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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/30/22 in Posts

  1. People used to become more conservative as they aged because they became more invested in the status quo. Boomers pulled up the economic ladder and torched the planet, so we millennials haven't become more invested in their status quo. It's that simple.
    38 points
  2. Ah so the 30 something rapist misogynist violent sex trafficker man and the 19 year old girl who wants a livable planet are the same in your world? You’re just another man who’s one bad relationship away from becoming an Andrew Tate stan. Misogyny is a hell of a thing.
    35 points
  3. Nah, this isn’t the attitude anymore. If this were 2012 and these guys were still getting barely paid, then sure. I’d pump the amateurism, bled for the university sunshine all day. But this is the new era. If you want big boy money, you better make big boy plays. You wanted the business, so here’s the business treatment. Perform or get out. Have a bad game or two, sure. Get paid and be a great spokesperson for the university by showing unfettering love for Texas, sure. But Worthy has done neither of those things this season. His performance sucked and then he did all the transfer drama. He’s checking zero boxes, at this point.
    29 points
  4. A piece of shit woman abuser/trafficker and a teenager who wants a livable planet. Totally equivalent
    27 points
  5. Pre-game picture of my Dad and the GOAT of College Football. 1st and Most Recent (not last) National Championship players from 1963 to 2005. Hook’em!!!
    25 points
  6. 31/47 with 369 yards 1 TD and 0 turn overs, this was not on him
    20 points
  7. Everyone is trying to act like they understand these players opting out and doing what is in their best interests, whatever. For our best players to skip the game was selfish and having them standing there smiling on the sideline was ridiculous. Why were you there? To support the team? Bullshit. Get on with making your money, don't pretentiously stand around patting guys on the back like you give a shit, it's insulting, in fact it was kind of surreal. Let me tell you this since it appears no one around you is, skipping the game is not ok, the coaches and players will pretend it is, but of course it's not ok. 20 years ago none of those players would even acknoledge your presence, they would have told you to get the fuck off the feild. Hats off to the all the Washington players who finished out the season and actually did support their teamates. I always respected RJ and I think Bijan is amazing, but you guys have tarnished your record here and I predict you will regret this when you are old
    18 points
  8. The booth guys were talking about J.T Sanders get irate at Worthy on the sidelines and having to be restrained or some such. Wasnt the story that Sanders was the guy who got in Billingslys face and made him quit? Sounds like the kinda leader this team needs. The do your job, or take your shit down the road kinda leader. You love to see it.
    18 points
  9. Things that I believed but were confirmed last night: 1. Bijan and Roschon were the best RB1 and RB2 combo in college football 2. The OL is work in progress. It should be elite in 2 years but is now average at best. 3. We have one competent LB. 4. Worthy is a catch and run receiver and should never be considered a deep threat. He got lucky on some endzone plays early in his time at UT but it is not his forte. 5. When healthy and focused, Ewers is a decent QB who will be a very good to great QB with some time. 6. The D can get a push but we have no competent edge rushers. Surprises: 1. Our D backs can cover and I have no idea what changed. Scheme? Challenge to their pride? 2. Our DL is good but not elite. They should not have given up that many first downs on short yardage situations. 3. Last night and the end of the season in general gave me hope that PK may a pretty good DC. I conclude that I could bitch about Sark but it would be of no use as pointed out above, our $200 fan bitching will not make any difference, so I will be stoked about how our new class addresses so many of the problem areas, and choose to be optimistic despite the loss. I am not embarrased about the outcome. Washington is at, or near the apogee of this little uptick in their football existence. We are only a little way up the hill and climbing, yet we gave them a game. My glass is half full and I need an ice cube. Happy Holidays. HookEm Horns!
    15 points
  10. Anwar and Ketch seem like great people to confide in.
    15 points
  11. I’m curious your thoughts on Trump’s narcissistic tendencies, always making everything about himself.
    15 points
  12. My oldest son is gay, so his opinion of the GOP reached a natural conclusion. He called me up all excited, saying “Dad I’ll be able to marry somebody I love!” when the SCOTUS decision was announced. A political party that includes some who think that gay sex should be criminalized and gay marriage outlawed has a limited appeal to my son. Most younger people do not have that religious condemnation view of gays that was indoctrinated in most older people. The GOP has not yet figured out how much they lose in pursuing an anti-gay agenda. Their calculus seems to look at the fact that they will lose gay votes in a vacuum. Because of their personal views they don’t seem to understand that everyone has gay friends, coworkers and family members. Or that just because you are not gay yourself does not mean you do not take great offense at anti-gay rhetoric and legislation. GQP gonna GQP.
    15 points
  13. You should try watching the games you absolute fucking moron.
    14 points
  14. I am not that upset with tonight other than the defense not being able to get a stop when they needed one and Worthy. Ewers finally answered the call. The dude was great. He did what he needed to an his #1 WR let him down 3 times that were key moments in the game. We have got to find the guy to run the ball. If that's Baxter, Jaydon, or Brooks. It was a scrimmage. We took the #1 offense in the nation and held them to 27 points without a running game to speak of and a freshman QB who was iffy at best most of the season. There's a lot to build on and there's a lot to improve upon. Worthy needs to decide what's important to him. Quinn has it figured out. He's decided to be the man. X needs to decide what he wants to be. He can leave but USC is going to tell him to fuck off with that performance. The defense has got to find a guy who can get consistent pressure. This would've been a tied game if Worthy could catch about the easist sure thing that's been thrown to him so far in his career. I took a lot of positives out of tonight without two generation players at RB.
