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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/14/18 in all areas

  1. Just to make sure I have the alternative facts straight... Our government -- but I'm guessing only the deep state part of it --- is now guilty of torturing a poor, naive Russian exchange student who is only guilty of wanting to share her testimony of Guns and Jesus with the American people? Okay, I'm open minded. Lets take a look at the missionary work of our virginal miss Butina... Early on, she ran into Republican/NRA consultant Paul Erickson at a 4th of July celebration at her church here in America. Butina was immediately attracted to Erickson's gun-toting man-of-Christ gravitas. They fell in love, and by our Lord's good grace, conceived a baby dolphin. Unrelatedly, she met Wayne Lapierre, former head of the NRA, going door-to-door spreading the gospel of guns. And here she is with NRA president David Keen. He and La Pierre live in the same neighborhood. Is that NRA president James W Porter II? It may seem unlikely that she would run into so many NRA executives by pure chance, but its just a coincidence. Porter judged an art contest at her bible school where she won first prize for her Berretta 9mm decompage. Amazingly enough, our poor exchange student Butina ran into conservative dahling Sheriff David Clarke in Russia while she was back at home visiting her sick mother in the nursing home. Clarke had stopped by to borrow a cup of ammo... Here she is with Republican governor Scott Walker. What a coincidence that she would run into him at her bible study group while going to college here in America. She happened to run into Republican senator Rick Santorum handing out religious flyers at the mall And Republican governor Bobby Jindal at the shooting range Here is Butina with Donald Trump Jr. They were both helping to build a community garden and shooting range for underprivileged inner city youth (Little Trumpy's Urban Achievers) when this picture was taken. I could go on, but haven't we seen enough? If we are reasonable men and women, we have to be willing to admin when we are wrong. Butina is absolutely no Russian operative and her pleading guilty to being one was no doubt coerced by our evil Luciferian government looking to repeal the 2nd amendment and eliminate God from our society. You can tell from these pictures that she's just a small town девушка living in a lonely Мир that took a midnight поезд going в любом месте. It truly is a miracle that our Lord guided this young dove into the orbit of so many of our Republican politicians and executives at the NRA. Thank God they took her under their wing to guide her to the light of our Lord before she was nailed to the cross by the evil federal satanists. I will say it again: The collective Republican response to the scrutiny of Russian political influence only makes sense if such scrutiny is an existential threat to the party itself. All of the cockroaches scurrying as the light is turned on should tell you something. Trump is the least of the GOP's Russian problems.
    49 points
  2. I spent a lot of time on ranches in South Texas (south of the checkpoints) growing up. We would often come across illegals while driving around or a couple of times they wandered up to the house. We would give them water and tamales and call the border patrol. I never felt scared or threatened by any of them. This demonization of these people is fucking terrible. I would say that 99.9% of the people who think this is a material issue in this country have never been to the border region and never encountered illegals in their life. They are just sheep who need a boogeyman.
    16 points
  3. Yeah he kind of fumbled his way through that.
    12 points
  4. "…beloved ESPN analyst Kirk Herbstreit."
    11 points
  5. Best of luck. Hope he’s able to turnover a new leaf.
    10 points
  6. If aggy asks about your ring, tell them it's an aggy ring. When they start whooping and asking what year, tell them, "Oh I didn't go there. I picked it up at a pawn shop for $27. Or was it $25? Well, somewhere around 27-25."
    9 points
  7. It’s gonna be Dave Campo.
    9 points
  8. Herman : we beat the shit out of USC. Lost 3 games by a combined 9 points. Played in big12 title, playing in sugar bowl and have 2 receivers getting nfl draft grades Helton: baby shark shark shark shark baby shark shark shark. I came in ranked. Shit all over myself. Everyone wants me fired. I hired a coach who was also canned for some guy from Utah state. But we have snoop dog. Fight on. Tough decision
    9 points
  9. Pouring water out in the desert is so monstrous and inhumane that it's one of the very few taboos that cross all cultures (among cultures that live in arid climates).
