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  1. Most old schoolers know I hated Tom Herman, and from the moment we made the hire I proclaimed he would fail here. Now, while the verdict is still out on Sark let me tell you what happened on both sides of the ball. I have heard things like Sark rolled over. The playcalling was lazy. PK came in with the wrong scheme. Let's address it. 2nd play from scrimmage Arkansas has 7 in the box. From the snap of the ball Angilua is soundly whipped blowing the play up immediately. Not that it matters, but there are 4 hats on one defender. Meanwhile all of their second level defenders are completely clean. 4 linemen blocking one DE. One lineman got pushed into the ball carrier. 4 free defenders flowing unabated to the football. Here is another winner! Angilau(circled) is going to run right past the defender(also circled) to block I am not sure who. Not sure if Jones(#70 at LT) is being asked to reach that far against a slanting D-line, but that appears to be a tall task to ask. Bijan being Bijan makes the impossible jump cut 3 yards behind the LOS vs 2 free defenders and still somehow makes it a 2 yard gain. Bottom line, you can find this kind of ineptitude on just about every single play. It matters not what play you call or scheme you run when your O-line is constantly whiffing on blocks and not recognizing where defenders will be, or who they are responsible for. Sark's offensive scheme requires O-line competency, as just about any scheme does. None of the RPO's will work if you can disrupt the running game with a 3 man front. The RPO's only work if you can get them to start worrying about the running game. Secondly, Arkansas was constantly dropping eight into coverage in long yardage situations. Card may not be the guy, but one thing is for sure, no guy is the guy that is throwing into the teeth of 8 pass defenders while still having to worry about the rush. Especially whenthat QB is a freshman. Defensively, PK came in with a gameplan that was married to the offensive gameplan. Arkansas KNOWS they cannot throw into coverage, so they try to force you into coming out of coverage to get easy one on one throws for their QB. PK knows this and is deliberately being stubborn about dedicating numbers to the run game. Instead, he is playing bend but don't break while waiting for the offense to get it's head out of it's ass. If they can hold on, then Arkansas has to abandon their run game and turnovers will ensue. Where we can debate is how long he stuck with the plan. There are two schools of thought. Some coaches would load up against the running game and take their chances. Some coaches believe that it just makes things worse with explosive plays. So where do we go from here? We HAVE TO get the O-line fixed. It's one thing to be physically outmatched, but another to not know what you are doing completely. We are the latter. If we can get some continuity our running game can be good enough that teams cannot do what Arkansas did to us this weekend, or better yet, we did to ourselves. That opens up what Sark wants to do. Comment away.
    40 points
  2. Sorry. He was. You drank too many margaritas.
    21 points
  3. This Monkey fucks. WE HAVE HAD TWO OFFENSIVE LINEMAN DRAFTED IN THE LAST TWELVE FUCKING DRAFTS!!!! Even with VY, we had to have an OLine. Think about this, Casey Studdard was the least athletic and possibly "worst" player on that OL. Casey would crush these dudes. I have no idea how Colt survived (I do - he ran for his life - and at least had Tony Hills). Our best OL this season is coming off a terrible looking ankle snap and offseason surgery. Our LT and LG can only block if the guy is directly in front of them - if he comes from anywhere or goes anywhere aside from directly at them, the whiff potential is high (which is why we will see it all year long, until they prove they can block laterally.) When we pull a guard, defenders just blow them up to disrupt the play and we don't make it to the edge. We *must* get a pipeline of big dudes and train them to block... Give me some run blocking OGs and some half-decent pass blocking OTs - all who don't get confused by a simple T-E Twist or a fucking Gap Slant. I'm sick of watching Okafor put his hands up like he's blocking Casper the Friendly Fucking Ghost... We don't have a culture problem. I've been screaming for years... WE HAVE A TALENT PROBLEM... and it started a long time ago. No shit, Charlie failed... his best OL were true fucking freshman in year 1... with Tyrone Swoopes at QB. Everything else was just amplification. Herman actually got to utilize one of the draft picks - Cosmi and this year's best OL, Kerstetter. If Herman wasn't a numbnut who refused to utilize Bijan instead of trying to turn Sam Ehlinger into Mike Alstott, he'd probably still be here... (and Casey would be starting - running the offense, methinks...) We've had a thousand different Offensive Coordinators and OL coaches... so we've never had cohesive OL coaching... it takes time when you start from negative (we don't have stud OL recruits lined up and a bunch of underclassmen training behind stud upperclassmen...) Why do you think the fucks in Norman keep winning? Do you really think the QB guru just plucks dudes out of the sky and coaches them to greatness? Or do you think their OL keeps shit clean so the QB can do QB things? They put Tackles in the draft and the QB wins the Heisman with a clean jersey... well no shit. I said this earlier this summer... watching QBs operate cleanly in High School and on workouts means jack shit... I need to see them operate under duress, because we haven't had positive OL play in a long time... Don't tell me how good they are in 7v7 and against air. I'm great against air, and I'm old, fat, and injured. Tell me how a QB can stand in and make a good decision and move the team, even if the OL is below average, because when he get's a good OL, he's going to go nuts. If we flipped a "Culture" switch right now, we'd still get our ass kicked, because we can't block worth a fuck. Nick Saban would get embarrassed here right now. Hell, his offensive dudes are running our offense right now! Until we get a gotdamn offensive line, it don't make a shit.