    14 points
  15. That dude with the headset should understand that its 2022...you cant just go around groping ever set of C cups you see.
    13 points
  16. Anyone defending him while shitting on Ewers is a fucking joke.
    13 points
  17. Not shown is the third driver, waiting for both of them to quit making racist gestures and/or playing with TikTok, and just finally get the fuck out of the way.
    12 points
  18. My younger son told me they “were raised in a catfishing era since a young age, so don’t instantly believe stupid Facebook stuff like Boomers”. My oldest son’s core belief is is that “GOP equals mostly hatred of anyone different than old, religious white people, and an utter disregard for truth with next level hypocrisy.” Their words. And I find this next thing rather depressing: my youngest son thinks that he will have a future with few economic opportunities, lessened chance at homeownership - and horrific climate change problems. Because of that, he thinks the most important thing is for people to be tolerant and work together because of their daunting future. If his view is shared by others his age, that will certainly alter their perceptions on all things political.
    12 points
  19. Plus like 3 good scrambles. He played a B+ game and was getting a D or F effort from most of the WRs
    12 points
  20. I don't know the answer to your question, but I've been pondering over this for some time now. At somewhere around $650 million, Dolly Parton is nowhere near as wealthy as Musk but she has invested money and time into literacy and other projects in her hometown and beyond and the region is the better for it. Philanthropy such as that--personal and relatable--makes one feel very very good so why Elon doesn't pursue that drug baffles me. On the other hand, were I in possession of that much money, I'd be enrolled in classes part time for fun and interest and traveling the world with loved ones the rest of it. One life to live so get out and do it.
    11 points
  21. Maybe I just woke up with sunshine pumping out of my nads because I just am not that upset about last night. Ewers played well and that was the most important thing I needed to see last night to be optimistic about next year. He started out poorly and then recovered. Had better numbers than the #1 passer in the nation, had a dropped TD pass that would've had the game at least tied. He made good decisions, he played well on his feet, he made some good quick passes when the line was collapsing around him. That's the best he's played since OU unless I'm not remembering a better performance. I knew the doom and gloom would be out last night as this website is just a collection of miserable sacks of monkey shit that don't deserve an ounce of happiness in their jaded, pathetic lives.
    11 points
  22. he'd have to be targeted 400 times in order to catch 80 passes.
    11 points
  23. 11 points
  24. Casey Cain outplaying X was not a square that I expected to cover on my Alamo Bowl bingo card.
    11 points
  25. This is not accurate. Texas currently has LBs that shouldn't start, our pass rushers are disappointing, WRs are not that great, some OL should be backups, and part of the 2023 DTs wouldn't start at several P5 schools. We couldn't open any holes in the fuckin' running game last night and our pass protection at times was ass. Not getting more hits on the Huskie QB was ridiculous, and missed tackles and the LB play last night were terrible. The Texas roster is getting better, but still is void of great playmakers at several spots. Yeah the coaches need to step up and do a better job, but some of the fuckin' players need to get their heads out of their asses this coming spring and summer and go to work on getting better. Until Texas can better control the lines of scrimmage on offense and defense, we are gonna continue to see 3 or 4 close games against teams that Texas should beat in 2023. Texas has to learn how to win more of those close games. That's the responsibility of both the coaches and players.
    10 points
  26. According to Gerry Hamilton on this afternoon's IT livestream, Margin Hooks told him Neyor is about to running & working out again.
    10 points
  27. I think I commented on it in the Musk thread, but it sure seems like there’s a sizable chunk of a generation of young men in bad shape right now: Their economic prospects are poor due to a variety of factors (some self inflicted) and thus they still live at home. They are inundated with images of exceptional levels of success, globally, without any understanding of the talent, work and luck it took to achieve that (or awareness of how crafted their images are). Unlimited access to porn, and their immature understanding of ‘normal’ sex being further corrupted by seeing women that seem to want to get roughly handled and/or 10” dicks jammed in every orifice. Preponderance of online communities that collate and distill interests into self-affirming echo chambers without having to expose yourself to varied discourse…and poor parenting that fails to broaden their viewpoints. Con artists that cater to these folks with red pill or pickup artists bullshit, confirming their view that ‘Chad’s’ get the girls. Mix all these together and they’re isolated, angry at the world with poor dating prospects, no motivation for self improvement, misguided beliefs about how ‘the world works’ and what mature women want in a relationship…or even what mature, adult goals should be. I don’t have any answers and just try to set a good example for my own kids. Was surprised to learn recently that a friends teenage daughter kept a stupid photo of me around (me wearing a Longhorn shirt drunk as hell) that her dad got in a white elephant, I asked her mom why she thinks that is, and she answered that her daughter thinks I’m great because of how I treat my wife and kids…they’re finalizing a divorce because he’s a cheating, misogynistic asshole…so setting a good example for those in your orbit is about all you can do.
    10 points
  28. Wordle 559 3/6* [emoji834]🟨[emoji834][emoji834][emoji834] [emoji834]🟨🟨[emoji834][emoji834] 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
    10 points
  29. Wordle 559 3/6* 🟨🟨⬜⬜⬜ ⬜🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
    10 points
  30. 10 points
  31. 9 points
  32. People with even avg intelligence, don’t want to be associated with GQP
    9 points
  33. Yeah I'm sure they'll get right on all of that.
    9 points
  34. The VY who beat the world’s ass in 2005 seemed a lot better than the one who got pulled against Tech or shutout by OU, but maybe I’m just misremembering.
    9 points
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