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Brett Kavanaugh Confirmation Thread

Hugo Stiglitz

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Oh that is rich from whichever female Democrat Senator is talking now (TV is on in other room.  I am listening to the hearing but not watching.)  You people refuse to reveal a letter alleging sexual misconduct by Kavanaugh for six weeks and you have the fucking nerve to bitch about the Republicans not having transparency?  Fuck you whoever you were.

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It works. If only good Germans had done the same to mid level Nazis, we could have avoided WW2.
Dont be a piece of shit if you dont want to be called out on it. Your real problem is that you think these things are minor disagreements. They arent. 

Don’t do that. You seem smarter than that.
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2 minutes ago, EMAWesome said:

Oh that is rich from whichever female Democrat Senator is talking now (TV is on in other room.  I am listening to the hearing but not watching.)  You people refuse to reveal a letter alleging sexual misconduct by Kavanaugh for six weeks and you have the fucking nerve to bitch about the Republicans not having transparency?  Fuck you whoever you were.

Why are you lying

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1 minute ago, Buzzrock said:


Don’t do that. You seem smarter than that.


Again, youre on the wrong side of history. Watch the Flake video. See how he is sheepish and ashamed?  Thats because this isnt a simple disagreement. He knows he is doing the wrong thing. And he absolutely should be reminded of that everywhere he goes. 

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Grassley read a new letter from Judge that was received last night. He says he’s in bad shape and suffers from depression, so he doesn’t speak in public. The letter stated that he doesn’t recall the events in question.
So sorry to hear that and we understand. Thank you.

Oh, just 2 quick questions tho-

What do "boof" and "devils triangle" mean?
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1 minute ago, Buzzrock said:


Don’t do that. You seem smarter than that.


There’s some truth to what he’s saying.  

We’re not a country that knows how to stand up to tyranny well.

Now Ukraine, they knew what to do and they ran their puppet back to Russia just for not joining the EU.

We’re watching a trifecta of full blown overt corruption right now.

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8 minutes ago, Buzzrock said:


Grassley read a new letter from Judge that was received last night. He says he’s in bad shape and suffers from depression, so he doesn’t speak in public. The letter stated that he doesn’t recall the events in question.


How long until the Kavanaugh defenders in 5gis thread jump in and say that Judge's depression is made up like they claimed about Ford's fear of flying

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Yeah, I wish everyone was really transparent.

My question would be:  You going to uphold Roe v. Wade? (whatever cases or Constitutional sections that are important to me).

A no or refuse to answer means a no vote. 

Stuff like this would matter, but at least people would be completely honest about their starting point. 

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Again, youre on the wrong side of history. Watch the Flake video. See how he is sheepish and ashamed?  Thats because this isnt a simple disagreement. He knows he is doing the wrong thing. And he absolutely should be reminded of that everywhere he goes. 

I’m on the wrong side of history for not supporting the harassing of public officials whom you disagree with?
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Yeah, I wish everyone was really transparent.
My question would be:  You going to uphold Roe v. Wade? (whatever cases or Constitutional sections that are important to me).
A no or refuse to answer means a no vote. 
Stuff like this would matter, but at least people would be completely honest about their starting point. 

Fuckin A. Let’s talk about what we’re really talking about.
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Just now, jimmyjazz said:

And now I'm seeing the far right conspiracy sites running with a "Christine Blasey had over 50 sexual partners before college" slut shaming angle.  It will be here soon, just give the usual suspects an hour or so for the word to get out.

Fucking troglodytes.

That poor woman. She said in her opening statement that most feared stepping out in front of this freight train, and then getting splattered anyway. I can't imagine what she must be going through. Probably handling it more maturely than kavanaugh.

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That poor woman. She said in her opening statement that most feared stepping out in front of this freight train, and then getting splattered anyway. I can't imagine what she must be going through. Probably handling it more maturely than kavanaugh.

Fuck whoever leaked her identity.
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9 minutes ago, Neonmoon said:

So does he have the votes or not? 



With the Senate Judiciary Committee holding a vote at 9:30 A.M. tomorrow, a Senate insider has told Townhall that Kavanaugh has the votes to make it out of committee and the votes to be confirmed on the floor for a seat on the U.S. Supreme Court. Sens. Flake (R-AZ), Collins (R-ME), Murkowski (R-AK), and Manchin (D-WV) are expected to vote in favor of Kavanaugh. All the Republicans are voting yes. Also, in the rumor mill, several Democrats may break ranks and back Kavanaugh. That’s the ball game, folks. 

