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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/19/19 in Posts

  1. Tyrion getting to continually keep his job is like Sean Watson always being an OC somewhere
    16 points
  2. He’s in a detention camp right now
    13 points
  3. What in the absolute fuck am I watching ...
    12 points
  4. Can't have it both ways. The left (including myself) has been screaming about the right's inability to see Trump's malfeasance for what it is, regardless of their stand on political and social issues. Now someone has stood up and essentially said "despite the fact that I align with Donald Trump more often than I don't, he is not fit for office and should be impeached". That's exactly what should be happening on that side of the aisle, with EVERYONE.
    12 points
  5. So unborn are innocent, but minor children who are born to poor mothers deserve to starve if their mother can't make enough money. Conservatives could make better arguments about forcing raped women to have children if they first supported actual children. It would go a long way if all these pro life folks were out there arguing for more funding for social services and child welfare instead of trying to gut both. 5 years down the road, you'd call that same raped woman a welfare queen that needs a better job when she can't afford to feed the kid she was forced to have in the first place. And you'd say it is unfortunate that the kid has to pay for the mother's decisions, but it's not your problem. Y'all act like fetuses are more important to y'all than children. Really though, that isn't true either. You don't give a shit about fetuses or children. Both of your stances are about punishing women and about punishing women alone.
    10 points
  6. Did they get video of the locals showering him with flowers and chocolates and hailing him as a liberator? He's the one who is lionized instead of the 7 SEALs on his team who tried within the command structure to stop Gallagher and finally had to go outside the structure which threatened them. I am hesitant to question the actions of a combat soldier. Our president and many of us have decided that seven professionals (again SEALs) appalled by and ashamed of their connection to this war criminal are not the model we want. We want the "badass" who lives our video game fantasies in real life. We're the ones who blow up weddings. We're the ones who don't feel bad about collateral damage because we didn't mean to kill anybody but bad guys (my favorite bit of evidence of how simplistically we view the world. bad guys. wtf?). We trained the death squads. We covered up Abu Ghraib. We backed Saddam until we didn't. We put in the Shah. We put in Pinochet. We backed the Contras. Tell me again about bad guys and good guys. This country is Donald Trump.
    10 points
  7. Hey, that's Icono's fetish!
    10 points
  8. The Daily Mail does that shit constantly. The Daily Mail often rephrases the same basic facts throughout an "article." You must not be familiar with The Daily Mail, because most of their material is repetitive.
    10 points
  9. Well, I lost my Ol' Man last Saturday night. He was a phenomenal guitarist. He had already given us all of the J-45s he owned, but now a couple of more have been added, like Ol' Number One: Ol' Number One was the first guitar my Dad ever bought. It is a 1962 Gibson SJN Country Western Special, square shouldered, Sheryl Crow plays an identical model. He bought it with his first monthly paycheck as a Santa Fe Railroad union machinist. He was 18, and it was $225, a huge amount for that time. In my stupidity, in my college years, I pawned it for my cocaine habit. I was dating Mrs. CHIEF at the time, and luckily she got it out of the pawn shop for me. I would have never forgiven myself if I would have lost it. The second is a 1989 Alvarez Yari. Dad bought it in Graham, Texas from a guy that was a Yari collector, that is all he had in his little guitar shop. He stole this one for $600. I was running O&G title and he went with me, one day, and asked me to pull in. This guitar was the shop owners pride and joy, Brazilian Rosewood back and sides. It is appraised at $3k. He was the best, larger than life, and I will miss him dearly. CHIEF
    10 points
  10. Kraft single, Lebanon bologna, fried bologna, hot capocollo, Whataburger mustard. With a side of Zapps Voodoo.
    9 points
  11. This entire subject is exhausting, especially considering that no one ever discusses penalties for men who fund abortions, or in any way acknowledges that women can't get pregnant on their own when talking about punitive measures. If you still need proof that this isn't really about babies, look no further. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    9 points
  12. Nope. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    9 points
  13. Hey we need a master of coin. He has to be good with money, thrifty, cautious and not prone to wasteful spending. Well, I've got this guy who has on numerous occassions said the only purpose of gold is to buy pussy and wine. When can he start?
