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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/02/2019 in Posts

  1. Just wanted to share a status report from the discussion from a couple of weeks ago. My son was accepted into UT Austin and the Cockrell School of Engineering majoring in Chemical Engineering. Lots of excited yells this morning in our house. We're proud of him and also thankful that UT saved our son from a life of being an aggy.....
    24 points
  2. God damn we elected the dumbest motherfucker possible. I mean really, take a step back and look at what we did, objectively. Donald Trump is president. Donald fucking Trump. What a god damn cartoon we've created.
    15 points
  3. Anastasis will be here shortly to politely remind everyone that once in 1993 Bill Clinton grounded his club in a hazard and didn't assess himself a stroke.
    10 points
  4. There it is, kids, my motherland. Dad, Grandma's from Chicago. Shut up, Russ.
    9 points
  5. It’s higher than 40%. When are we going to stop referring to “Trump’s base” as if it is some group that is separate and distinct from “the entire Republican Party and each and every person who self-identifies as Republican or who votes for, supports, or is an apologist for any Republican candidate or elected official, and the corrupt and treasonous criminal enterprise knows as ‘the Republican Party’”? They are the same exact group of people.
    9 points
  6. Why is it that the multitude of football spiking, Trump dick suckers that were all over the Mueller thread last week are somehow completely absent from the thread dedicated to their lord and savior? Where are they? Why aren’t they passionately defending his new messages on health care and multiple Mexicos and closing the southern border? It’s almost as if they don’t care or don’t even know he’s a lying shitbag with indefensible ideas. It’s like they just want to take a 30 second sound bite that sounds like winning and dance around helicoptering their flaccid penis while deluding themselves that everyone else is looking on in defeat and despair not disgust and pity.
    8 points
  7. 1993: Wait! We have a plan! It incorporates the existing insurance industry and mandates individuals to purchase insurance. We just don't like this Clinton plan. 2000: Yay! We have the presidency, House, and Senate! We can finally not propose our health care reform plan. 2010: We are outraged you passed what we previously supported!
    8 points
  8. Most of Trump's supporters think a 600 year old man named Noah built a giant boat into which he put 2 of every animal on earth so they could all ride out the entire world being flooded for 40 days. I think it's absolutely possible they think no wind = no tv.
    8 points
  9. While today was especially dumb, I've learned, about 19 times in the last couple of years, not to state that "today is as dumb as it can get." Instead I've learned to be grateful for dumb and appreciate that it's not yet dangerous. Just dumb so far. Danger is standing right behind me, isn't it?
    7 points
  10. Armybrat had to register twice because his first application was lost when the stagecoach was ambushed. Armybrat’s total tuition bill for the fall semester of 1962 was $100 (full load, blanket tax, and just for nothing fees). Books ran another $50-$60, which I thought was an outrageous scam. Gregory Gym was a bit warm, so afterwards I went up the street to Hilberg’s Cafe for a chicken fried steak lunch (side of mashed taters, house salad, and iced tea). 85 Cents. pre-OUsux days. It was just “fuck OU” then.
    7 points
  11. I keep seeing this kind of "You guys were wrong about Bru, hahahahahaha!" sentiment appearing in different places. The fucking guy committed to USC on national tv, then he signed with them, then he moved into their dorms, then he enrolled in their school. He didn't surprise everyone and commit and sign to Texas. USC fucked up the end game. The predictions pointing him to USC as an enrollee were exactly correct. Whatever happened later doesn't revise the history of what he actually did first.
    7 points
  12. My son won the Congressional Medal of Honor as an Eagle Scout. It was all part of his Commando Merit Badge. He managed to study for the SAT during the helicopter rides and aced the test. The only B he ever got in high school was in a class where a special needs kid had worked hard to overcome his disabilities to create a first rate science project. My boy never admitted that he took a dive that grading period, but we all know he did because he thought his classmate deserved to have the highest grade. Anyway, we were all pleased as punch to get videos from every Ivy League school with the respective deans begging him to come. But he's a Longhorn through and through and he can do Ivy for grad school if he likes.
