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  1. today was awful (particularly because it was a carbon fucking copy of last week - just against a much shittier opponent) but we're never going to get anywhere if we keep changing coaches every 3-4 years.
    30 points
  2. 16 points
  3. No. This is exactly what he's always been as a head coach.
    14 points
  4. It's always great when the football board retards grace us with their presence.
    13 points
  5. Go peddle your freak show someplace else fucking Collin Robinson
    13 points
  6. Damn, I am a hardcore Texas fan, but calling a recovering alcoholic Drunken Steve seems a little much. Fuck this shit. Texas football will survive and Steve will have success at Texas.
    12 points
  7. 7 games into a tenure and already people want to write him off. This is why people hate Texas, our fans are either ignorant blowhards or oblivious dilettantes 0 in between.
    11 points
  8. Anyone birching about Carlos’ celebration can go fuck themselves.
    11 points
  9. a few minutes to go down one with the ball needing a field goal to take the lead and Dicker on the sidelines practicing his punting is the most accurate description there could possibly be.
    10 points
  10. First home game in a long ass time. Let’s kick their fucking asses and show out on the biggest recruiting day of the year.
    10 points
  11. 13 posts on 1 page. Please defend….it’s not the post. If you want to talk about the game, please go to the football board, not the recruiting thread. It’s a venue issue, not a content issue - for this post anyway.
    9 points
  12. Can we kill this thread? Coaches in their first year at a new school: Saban: LSU, 7-4. Bama, 6-6 Kirby: 7-5 Dabo: 8-4 (was previously on staff too). 6-6 in year 2. Jimbo (Aggy): 8-4 Fickell: 4-8 Franklin: 6-6 Oh, and Texas was 95th in the nation this year in returning production. I'm not saying Sark will be the guy. I'm saying it's way too soon to know. In fact, we just had two close losses to top 15 teams that we should've won. Glass half empty = we choked, coaches suck. Glass half full = we had both teams on life support and could easily be 6-1. Cultures don't change overnight. Rosters don't change overnight. It takes time. Heck, shore up the OL alone and we probably win both of those games even with all the other shittiness.
    9 points
  13. Headed here in a bit. Just toured the campus with the boy. Very cool campus.
    9 points
  14. Yes, it's classless to celebrate a huge homerun in an ALCS game. No one has ever done that ever, except the Astros. Like sign stealing.
    9 points
    8 points
  16. We started falling off because of shitty/lazy recruiting on OL. Combine that with Colt and Jordan departing in 2009 and Mack Brown deciding he had to switch offensive philosophies because he got unlucky against Saban. Defensive recruiting was actually pretty solid until Manny Diaz trashed that side of the ball in 2012-13. Then we hired Charlie, who was a decent recruiter but an absolute bust of a head coach. Herman came in and benefited from a solid roster in 2018, but he and Orlando tanked our recruiting on BOTH sides of the ball and now we are dealing with the consequences. At this point we need to see what kind of recruiter Sark is before we jump to any conclusions. Stability is what the program needs right now.
    8 points
  17. We’re in the “what anomaly can we find in the college football annals to try and convince ourselves we didn’t make another horrible coaching hire” phase.
    8 points
  18. I never bitch about the refs, but that roughing call was a pile of shit.
    8 points
  19. 8 points
  20. Casey for better or worse is a fuckin grown ass man who deserves a ton of credit.
    8 points
  21. I don't pay $3.50 a month for this. Shut the fuck up you piece of shit.
    7 points
  22. 7 points
  23. This shit is just as bad as the racist shit StassneyHorn was spouting at you before. Give it a rest fuckface.
    7 points
  24. At this point I am ready to hire Matthew McConaughey and just tell him to act like a head coach. I bet his second half adjustments couldn’t be any worse.
    7 points
  25. It would be nice to see a coach come in and coach his team above their talent level like we see other coaches do elsewhere.
    7 points
  26. Negged for started another fucking thread to discuss the same shit. Look at me, look at me!
    7 points
  27. Casey lost us this game. Maybe pin it on Sark for not putting Card in but I don't know. Thompson has been beyond awful today.
    7 points
  28. Y'all serious complaining about Sark not trying to score with 8 seconds on the clock? Plenty of things to complain about but that's not one of them
    7 points
  29. Starting offensive line that drive for the record: LT Karic LG Angilau C Majors RG Conner Rt Kerstetter Lets see if we stay with that lineup
    7 points
  30. I can’t wait to see what we do with 1st and 15 this time
    7 points
  31. I'm just saying, all that unwritten rule stuff about showing up a pitcher goes out the window in the playoffs. Guys get emotional. Soto flexed all over us in the World Series a couple of years ago. Do I like the trend? Not particularly. I'm more a purist, I suppose. But there are guys on every team doing it. Just like sign stealing. I hate to tell you this, but if you think the Astros are some uniquely evil entity, you've been sold a bunch of bullshit. But, by all means, keep it up. Some of our guys seem to feed off of it.
    7 points
  32. Correa just leans into the wrestling heel gimmick all the way these days. If you’re going to be hated anyway, you might as well enjoy it.
    7 points
  33. Cristian Javier was the fucking unsung hero tonight. I hope he has turned a corner with his control because if he can limit the walks, he can be a huge weapon.
    7 points
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