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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/17/20 in Posts

  1. I would invest half of it in low risk mutual funds and then take the other half over to my friend Asadulah who works in securities…
    22 points
  2. President of The United States of America declares national emergency. Governor of Texas declares statewide emergency. President of The United States of America says people shouldn't eat in restaurants. CDC says people shouldn't eat in restaurants. Mayor of Austin issues order that people won't eat in restaurants. "MAN FUCK THE MAYOR OF AUSTIN MAN!"
    21 points
  3. My neighbor came over asking if he could buy one of my Primo 5 gal water jugs ( I got a delivery last week). I said sure but I don't need you to pay me, then he says he's tired of the news, the way they are attacking Our President is so wrong.. I told him it will be $10.
    19 points
  4. Liquor store workers are like the 3rd or 4th most essential workers. They come in just below firefighters, but above police.
    18 points
  5. What happens during a pandemic to a people already isolated, fearful, and unable to process factual information because they've been indoctrinated to distrust their own eyes, ears, and common sense? On the upside, maybe the right will stop crowing about American Exceptionalism for a while. At least until exceptional stupidity isn't the first thing that comes to mind. You wanted a federal government so small you could drown it in a bathtub? Instead you got administration so inept that it's drowning itself, and Americans along with it. Godamnit I am pissed at Trump enablers. This blood is on your fucking hands. Hiding in the Daily Texan thread won't change that. Refusing to discuss the critical nexus of failed politics and this virus is the ultimate in selfish cowardly comfort.
    18 points
  6. I'm a commercial landlord with about 10 small businesses in my properties. [/CSB] I've let them know we'll work something out if their cash flow dries up for the next few months. I don't see how anyone wins if you're evicting tenants and you have a vacant space for months. We all need to work together and understand we live and die together in this mother fucking storm.
    17 points
  7. This could really go in two threads. My wife just told me that when we get packages delivered to not put them on the counter because who knows who touched them. Agreed. Also my wife: I’m going to the gym tonight.
    15 points
  8. OR = Operating room SNF = Sunday Night Football LOS = line of scrimmage I dunno about the others.
    14 points
  9. Yes and no. The effect of total population doesn't change anything until you get closer to the total population. Let's lower the numbers so it's easier to consider. Let's say you have two high schools, one is Allen with 5,000 students. The other is Lampasas High School with 1,000 students. Let's say they both get it on the same day and students of each school are all trapped together, and that the spread of an infectious disease is based on e^(day/3). Day 0: Lampasas - 1, Allen - 1 Day 1: Lampasas - 1, Allen - 1 Day 2: Lampasas - 2, Allen - 2 Day 3: Lampasas - 3, Allen - 3 Day 4: Lampasas - 4, Allen - 4 Day 5: Lampasas - 5, Allen - 5 Day 6: Lampasas - 7, Allen - 7 Day 7: Lampasas - 10, Allen - 10 Day 8: Lampasas - 14, Allen - 14 Day 9: Lampasas - 20, Allen - 20 Day 10: Lampasas - 28, Allen - 28 Day 11: Lampasas - 39, Allen - 39 Day 12: Lampasas - 55, Allen - 55 Day 13: Lampasas - 76, Allen - 76 Day 14: Lampasas - 106, Allen - 106 Day 15: Lampasas - 148, Allen - 148 Day 16: Lampasas - 207, Allen - 207 Day 17: Lampasas - 289, Allen - 289 Day 18: Lampasas - 403, Allen - 403 Day 19: Lampasas - 563, Allen - 563 Day 20: Lampasas - 786, Allen - 786 Day 21: Lampasas - 1000, Allen - 1097 Day 22: Lampasas - 1000, Allen - 1530 Day 23: Lampasas - 1000, Allen - 2136 Day 24: Lampasas - 1000, Allen - 2981 Day 25: Lampasas - 1000, Allen - 4160 Day 26: Lampasas - 1000, Allen - 5000 Now in reality there are a whole lot more factors than just population size. Population density, distance between population centers (matters more if we limit travel), etc. But the raw numbers of an exponential spread don't give a shit about total population until it infects the total population.
    14 points
  10. Fuck, this is all depressing. Here's a break:
    12 points
  11. I closed my bar yesterday. Moved my inventory today, and boarded up my windows. Now I’m fighting with my ex because he believes we should stay open as long as possible. And that I’m overreacting and jumping the gun. He’s an Aggie so…
    11 points
  12. Does any insurance actually cover anything?
    10 points
  13. A tale as old as time. Young bright kid arrives on campus with dreams of getting a 4.0 in an in demand degree. Discovers pussy and beer and says fuck it, liberal arts will do for now. Source, graduated (eventually) with history major.
    9 points
  14. We separated in the summer of 2017. Our initial custody hearing was that September. A few weeks before, my ex wanted to take the kids with her to Crosby just a few days after hurricane Harvey hit so she could go see her cousin. Even after showing her the maps of all the flooded and damaged roadways and lack of power/fuel in the area, she still argued with me about taking the kids. Fast forward a few weeks during our hearing, my attorney brings this up while I'm up on the stand. The judge stopped me mid sentence and goes "Crosby, isn't that the town that had the chemical plant that was about to explode because it was flooded?" The smile that came across my attorneys face was something else. And that's the story of how I became the primary custodial parent.
