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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/24/20 in all areas

  1. This thread is more free, in the sense that any opinion may be expressed here. The other thread is a safe space. Any criticism that touches on partisan views is off limits. Many of us bailed on the DT thread because the rules prohibited the most efficient, relevant response to much of the nonsense being posted there. I’m not interested in debating the science of why bleach is toxic. That’s a waste of bandwidth. The more relevant point is that a pack of trolls keeps pushing stupid shit and denying science because of their political agenda and cultlike devotion to a demagogue. You can’t point that out over there, but you can here. Any guesses why all those lunatics flocked over there? It’s not because their views were being censored from this thread, because anything goes over here. It’s because they prefer a safe space where pertinent criticism of their stupid magical thinking bullshit is off limits. All of which is fine. Let them live in DT fantasy land for all I care. Just don’t pretend that this thread, where any opinion is allowed, is the echo chamber. If that’s the case, it’s only because the dissenting voices got tired of being made to look stupid.
    18 points
  2. Most reports I've seen indicated had China been forthcoming on initial information about the virus and it's true impact, more than 95% of the world's cases would be mitigated. That's untold trillions lost due to their obfuscation and tens of thousands of lives unnecessarily lost so they could "save face" . We are also getting information that Chinese operatives initially and continually deliberately spread disinformation about the virus So double fuck them....
    17 points
  3. The difference is substantive. BB was the place to discuss facts, ideas, theories, science, etc. CR was for partisan opinion. That distinction used to hold between the two corresponding boards here, as well. What happened was the partisan opinions of the remaining right wingers here became completely indefensible. They could not handle the barrage of legitimate, thoughtful criticism from posters covering a wide swath of the political spectrum. So they bailed to DT, where they can post crackpot pseudoscience sourced from propagandists without fear of being called out for partisan bias. They’re reveling in the asymmetry. Fuck it. Let those fools continue to talk themselves into stupid over on DT. Their exodus allowed us to carved out a nice little niche where science and reasonable politics can be discussed in the same place.
    16 points
  4. The nursing home where my Grandpa is had a parade today. The got all of the residents out in the parking lot and let the families drive by. My 99 year old Grandpa seemed to enjoy it. At least it was a beautiful day today. Yes, that is a Members Only jacket and yes, at 99, he probably is the only member.
    15 points
  5. Fuck China and fuck racists. People can hold more than 1 thought in their head simultaneously. And fuck binary thinking.
    14 points
  6. Well, it's not like the MAGA fans in that thread spend the bulk of their energy discussing their views on the political failures of a foreign country, their criticism of Democrat governors and their responses, and criticizing any number of public health measures and orders.....wait, they DO? And the only thing that's banned is any discussion of the FEDERAL level of response, because discussion of the Federal response can't be had without criticism of its open and obvious failures, particularly those of the executive branch that's responsible for the response? Huh. Look, it's pretty clear that the biggest, melty-est snowflakes in the world are Trumpkins. They can't defend their God, so they simply attack all criticism -- "why do you have to make everything [even topics that are heavily political by their nature] political?" "Go back to the CR [and stay out of my safe space]!" They are every bit the intellectual coward that their Godking is.
    13 points
  7. jesus fucking christ. the only thing worse about the politics in this thread is the people complaining they can't talk about politics. ban hammer is coming out and I'm about to start swinging it like a tard with a baseball bat. This thread is for news and current events. No one gives a shit about your opinions of who is at fault or what you think someone should have done. There are threads to discuss politics, and if you want to discuss the moderation of this thread feel free to start a thread about it in the appropriate forum.
    12 points
  8. "Toughted" I can see why you didn't go with workswithdictionaries
    12 points
  9. The mental gymnastics that some go through to try to paint the picture that China isn’t 100% culpable in this pandemic is staggering. The “is just as easily could have started here” bullshit is ridiculous. When a virus originates in the US and then the government lies about it to the rest of the world for at least two months leading to thousands of deaths and the worst economic downturn in 90 years, then you can start a thread about it and say “fuck the US” all you want. Until then, fuck China (the country not the people for those of you that really really want to make this a race thing).
