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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/03/20 in Posts

  1. Alternate joke. Cancer has been diagnosed with advanced Rush Limbaugh.
    21 points
  2. Would this be a bad time for Newt to divorce him?
    18 points
  3. Mayor of OKC checks in:
    13 points
  4. Instead of reveling in his fear and sickness, I will simply take this moment to point out that he has a chronic anal cyst. It's how he avoided the draft. I don't know if any person deserves lung cancer, but Rush Limbaugh certainly deserved having a chronic anal cyst. Instead of focusing on his death, I chose to fondly remember his lifelong anal cyst. Because I believe in love. Praise Jesus.
    11 points
  5. IT says Juwan Mitchell has removed his name from the portal.
    11 points
  6. Just got done reading this entire thread. Your hate warms my heart. Y'all like bacon? Then shut the fuck up and tolerate our political absurdity.
    10 points
  7. Documented footage of Texas A&M fans listening to their most recent national championship
    10 points
  8. Or just show his teachers the linebacker depth chart
    10 points
  9. I bet “Board” is spelled B-O-R-E-D.
    9 points
  10. I do find it telling that the racist, misogynist crowd who is scared shitless of browns and wimmens will seize upon single poorly-phrased talking points made in passing by a brown woman but somehow are unconcerned with the daily barrage of lies and outright stupidity put forth by POTUS. Odd.
    9 points
  11. Worked at the ranch today with Dad, he turned 87 last Sunday and was mad at me because I would not let him run the chainsaw. Since we went into town early today for some fencing we didn’t feel like driving back for dinner tonight. The setting: an old hay barn that has served as our camp barn on the place for 30 years of duck and squirrel hunts, spring and winter break family campouts and many weekends of scout camping. The barn over looks a cove that used to be a native pecan orchard before the lake flooded. The meal: grilled jalapeño sausage on flour tortillas with processed cheese and a splash of Stubbs. Sides were HEB frito scoops and bean dip. The tableware was paper towels on top of newspaper and the table an upside down cattle feed syrup bucket.
    9 points
  12. 8 points
  13. Well, being that air quality is and has been regulated by the Clean Air Act for decades, including specific delegation to the TCEQ for enforcement of same, and being that the nature and extent of the activity has changed and increased over those decades, I can't IMAGINE why he would expect the law to be enforced. I find it fascinating that the overlap is almost total between folks who regularly respond to any story involving law enforcement shenanigans with "the solution is simple: wanna avoid trouble with the cops? DON'T BREAK THE LAW" and folks who say "the guy who wants the law enforced is in the wrong, he should move." Truly fascinating. The Clean Air Act and the applicable standards existed when the operations at issue expanded. They knew the law. This is true of almost any operation subject to the Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act, etc. But when THEY move full-steam ahead on a path that they know will put them in violation of the law, well, that's just good business. But when someone gets pulled over for having a busted tail light and ends up getting shot, he shouldn'ta broken the law! I truly and genuinely find it fascinating.
    8 points
  14. The idea that a middle-of-the-road Democratic candidate will fare better than a socialist like Sanders strikes me as short-sighted. The GOP at present has a stranglehold on the economy narrative, i.e. they get to determine whether working and middle class white Americans perceive the economy as strong or weak. When the stock markets are great, and a Democrat is in the White House, the GOP has made hay out of the "numbers aren't telling the whole story" narrative. Conversely, when the stock markets drop with a Republican in the White House, they can counteract the reputation hit by fear-mongering socialism. When Democrats win elections, the GOP still wins so long as they can sustain the socialism boogeyman, because the fear of being perceived as a socialist tends to keep moderate Dems in check. The left needs to rid "socialism" of the stigma it has with center/independent white voters. By breaking the power that word has over so many Americans, we stand to diminish the GOP's power bigly. Liberals need to understand that, as repulsive as it is to accept, a lot of working/middle class white Americans believe Trump is interested in improving their lot in life. They buy into the notion that the "elites" run the country, and still see Trump as an outsider. More than the other Dem candidates, Sanders can steal that narrative away from Trump, and *that's* why his far-left ideology is vastly overstated as a liability. The fact that he can also destigmatize "socialism" makes him a very attractive candidate to oppose Trump. I've been leaning Warren up until the recent spat, and now I'm ready to put the Bernie sign in my yard. I'm not a rich man, but I'm in a much better situation financially than most of Trump's supporters. The message that well-off Republicans and centrists need to hear over and over is that nobody's wealth is safe if we regress into a banana republic.
    8 points
  15. For the first time in my life, I have insider info to share. A source passed me a transcript of that meeting:
    8 points
  16. It's simple to see what they like about him. First, the Federalist Society handed him a list of judge appointments and he signed his name to them. Then people like Stephen Miller handed him a list of judge appointments that were even too shitty for the Federalist Society and he signed his name to them. Then white supremacists handed him an immigration ban list and he signed his name to it. Then oil interests handed him a proposal to gut the EPA and he signed his name to it. Then 100s of other nefarious alt right groups saw what what was happening and handed him proposals and he signed his name to them. Some of the shit that gets announced is cartoon villain level even. I mean repealing a decades old ban and allowing farmers to dump pesticides in rivers even when they aren't asking for it was a new low. But it does make you wonder who the fuck asked for it if farmers didn't. And all they have to offer in return is insincere praise. No need to compromise or meet in the middle at all. "You're the best President ever","We love Trump!","Good dog!","That's a good boy." Utter one of those phrases in the oval office and your proposal is guaranteed to be signed. Fox News will also repackage it to hide how shitty it is, free of charge. And I guess he actually is the greatest President ever if you're a grifter or a complete shitbag with no morals. Your sister is a better person than Trump. She has feelings, empathy, and sympathy. She was just dealt a bad hand. Trump is a narcissistic sociopath.