    8 points
  14. 8 points
  15. If you think they're pissed about another University starting a vet school, wait until someone else tries to start up a homoerotic CosPlay pseudo-military group with a dog as the highest ranked member
    7 points
  16. Omg the coach of the wealthiest team at the wealthiest athletic department in the country, who is pretty much on schedule in terms of measurable progress in his first two years, got an extension (with no raise). We're clearly raiding Fort Knox for this one. Chill out, it doesn't effect 99.5% of this board, and we all had a lot of fun with 10 wins and pantsing UGA in the Sugar Bowl.
    7 points
  17. Last shot should have been Gendry rowing his ass off trying to catch up to Arya’s ship.
    6 points
  18. Is it murder if a woman decides to terminate because she finds out at 8 weeks gestation that she has stage 3 kidney cancer and treatment to save her life will irreparably harm the baby? What about if she finds out at 19 weeks that the baby has trisomy 18 and might make it to term, but will only live for a few painful minutes after birth, so she decides to induce at 22 weeks to spare the baby and she and her family any more pain and heartache? And yes, I have close friends who dealt with both of those awful situations and fuck anyone who would call either one murder. The decision whether or not to have an abortion is usually the farthest thing from black and white possible, and while we're all allowed different opinions about it, I would love it if people would stop calling it murder. Doing so is unnecessarily inflammatory and makes it difficult to have a reasonable discussion.
    6 points
  19. I was thinking that maybe if we had just thrown Pierce in prison midseason we would be a national seed right now.
    6 points
  20. LIGHT THE FUCKING TOWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    6 points
  21. The pilot error advocates have grown tired of trying to educate rubes on the realities of the planes they fly in, and have acknowledged all along that the whole thing was f’d up. What you can’t get through your thick skull is that correct pilot action likely saves the day. Now feel free to tell me that I don’t know about how aviation unions interact with management groups, and how they use public pronouncements to apply pressure to those bodies. You kindly STFU quick there didn’t you. I can keep talking intelligently about the subject at hand. You can only parrot articles and jump up and down like a trained monkey trying to prove a point you still don’t understand. There was no magic bullet. There seldom is in any accident.
    6 points
  22. 5 points
  23. Well good for you, and next time you're pregnant and facing a high likelihood of death, you can decide whether to get an abortion. No it's not clear cut and easy, and that's the whole point of why these absolute laws are so disgusting. Anyway why is innocence, or lack thereof, a barometer of whether a woman should be forced to gestate? And who is to say that an embryo is more or less innocent than the girl or woman gestating it, and how should that determination have any effect on whether a girl or woman is forced to gestate something she didn't want or ask for? But OK let's assume for a moment that an embryo is innocent and that gives it some special status. We ALL make decisions every day that result in the death of innocent others. One example - organ transplants. Do you know how many innocent people die because they are waiting for organ transplants? Should we force others to provide those organs (at the donors' expense) to those whose deaths are imminent? And yeah I have some personal experience with this type situation and it's not very pretty. It's the most horrible, frustrating feeling to watch someone die in front of your eyes knowing that perfectly good livers, hearts and lungs are being shoved into the ground on a daily basis in the meantime. Why can't someone needing a lung to live just take yours? Let me ask you, why shouldn't an innocent man, woman or child be able to walk into your house and stay there for, oh let's say nine months, if to do otherwise will result in the death of that innocent person? Tell me, what would happen if you discovered someone in your house helping themselves to your food, clothing and money? I don't even think I have to guess. Oh wait, let me guess...that person isn't innocent. They are trespassing. So is the "innocent unborn baby" placed by force or otherwise in the womb of a girl or woman who doesn't want it there. Yeah, maybe she didn't use birth control. Yeah, maybe you accidentally left your door unlocked. Private property is private property, and nothing is so private as the inside and other end of a vagina. We don't force anyone in this country to harbor others, innocent or otherwise, in their personal space against their will. Or at least we didn't used to.
    5 points
  24. That's the thing. None of these are easy decisions, but we allow autonomous human beings to make choices in this country. It's not up to you or me to make such a monumental decision for another person. The decision to terminate a pregnancy within a reasonable period should rest solely with the woman and her doctor --- not some gaping pussy hypocritical legislator.