    12 points
  10. You mean Mexico. I know just how badly you want to paint a picture that somehow makes the US culpable, but we aren’t. We’ve done plenty of bad things in our history, but there is no need to try to pin that one on us.
    12 points
  11. We’re not going to sit here and listen to you badmouth the United States of America! Gentlemen!
    12 points
  12. I’m just responding to this post because it was the most recent. I know you’re kind of a respected poster around these parts, I respect tour posts. But Jesus Christ man, can you put a tampon in your bleeding pussy please? If it’s not your disenfranchised eastern block adopted family, your wife’s zombie airport run, your cancerous church buddy, tour daughter’s entrapment in Canada, your sons emo struggles with baseball and friends, et al., it your propensity to wrap tour brisket. I move to change your handle to “tritip communist munchausen By proxy via the internet boi”. Yes I am Drank as fuck, may have made some of those accusations up from memory and will regret this post, but fuckin hell, get ahold of yourself. Go watch that Aussie chopper harden the fuck up vid a few times.
    11 points
  13. bitches, please. Japanese mayor says men should grocery shop during pandemic as women 'take a longer time' https://edition.cnn.com/2020/04/24/asia/japan-coronavirus-osaka-mayor-hnk-scli-intl/index.html Tokyo (CNN)The mayor of Japan's third-largest city is facing a public backlash after he suggested men are better suited to grocery shopping during the coronavirus pandemic, because women take too long and contribute to overcrowding at supermarkets. "Women take a longer time grocery shopping because they browse through different products and weigh out which option is best," Matsui told reporters at a coronavirus press conference in Osaka on Thursday. "Men quickly grab what they're told to buy so they won't linger at the supermarket -- that avoids close contact with others," added Matsui.
    11 points
  14. I can always tell when I've been away from this thread for a bit that the Cloak Room shitstains (both sides) have all shown up in full force on this thread based on the pace at which it starts moving at. Go take a walk you fucking pasty arguing hobbit fucks.
    11 points
  15. I'm to the point where I want some local leader just say, ok were going to let Darwinism rule. I recommend they everyone shelter in place for another month. For those who don't want to here is a 10 mile radius where anybody who doesn't want to can go. We will die your hand red so everyone knows who is going there so they can avoid you. Red hands are allowed in this area or your home. Live it up. If you get sick don't go to the hospital cause you won't be treated. Your choice so endure the consequences. It'll never happen, but it I can dream.
    10 points
  16. What's horrifying and sad is that we don't even have someone as good as President Camacho. President Camacho had the sense to turn things over to the smart guy. Our president is as stupid as Camacho, but is so stupid he thinks that HE'S the smart guy. I would trade for Camacho now, straight up.
    10 points
  17. Mango the doberman came home on Wednesday. She has not yet made friends with the old man, Donnie, and Ziggy the cat will only come out of hiding when the puppy is definitely asleep. But my wife is now perfectly content with quarantine.
    10 points
  18. I think that's the point that @immamac is ignoring. Our response to the pandemic is necessarily going to be coordinated by the government. And that means that it is inherently political. It is simply impossible to have a truly apolitical discussion about this topic. And so when you try to do so, you end up drawing arbitrary lines that--whether in reality or purely in perception--favor one side or the other.
    10 points
  19. You guys started socially distancing when NY did. For those of us in NY, it was too late, but for the rest of the country it was right on time. Don't fuck it up. This shit is bad. You really don't want it to explode in your town. I have a lot of friends that have had it to varying degrees, including hospitalizations. One of my best friends was in the hospital with it even and it seemed touch and go. Luckily, recovering now and never got to the ICU level. But, to tell her account, one day, you feel kind of very bad but regular sick, the next, out of nowhere you are gasping for breath and collapse on the floor. Then later, it seems to relent a little bit. Then it comes back hardcore. Now, a month later and even recovered, she still has bad fatigue, which is again off and on. Nobody knows the long term effects of it either. I suppose I'm also lucky that the deaths I know are 2 degrees of separation so far, but I know 17 at 2 degrees, and these are family and friends of my friends and colleagues. 2 people in my building have died from it too. I didn't know them. At the same time, I understand how odd it must feel to shelter in place in a place where you don't know anyone that has ever caught it, and maybe nobody actually has. However, you are doing the right thing. The shutdown is still surreal to me too. And I am right in the middle of it.
