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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/15/2020 in all areas

  1. I'm so sick of twitter saying the claims are "disputed." No, you fucks, they are lies.
    17 points
  2. Will muschamp back to Texas for D coordinator would be sick.
    14 points
  3. You have no frame of reference here, spider2Ybanana. You're like a child who wanders into the middle of a movie.
    14 points
  4. You have to bang the Falwell chick
    12 points
  5. My mom's extended family share a thread on the Line app. Most people share family photos, event get togethers, interesting articles, etc. I'd say only 10% of them are here in the US, but they've taken over the thread with Trump videos, "4 moar years!", pictures of the Million MAGA event, and how democrats are stealing the election. I maybe check it once a week if that much, so it doesn't really bother me. But today I felt like setting something on fire. So for your entertainment... I was gonna post a photo of Trump 2020 Fuck Your Feelings flag, but thought, nah, keep my powder dry for now.
    10 points
  6. I’m exhausted, but she’s basically done... just a few touch ups and a second lamp... then I get to focus on balancing out the left side. Been very thankful to have this as a distraction during COVID, and I’m gonna need a new project to keep me busy, but I think it’s time to settle into the bar and enjoy for a while.
    10 points
  7. fried jalapeno boudin patty, fried egg, white cheddar, jalapeno cheese bread.
    9 points
  8. Harvested this 10 point in Archer county yesterday morning. Grossed 161 and netted 155. I'm including a couple of trail cam pics from last week. Good luck to yall the rest of the year.
    8 points
  9. Guess what I'm worried about is the oligarchy continuing to help collapse medium to small sized businesses while a shrinking middle class on the red and blue team fling poo at each other while the top .01% figure out how to bleed America dry. Trump really is the perfect distraction for the ruling class.
    7 points
  10. I hate to say it, but if we can't get Urban Meyer, then we need to be really careful. There is no point in replacing Tom Herman with another Tom Herman or a Charlie Strong. In my thinking, there is only one man on the list, and his name is Urban Meyer.
    7 points
  11. Why are we indulging this lunatic? He should already be out via congress, due to his tweets over the past 10 days.
    6 points
  12. Passed on a nice 10 that will hopefully mature very well over the next year and took this 8. G2’s measure 10”
    6 points
  13. Fucking this. Unless this guy uses his propaganda machine to undo both Citizens United and climate change denial, he's on the guillotine short-list if revolution breaks out. As a starting point, this fucker should pen an amicus brief explaining exactly how exactly the Kochs have used dark money to fuck democracy and pointing out that Roberts is either a willing accomplice or disqualifyingly naive for his role on the USSC. Until that day, he can fuck all the way off.
    6 points
  14. 6 points
  15. We should be unranked just for losing to that shit football team they call TCU. Embarrassing doesn't even begin to describe it.
    6 points
  16. Bryson shoots 18 over. You know, since it’s par 67 for him.
    6 points
  17. I'd like to see the media tone the histrionics about the fall of democracy down just a bit. It's become abundantly clear that nobody that matters is going to put any force behind changing the election results. Trump has lost, Biden is president-elect, and the very large majority of our citizens accept that including a majority of Republicans. What's left is Trump and an ever-shrinking inner circle flailing and crying and desperately seeking to hold on to the attention they so crave. I'd like to see the media pivot to a more issues-based approach; what does the winding down of the Trump presidency look like and what do Biden's first few months hold? Let's move on. And bonus that a "moving forward" approach will of course piss Trump off bigly.
    6 points
  18. I just want to proudly state, for the record, that two of those prank calls were from me, and two were from my daughter.
    6 points
  19. Aurthur Blank just gave UT 20 million dollars for stuttering research. Buy out money is in place
    5 points
  20. What a fuggin relief. The fear now is that somehow Bozo hangs on and becomes the new HBC. Imo we need to clean house and start over. Not have a 5th year senior with one good leg that continually misses coverage reads and averages more int's than TD's as the season progresses. My opinion is we sell out hard for Napier. Like fucking real hard.
    5 points
  21. Junior is such a dumb, rat faced fuck. I think SNL got the dumb one wrong in all their skits.
    5 points
  22. In a lot of ways amassing great wealth and then dissipating it on politics is pretty disgusting, no matter which "side" you're on. Find something better to do with your money. Politics is important, yes, but in a personal involvement and consciousness way, not a blow a load of money that could have gone to innumerable good causes way.
    5 points
  23. over 3ft mountain snow the last 72 hrs, so we took a schuss down a clear cut today looking across at the base of MtHood
    5 points
  24. Why is she posing with Shredder?
    5 points
  25. It’s why I wish we had a playoff system that wasn’t a beauty contest. You win your conference you go to playoffs. The runner up in the conference gets a bowl game. That’s it. No one else gets to play in shit. I recognize it’s not a popular opinion. IDGAF!
    5 points
  26. Good to meet another Falcons fan on this board.
    5 points
  27. I have voted against her both times shes come up for reelection specifically because of her vote to kick out Uber & Lyft under the bullshit guise of protecting Austin from the hordes of Uber/Lyft drivers raping every time they took on a female passenger. Of course the fact that the guy who owned Yellow Cab had donated $5k to all 7 of the Council members who voted to kick them out is TOTALLY cooincidental-amirite? That 20 month time frame where we lost the ability to use those 2 companies there was a noticable uptick in the number of DUI arrests in this fucking city.... She and the rest of those clowns were happy to put $5k in their reelection coffers, while increasing DUI revenue for the city, and inconvienceing a shitload of folks just so they could say they had stood up to the Silicon Valley billionaires Plus she's a repeater mouthpiece for whoever happens to be sitting in the mayor's seat. votes with the Mayor in lockstep, never thinking for her constituents instead. but somehow this fucking district 7 electorate keeps reupping her at a fucking 67% rate.
    5 points
  28. 5 points
  29. No person is more single handedly responsible for the continued existence of climate denial. Millions will unnecessarily die and suffer because of him.
    5 points
  30. On the boat and it's cold, so instead of a steak or something similar, it's hamburger helper, college football, and vodka tonic. I ate a kale salad before this to try to grease the skids after eating this and drinking a lot.
    5 points
  31. I bet pretty much everyone in Q Anon feels like they can't understand how regular Muslims can get radicalized into becoming terrorists. But the same thing is happening to them.
    5 points
  32. There was a party that spontaneously occurred in my garage/alley last Saturday after the election got called. Somehow the garage door ended up crooked, with bent spars and a spring broken. It to be rebuilt and rehung the next day- new rails, new spars, brackets, everything except the panels and the door itself. Cost me over a grand, which pales in comparison to the market value of the bourbon and champagne that was consumed. Everybody wore masks though. Worth it!
    5 points
  33. It was good to meet Owlvis. He has an impressive Houston sports memorabilia collection /no homo. I hope that the Wii helps him out in his recovery and I hope he continues to improve. After spending just that short amount of time with him, I have no doubts he will continue to kick this strokes ass!
    5 points
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