    5 points
  25. We must not allow a knife blade gap....
    5 points
  26. That’s it. Pull the offer immediately.
    5 points
  27. They know if people have a choice they won’t use aggy vets.
    5 points
  28. I support your decision on this, when it comes to a pregnancy that you're involved in. What I don't support is anyone's right to make that choice for everyone else. This is an intensely personal thing, maybe more than any other decision a woman or a couple can go through. It is simply not the government's job to be involved in it. "But it's a baby, an innocent human being," many will cry. I say that until it can survive outside of the mother's body, no, it is not. It's a collection of cells with the potential to become a person. And so are the sperm and egg cells, but no one seems to care when I fire off a practice round in the shower. You know why? Because they're my swimmers and I can do whatever I want with them. The same goes for the fertilized egg inside the woman's body. I don't care if it's a zygote or a 3 month old fetus with a detectable heartbeat. As long as it's physically dependent on the mother, it's HERS. It's literally inside of her.
    4 points
  29. I'll take "Strawman Arguments" for $1000, Alex.
    4 points
  30. If only Arya was ripping faces off every episode this show would be perfect.
    4 points
  31. Dumb. Your post is bad and you should feel bad.
    4 points
  32. 4 points
  33. On the off chance you really are that stupid and don't understand, and aren't just repeating a convenient and regurgitated talking point, let me illustrate: All pregnancies terminate. Every single one. Ending a pregnancy at nine months gestation does not necessarily mean it has to be done via abortion or that "the baby is killed". Therefore to argue that a woman who no longer wants to be pregnant at nine months gestation is necessarily going to have an abortion is....well, I'm out of adjectives or adverbs or whatever they are to describe that mode of thinking. I'll also point out that there are already laws restricting post-viability abortions. So even if we are all wannabe deranged baby killers, the scenario you keep bringing up can't happen legally. Which of course has nothing to do with the laws being currently passed by these backwards states, but I digress. The embryo/fetus exists inside the woman to the extent the woman allows it to be there. There are myriad reasons AT ALL STAGES OF PREGNANCY why the fetus might need to come out. There are as many reasons why a woman might want or need to end a pregnancy as there are pregnancies. It's a messy, complicated, often heartbreaking decision. But by boiling it down to the notion of a bunch of deranged women wanting to kill their Gerber babies at nine months gestation as a reason to ban virtually all abortions , whether the woman had sex willingly or unwillingly, whether she took precautions or not, you are effectively telling woman that they are no more than baby vessels. Under the laws you propose, the only way a woman can GUARANTEE she remain childless is to not have sex. And based on what I know of the most represented demographic on this site, there aren't a lot of people around here who think that's the way to go. No, it's much simplerto just co-opt a woman's body before and during pregnancy and then let her deal with the results of her sluttiness.
    4 points
  34. Yeah good for Amash on this one thing but he’s a Freedom Caucus fuckstick, has voted with Trump 92% of the time, is anti-choice, anti-LGBTQ, and a bunch of other odious things. Hooray he called out Trump being a criminal because duh but fuck him for everything else he stands for. I’m not getting a lady boner for this dude because literally everything else he believes is abhorrent and he’s using this anti-Trump stance as a grandstand. He’s sniffing the political winds and taking a chance that he’s ahead of the wave. He’s in a gerrymandered as fuck district and he can always start shouting about god, guns, and gays to keep his local nutters on side. In short, fuck Justin Amash.
    4 points
  35. We don't have to agree with him. We just have to agree to let the woman and the doctor make the decision while you go fuck yourself.
    4 points
  36. Maybe if we call them fetuses, Trumpublicans will give a shit.
    4 points
  37. Took my hiking buddy into the wilderness yesterday. 10 mi out and back and climbed 3500'. We didn't realize until after the drive home how hard it kicked both our butts.
    4 points
  38. you guys realize there are people who watch fox news who won't vote for trump, right? anyone sick of the every day bullshit will give candidates a chance (bernie, pete, possibly even biden, because olds watch fox). anyone who spends every day eating the bullshit - well, it doesn't really matter who does or doesn't appear on their air. fox gets big ratings. basically what cnn and msnbc get combined. you can't expect to win the presidency and support the free press and openly ignore fox news just to prove a point - no matter how accurate the point may be. that's trump-style nonsense. i love warren, but her move was a stunt at best, a mistake at worst. blowing off fox because you don't want to help their advertising is like blowing off the nfl because you think it's too violent. fox won't miss warren, but some of their viewers could've learned something by her appearing. there hasn't been an interview yet that pete couldn't handle. tomorrow i expect will be no different.
    4 points
  39. Pretty incredible update from OB. Hope to god it works out.
    4 points
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