    8 points
  15. Yeah, I have a huge problem with cash handouts via corporate tax cuts which are used to buy back stock in order to inflate value. Investing is risky. They fucked up. No freebies. Liz is on the right path. I sure wish my 401K was too big to fail.
    8 points
  16. More like, Today is the day Donald wishes Hillary had won. So he could be safe to golf and be an asshole on the internet without actually having to work.
    8 points
  17. You should stop caring about Twitter comments. I mean it's pretty obvious at this point that you're the yin to GreenspointTexas's yang. You both are being silly and going overboard to one direction because it makes you feel better for whatever reason. You have made multiple posts misreading dates and numbers in charts and misrepresenting reality, just like he has.
    8 points
  18. A risk of derailing the current thread, can you please stop trying to make this about politics please? https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2020/03/16/no-white-house-didnt-dissolve-its-pandemic-response-office/
    8 points
  19. i used to be a 'libertarian'. what a fucking idiot i was.
    8 points
  20. Based on the Spanish flu data, I’m going to predict we don’t have just one curve but more in line with this: * You can’t argue with this perspective.
    8 points
  21. So- I own 2 businesses that employ 10 people. Just started the second one on February 18 (title shop). We are absolutely killIing it with open orders and we were over capitalized to my way of thinking (I.e. as long as we don’t have any months with zero revenue we will be ok). I have a sinking suspicion the lending market is going to get shut down- destroying both my businesses. Theres a threading of the needle where mortgage markets stay open and we squeak by on just enough refinances that I will be ok in both mortgage and title- but I’ve got about a 30 day runway if my revenue goes to zero. Fun times ahead man. At least I have a chance to walk through this if we don’t go full quarantine. I know so many others that are dead man walking right now. Also- just bought a new house (my families dream house) and have made 2 entire mortgage payments on it/ so yeah/ if there isn’t any mortgage relief and this system goes bad I guess we get to turn those keys back to the lender. I consider myself in relatively good shape relative to most people out there and I give myself no more than a 50/50 chance of walking through this. Whenever I hear people say stuff like “you can’t be too careful with this thing” I wonder if they’ve given any thought to the decimation of the economy headed our way with all of this “out of an abundance of caution we are doing...” proclamations. I’m not saying shuttering the world isn’t the right call, I’m just saying I think it’s worth having a conversation as a society as to whether or not the prevention is worth the cure. Maybe the government will get it right on how to deal with the economic Armageddon headed to this country/the world but I’m not so sure it’s worth putting any faith in the powers that be to get this right. In the meantime I’m hoping me and mine come through this healthy and figuring that at 41, even if I get wiped out but retain my family and health that some day we can get back to where we were today. Thoughts and prayers to everyone. It’s going to be rough out there.
    8 points
  22. "aggie08 didn't die, he just ran out of breaths."
    8 points
  23. What are you doing out of the cloak room again? I'll be just fine. I realize given that you just posted some new fucking rumor that there is a covered-up outbreak about to explode in Austin, that you lean to the "we're all going to die! think of the children!" line of shrieking. That doesn't preclude the rest of us from taking the data as it comes in and actually thinking about it rationally.
    7 points
  24. We closed down Natural Bridge Caverns yesterday. Laid off 20 seasonal employees we just hired to help out with the spring school group season, too. We are going to pay full-timers as long as we can, and we plan on getting some projects around the park done over the next couple of weeks. We are set up pretty well financially but nothing will last forever. My daughter is a high school senior who is starting to realize that her senior year might be over. I don't have the heart to confirm that. With everything going on and the benefit of some age under my belt, I know that not having prom is not really a big deal. But for her, no prom, no graduation ceremony or party, no more soccer, no soccer playoffs, no chance to say goodbye to teachers and friends... it's gonna be a lot. Time for her and my son to gain some perspective on things, I suppose.
    7 points
  25. Looking back at yesterdays market, keep this in mind as you see today's bump
    7 points
  26. Here's the reason for the tweet
    7 points
  27. That's your fear? LOL, dumbasses will always be dumbasses. You watch...even if this ends up really bad, those fucking people will still have some excuse for why they were actually right. You can't think about the dumbasses when you're trying to save the masses...even though the masses are often dumbasses. Got it?
    7 points
  28. Both of these are accurate, but they certainly raise the obvious question: if they're such critically important infrastructure and the government is going to have to bail them out so frequently, why aren't they nationalized?
    6 points
  29. There's nothing more predictable in sports than when a move is universally panned by everyone with firing synapses that some preposterous justification is thrown out that goes against all prior history. So you're telling me that the uniquely quiet and low maintenance all-pro WR who dealt with a who's who list of journeymen QBs like Brock Osweiler, Tom Savage, Hoyer, & Fitzpatrick decided to draw his line in the sand over Deshaun Watson?
    6 points
  30. About 10 years ago, we had just moved into a house with a 300 foot driveway. One morning, it was colder than a witch’s tit with howling winds that made the wind chill way below zero. I saw the garbage truck come down other side of the street, and I thought, “Shit, it’s trash day.” Without even putting on a coat, I ran down the driveway pushing that garbage can, hoping to catch the truck before they passed my house on the way out. About halfway there, the lid flipped open and hit me square on my frozen nose, but I fought through the tears and made it to the end of the driveway just as the truck pulled up. The driver rolled down his window and yelled, “Wrong truck!” Our garbage service day was the next day. I made the walk of shame back to my house.
    6 points
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