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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/11/19 in Posts

  1. See, this is a good non-troll post even though I disagree with part of it, because it doesn't blatantly misrepresent the report. I actually think the report is quite clear on obstruction, but Mueller was clear why he didn't conclude that it was obstruction nor make an explicit impeachment referral (because he felt either would have been inappropriate). The people saying the report exonerates Trump on the "collusion" question are lying. That's not remotely what the report says. The report sets forth evidence that could indicate conspiracy or coordination but states that they determined that the admissible evidence they had would probably be insufficient to prove conspiracy or coordination beyond a reasonable doubt. However, the report also makes it clear that the investigation of whether there was conspiracy or coordination was substantially hindered by certain factors, including by Trump and his associates, that prevented them from being able to assess the full picture. These are from the report's summary on the charging decisions in Volume 1: This is the Special Counsel's way of saying "there's almost certainly more we were prevented from discovering due to constant obstruction from the subjects of the investigation." It's not remotely close to an exoneration. As for whether the Dems should impeach, if the evidence of obstruction by Trump that the report provides isn't sufficient to justify impeachment, nothing is. The Dems aren't holding back because they're not sure whether multiple instances of obstruction of justice justifies impeachment, they're holding back because they're not sure how impeachment will play politically and that terrifies them.
    13 points
  2. So I moved over to Baton Rouge from the Austin area over 4 years ago for a job. The job didn't turn out and I don't like the city at all. I've stayed basically because I'm an alcoholic. I'm single with no kids to support, so I can always scrape by. I just needed my booze and somewhere to sit. I wanted to get the fuck out of here, but there was enough work to buy booze and provide a place for me to sit with my booze. All problems solved. Some health issues came up and a decision had to be made because it was literally life or death. I wasn't ready to die. I didn't know what to expect. I was scared shitless. Didn't really have a support system and I hadn't been without drinking since I was a kid. I shared my story about the first few months a while back, so I won't. But it was awful at first. For months. Slowly things started getting better and I got stronger, physically and emotionally. It was such a weird place to be. I didn't know how I was going to react to anything. Big or small. And I still don't, but my confidence and self-worth are higher than they have ever been. I don't mean I think I'm the shit, I mean I'm just at peace with myself for the first time, maybe ever. Every morning is great and it lasts until the next one. Tiny things make me smile out of nowhere. Sad things make some salty discharge build up in my eyes. I'm finally filling up my emotional being with emotions instead of using the bottle to steer around that part of me and leaving me empty and numb. It's liberating and exciting and scary and fucking great. I decided I'm ready to get out of here and back to Austin. I got a call for an interview earlier this week, so I drove over on Sunday, interviewed Monday, thought it went really well, looked at some apartments and filled out the paperwork for one that I really wanted. Headed back to Baton Rouge, got approved for the condo I really wanted and now it's Friday and I have all my stuff packed up, ready to put in a trailer and start fresh again. My lease just happened to start today, May 10th. My one year of sobriety is today, May 10th.
    11 points
  3. One year ago today, I learned that when you make an appointment with a rehab facility to check in on a given date, and they're coming to pick you up, it's much harder to bullshit them about why you would be better off waiting "a day" or "a few days" or "until I call you" than you might expect or hope. At that point, the only thought I had in my mind was "I don't care what I told them 48 hours ago, it's RIGHT NOW not some indistinct date in the future and RIGHT NOW I want to drink". They wouldn't take no for an answer, though. They checked me in at about 4 o'clock in the afternoon and my BAC was 0.118 even though I hadn't had a drink since somewhere around 930 that morning. I thought that BAC was interesting because not only did I not feel drunk, I felt painfully sober and was really surprised to learn that I'd probably been legally drunk every time I'd made one of those "I'm only driving because I am out of liquor" trip to the liquor store, or the "well, it's been a few days, I guess I better eat something" trips to the grocery store or a fast food place. I had honestly thought, like literally believed to be true, "sure I'm drinking an insane amount around the clock but I still sober up when I have to drive or get something done at work". Nope! I had reached the "round-the-clock drinking" stage, which when I watched "Leaving Las Vegas" way back in 1996 seemed so gross and alien that I figured the writer had invented the entire concept to shock his audience. Nope again! People really do drink like that. Alcoholics, you know. Even when they don't want to, even when they barely know they're doing it. Just wake up, roll over, find the bottle, take in as much as you can without vomiting, pass back out for a while. 5 AM? 5 PM? Who can tell? Who cares? It sounds sexier than it really is, if you haven't been there. By the inexplicable grace of God, tomorrow I will pick up a one-year chip and then another one at my home group on Monday. When I get a chip, I usually say "life is weird, man", and I mean that when I say it, but man, life is fuckin' weird.
    10 points
  4. He and G Robinson really had a lot to do with us winning the ‘05 championship. They don’t get enough credit for the toughness they instilled in our soft culture. RIP, Coach.