    8 points
  17. My mom admitted herself into the ER to detox and then be moved into a program
    7 points
  18. And the cancer treatments he will receive will have been funded by government run socialistic agencies such as the NIH. He will then go to a government funded and run socialist organization such as MD Anderson to be treated by doctors who’s training and education occurred at government subsidized hospitals and medical schools. He will pray to his last day that all those bogeyman government agencies that he vilified will save his worthless life.
    7 points
  19. What is the right way to feel when you find out that a person who is gleefully cruel, sells lies constantly for personal gain, and has helped destroy the fabric of the very nation, is terminally ill -- likely caused by an activity that he regularly lied about having any real connection to the disease it caused? Because that's how I feel, however that is.
    7 points
  20. Dave South was terrible then too
    7 points
  21. Everyone can find themselves somewhere in this gif when reading this news:
    7 points
  22. Seeing as his name is Paxton, saying he’s a PWO seems a little redundant.
    7 points
  23. Fuck Iowa. New Hampshire can fist itself as well. These two states that probably least represent the country as a whole have way too much influence for their podunk status.
    7 points
  24. I meant it from the standpoint that I don't do politics around my family and friends and knew the ads would rile them up. Kind of like how they apparently did to you.
    7 points
  25. The 2020 Democratic caucus is tomorrow: Monday, February 3rd. Iowans will gather together in 1678 different precinct locations across the state. Up for grabs are 49 pledged delegates to be divvied up among the candidates according to their final share of the vote in the precincts. Here's how it will work, for those of you who are interested but don't know: Voters show up at 6:30 (doors close at 7, no entry after that) and enter the caucus and gather with their #1 candidate's precinct captain. The venues are chosen based on expected turnout, with some precincts expecting thousands and some expecting dozens. ROUND ONE - First Count Once the doors lock and everyone has gone to their #1 choice, the first count is made. Everyone fills out a voter card and gives it to the overall precinct coordinator who is from the Democratic Party national. This is called something like "Primary Candidate Preference" , but the media will probably call it the "First Count". This is the only point in the process where things look like a normal primary vote. All voters are counted and then the individual candidates' voters are counted. Simple math is done to determine percentages. (Klobuchar 34%, Bloomberg 25%, Bennet 19%, Yang 12%, Steyer 7%, Warren 2%, Biden 1%) This number WILL be reported to the media this year (it usually isn't). So once campaigns get word of high numbers, they will immediately start crowing about success before the caucus is even over. You might see a big difference in results from the First Count to whatever comes out of the end of the sausage-making process. ROUND TWO - Final Count If your candidate is at/above threshold (15%), you have to stay there. Even if you're an Amy man and a hot girl in the Yang group gives you the eye and pantomimes a BJ if you switch, you're not allowed to. (I think blowjobs in that context are electioneering and can get you arrested anyway.) If your candidate is below threshold (15%), you can switch. (Or just leave shouting, "GABBARD OR BUST MOTHERFUCKER!") There will be a 15 minute period during which you try to lure (Yang girl) or harass (Bernie Bro who threatens to rape people who don't come over to the Bern Dawg) people over to your candidate or decide to move to either an already-viable candidate or to a candidate who would hit viability with your help. (Joking aside, campaign loyalists will bring like cookies and brownies and offer them as temptations. Money itself isn't legal, I don't think, but I know for sure that you can bribe with food which is hilarious.) At the end of the 15 minutes, if you're still in an area with a candidate below threshold, you are given an awkward look by everyone and made to feel very uncomfortable. And you have to leave like a dumb loser who doesn't even know math. People might throw things at you and the Bernie Bro will call your mother a whore (which she probably is). New voter cards are given out and a "Final Candidate Preference" count is made. This will also be reported by the media. Campaigns who gained a lot from the reshuffle will crow about how this shows that they are unifying and well-liked and viable once other losers drop out. So while the toxic rapist misogynistic transphobic pedophiles of the Bernie campaign might get a high First Count, their Final Count won't grow once others realize that ritual cannibalism is required to be a Bro. (Klobuchar 35%, Bloomber 25%, Bennet 20%, Yang 20%) (Steyer, Warren, Biden go Buh-Bye) ROUND THREE - Delegate Allocation "But b_t," the observant ones among you will have thought, "if there are only 49 delegates to be awarded and 1678 precincts, how are the delegates awarded?" Well, dumbass, here's how that goes... There is a formula for delegate selection that determines how many people from each precinct go to a convention held at the county level. These county-level conventions are held in late March. The Iowa Democratic Party will then use the county convention results to determine the allocation of delegates for the national Democratic convention. Sounds stupid right? Bet your ass it is!
    6 points
  26. Difference between sanders and warren is that you actually see sanders’ speech.
    6 points
  27. Amy's staff did a good job hiding the black eyes and bruises with makeup.
    6 points
  28. Between that clip and the one of Trump “drinking water,” I’m starting to think there may be something to this whole lizard people idea.
    6 points
  29. Rush is one of the very few people in this world who unquestionably deserves cancer.
    6 points
  30. I'm just relieved that primary voting starts today. A whole fucking year of candidates campaigning in Iowa finally ends.
    6 points
  31. put on the black hats and start fucking people up. apologize to their widows.
    6 points
  32. 6 points
  33. it would be awesome if he would just do the world a huge favor and go ahead and stroke out and die.
    6 points
  34. Jesus it's not like he said we had 54 states. Calm the fuck down and go back to the CR fag.
    6 points
  35. Bama' Rivals mod put in a Texas pick for Collins. Suchomel just put in a Texas pick for Rakestraw.
    6 points
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