    15 points
  4. 15 points
  5. Very rational post. The thing that's getting everyone is that yes, this is just one game. But with our past two coaching failures, that first bad game basically set the tone for the entire coaching regime. That first bad game demonstrated themes of inadequacy that would recur for the next 3-4 years. We have no basis to believe that Sarkisian won't fix things or be able to fix things, but we have a lot of PTSD from coaches who couldn't or wouldn't. Sarkisian seemed to make better staff hires than Strong or Herman. Maybe that alone is sufficient differentiator from past regimes. Meaning if PK or Flood or whoever can't get it done, he'll move quickly to replace them. This season is going to be an adventure.
    13 points
  6. It was surprising that Sark couldn’t realize after 1 half of football that the game was too big for his new QB. It was a surprise that we relied on Okafor picking up a LB to make a 4th and 1 run call where everyone in the stadium including said LB knew Bijan would get the ball. It was surprising that Dicker dropped a snap. It was surprising that PK never adjuster to back side cut lanes by not ever coming out of his two high safety look and bringing additional defenders down in the box. It was surprising that after the game Sark didn’t admit that we were out coached and unprepared for their level of intensity. Yeah. I was surprised by a lot of things. The list goes on.
    13 points
  7. Contrast that to what Coach Akers said during Arkansas week in 1984(I was staff assistant at the time) He told the team "Guys, you just have to go out there and knock their dicks in the dirt. Deep down they want to be Texas but down inside they know they're not. Please do not ask me how I know this"(with a big grinning smile)
    12 points
  8. Starting Casey is playing the better QB that gives us more wins. I swear some of you really fucking dense.
    12 points
  9. I can give grades too. Coaching Offense defense Special teams overall F
    11 points
  10. They are when they break our health care system.
    11 points
  11. I’m reading about Covid because the football page is too depressing.
    10 points
  12. Card was bad. People here trying to Jedi Mindtrick themselves into a different reality is beyond hilarious.
    10 points
  13. If the guys starting can’t get it done either physically or mentally (OL), then they need to be benched. I’d rather the young guys get experience.
    9 points
  14. I've been in the corporate world for 30 years. Culture starts at the very top. Otherwise, why the f*** do you pay coaches millions of dollars a year? If Sark went into that locker room after the game and told the young guys to get ready because he was going to see who wanted to play football for the University of Texas as opposed to who thought seven and five was just f****** fine, then he's creating the right culture. If he didn't, welcome to many more years of ass whippings by toothless rednecks. All the other bullshit about wokeness, interference by donors, blah blah blah, ain't got shit to do with getting your ass whipped by the guy on the other side of the ball. That's on the Coach. Two games does not a culture make. Let's be generous... Give him 5. Sent from my motorola edge plus using Tapatalk
    9 points
  15. Yeah but here's the deal on hiring a great coach. Who was that exactly when we had the chance? Who was the better choice than Charlie at the time? James Franklin? I guess. He's not beating Ohio State ever. Jim Mora Jr? He's not even in college anymore. Don't say Saban as that's not reality. Who was the better choice than Herman at the time? Losing Herman to LSU and watching him possibly win a MNC with them (yeah, yeah just humor me here) would've been the ultimate what if scenario. Who was the better choice than Sark when Urban said lol, no? Brian Kelly said no or wasn't even considered. When we pushed Mack out, we ran this exact risk, not hitting on the next guy. It's what Tennessee did after Fullmer. It's what Michigan did after pushing out Carr. I'd argue any coach worth his salt won't come to Texas because it's too much of a beating. If it were as great as we claim, it shouldn't be difficult to peel a decent coach away from an existing program. But it's not because we can't. We have to take projects and hope they can make it.