    9 points
  10. Is The Captain transferring too?
    9 points
  11. You guys need to stop playing whack a mole with the troll.
    9 points
  12. This has been my experience as well. Back in 2009, I was hunting down in south Texas the weekend of the Texas Nebraska Big 12 Championship game. A freak cold front had worked its way down south and we had some snow flurries with temps in the 20s and a howling wind. It had been hot and dry in the weeks prior. One poor guy (illegal mid 20's)happened upon our set up wearing tennis shoes, jorts, and a long sleeved t shirt and otherwise totally unprepared for the conditions. Given his age and resourcefulness, I am sure he could have sheltered up someplace down there and probably made it once the conditions got better. Nevertheless, we got him some of our clothes, fed him, got him warmed up by the fire, set him up with some cash, and drove him about 30 miles up the road to a guy we knew that could set him up with work and contacts. Rather than feeling warm and fuzzy about our good deeds, we got to talking about the fellow and what he had to go through just to get to where our camp was a good 30 miles from the border. We could use more people like that in our country. Also, on a few occasions, while camping down on PINS, illegals would show up out of nowhere walking down the beach in the middle of the night. Never felt threatened in the slightest (which I can't say about the idiots hauling ass down the beach in their jacked up Dodges with their confederate flags waving). These guys were pretty well prepared. We topped off their water, wished them luck, and they got the hell out of there-all business.
    8 points
  13. Kate's excited. It's going to be a good day.
    8 points
  14. Why don't you go start a solitary confinement thread and confine yourself to it solitarily so you can continue your Butina masturbation in peace (for us)?
    8 points
  15. If we’re lucky, he’s a student at Mater Dei and he’ll tell us what shirt Bru is wearing on signing day.
    8 points
  16. He put in a flip pick for Adeoye last year. Lets hope he's wrong again.
    7 points
  17. Holy fuck can we start a solitary confinement thread? This is for indictments related to Mueller. Fuck off with Figurelli.
    7 points
  18. "We are going to build a special counsel, and Paul Manafort will pay for it". That is a deal I can get behind.
    7 points
  19. Also his dad was driving him to practice one time and they got in a serious car accident. When Mike got to the hospital the doctor said "I can't operate on him, he's my son" because it was his mom you misogynist bastard because women can be doctors too sometimes.
    7 points
  20. I've overheard my wife tell 3 separate people that her and my daughter ,"are laying reefs at Arlington National Cemetery this weekend."
    7 points
  21. Same. Honestly, aggy encounters was a big reason I stopped wearing it. Also no longer wear a watch or wedding ring (sore spot). Also not wearing pants right now.
    7 points
  22. I wear my Odessa Permian state high school championship ring wherever I go. It reminds me of a simpler, better time: when I was king of the school and worshipped in the hallways. Never felt that feeling since. Just wake up and put my 8 hours in down at the sanitation department. They'll let me retire in 4 years, but I'm scared at the thought of letting it go. I've been there for 30 years, but it feels just like yesterday that I was wearing my helmet and pads underneath those bright Friday night lights. Texas forever.
    7 points
  23. Talked to some people who know things earlier today so here's a quick update: The decision for Powell to decommit was completely the staff's idea. He ever even really had a commitable offer. The staff just let him say he was committed because they're nice guys, so really, when you think about it, this is a win for UT because it shows other recruits that our staff are good guys. Kind of the same thing with Mike Williams. He never actually had an offer from UT. He just showed up on the first day of practice and the coaches never said anything because it would have been super awkward. Mike recently figured out that he wasn't on the team and apologized to the coaches. Everyone had a good laugh about it, Mike included.
    6 points
  24. Quit fucking Derka'ing up this thread
    6 points
  25. I wear my college ring because I worked my ass off for it. But I don't act like it's some sacred artifact. It's personal, solely for me, and I don't care if anyone else ever notices it. It's also sentimental because my grandfather bought it for me, as he bought one for each of his grandchildren that graduated from college.
    6 points
  26. 6 points
  27. It’s truly fantastic. These dumbfucks think that 1) removing the ACA 2) without a viable replacement...is a winning strategy for them. Check out the polling on the issue. Watching the GOP gleefully and triumphantly commit suicide actually makes ole negative Brisket smile.