    8 points
  5. Nothing says you're not crazy like breaking off mid-rant to say "I can't be destroyed"
    8 points
  6. When you're paying $75 million for a coach nobody wants, it's pretty obvious you'll pay $75,000 for a bus nobody wants, too.
    7 points
  7. Nobody up there seems to understand the law except he and his lawyer. Must be terribly frustrating.
    6 points
  8. The rational response to this entire situation should be: 1. Because Trump and his campaign have been caught doing a lot things with the Russians, we as Americans should not be supporting him for re-election. Plus, he’s been caught lying extensively on almost every policy issue, and he’s embarrassing nationally and globally. Those things should be more than enough to withdraw support. But, for whatever reason a bunch of people haven’t. 2. The report was clear that the evidence gathered on conspiracy was not enough to take action on the President. Given this, voters have to be the ones to take action, not the government. Everyone should just accept this until or unless other investigations emerge to take him down. 2. The Mueller report was not clear on obstruction. We should all be waiting for Mueller’s testimony to see if that makes the situation clearer. If it doesn’t, see #1. 3. Given the above, the real question is whether impeachment should be happening. It is not clear cut. On one hand, you can argue that there has been enough evidence listed to justify it. However, the evidence on Trump himself is not a slam dunk. You could squint your way into the viewpoint that his behavior doesn’t warrant impeachment. To move forward now on impeachment can look to many as a politically motivated action, rather than a patriotic action. This is why Pelosi isn’t yet recommending it (plus it would be symbolic only). She’s looking for a real piece of evidence to reference. Mueller testimony might be a candidate. The problem on this board, and with America in general, is that Republicans (conservatives) are not withdrawing their support when they should be, and the Democrats (liberals) are potentially reading too much into the obstruction part of the report and pushing for impeachment prematurely. I don’t understand the Republican viewpoint at all. I’m stunned people continue to get scammed by this con man. I’m a little more sympathetic to the Democrat viewpoint because there is a lot of evidence.
    6 points
  9. The entire concept that a leopard who was twice convicted of tax fraud (amongst roughly another 100 lawsuits he lost), paid out 25 million in another fraud case, had his entire charitable foundation desolved and ordered to relinquish all assets, stands uniquely alone in not releasing his tax returns, publicly brags he pays off politicians, publicly requests a foreign criminal cartel release stolen property, makes Alice In Wonderland claims an investigation 800 former federal prosecutors say contains multiple open and shut obstruction of justice crimes both exonerates him and is total bullshit, an investigation that is sending his campaign manager to prison, his National Security Advisor to prison, and his decade-long lawyer to prison, and who continues to do everything that a guilty man would do at every opportunity, etc, etc, etc.... as if each debate club detail exists in a vacuum with a fresh slate and brand new benefit of the doubt independent of past legally binding convictions... could have conceivably changed his spots in the twighlight of his life absent any motivation to do so, is fucking retarded. You're a moron if you entertain this idea. You're a moron if you pretend to entertain this idea, believing the the power you share with a crying baby on a plane is some special power you possess.
    6 points
  10. Thank God this series is over. Every possible talking point has been beaten to death.
    6 points
  11. I had planned to go to galveston to look for kings and rattlesnakes, but the rain stopped me. Still came up with a few today. Speckled Kingsnake, Yellowbellied Racer and a couple of huge Texas Ratsnakes.
    6 points
  12. Lotta bitter clingers in this thread.
    6 points
  13. Generally speaking, most LP humbuckers are gonna be louder than Fender single coil pickups. I would start by looking at the height that your pickups are set at, which will affect your pickups' volume. In other words, how far away are your pickups from your strings? If the humbuckers on your Epiphone are set low or the pickups on your Fender are set high, that could explain the difference in volume that you're hearing.
    5 points
  14. I can tell by the way he talks he only half listens. You can tell by his interpretations of these orders. The one about school is great. It probably went something like ZS- The school can't keep me from my kids, right? Judge- Well, no, Mr. Smith. The court-- ZS- Thanks judge, I'm outta here. In your face courtney!
    5 points
  15. KD has done more for this university outside of playing one year here than 99.9 % of posters here. He’s also a great teammate and is very involved with the community. They sit here and root for guys like Harden that spend half their weekends at strip clubs but bitch non stop about KD because he joined GS. Funny thing is, given those circumstances 3 years ago, 90% of the board would have done the same. Posters here get pissed because he doesn’t sugar coat anything and calls out the media when they act like little bitches. And bullshit that he’s not on TJ Fords level. I love TJ, but if was guaranteed to be a top 2 pick after his freshman year, he would have left also. Durant has contributed to Texas basketball just as much if it more in other ways. There’s a reason the University promotes him as our main basketball ambassador. He stops by every summer to see the current players and help them out.