    9 points
  16. For a second I thought I was on the football forum.
    9 points
  17. Incredible. My daughter is there as part of JSU’s band
    9 points
  18. Damn. One day you're the youngest Brady, then, blink your eyes, and you're Granny Clampett.
    8 points
  19. Fuck you, Third Eye Blind. You're not the boss of me. With losses like these, I always like to go back to a particular moment early in the game that could've possibly changed the entire outcome of the game. That's obviously the muffed punt. If that would've been recovered, we possibly score early and take their fans out of the game a bit. Last night seemed like it snowballed for us, both in a lack of confidence for us and a massive amount of confidence for Arkansas. We would've scored first and set the tone. Instead, an unfortunately toe on the line took away our easiest chance to score the whole night.
    8 points
  20. Oh good...another thread
    8 points
  21. I'm sure the Bama fans were saying the same sort of shit about Saban when 25 point underdog Louisiana-Monroe beat them on their own field in year 1 of his reign. Football is still a game that is won in the trenches and we knew going in our OL was trash. Sark might flame out, but then again he might very well get things fixed. But jumping off the ledge after his second game on the road with a freshman qb, seems a bit premature.
    8 points
  22. This isn’t true for old timers. I grew up knowing three rivals, OU, A&M and Arkansas. Young fans say only one, it’s simply not true.
    8 points
  23. If I woke up tomorrow morning with my head sewn to the carpet I wouldn't be more surprised than I am now!
    8 points
  24. Someone should ask Sark if he realized this wasn't just another game when the goal posts were being torn down.
    8 points
  25. I’ll say it again, players that want to transfer or have checked out on the team or don’t give a shit don’t run over two defenders on 4th down in a blowout to get in the end zone. All this “Casey is a locker room cancer/doesn’t go to meetings” thing sounds like bullshit.
    8 points
  26. Shit, there was a series in the first quarter where the play broke down and Card looked completely clueless- struggling to go though his progressions and no innate or instinctual mobility to react quickly enough to scramble for the first down. I sensed right then he was over his head. Card may have better accuracy or consistency in practices, but Casey at least has some instincts to make plays when the pocket collapses, which looks like it will happen often this year.
    8 points
  27. Should’ve played Casey in the second fucking quarter.
    8 points
  28. and now we have two. I'm an idiot. Ollie looked like immamac when we got him, had to do several hours of trimming.
    8 points
  29. When I hear that 60 minutes clock ticking open I have a pronounced feeling of dread for a split second in flashback to dreading school as a kid and knowing that sound meant the end of the weekend
    7 points
  30. Bring Kasey Studdard in as an assistant to show these dipshits how to play with a mean streak. I’m not even kidding. There should be zero tolerance for playing like a pussy.
    7 points
  31. 7 points
  32. What we need is brakes. We ain't got no brakes on this thing!
    7 points
  33. I knew we were we were going to lose when they knocked card down on that delay of game and there was no scuffle to defend our QB. We have the Afghan army of O-lines.
    7 points
  34. Talk to the Minister. He oversees the shit.
    7 points
  35. X posting this from the AISD covid thread in DT. So my kids got shot #2 yesterday (hallelujah!) and I took them for Boba afterward. As we were sitting outside the boba place, my daughter is snapping with one of her friends and she tells me her friend is jealous. I asked "why, because you got boba?) She says "no, because we're vaccinated". The kid is begging her mom to get her vaccinated and she won't let her. She even put together a powerpoint with vaccine facts and statistics and she still won't let her get vaxed.