It was an intense and hellacious day at the Senate Judiciary Committee. Christine Blasey Ford, the woman accusing Judge Brett Kavanaugh of an attempted rape while at a high school party, told her story of her alleged sexual assault. It was intense. It was emotional. And it still lacked evidence, witnesses, and other corroborating details. It’s an unprovable allegation, which is what Democrats want; it allows them to delay and run out the clock on this nomination. The FBI investigation talking point has been beaten to death by Senate Democrats, another delay tactic that has been undercut by past remarks by none other than Joe Biden. When he chaired the committee during the Clarence Thomas confirmation hearings, Biden famously said that FBI reports are inconclusive and should not be relied on during sexual misconduct allegations. 

Brett Kavanaugh testified later this afternoon, giving an emotional and fiery defense of his character and career after it had been under a sustained assault by the Left for over a week. Kavanaugh said that the allegations—all three of them—were false and have irreparably damaged his reputation and damaged his family life. He said this process had become a national disgrace, with Democrats replacing advise and consent with search and destroy. Kavanaugh needed to come out swinging. He needed to be tough. And he did just that. 

With no evidence, no corroborating witnesses, and the timing of the allegation, these allegations against an eminently qualified judge were just too thin to stop the Kavanaugh train. Remember Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s (D-CA) office had Ford’s letter since July. They sat on it for weeks. They kept it from Senate colleagues. And then they dropped it at the 11th hour in the hope of derailing the nomination. It was a Hail Mary pass—and it failed miserably. It looks like their efforts to kill the Kavanaugh nomination turned out to be a bomb that went off in their faces after all

With no evidence, no corroborating witnesses, and the timing of the allegation, these allegations against an eminently qualified judge were just too thin to stop the Kavanaugh train. Remember Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s (D-CA) office had Ford’s letter since July. They sat on it for weeks. They kept it from Senate colleagues. And then they dropped it at the 11th hour in the hope of derailing the nomination. It was a Hail Mary pass—and it failed miserably. It looks like their efforts to kill the Kavanaugh nomination turned out to be a bomb that went off in their faces after all.

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3 minutes ago, Buzzrock said:


I’m on the wrong side of history for not supporting the harassing of public officials whom you disagree with?


Again, you keep using the word disagree as if this is a contract dispute over a shipment of widgets. Instead Flake is wrong.  

And what do you think the word public in public official means?  He signed up for this.  Its about time we hold him publicly accountable.  

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9 hours ago, yoladu said:


i am finding I don't relate to my fellow Americans like i thought i did so much these days.


This is where I've been for a few years. It's depressing.

I don't care about left or right, man or woman, old or young, my issue is with culture. America is turning into a nation of emotionally underdeveloped children whose raison d'etre is to lash out at any and all who are perceived as slighting them or not being totally conformist.

I've basically resigned myself to decamping to Switzerland or Northern Italy and have been actively planning my life around that eventuality. I don't think America is full of terrible people, there's lots of great ones, but my optimism there are enough great people to counteract this is almost to the point of no return.

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Yeah you're right, the guy who caused lifelong psychological damage to it is completely in the right. Fuck you for not believing her extremely credible testimony and not even giving her the dignity of a full fact-finding effort.


You must have missed when I posted that I believe her and that Kavanaugh is a liar and shouldn’t be confirmed. But you do you, Captain Angry Ant.

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Just now, FondrenRoad said:

His client didnt get to talk. Only way to move the needle is for his client to press charges. 

Looking at this through the R's lens, that's what I don't understand.  Should he get confirmed BK's table is set for an impeachment feast.  Granted, it hinges on GOP losing it's power in November, but it's reckless gamble when many conservative nominees (far more qualified based on temperament and impartiality) are available.

I fully expect a circle back on BK by a D House or Senate for perjury to Congress that goes well beyond the Ford testimony.  How many easily provable small lies did we witness yesterday alone?  Small lies matter, even one.

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Just now, triplehorn said:

Looking at this through the R's lens, that's what I don't understand.  Should he get confirmed BK's table is set for an impeachment feast.  Granted, it hinges on GOP losing it's power in November, but it's reckless gamble when many conservative nominees (far more qualified based on temperament and impartiality) are available.

I fully expect a circle back on BK by a D House or Senate for perjury to Congress that goes well beyond the Ford testimony.  How many easily provable small lies did we witness yesterday alone?  Small lies matter, even one.

Someone can press charges against Kav at any time. SCOTUS justices arent unreachable in criminal or civil trial. 

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