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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/17/20 in Posts

  1. Here's a cool public Tableau that gives you visuals of key monitoring metrics: tests, positive tests, hospitalizations, and deaths by state on a daily level (with 7 day averages), along with a 7 day average of % of tests that are positive. The data is sourced form the COVID tracking project. You can pick any state you want. https://public.tableau.com/profile/peter.james.walker#!/vizhome/COVID-19SeeYourState/YourStateKeys Here's TX: The 2nd picture (cases!!) is what the media seems to obsess over, but you can see pretty clearly it's essentially a proxy for how many tests are being conducted (1st picture). Hospitalizations (3rd picture) is what we should be focusing on. After a run-up through about 5/7, hospitalizations seem to have leveled off and, if we are lucky, peaked. Deaths are a lagging indicator, but follow the upward trend of hospitalizations. The % positive seems to be holding steady. Anyway, something to play around with other than yourself.
    11 points
  2. He is black and was president for two terms.
    10 points
  3. Just arrived courtesy of @topochico. My inner Jimi is jazzed!
    10 points
  4. Went to Sprouts for a salmon filet to smoke. Since they had some great deals on seafood I went ahead and picked up some skrimps and scallops (wife doesnt eat shrimp). I present to you shrimp/scallop and grits, accompanied by smoked salmon.
    9 points
  5. These are the shrimp and grits I made last week. I use carrots and Vienna sausage so every bite is a surprise. I'm happy to share the recipe.
    9 points
  6. Not to get too personal but I have a young child who needs special education, which has been cancelled because of all of this. This has set her back probably 6 months in development time that she could have had in trying to get her in shape to attend normal school, year after next. If she doesn’t get back into her normal therapy soon, she doesn’t stand a chance to get into public school, which of course dramatically alters the rest of her life. Ready for this shit to be done with. To all the other parents out there with young kids, hang in there.
    8 points
  7. All the “OPEN UP AMERICA!” yahoos want to know why a lot of us think you’re stupid and this shit is only going to get worse? This administration has had THREE MONTHS of lockdown. The primary reason was to slow down the spread of this virus thus saving lives and preventing our health care system from being overwhelmed. But it was also supposed to give the federal government some time to make plans and come up with solutions to allow the country to “open back up” safely and in accordance with living with this virus in the framework of normal life. Yet - we have this. NOTHING has been done with the time they have been given. America is going to have the worst of both scenarios - hundreds of thousands dead AND a completely fucked economy. This entire lockdown will have been for nothing. Trump is crossing his fat sausage fingers and waiting for some magical solution - a pill, a vaccine, letting it burn out, hot weather, bleach IVs, a flashlight up the ass. You can’t declare bankruptcy and quit when dealing with a virus. When the going gets tough, that’s the Trump way.
    7 points
  8. I'm quite confident, based on the performance of this website since it's beginning, that the security is top notch.
    7 points
  9. I will never ever vote for a Republican. To allow Trump to talk, lie and act like he does as President, like a child, and say nothing shows how spineless and cowardly they are. None of them deserve to be in the office they hold.
    6 points
  10. "Transparent, clear, empathetic, serious, and all-in". 0 for motherfucking 5.
    6 points
  11. 6 points
  12. She doesn’t know about the peanut butter does she?
    6 points
  13. deshebrada tacos with refried white beans
    5 points
  14. Imagine thinking Trump loves anything besides himself.
    5 points
  15. It is possible not to love Trump without being a leftist commie or socialist regardless of what the Facebook memes reposted from Russian fake news sites tell you
    5 points
  16. This is a pretty good summation of why PoC like Biden despite a subset of rich white liberals thinking they know better than them how they should feel.
    5 points
  17. Is that a before, or after photo?
    5 points
  18. I had a similar experience in HEB the other day. The MAGAt in question in my case had his tacky red hat and an infowars shirt. While he was spouting his shit I muttered through my mask, “Shut the fuck up, traitor.”. He started looking around to see who said it, but couldn’t figure it out because everyone else had a mask.
    5 points
  19. Felt like having some seafood tonight. Whipped up some crawfish étouffée. Good shit. Kids even ate it. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    5 points
  20. Mehringer fucking sucks but I don't think homophobia is the right way to lambast him
    4 points
  21. Oh boy. Get ready for another series of crazytown tweets.
    4 points
  22. What an absolute disgrace. And even more disgraceful that we're all desensitized to it now. And to think about Moscow Mitch's comment that it was "classless" for Obama to comment on the administration after him. Just fuck them all with a rusty saw blade.
    4 points
  23. I am a terrible food photographer. But I like hamburgers.
    4 points
  24. I’ll be opening a rotisserie place once we get the all-clear.
    4 points
  25. tell them to go fuck themselves.
    4 points
  26. 4 points
  27. If you believe this, there's no sense in anyone trying to engage you in honest discourse. Russia, our sworn enemy, successfully attacks the foundation of our democracy... voting...with, at minimum, the tacit support from one of the candidates and you're cool with that? If not for Mitch and the GOP Senate, Trump would have been impeached.
    4 points
  28. I negged It (1st time ever to do so) because it’s the stupidest fucking take I’ve seen in a long time. Let’s shit on LeBron because he’s a freak athlete promoting education over being lucky enough to be a freak athlete? Spending his money to give poor kids a chance to make it out of poverty that doesn’t involve jump shots or crack rocks? Whathebuck is a dumbfuck and the fact he went and found a post to retaliate the neg on shows what a bitch he is.
    4 points
  29. Daughter requested something “exciting” for dinner. Wasn’t sure if it went here or in the SteelShank thread. But since it’s on a real plate figured this one. Frito Pie Cheeseburgers: Jalapeño cornbread waffle, boudin, poached egg, Crystal Hollandaise:
    4 points
  30. another playbook we’ll ignore.
    4 points
  31. Every single state with Republican leadership, and especially Georgia & Florida, will be trying to manipulate the numbers in every way they can to support Trump. In other words, it’s lie your ass off time for Dear Leader. The orders have been given.
    4 points
  32. 4 points
  33. You do realize tax law changes, correct? Also, what do you think under 17 means in what you quoted above? It doesn’t say under 18. Once your child turns 17, they are eligible for the $500 ODC not the CTC. Here is the actual link you need to be looking at https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/p972.pdf. Go straight to example 1 if you still don’t believe that it is 17. Also, this is further proof why you don’t take tax advice from people on the internet. I’ll post my credentials, managing partner of a regional accounting firm and the lead tax partner in the firm, go ahead and post yours.
    4 points
  34. Still one of the funniest things the internet ever produced.
    4 points
  35. Did my best shooting ever last time at the ranch! Ear holed two hogs: 424 yards and 404 yards Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    4 points
  36. That...is genuinely fucking insane. Seriously, they’re a goddamned clinically insane death cult. And they run our country. This can’t be allowed to continue.
    4 points
  37. That does it. I'm rooting for the virus.
    4 points
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