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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/25/21 in all areas

  1. FWD: FWD: FWD: FWD: How to DESTROY your liberal arts NIECE with FACTS about AMERICA
    30 points
  2. Hey Black man in 1945, I hear your complaints, but did you know that we have the most submarines per capita of any country? Maybe think about that before you criticize this land that has given you so much.
    25 points
  3. After the amazing, not at all COVID impacted season, aggy just had, how can there be any doubt? The Premier In-State SEC Program™
    24 points
  4. 15 points
  5. Number one exporter of Potassium. All other countries have inferior Potassium.
    13 points
  6. Me too. And I don’t even have a dick!
    12 points
  7. Paxton going down for this would make my dick hard.
    11 points
  8. I remember your stance from the hornfans days. I also remember being on the other side of that view and was very firm in my conviction that you were wrong. And then you proceeded to absolutely destroy every point I had/made and how much that pissed me off. But then, I started following up on links you sent and slowly realized I just might not be as informed as I thought. In hindsight, that pwnage by you, and a few others, is probably what kept me from continuing down the path to maga land. So, a very delayed thank you.
    11 points
  9. 11 points
  10. Good for you? Is your point every city and line is moving the same? We don’t even know if it’s a player. It could be a coach (it’s not), or a fucking trainer. and if the kid, if it were a kid, is mistrustful of vaccines and doesnt want to take it? I bet theres more than a few fuckers on this thread who won’t get a vaccine but are happy to bitch that practice got shut down because kids didn’t get their vaccines. Maybe we just have a team full of Patriots. the point I’m attempting to make is, sure it’s frustrating but bitching and moaning about shit we don’t know and can’t control is fucking stupid. And you look like an asshole doing it. We won’t be the only school that has to do this shit. Let’s just hope it’s the last year.
    11 points
  11. So you think what they did was ok? Fuck them too. I’ve had patients die from covid. My wife hasn’t seen her mother who is a nursing home resident in over a year. Her mother got covid and had to suffer through it alone with my wife not knowing if she was going to live or die. All my kids have at least one friend who has lost a grandparent to covid. And this smarmy sack of shit saunters up maskless for a photo op in a crowded hallway and his comment is hey I’m protected idgaf about y’all. I truly hope that fucker gets anal cancer or worse
    10 points
  12. College education is not merely about trade school. All education funded publicly should be about making a better educated and intellectually competent electorate. You're actually describing the very problem with the obscenely high cost of an American college education. Why do we charge so goddamn much for a credential that we essentially require? I suggest that student loans became a handy racket. The banks give no risk loans backed by the government. Government money goes to banks who don't have to risk a fucking thing. Colleges can soak students because they have to have the credential and, hey, the banks are making money on this, why shouldn't we? Next, low wage jobs that once could actually defray most of the cost of public university education, including UT, have not kept up so that a student could work the summer while at home or while in college and pay for the education. Hmmm, who does that keep down either via lack of education or crippling debt? Our prisons are a horrifying disgrace of unjustly harsh punishment and conditions (yuck, yuck! Rape is funny when you talk about prison. Ha ha ha!). Starting a person out of college into life with a crippling debt is another disgrace without the degree of physcial horror and degradation that we support in our prisons. I didn't face student debt when I graduated UT a million years ago. If you worked on an oil rig for the summer, you could live like a king in Austin while going to UT for nine months. I'm a boomer. When I started my life with a single mother, I was stunned at the costs of college. How did my generation allow this to happen? Ignorance in my case. Something sinister in other cases. The problems facing this country are not addressed by facile observations that people driven from their homelands by violence, poverty, or persecution prefer the USA. Nor are the not terribly complicated problems with our medical and college systems addressed merely by platitude. A snappy (well, once snappy) rejoinder only allows the speaker to walk by an issue in self-congratulatory smugness. Blaming the victims, college graduates crushed by inescable debt because some pointy heads insist that study of history, English, philosophy, or social science just might be worthwhile as a way to develop an intellect, is even worse. Do you want a country just a dick hair better than Nicaragua? Do you want a country filled only with technicians denied the opportunity for intellectual improvement that was once common to university education? Is this the best path? I don't think so. And these are just a few matters of public concern that will not improve with blithe dismissal.