    7 points
  13. You have to elect the Republicans before you can find out what's in their health plan.
    7 points
  14. To convince people that bad shit happens isn’t difficult. To convince me that it is statistically significant is. I have dropped my wallet, phone, and had it returned with the money. I have taken Uber rides before without issue. I have staggered home drunk before no issue. I wrecked a motorcycle and got help from strangers who were less concerned about me bleeding than I was. I have fixed a few cars on the side of the road before, given rides to random folks and refused payment. I haven given back wallets, called a credit card company when I found a card, and returned over $1500 in cash when I was 19 and broke and no one would have known if I had taken the money. It was 3 Puerto Rican dudes who helped me push my car to a gas station and offered me money to fill it up... then they left. I barely had time to thank them, but I remember them 25 years later. I have had a few items stolen, including an inch worm when I was a little kid, and professional assholes (insurance, lawyers) have done me more financial harm than any stranger did.
    7 points
  15. She's in the bottom row, just right of the dog.
    6 points
  16. I'm a hard no on all of this, but then again, I'm not an authoritarian. Who is "we"? The Government? All of what you propose requires force and aggression. Property rights were important to the founders of this country and what you propose is having more government interference into private property affairs. Thomas Jefferson was heavily influenced by John Locke and his principles. Mainly, the principle of self-ownership. Do you own yourself BT? If you answer yes, then if you mixed your time/energy and labor with the fruits of the earth and made something, wouldn't you own that too? If yes, then don't you have the final say in how that property is to be handled? You are basically pushing for outright socialism, whereby the government inherits everything the INDIVIDUAL earns with his own blood, sweat, stress and tears and gives it to the Federal Government because they (or for you "we") know how best to distribute it in the name of compassion and equality.
    6 points
  17. Get her to stop acting stupid first, Cortezcucks.
    6 points
  18. Manziel is a cancer to everything he touches.
    6 points
  19. this class was not added
    6 points
  20. You can't have this conversation without addressing the Federal Reserve and our government's cozy relationship with banks and corporatist elites. It's no coincidence that inflation and war have been enabled and escalated since the inception of the Federal Reserve which has artificially distorted interest rates and sent the wrong signals to consumers, borrowers and lenders over the past century. Bernie was right just like Ron Paul and Rand, Audit the Fed. He was also right in his opposition to bailing out the banks in 2008. What do you think is going to happen when you pump 16 trillion dollars into the world economy to save the system? Oh yeah, the crony capitalists get all those funds and then cost of living goes up, your dollar power shrinks (thus indirectly taxing EVERYONE INCLUDING THOSE LESS FORTUNATE.) Your graph shows a decline in stock market shares right around 2007 and seems to get worse post bail-out (when everyone got their 401ks decimated thanks to the gubmint) The government should have NO FUCKING PART in enacting any programs in the name of wealth equality. They should have gotten out of the way in many cases (Dept of Education, ACA, Bailouts, I could go on but you get it.) And you want free college and free healthcare? Not economically feasible. . What makes it difficult is this: MOST COMMON FOLK ARE ILL INFORMED ON SOUND ECONOMIC THEORY AND ECONOMIC REALITY IN GENERAL. Also, we need more competition in education. How is it that one company (oh, I mean one department) is responsible for ALL PUBLIC EDUCATION? And why are those that want to eliminate the Dept of Education demonized as wanting No Education? The reality is that all Public School propagandizes us all to think we must go to College. We must take out the student loans to pay for it. Then we get there, with these loans that are backed by our all knowing government overlords, thus leading to colleges jacking the tuition as it's totally risk free for them, thus making it not affordable for THOSE LESS FORTUNATE and leaving students with a non-dis chargeable debt burden. Reality: not everyone should go to college. Free markets are in large part an answer, and if you think that the free market and some sort of deregulation boogey man are what got us here, then you belong in the NPC echo chamber.