    5 points
  28. Here’s my nuanced opinion on this issue - Fuck her, fuck the NRA, and fuck anyone who worked or is working on Russia’s behalf to undermine America.
    5 points
  29. What the hell is up with that cunty jab at the fans at the end? It’s not my fault you hold on to the ball like Taylor Hamm holds on to jobs.
    5 points
  30. How would anyone know? Porter’s never run more than 3 yards without hitting the ground.
    5 points
  31. Y'all are ruining my having Fozzz on ignore with all these quotes. Do yourself a favor. He'd not a serious poster.
    5 points
  32. I disagree. While they each made their share of freshman mistakes these kids went from highschool to trying to be the savior of s floundering blueblood and did it well. I gotta give them props for that
    5 points
  33. Just so everybody is clear what is happening here: Landowners along the border often put out water caches for immigrants who are coming from humid, wet places like S. Mexico and Central America, and have never experienced an arid environment, and probably didn't realize what they were getting into, and maybe literally dying of dehydration (like the 7 yr old girl) can get some water. Then BP comes along, drives onto private land, and pours the water out. Because illegal immigrants deserve to die in the desert, I guess. Many landowners would prefer that immigrants not cut through their land, true, but they would also prefer that if the immigrants are going to cut through, that they not die, because that becomes an even bigger hassle.
    5 points
  34. Psychologists maybe the most worthless fucking idiots out there next to politicians and Chip O.
    5 points
  35. Good article from the Atlantic on how we got here. https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2018/12/how-did-republican-party-get-so-corrupt/578095/
    5 points
  36. 5 points
  37. Article is greatness and the close of it with the hooker murder references is unfuckingbelievable.
    5 points
  38. He makes ass smell good. He is a cheater, a homophobe, an idiot and he killed 5 hookers while at SMU.
    5 points
  39. Wasn't butina moved into solitary confinement as a precaution against her leaking out details of her prosecution because she was giving people her lawyers contact info? And aside from that, are you saying we should go easy on a fucking Russian spy? Would you rather we chop her up into bits, Saudi style, rather than incarceration?
    5 points
  40. What neighborhoods close to downtown are you talking about? Third Ward? Fifth Ward? The East End? 'Cause I know you are not talking about the Heights, Montrose, West U, Braes Heights, Bellaire, and Meyerland. As far as white people sending their kids to those "bad" schools close to downtown, that ship sailed a long-ass time ago, only because of fear of black people instead of brown. Or are you gonna try to tell me that back in the MAGA days, tons of white kids were happily attending Yates, Wheatley, Washington, and Kashmere until them damn Mezkins got up here and ruined everything? And the same goes for sprawl. The common factor is scared white people, not those who have caused them to flee. Dude, I am a product of the inner loop, right in the heart of Houston, just on "the right side" of 288. My mother's side of the family was one of the last white families to leave Riverside in the late '60s because of the blockbusting that went on over there -- "the coloreds" came in and all the white folks fled west. Mexicans had nothing to do with it at all. Both of my kids are HISD products, one unfinished and the other a graduate. My ex wife is a teacher in the district. Close members of my family have attended HISD schools since the early '70s. So kindly cease spewing bullshit. You are out of your element, newbie.
    5 points
  41. You are all over the place. You say the Big 12 defenses suck because of what the offenses do but then turn around and call Bamas secondary elite because they play shitty ass passing offenses every week with terrible QBs? Make you your mind. You can't have it both ways. And what does the Army game have to do with anything? Texas lost to shit ass Maryland and had to survive Tulsa. They are called outliers. If that's the case, why didn't Texas or WVU blow out OU to end the year? I mean since Army almost won, then surely they could easily beat OU, right? That's right, sports doesn't work that way.
    5 points
  42. Meh...you never know what is going on in someone else's life. I'll give a 19 year old kid the benefit of the doubt when he's probably overwhelmed as fuck.
    5 points
  43. We should lobby the legislature to officially change their name to "the school for the aggy".
    5 points
  44. Amazing to think how many have left or announced they are leaving since this was put together.
    4 points
  45. Jesus christ you’re a fucking moron
    4 points
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