    10 points
  13. Self made billionaire is the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard.
    10 points
  14. That must be why the liberals ransacked the Capitol.
    10 points
  15. So, higher education costs are skyrocketing, putting it out of reach for more and more Americans every year. Think about front line nurses and occupational and physical therapists. Many of them take out $100-200k in student loan debt just to earn the privilege of taking care of the sick and injured. Do you want fewer people making the inarguably dumb financial decision that leads them to a career spent helping people in need? For America to improve, we have got to get out from underneath overly simplistic perspectives.
    10 points
  16. There used to be a Texaco (maybe something else) on the NW corner of Guadalupe and MLK. Once I was in there waiting in line, and some chick two people in front of me bought like a gallon of gas and was paying in the change she had picked up from the floor of her car. The cashier starts bitching about how he doesn't want to count all the change, and Mr. Lawyer in line behind her pipes up and says "That's legal tender you have to take it." Cashier takes the change, doesn't bother to count it, leaves it laying on the counter. Mr. Layer pays for his big gulp with a five. Cashier pushes the change to him and says "here's your change sir."
    10 points
  17. 9 points
  18. Well, in fairness, he made a brilliant economic point about the existence of a port in Catalonia when we all know the port of Houston which is the second largest total trade port in the United States doesn’t actually exist. And since Barcelona’s port is about half the trade size of Spain’s actual largest port at Algeciras and Algeciras itself is about a third of the size of the port of Houston (setting aside the ports at Beaumont which is the 4th largest in the country, corpus which is the 5th largest in the country, Texas city which is the 15th largest in the country, and port Arthur which is the 17th largest in the country), I really feel like he nailed it with this point. it takes a special brand of dipshit to come into a thread about the stupidity of texit-advocacy morons and somehow one-up those Neanderthals. Impressive. I mean, it is so simple to shit on Texas in a way that allows for no retort. The following words cannot be denied and they cannot be argued: “Dan Patrick, Ted Cruz, Rick Perry, Aggies, Baylor, Robert Jeffress, Joel Osteen.” Impossible to respond to. And yet, one goes with port smack when talking about the state of Texas? It’s almost as dumb as the existence of Dan Patrick.
    9 points
  19. I am only making a request, but please don’t use that word. I have a friend whose nephew is autistic (And an amazing young man) and she has heard him called that word and it really sets her off. It’s a very hurtful word to use and needs to become a relic in our vocabulary. Again I am only asking.
    9 points
  20. Without an illusory liberal to loathe, the American "conservative" doesn't know who he is. Thus the cult right's unrelenting flow of bile wrapped in pro-American bunk.
    9 points
  21. Don’t take this the wrong way but go fuck yourself
    8 points
  22. The “but the defense budget is really a jobs program” always gets me for several reasons: 1. It’s basically admitting we have socialism but exclusively around the military because “they’re special” so it doesn’t count as socialism. 2. Nothing is preventing us from turning military jobs into healthcare, education, or public service jobs. It’s not about the money, it’s about prioritizing funding towards things that build better lives here instead of destroying them abroad. But that would be socialism, lol. 3. Obviously we need a military but I have to question how all the spending is making us safer? Who exactly is all that money defending? Defense contractors and their employees? It certainly isn’t protecting us from cyber attacks, pandemics, or foreign disinformation campaigns. Basically what I’m saying is the role of “defense spending” could use a paradigm shift to actually go towards DEFENSE.