    7 points
  36. I'm not going to quibble with starting Card. I think that's justifiable. The delay in changing things up, just for the pure hell of it, seems to reflect a disturbing stubbornness. That Thompson is a pretty competent QB in his own right and maybe brings some things to the table that Card doesn't, just makes it more disturbing. The gameplanning and playcalling, in contrast to last week, are really disturbing. I suppose you can argue that there's no good response to your OL just getting fucking whipped, but there didn't seem to be any response at all.
    7 points
  37. This is a stupid, lazy take. UCLA just got into a brawl with LSU and kicked their ass. Austin has nothing, absolutely NOTHING, on LA when it comes to distractions, not caring about football, etc. In the early 2000s, USC had celebrities at practice, on the sidelines during games, etc. They still kicked the crap out of everyone for a couple of years (until VY). Austin is a great town but football players are revered everywhere and have been for decades. There are distractions everywhere. Austin isn't special in that respect. If you're looking for the problem, start with the coaches. Teams reflect their coaches.
    7 points
  38. Queer chick here, fuck the fuck off bigoted dick face.
    7 points
  39. I also did not get to watch until after the game, currently just hit 8:50 left in 3rd quarter..... Shit just went sideways. It's 16-7 arkies, defense had just pulled an INT and gifted the O guaranteed points from field position where we ran Bijan to mediocre affect and found ROJO out of the backfield for one or two of apparently incredibly rare passes to RB this game..... Bijan and Rojo get us in the endzone. Card looks limpy and not throwing it away and getting mashed for a 1 yard scramble. Defense looks and feels like it's got it's head out of it's ass on the line. Even knowing the outcome, at this point the game totally felt fine, like it was road jitters and the small comeback was about to happen. Hindsight, this is the point to put in casey and blame hudson limpy ankle. nope. Arkie goes max protect while we rushed 3 or 4, had a bunch of mid level defenders guarding nobody, and they hit over the top with a long throw to a WIDE OPEN WR on the left side. Stadium explodes. Defense is standing there like they can't believe they just got bombed. 3 or 4 plays later the arkies are in the endzone after running the same play over and over with tempo. Texas looks without gas. up to this point, game changing plays that didn't execute...... JWhitt drop/bad throw for TD. Another JWhitt drop on and underthrow..... Following drive, another miss on Worthy open down middle.... Then another wide right launch to JWhitt who beat his man. there's the 4th down attempt stuffed in the backfield after a 3rd and 4 with a bunch of 5 yard hitch routes but no throw and card tried to scramble to no affect. yeah i'm turning it off. i'll watch Casey tomorrow. scratch that. defense is already exhausted but held them to a FG. This D has a fighting spirit. Offensive line is baby shit. that's my takeaway. It took way to long to figure out running on first down set up 2nd and long and 3rd and long. Criminal lack of use of Bijan in the pass game. Card missed open guys when we took shots. Our line is made of tissue paper but we didn't call the game as if that was the case. Lot's to learn from and see if we can grow. Better skullfuck the rest of the schedule.
    7 points
  40. Actually, he’s been unreliable and inexplicably misses about 3 out of every 6 or 7 very Matabele field goals his entire career. If he hadn’t made that one glorious game winner against OU, he would have forfeited his entry card to the complex over a year ago. He fucking sucks.
    7 points
  41. We, like every other football program, aren’t Bama. Sark should have recognized this. Should have put Casey in at the second quarter. If you think otherwise, we’ll, I’m sorry for your learning disability.
    7 points
  42. When I said "Show me a loss", I didn't intend for Sark to literally show me a loss.
    7 points
  43. Surprise the 2 positions Herman sucked at recruiting the most are the 2 worst units on the team
    6 points
  44. No, what’s aggy as fuck is having watched that game and then Jedi Mind Tricking yourself into rationalizing it away as “no big deal”. Congrats, you’ve achieved full aggy. No easy feat.
    6 points
  45. 9/11 killed 3000 people with an ever-changing, impossible-to snuff-out enemy. Covid has killed millions worldwide and continues to kill thousands of Americans everyday in a world where a safe and effective vaccine exists. Other people's "civil liberties" are infringing on other peoples' right to be alive.
    6 points
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