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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/14/20 in Posts

  1. Well, I just got all Surly/Twittery in real life. I was getting some gas. To set the scene, I have a UA Alumni tag on my car and I am currently wearing my “Doug Jones for Senate” T-shirt. This old, fat dude who was smoking a cigarette walks past me and while I’m just minding my own business, he hollers at me “An Alabama fan AND a Democrat? That’s three strikes against you.”. I lost it. I looked him up and down and said “Good luck with the coronavirus. Looks like you’ve got the deck stacked against you.” He looked at me like I was crazy and said “What?”. I replied “Old, fat, diminished lung capacity, and stupid.” He got his back up a bit, “Whatta ya mean stupid??” “Alabama fan and a Democrat? That’s two things not three and you’re an Auburn fan.” He waddled off in a huff. Listen, why they fuck is it always fans of teams like aggy and the war eagles who feel free to make shitty jabs at other fans? Just out of nowhere. And walking up to a stranger to criticize their politics is likely to get you shot in Alabama, no matter the party. And it’s ALWAYS a certain type of old white man or woman who feels so privileged to spew their mouth diarrhea without fear of any blowback or consequences. So, I told an old to get fucked by coronavirus at the Texaco today! How y’all doing?
    19 points
  2. 15 points
  3. Well hallelujah! The Bishop of the Austin Diocese has issued a dispensation for Catholics from attending their Mass obligation.... Mrs. Brat said she will stay home and watch it on TV.. I shall probably live long enough to consume the six DQ M&M Blizzards I have hoarded in the freezer (see prepper thread).
    14 points
  4. Well yeah you wouldn’t, but he probably doesn’t have a restraining order.
    11 points
  5. If all you're going to do is a cardio machine why not just jog around your block a few times and not risk it?
    11 points
  6. I must be getting 50 emails a day on COVID-19. 15% are actually medical and the rest are vendors and retailers. Like I give a fuck what Schlotsky's president has to say about anything.
    11 points
  7. I lol’ed hard at Lake Travis Methodist Church earlier. Said on KXAN they are having “Drive-thru communion” tomorrow from 8:30 to 11. I’m tempted to go, just to order a double body of Christ, fries and a large blood of Christ shake.
    8 points
  8. I have an 11 week pregnant wife. I’m about to turn 40. Everything I’ve been working on is running long. I’m looking at my bank accounts and know that I’ve got some work to do to be comfortable. My nephew will be born in 12 days. My heart just hurts. I’m a strong man with ice in my veins, but damn, my ice is starting to melt a bit. I won’t let it melt, but it damn sure wants to.
    8 points
  9. Surgeon General tells Press not to write stories negative of Dear Leader. No "finger pointing". Only forward moving, how great we are doing in giving out tax payer money stories. Not backward looking abject failure of a fucktard narcissist incompetent running our administration and failing to do the most important things to slow the spread of the deadly virus stories. Dear Leader can still tweet about it is all Obama's fault though.
    8 points
  10. I’ve had a tab of lsd on deck just for a time like this. One of these random quarantine week days is about to get weird.
    8 points
  11. Nobody is saying we're necessarily going to end up like Italy. People are saying we need to modify our behavior appropriately as soon as possible so we don't end up like Italy. Yes, there are factors that will prevent our spread from being as dangerous as Italy's, but that's no reason not to take it seriously. Your transition from "this isn't really a big deal here and we are still the model for the rest of the world" to "well we're better off than Italy" in less than 3 days is noted.
    8 points
  12. This is why I was smart enough to finish shopping yesterday morning. I got the last 37 rotisserie chickens at my store.
    7 points
  13. European threat levels by country: The English are feeling the pinch in relation to recent virus threat and have therefore raised their threat level from “Miffed” to “Peeved.” Soon, though, level may be raised yet again to “Irritated” or even “A Bit Cross.” The English have not been “A Bit Cross” since the blitz in 1940 when tea supplies nearly ran out. The virus has been re-categorized from “Tiresome” to “A Bloody Nuisance.” The last time the British issued a “Bloody Nuisance” warning level was in 1588, when threatened by the Spanish Armada. The Scots have raised their threat level from “Pissed Off” to “Let's Get the Bastard.” They don't have any other levels. This is the reason they have been used on the front line of the British army for the last 300 years. The French government announced yesterday that it has raised its alert level from “Run” to “Hide.” The only two higher levels in France are “Collaborate” and “Surrender.” The rise was precipitated by a recent fire that destroyed France's white flag factory, effectively paralyzing the country's military capability. Italy has increased the alert level from “Shout Loudly and Excitedly” to “Elaborate Military Posturing.” Two more levels remain: “Ineffective Combat Operations” and “Change Sides.” The Germans have increased their alert state from “Disdainful Arrogance” to “Dress in Uniform and Sing Marching Songs.” They also have two higher levels: “Invade a Neighbour” and “Lose.” Belgians, on the other hand, are all on holiday as usual; the only threat they are worried about is NATO pulling out of Brussels. The Spanish are all excited to see their new submarines ready to deploy. These beautifully designed subs have glass bottoms so the new Spanish navy can get a really good look at the old Spanish navy. Australia, meanwhile, has raised its alert level from “No worries” to “She'll be alright, Mate.” Two more escalation levels remain: “Crikey! I think we'll need to cancel the barbie this weekend!” and “The barbie is cancelled.” So far, no situation has ever warranted use of the final escalation level.
