that their admission would've also applied to the 2016 election on account that the underlying facts are the same. You disagree and that's okay.
    4 points
  33. Texas secede was fostered by russians. Same for brexit. This is a victory for Putin and morons.
    4 points
  34. Only two Jewish people on a flight from Miami? Sure, buddy, whatever you say.
    4 points
  35. I have to work all weekend, no time for a good cook. I'm gonna buy some round tortilla chips, some canned Rico's nacho cheese, and some Totino's frozen pizzas. Going old-school poor-boy.
    4 points
  36. Hitler was more a manipulator of people rather than an actual leader and was a result of the horrendous circumstances in Germany after the First World War. People were burning wheelbarrows full of paper money for warmth. Being a ‘Nazi’ not only meant you were in their political party but also a zealot. Most Germans were not actual Nazis. The reason was he was able to be successful is thru misdirection and distraction. Scapegoating the Jews and communists was not without a perceived social justification. During The very end of World War One, the German Army had actually started winning and the tide of the stalemate was swinging in their favor. At that very moment communist activists let strikes at factories who’s bank owners were primarily Jewish. With all of the manpower at both fronts, the factories were shut down. Then, shockingly and without notice the Kaiser abdicated. The troops were left at the front and there was power vacuum. The rag-tag band of “diplomats” from Germany did not represent the German people in surrender but rather, just gave the victors whatever they wanted. This was Hitlers “great stab in back.” With Hitler the average German was happy and glad that the economy was improving, services and standard of living was improving and exceeding the victors, infrastructure was being rebuilt, but very importantly a National pride was being restored which had a new importance. Hitlers ‘fuck you’ attitude toward the other powers was something people cheered since they felt they had been taken advantage by the powerful forces who governed. truly, the parallels from then and our experience with our gov today is frightening.
    4 points
  37. When you really fuck up, it's a preemptive strike to get them in a good mood before they figure out what you did.
    4 points
  38. I'll take "Things NowThis Said While Being Pegged by Angela Merkel" for $500, Alex.
    3 points
  39. I actually thought you were a different poster. We mostly disagreed on the shag and seem to mostly agree here. That probably has more to do with the Republican party falling off a cliff than it has to do with with us changing our views. But you still throw down knowledge. Bozo too. Overall, there is less real discussion going on than there used to be though. Trumpism is essentially indefensible and discussion of nuanced policy positions seems almost as pointless as deciding what color to paint the living room while the house is on fire.
    3 points
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