    5 points
  16. We have some really stupid basketball fans on here. I mean really stupid. The warriors themselves say Durant carried them. Listen to any of the player interviews. It's not like Steph was disengaged when Durant was playing with them. He just wasn't hitting his shots. Neither was Klay. It's a testament to them that they stepped up with him not being there. And please shut the fuck up about the warriors being better without Durant. He was their finals MVP for their last two championships. Ask Steve Kerr why they rely on Durant so much. It's because he's the best player on the team. Everyone on the team knows this. This is not a situation like OKC where there's tension between Westbrook and Durant about who needs to have the ball in their hands. Steph and company wanted him to join because they know they needed him. They are going to try very hard to get him to re-sign. Also, I'm so tired of hearing the bitching about Durant's success not counting because he's playing with other great players. The dude took OKC to the finals and had them consistently in the finals conversation. He had GS on the ropes 3-1 and no one else on that team helped worth a shit in that series. OKC is also cheap as hell and they have to rely on the draft and cannot get big names to join. Playing with Westbrook is a nightmare. He hogs the ball and plays recklessly. Look at the drop off since Durant left. They are a bottom half playoff team without him. He was never going to win a championship there. I'm not sure why Steph or other players don't get the same criticism. Steph has always had 2 other all star players on his team. Lebron had Wade and Bosh in their prime. He had Kyrie and Love (when he was still an all star caliber player). In today's NBA, you cannot win without other great players. Lebron is still a top two player and look at what he accomplished with shitty players on the lakers. No other players get the criticism Durant gets. The guy is having a historic playoff success and yet we have people here saying the Warriors are better without him...
    5 points
  17. I'm getting to the point where I am going to stop reading this thread. The bitching and whining about the deteriorating quality of season 8 is starting to grind my gears. I still very much enjoy this show. Coming here is starting to compromise my enjoyment. Maybe I'll check back in after it's over.
    5 points
  18. Jesus Christ, you and your "prediction markets". Nobody gives a shit about those markets. He can move the S&P 1% with a morning tweet which probably dominates the "prediction markets" by a factor of a million or more. Come on, man.
    4 points
  19. aggy akbar, mother fuckers
    4 points
  20. 4 points
  21. Any sentient person who reads vol 2 sees the clear case of obstruction. To deny that is to admit one's inability to comprehend the written word. More importantly, the Crusher statement you sympathize with makes the post hoc and irrelevant statement that the accusations were false (as opposed to eventually not proven) and that dishonesty and in fact obstructions are simple tools of the presidency. It's an especially stupid fucking point because Mueller essentially tells the Congress that they need to be the one's to take the baton from here. Hardly something that someone within the galaxy of reporting an exoneration would say.
    4 points
  22. What Pete said. Tomey and Gerg helped change the culture, and Vince sent us thru the fucking the roof the next year. Thank you, Coach Tomey. You were a badass.
    4 points
  23. Cross posted from the fishing thread, but it is hard to beat a flounder caught a couple hours earlier, grilled in camp with butter, lemon and lightly seasoned.
    4 points
  24. Swayze has some mad photography skills.
    4 points
  25. I think about my temporary sponsor while I was in treatment. Everyone was patting me on my back, wishing me well, as I was saying my last goodbyes, I went up to him and he said "you'll be back".... I never took offense to it, i am greatful for him saying such. It has kept me on guard so to speak, every high is followed with an easy does it attitude. A year and five months, I'm grateful that I got to describe to a coworker just how bad off I was tonight. I told him how I just hated it drinking, but couldn't stop, that it just didnt do what it used to for me. I didnt have time to tell him how i was a slave to my body and he's lucky i didnt describe cold Turkey and subsequent alcoholic seizure which i left shit all over the bathroom walls. Anyways, have a good night
    4 points
  26. He obstructed justice, Master Debater. That's a crime. That's impeachable. It's a crime because it hinders/prevents law enforcement from discovering evidence that would convict beyond a reasonable doubt the original potential crime being investigated, moron. Continuing to project your own real or pretend stupidity on everyone else, as if no one else can wrap their head around this concept, in either scenario, is an embarrassment to you.
    4 points
  27. Jimbo must not want a faithful wife, I guess.
    4 points
  28. Shouldn't the front of that train be blurred out?
    4 points
  29. RE: collusion the saying “it’s not what you know but what you can prove” is apropos. Trump asked Russia on live television for help finding the emails. His campaign knew about the Wikileaks ahead of time. His campaign shared internal polling data with the Russians. His campaign including his son met with the Russians With the understanding that they had dirt on Hillary that could hurt her and help Trump’s campaign. While Muller decides he didn’t have enough to prove up charges (a much higher standard) the underlying facts are clear. Trump asked the Russians for help. The Russians offered to help. Trump accepted that help. Hell, Rudy has openly said he is going to Ukraine to try and get info fro the government that would help them against Biden. So for every person clinging to the outcome of the investigation and acting like there was no evidence of anything I must ask, did you agree with the OJ verdict? After all, it’s not about what you know but what you can prove.