    7 points
  14. Even hell doesn't want Donald J. Trump.
    6 points
  15. I've been thinking about typing this all day. Well, here I go. We like to brag about the "greatest generation" and shit on other generations. Here is our chance to do what they did. Make a personal sacrifice for the greater good. Do the right thing. Maybe save the life of someone you'll never meet. What happens instead? People bitch about inconveniences. About damage to the economy. Well, guess what? The sun will continue to rise and you will survive. I say this as the owner of a small business which could suffer great damage because of the sacrifices I have been and may continue to be asked to make. I don't know what the future holds for my business. I'm staring at federal contracts being suspended and delayed. I've already made the decision to suspend business travel for projects in the future. I'm not sure about local commerical projects. Our company is a blue collar company and I rely on boots on the ground. I have some tough decisions to make. That said, if I have to make a decision that could impact a life I will err on the side of life always. Sorry for the rant.
    6 points
  16. Wife and I were exposed last week from one of the first confirmed cases here in Denver and hung out with that person pretty closely while grilling last weekend. After we found out, we immediately self-quarantined. Neither of us have had a fever, but both have had weird symptoms (have a congestion in my throat that hasn't decreased despite taking mucinex, allergy medicines, dayquil/nyquil) for the past week, and my wife has had an on and off headache. Sucks not knowing whether or not we have it, but seems dumb to potentially expose health workers to it if we feel relatively fine.
    6 points
  17. He took the test. Says the delay was needed to give him time to study.
    6 points
  18. Pence's insistence on rectal thermometers must be awkward.
    6 points
  19. "A man cannot be reasoned out of a position he was not reasoned into."
    6 points
  20. You're wasting your time trying to explain how this works to the "it's just like the flu" retards.
    5 points
  21. I have an idea for NYC or anywhere that is trying to flatten the curve. Take some of the people that will be out of a job because places are shutting down, rent U-Hauls, Penske trucks, whatever and deliver meals to elderly and kids who are home but arent getting their breakfast sandwich at school. Let's get something like the old CCC from the New Deal up and running and do some good. Keep some people working and get food to those who need it. Let's start thinking outside the box.
    5 points
  22. They did outlaw them again. VOX had a really good video explainer that has been posted here at least twice. (included below) tl/dr the Wildlife industry is a tiny% of China's GDP but they have a very strong lobby. Only the very wealthy are eating these animals, not the general public. But those very wealthy folks are very influential and got the markets reopened after the closures after SARS but prior to this outbreak. The markets have been closed again and it seems like this time there is a lot of public anger in China about those markets and they want them closed for good. Here's hoping they do. Also need the wet markets in Africa and South America closed too. Also Asian Grocery stores in the US are awesome field trips. Who knew there were so many types of rice noodles? Ai ya!
    5 points
  23. Hope all is well and South Austin can get better! No sports on the tube sucks too! I went out this morning to go on a “TP Run” this AM at 6:30. HEB was “open” but NO TP!!!! Daughter called me yesterday stating that she had a $20 pack of TP at Walmart and wanted to know if I wanted it - YES, so I transfer her some money (broke college student coming home). She gets home and it’s a MFg big dozen count of paper towels! She said that it was in the aisle that TP usually is! Maybe there should be another thread for daughters (no pics), but she’s not the sharpest mentally!
    5 points
  24. Yeah, I got an email from a friend of mine who lives in Italy and the shit they’re going through will blow your mind. Tell them about tinfoil hats and essential trave. Far smarter people, who have much more to lose than most of us shaggy posters have thrown in the towel and decided to forgo their own personal pleasure/earnings/joy/whatever for the betterment of society. Pretty sure I can handle doing my small part here. But hey, @AustinMT you just keep on being a badass non-conforming tough guy. You’ll show em all.
    5 points
  25. This morning on the way to the gym I pulled through the HEB parking lot near my house. Of course they were not open... It was 6:15 and about 20 people had gathered outside and said they’re opening at 8. As I drove off I decided to grab a few dozen donuts for them during the long wait. I was a bit nervous dropping breakfast off. Would they think this is an act of kindness or remarkably insensitive (here’s some finger food to share with strangers as you worry about covid...)? Anyway I decided to do what I felt was right and let things sort out from there. What I did know for sure was the Kroger across the street also had a line. And fuck those people.
    5 points
  26. checking in from "summer" down here. shortness of breathe, nothing else at all. no temp, no fatigue, nothing. the only other times i have had this feeling is when laying down to sleep in high altitude places like CDMX or the Andes. Feels like I am breathing through water or some shit. Anyway, wife is the having some other symptoms but also minor. into self Q we go. good luck to my friends with the VID. its gonna be all good
    5 points
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