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Zach Smith is a stupid, disgusting piece of shit.

Beau Vine

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In what universe does doing a bunch of blow not make you feel like shit the next day? Are y'all even serious right now?

Stepped on shit makes for a terrible hangover. And more importantly, if you run out of gum, a terrible time getting your gear to work, convincing whoever you’re with that the sun really hasn’t come up, and tacking a comforter over the window is standard operating procedure.
That’s what I’ve heard.
Also, a sport coat with the tag on it doesn’t help either situation.
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1 minute ago, Homesickhorn said:

Stepped on shit makes for a terrible hangover. And more importantly, if you run out of gum, a terrible time getting your gear to work, convincing whoever you’re with that the sun really hasn’t come up, and tacking a comforter over the window is standard operating procedure.
That’s what I’ve heard.
Also, a sport coat with the tag on it doesn’t help either situation.

You must be lost. This isn't a West Virginia board.

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It's funny. I went to a school about as full of it as anywhere in the country. Didn't try it until after I graduated (I have a slight heart condition that made me wary). 
Once I gave it a go I thought - "I get it. But I'm not doing this shit every day."
When they tell you the sooner you pick something up the more likely you are to struggle with it they are 100% right. 
OU sucks
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1 minute ago, MrPhlegm said:

Goodamn, somebody else is up at this god forsaken hour?

I'm up because I had to put the garbage out. Can't put it out the night before because the goddamn bears will rip up your garbage can if you put it out before 5:30. And now I am taking a massive shit.


Insomnia and early work hours are a mofo

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11 hours ago, ztejas said:

In what universe does doing a bunch of blow not make you feel like shit the next day? Are y'all even serious right now?

Only shitty feeling I've gotten is trying to be productive the next day on 2 hours of sleep. Wouldn't really say that's any effect of the stuff itself, but just feeling loopy and lightheaded because of bad sleep deprivation.

Drugs are bad mmmmkayy?? But damn they're fun.

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6 hours ago, Victor Lazlo said:

Goddammit.  I came here looking for another J Smith meltdown and all I get is a bunch of burnt out cokeheads reliving the “glory days”. 


I had a really bad year and started partying. 8 or so months on a pretty bad spiral until finally deciding to clean up about 2 months ago. My liver and wallet are thanking me. I didn't go out too much in my "glory years" and working downtown was starting to get pretty impressionable for me. I'm glad I left that job but its been pretty boring since. #staystrong

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13 hours ago, ButtFumble said:

 my brother and some of the others on his floor in Jester made some good cash when one of the cigarette machines fucked up and would give you cigarettes just for pulling the handle

yea there used to be cigarette machines in Jester

they also knew the trick to get a news paper machine to open without a quarter (you have to twist the door a particular way gently) the route drivers would do that to change out the papers without using a quarter to open it

Ah, the quarter paper.

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1 hour ago, Tired of Lurking said:

"I like coke.

I still snort coke.

I really like snorting coke." - Surly, probably.

"I didn't use the cocaine to get high, I just liked the way it smelled."

Anyone else see Ray Wylie in Dallas last Friday? Looked like a bunch of crusty ol' surlys there.

Oh, sorry for getting this thread off topic. 

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