    8 points
  23. 7 points
  24. Highlighting this -- and referring to all of DC's posts that followed -- to focus on exactly why we are in deep shit. We have COMPLETELY shifted the definition of "The American Dream." And we have shifted it to a definition that serves the interest of literally a handful of people at the top ("hey, we should make America a place SUPER-hospitable to people like us") at the expense of.....99% of the people who also live here. I don't think DC is wrong - I think he is actually articulating what the current version of "The American Dream" is. That's the version that dominates our culture and our politics. The American Dream is to have the chance to make unspeakable wealth and shit on gold toilets. It's why so man of us made a literal god out of a man who had (the illusion of) wealth and gilded....everything. We have decided that "The American Dream" is to be.....Donald Trump (or what we imagine him to be -- we have a tenuous grasp on truth these days). That is NOT "The American Dream" that dominated our culture when I was born, and when my parents were making their way. From 1945 to 1975, what was "The American Dream?" This: A couple of these: .....and an annual vacation to the beach, or Yellowstone, or the Catskills. And the ability to send your two kids to State U. In short, a good, secure, middle class life. A life where you found happiness because by and large, Americans across the board had a good shot of acquiring what they needed, free from worry or fear about whether they'd get a next paycheck, eat a next meal, or lose everything if they got sick, etc. The American Dream was to be happy, and content. We've said "fuck that dream." The only dream worth pursuing is the dream of making so much money you shit in gold toilets and have two yachts and treat poor people like shit because fuck them they should work harder. We gave up the achievable dream (by percentages) and went all-in on the nearly impossible dream (again, by percentages). And that's across the board, across all races, etc. Think of how many minority kids think the ONLY measure of "success" (that is, "living the dream") is to be RICH -- like a big-time rapper, or pro athlete, or the dealer down the street who always flashes rolls of cash and drives a Benz? That's f'd up. Because it's setting yourself up for a lifetime of disappointment and failure by a metric that you have chosen. Should there be a chance for people to be rich? Of course. Will there always be people who end up poor? Yep. But we have utterly sacrificed happiness, contentment, and security -- which are key components to living a good and healthy life -- for the singular goal of unrealistic ambition. Ambition is good. Even being more ambitious than most can be good. But sacrificing so much -- the achievability of the house with the two car garage, the trip to the beach, and the ability to educate your kids, without fear of collapse -- for the remote goal of "the dream of being rich".....has not made us better off. See the list of happiest countries in the world: No, we're not completely miserable. But we could do so much better. Every such survey notes a marked decline in happiness in the US since the 1970s (not coincidentally, tracking the end of our "golden age" of across-the-board rising prosperity). We abandoned a good American Dream, once achievable by the masses, for a new American Dream, only achievable by a select few. And that dream isn't that great. Shitting in a gold toilet doesn't buy you happiness. But by buying into that dream, we have also deemed every social construct, policy, and law that serves that dream (necessarily favoring the rich) to be GOOD....and everything else that might not share that singular focus is BAD. Perhaps shift our thinking and policies to give less favor to the top 1%, but provide more opportunity and security to the middle 80%? NO. YOU AMERICA-HATING COMMIE! Look at suicide rates. Look at life expectancy. We are literally killing ourselves. We should stop that.
    7 points
  25. "We are #1 in enabling citizens to defend themselves" That's great. Now post which country is #1 in mass shootings & gun homicides.
    7 points
  26. Telling that your best argument is a bunch of facts that have fuck-all to do with the average American's life. Gold medals? Gold reserves? Total number of PCs? Foreign aid? World's reserve currency? I'm sure the family working 3.5 jobs and farming their medical bills out on GoFundMe will be happy to hear the above.
    7 points
  27. You just asked a Republican if they want a country that has a singular goal of wealth creation for the oligarchs, without bothersome things like science, art, or diversity of thought. That's utopia.
    7 points
  28. I suppose I could claim partial credit, but what kept you from continuing down the path to maga land is the fact that you're a real fuckin' man. It also helps that you're able to recognize a pitiful train wreck when you see it. It's not in my nature to flatter; it's just that a real fuckin' man can admit when he's wrong no matter what the subject is. What real men don't do is make excuse after excuse after they've been exposed (like when Alex Jones blamed HRC for his position on Sandy Hook), double down on their own wrongness (Donald Trump's entire "adult" life), invent fake problems and/or blame fake villains, refuse to take responsibility for their own crap, permit others to do their thinking for them, or refuse to hold themselves to the same standards that they hold others. I actually didn't start out anti-war right off the bat. I arrived at the aforementioned stance through years upon years of searching for what the actual truth is. In this country, and all others, that takes a dedicated effort because as I've said many times before: you aren't going to get the answers from politicians, you're not going to get the answers from big corporate media, and you're not going to get the answers from gurus, whether self-described or misperceived as same by sycophantic followers.
    7 points
  29. “I love America more than any other country in the world and, exactly for this reason, I insist on the right to criticize her perpetually.” -James Baldwin
    7 points
  30. I don’t know. Actively trying to stop people from voting seems pretty anti-American to me.
    7 points
  31. The official slogan of American conservatives is "Make America Great Again." I would agree with conservatives that America is not great. We just disagree on how to change that.
    7 points
  32. That video is so awesome. Yeah, some of them came away with really serious injuries, but it was worth it for internet laughs. Best NSFW take on it.
    7 points
  33. How can we dance when our boat is turning?
    7 points
  34. What I find hilarious is that people I know who contribute the most to America's actual greatness are all highly critical of it, and the people I know who are enamored by its imaginary greatness provide nothing of value to it whatsoever.
    6 points
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