    6 points
  21. Which Mexico is that in?
    6 points
  22. Weren't you giving up CR for lent? It sure as fuck isn't easter yet do you want me to help you out by removing your access?
    6 points
  23. If you're a young lady out alone and physically unable to defend yourself, for fuck's sake get a Cpl and learn how to use it. A nice little micro 9 in her purse and it would have been the psycho driver who had the huge problem.
    6 points
  24. I imagine that this is an excerpt from the fairy tale book that is read to every child in aggyland
    6 points
  25. True story. At lunch today an older aggy was sharing the news about Jimbo's latest recruiting bit. TexAgs ran a bit today about an 18 year old sumo wrestler from Japan, 6'8 and 500 lbs who runs a 4.8 forty and benches 850# was in college station for a recruiting visit. Old aggy was about to jizz himself as he kept reading more and more out loud, showing a pic of the sumo in his stance. When he got to the part about jimbo not being sure if he was going to play on either line but quite possibly as a TE I had to tell him to check today's date. He turned bright red (maroon, even) as the rest of the guys busted out in laughter. April fools must be so devastatingly difficult for aggy.
    6 points
  26. “Trump did not make a mistake. There are no mistakes. He was speaking in code! ‘Orange’ is a self-deprecating reference to Trump himself. He is telegraphing that he, Donald J Trump, originated the investigation, because the real motivation has always been to bust a Satanic MS13 sex ring Democrats are running out of a Benghazi pizza parlor. But every word, every syllable, and every letter have meaning. Trump specifically used the plural ‘oranges’ because he did not act alone. He of course initiated this investigation with the assistance of his faithful side kick, the Syracuse University mascot.” /Q
    5 points
  27. On the first post, the sort-of hypocrisy of her record as DA and AG, which is as tough on crime as you could want to be, and her earlier opposition to legalization in California. She's a cop. And on the second, she's done what's politically expedient her entire adult life. I make allowances for evolving views, but the totality of her career is of one whose views shift with the prevailing wind. And does America need another self-dealing politician in the vein of Willie Brown?
    5 points
  28. Awesome. Same here, graduated in 87. My twins are finishing their freshman year living in Jester. I was always close to my sons, but this truly does make the bond stronger. Took them to the Sugar Bowl in January, hearing the Eyes of Texas at the end of the game, the thought that all 3 of us were Longhorns as we stood with our horns up made me quite emotional. Hook em.
    5 points
  29. Did you just completely agree? WITH YOURSELF? As a follow up on prices, I paid $414 out the door for the 2 bottles of Gold and 2 bottles of SFTB in Nassau. This was after the guy gave a discount and waved the 12% VAT due to buying 4. They were listed at $109 and $124 respectively so I felt good about that.
    5 points
  30. Got a new chair, it rocks back and forth and reclines. Chuy is all "fuck that noise, wheres my old chair???" Shes also a little freaked out by things that move and make noise. Anyways, get home late last night, sit in the chair and boom! There she is, jumps up on my lap
    5 points
  31. 5 points
  32. Make them all drive big yellow cars with some other distinguishing characteristic, like maybe a checkerboard pattern down the side.
    5 points
  33. From Naturday. Suspending hard twitch baits did the trick. Even caught a few nice fish on the new Rapala Twitching Mullet 8. Just tied it on for a test run and bagged a 25in red on the third cast.
    5 points
  34. Yes I did, along with other sage advice. The only thing that i was not prepared for was an active shooter situation. That occurred her freshman year. She called me in a panic. She was locked in her dorm room and she did not know where her roommate was which was also a friend of hers from high school. As a parent it is a bit alarming to be on the phone reassuring your child that it is going to be OK while you hear all of the alarms going off in the background. The shooter finally knocked himself off in the PCL. I spent a lot of time on the phone with her. She would always call me when she was walking back from the student parking near DFF on the other side of I-35 back to her dorm. Like I said, her going to school there created such a bond. She is burnt orange through and through. She is now in Durham, NC, married and is expecting her first child (next generation Longhorn). We text and talk during the football games and try to make at least one game a season together. We talk almost everyday on the phone. She is a great daughter.