    3 points
  30. The thing I like about Karen is how she's been able to sell herself as an insider to the Gomers. This woman doesn't know jack or shit about what went on in the FSU athletic dept while Jimbo was there but the Gomers lap it up.
    3 points
  31. March 1st, 2017: The University of Texas System has killed its controversial proposal for development of a 300-acre campus in Houston, a project pushed by Chancellor Bill McRaven. In a press release, McRaven suggests that debate about the merits of the project had become a distraction from the “extraordinary work underway on the 14 campuses of the UT System.” “I accept full responsibility for the lack of progress on this initiative. I am grateful to the Regents, my system staff and the university presidents for their engagement over the last year,” McRaven said in a memo to Regents’ Chairman Paul Foster. McRaven also recommended to the Board of Regents that the UT System real estate office develop a plan to divest the UT System of the land, which it bought for $215 million. Critics, supporters and McRaven himself have agreed that his biggest mistake was his failure to consult lawmakers before acquiring the land in Houston. McRaven has repeatedly said a full-fledged university in Houston was not in the cards. Rather, he saw it as a venue for the system’s other campuses to have a presence in the state’s largest city for educational opportunities as well as research partnerships with the energy, health care and finance sectors But the University of Houston viewed the initiative as encroaching on its aspirations to become one of the nation’s leading research universities. Two newly appointed members of the nine-member Board of Regents testified at their confirmation hearing last month that they opposed a new campus in Houston. Sen. John Whitmire, D-Houston, also criticized the proposal in a recent Senate hearing. “I believe your style is it’s your way or the highway,” Whitmire said. “In all due respect, I don’t think you give a damn what the Legislature thinks.” That marked the start of an unusually testy exchange: McRaven: “As far as my respect and admiration for this body and elected officials around this country, that is absolutely wrong. I spent 37 years in the military, and I’m not going to tout the uniform, but I swore an oath to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic. I raised my right hand to do that, and I think I did that pretty well for 37 years.” Whitmire: “That’s not the issue this morning.” McRaven: “Sir, you said I do not respect this body.” Whitmire: “That’s my opinion.” McRaven: “I recognize that’s your opinion, and I can tell you that’s not true.” +++ Cougar High getting a game with us? About the same likelihood as aggy. And we should drive the point home. Play a game in Houston every year. Rice at Rice Stadium, then North Texas, SMU, Texas State, UTEP & UTSA all at Reliant.
    3 points
  32. I can’t think of 5 or 6 people that I know period that I would vacation with. I go on vacation to get away from the people I know.
    3 points
  33. Dry aged wagyu ribeyes for the wife’s birthday. They were amazing.
    3 points
  34. At this point, I’d be shocked if Trump did not cheat to beat a child at golf. If you want to predict Trump’s behavior with 100% accuracy, just ask yourself “What would the world’s biggest asshole do in this situation?”
    3 points
  35. 3 points
  36. Shrimp Scampi This one is so fast and easy, yet so so good. Wife and kid rave every time. I say this about a lot of pastas, but this one might truly have the highest ROI ratio from a skill/time needed (almost zero) to great end result standpoint. This was made with some very run-of-the-mill ingredients from a generic local grocery store (small Tom Thumb). Nothing fancy or super fresh and it still turned out amazing. Start with about a pound of shrimp Other ingredients: Minced garlic, chopped onion, chopped basil, lime (and the zest of the lime). Not pictured, butter, olive oil, cheap white wine, salt, fresh pasta, red pepper flakes. Sweat onion and garlic in some olive oil. Add shrimp, basil and salt. Deglaze with about a cup of cheap white wine. Then whisk in a few pats of butter. Once that cooks down a little and makes a nice consistent cream sauce (pictured below), squeeze a whole lemon in and add your fresh pasta. Plate with a sprinkle of fresh basil, fresh lemon zest and red pepper flakes and a drizzle of EVOO to top it off.
    3 points
  37. There is no fucking way I will ever believe that woman ran across a room, through a barrage of gunfire to try and strip a wounded cop of his shotgun. There is just no fucking way that happened, and to expect the public to buy that story is simply absurd. And the double tap at the end of it all is disturbing to say the least. Cops do not have the authority to deal out a death sentence. I hope Acevedo and all the cops involved go down hard on this, but I'm not going to hold my breath.
    3 points
  38. 3 points
  39. It's important to remember that Chip Brown is a fraudulent cocksucker who writes fake stories that have damaged the University of Texas or its football team.
    3 points
  40. Icing is the worst part of cake or cupcakes and they would both be better without it.
    3 points
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