    10 points
  20. never forget that 52 Republicans had the opportunity to remove him and prevent the scale of this tragedy from being what it is now, and not only chose not to do so, but wouldn’t even allow evidence to be heard because they knew it was so bad, they couldn’t allow it to be presented. never forget that he has near unanimous support among Republicans in this country as thousands of Americans die each day due to his criminal negligence.
    10 points
  21. Way to DT this CR thread, ya'll. Wait. Wut?
    9 points
  22. fucking LULZ. Indian authorities are arresting people for breaking quarantine and putting them in a van with a fake Coronavirus patient. Fucking lulz. I would love to see the US do this and watch the Karens and fat balding patriot idiots cry like little bitches.
    9 points
  23. trump is the perfect aggy president. Stupid, ignorant and (falsely) convinced of their "superiority".
    9 points
  24. Not sure I've told this one from years ago. Has a bit of an extenuating circumstance in that my wife is deaf and before her Cochlear implant. But fuck me. I'm at work. I get a call that the house is flooding. Drive the hour to get home, she is standing on the main floor of the house, with water from up stairs, still dripping through the ceiling, light fixture, down the walls.. The carpet and furniture are soaked. "Obviously" a pipe had burst in the bathroom directly above. So I run down to the basement to shut off the water....more water there. Up to the master bath and the fucking sink is full of water, floor flooded, water soaked into the carpet in the bedroom and down the hall. She is washing some nylons in the bathroom sink, and she left the water running. Rather than wait the 90 seconds it would take to fill the sink, I guess she decided she would multitask, and got sidetrack multitasking 15 other things...for over an hour. She couldn't hear shit like running water from the next room, before her implants and the fucking sink didn't have an overflow. I wish I could say this was the only time that happened.
    9 points
  25. I'm totally fucking around. I find all the shit flinging amusing. I have no idea wtf anything posted the last 3 pages means and have barely looked to be honest. It's Friday man. I have my first weekend off in a while. I'm gonna start drinking soon. I'll post some updates that are 'both sides' appropriate so nobody gets their panties in a wad.
    8 points
  26. lucky for you he can still grow up to be president
    8 points
  27. I would think that just living in Nebraska would mean that you are not thrilled.
    8 points
  28. There is not a more miserable bunch of people than those who frequent the cloak room daily. My guess is that their daily lives are not much better. I really feel sorry for those that have families that have to listen to the daily bitching. What a fucking beating it must be.
    8 points
  29. https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2020/06/underlying-conditions/610261/
    8 points
  30. Dr. Birx can get fucked too. Her silence and her interviews which give Trump cover is medical malpractice. She’s complicit in giving these nonsense stream of consciousness ramblings a thin veneer of medical credibility. Fuck her and her beehive and her stupid scarves.
    8 points
  31. Nope all those topics can be discussed with out politics invading them. What conspiracy stuff is being discussed here ? The generally accepted possibility that the initial infection was shoddy protocol at an immunological lab studying strains of coronavirus or wet markets were to blame......AGAIN. No mutated, world domination plans have been been discussed with any seriousness. Fuck China because they have released the last 3-4 major world viruses, and fuck China for lying about this one, and fuck them for letting their citizens leave the country when they knew what the virus was. Political ?? Hardly.
    7 points
  32. I was social distancing way before it sold out and became mainstream...
    7 points
  33. This big galloot turned 11 years old today, something we didn't think would happen. Thanks to the incredible vet team at Cypress Creek Animal Hospital for keeping him alive several different times.
    7 points
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