    4 points
  35. Don't you dare you asshole.
    4 points
  36. It's funny how your secular political philosophy doesn't seem to extend to America. Edit: I'd even go so far as to say your condemnation of Islam as a "gutter" religion exposes your extreme lack of « laïcité ».
    4 points
  37. It is, because they do.
    4 points
  38. Quick note to self: don’t hang out near Dagger
    4 points
  39. "I want it in the ass!” squealed Daniel while Jimbo was undressing. “I want the fuckin’ thing in my ass!”
    4 points
  40. Some slide film Nikon FM3a, Ektachrome 100 on St. Patrick's Day
    4 points
  41. Just watched S06E05 The Door. I’ve never cared much for Bran and this episode highlights that. His naïveté and carelessness with his warg abilities directly results in the death of Hodor, Summer, Leaf and the other Children of the Forest, and the Three Eyed Raven. Not to mention, he will eventually allow the Night King to cross The Wall. I know Bran will be important down the stretch and I know his flashbacks are key to understanding Jon’s history, but he’s tough to root for. Just an awkward teenager roaming around doing weird shit, separate from basically every other main character, and inadvertently causing destruction in the process.
    4 points
  42. Steve is actually a really awesome dude. One of the nicer, more humble guys in our field and very bright. He could hang at an old school shag happy hour just fine and y'all would like him. He recently wrote a dinosaur book. I picked it up at an airport book store and its pretty good. You won't need much background knowledge to read it, but you will also enjoy it you already know a lot too. https://www.amazon.com/Rise-Fall-Dinosaurs-History-World/dp/0062490427 Definitely should have. Honestly, I can sort of see why he called it that. The turtle bone does superficially resemble the wishbone of that type of dinosaur. I might have thought that at first too. Granted, I have the benefit of hindsight, but the ridging on the edge is completely unlike any other wishbone I've ever seen and that would hopefully have given me pause. Those ridges indicate a suture (junction with another bone) that is long and gradually sloped. Another bone overlapped it for the entire length of those ridges. The wishbones are fused clavicles (our shoulder bones). They don't attach to anything gradually. That ridging is really noticeable and they probably should have caught that. It superficially looks like the sutures commonly found on fish bones. Not everyone gets a really broad comparative anatomy background, so it's a somewhat understandable mistake. Fundamentally, it doesn't change anything else about the fossil. Here's the figure from the paper comparing it to other wishbones. His fossil is labeled A. Note the weird ridges on the right that don't appear on any other specimen in the image. Here it is compared to turtle plastron pieces, which it is. I am friends with Phil Manning and I know Pete Larson in passing. Phil can be a brilliant scientist, but he's out on the edge a lot, which can be boom or bust. He's also a really good hype man, so you have to keep that in mind with his stuff.
    4 points
  43. 2016: Vote Republican if you want healthcare fixed! 2020: Okay, for real, we’re serious this time!
    4 points
  44. Had to say goodbye to my little white sidekick Eddie this weekend. He had a blockage in his gallbladder that would require a $10,000 surgery and recovery. We just couldn’t justify it for a 60% survival rate on a 12 year old dog. I hate that I feel like I failed him. The worst part is we were in Dallas and there was no way to make it back to be with him at the end. The house just doesn’t feel the same and there is no way a new dog could carry my little buddy’s personality. I already miss him terribly and everything reminds me of him. Bye buddy, you were a good boy.
    4 points
  45. The hell he will. Trump's got a two day head-start on him, which is more than he needs. Trump's got friends in every town and village from here to the Sudan. He speaks a dozen languages and knows every local custom. He'll blend in, disappear and Pete willl never see him again. With any luck he's got the grail already.
    4 points
  46. Jerrod's one of the Good Guys™ in my book. Nothing but the best for him.
    4 points
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