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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/21/19 in Posts

  1. I guess this is a mixed bag. On the one hand, that’s pretty cool for ol’Francisco. On the other hand, he had a chance to just veer into Satan and remove him from everyone else’s equations and he failed on that front.
    21 points
  2. Evans is a true Georgia bulldog. Showing before he even hits campus his ability to “not want to be there” for those big games.
    18 points
  3. All praise be to Bijan....for all the shit he's deservedly gotten, Herman was absolutely right about this one.
    15 points
  4. 90% of surly would love to drink and shoot the shit w Barry. Can’t say that about Mack, Herman, or Osborne.
    12 points
  5. Until we stand up for ourselves and stop letting the fascists get away with making the terms 'liberal' or 'leftist' have supposed evil connotations, this shit isn't going to get better. Liberal is not only not a bad word, it's a fucking badge of honor these days. Leftist, meaning someone who leans left is also nothing to be ashamed of. Call me a bleeding heart liberal / leftist all day long. Makes no shit to me because it's true and I'm fucking proud of the fact I don't endorse treason, robbing the poor to pay the rich and other shitty political tactics.
    12 points
  6. 12 points
  7. Suspended for the first half of next year's season opener.
    11 points
  8. “Barry, can you put your head under the car and look to see if the jack is in the right place?”
    9 points
  9. Jesus fuck will you losers stop talking about when you went to school.
    8 points
  10. 8 points
  11. Goddamn I hate the football board
    8 points
  12. Like ESPN needed more reason to suck that SEC dick
    8 points
  13. Who’s dick is Gary Danielson going to suck now?
    8 points
  14. 7 points
  15. 7 points
  16. “I swear these cookies are taking forever to cook!” ”that’s because you preheated the bottom oven, and put the cookies in the top oven...”
    7 points
  17. You'd have a harder time finding something not crooked on Switzer.
    6 points
  18. Must be a Big 12 official.
    5 points
  19. That's code for "my grandson is way too old to be driving but no one has the balls to take his keys away."
    5 points
  20. Pulled the trigger on a 2020 AT4 1500 Sierra with the turbo diesel. Got 500 miles out of my first tank in shitty Dallas traffic. Just got a 2” leveling kit to take out that horrible rake and put a bakflip tonneau cover on which are the only mods I plan on doing. This thing is a blast to drive.
    5 points
  21. 5 points
  22. and somehow she's hotter now than she was then
    5 points
  23. We have not yet begun to defile ourselves
    5 points
  24. You know, at the bare bones level, if the popular vote isn't a landslide against the dotard, that just tells me that this is what a huge swathe of America wants. Let's take away any sense of "policies" this admin has or may enact. Just focus on the buffoonish outer layer that this president projects. His abject idiocy and infantile behavior. That's what millions, literally MILLIONS, of people are saying they want America to be. It's astonishing.
    5 points
  25. After reading the last two pages, I have cancer now. Fuck all of you.
    5 points
  26. I see ESPN finally decided to spend all of their LHN profits.
    5 points
  27. I'm not sure if you are aware, but it's been proven over the last few years that ESPN is run by a bunch of morons.
    5 points
  28. When I got home today my wife says “I want you to open one of your Christmas presents early so you can enjoy it over the holiday”
    5 points
  29. Only one side is out there constantly saying deplorable shit. This week the president said a WW2 vet was in hell because his widow didn’t suck his orange pecker. He says similar shit all the time.
    4 points
  30. This post gave aids. Does she also have aids?
    4 points
  31. I may have had the best student football experience of any of you fuckers - '61 to '64. Won 40 games, one tie and just 3 losses, one NC and close to two more. Yeah, the 30 consecutive-win Slick Street years were pretty damn good, but... I think we had a better run in my undergrad days. Slick and his gang had the Wishbone, but we had the Flip-flop with players switching from Left-Right to Strong-Weak positions... that is, the tackles and guards were strong-side/weak-side rather than left/right, so the formations could be flipped to put strength to left or right and also wide or short as needed. EDIT: Some good stuff here - https://www.texaslsn.org/football-dkr-1957-1967-always-adding-content
    4 points
  32. 4 points
  33. Dodging the Evans/George rodeo by getting Bijan was the best part of this recruiting class. Broughton and "classic Jimbo" was a distant second.
    4 points
  34. I'm reestablishing myself right now because my two main guys moved on and I was sick for most of the year, but in general I spend about $300-$500/mo, mostly on wine and gin. I'll repeat something I've observed elsewhere - most liquor store managers are tired of talking bourbon with bourbon chasers, particularly BT honks. They are sick to death of talking about chase bottles and having their inventory cherry picked. It's good to spend money and come in the store a lot, but that's ante, because anybody with money can spend it. If the goal is to buy WLW and GTS and W12 handles for MSRP, a good place to start is by thinking about how you establish yourself as a truly valuable customer and realize that you will always get outspent by dumb money. So whereas i do stop by a number of places just to see if I can get lucky I focus my spending on a couple of smallish non-flagship outlets of midsize chains. They are big enough companies to get the good stuff, but the stores are small enough that I can get on a first name basis with everyone at the store. 1) I might talk about what I think about bourbon, but I ask for recommendations on scotch, gin and wine. That makes me more interesting and gives the people at the store an opportunity to show off their acquired knowledge. 2) I buy what's recommended and I give a lot of feedback, and eventually the people at the store come to value my perspective and eventually start asking me about what I think. 3) When a good recommendation comes from a regular employee, I talk up their recommendations to the manager. 4) When I talk bourbon, I talk about bourbons I haven't tried and then mention the ones that I haven't been able to get, but I really want. 5) I make sure they know that I drink what I buy.
    4 points
  35. 4 points
  36. Sleeping with Jennifer Lawrence would be a pleasant surprise too. Not for her.
    4 points
  37. It’s 12:58 and Baylor is a bunch of POS rapists
    4 points
  38. Kudos to the 76ers for accepting their loss like men and not wasting 15 minutes of everyone’s time with a pointless comeback like the Milwaukee bucks.
    4 points
  39. Just like the trolls do to us normal posters on this board, anyone who opposes trump, even the Christianity Times, they label a “leftist” for daring to cross the cult of trump. When in fact the people who oppose trump are simply normal Americans, including many former republicans, who don’t tolerate a complete shitbag as president while the people who do support trump, are willing to let the country go to complete hell because they are ignorant morons and support the biggest piece of shit to ever walk the planet. Its an ignorant, murderous, dangerous cult. Trump is simply a modern version of Charlie Manson. It must be stopped. And its the entire GOP now. Anyone who doesn’t fall in line, like Amash, is expelled.
    4 points
  40. You should be banned from starting threads because all you do is post lies, falsehoods and stupid shit. You can post but no staring bad threads You and Parliament should Thelma and Louise it together.
    4 points
  41. DFW Goody’s did theirs. I got called yesterday. The pappys were gone, but I would’ve traded any of those anyways. I’m extremely happy.
    4 points
  42. You see, there are always going to be individuals who make childish remarks about someone's appearance or mannerisms. On the "left", these individuals are message board posters or anonymous tweeters. On the "right", they are in leadership positions, both in the government and in the media. This has been the case since right wing media attacked a child, Chelsea Clinton, over her appearance. The "left" has a few bad apples that fell off the tree. The "right's" tree generates nothing but bad apples. The right wing tree is rotten to its roots and planted in toxic soil.
    4 points
  43. As anyone with half a brain saw coming, Donald Trump is the worst President in the history of our country. He is an absolute despicable human being. Truly vile in every way without a single redeeming quality. A treasonous traitor that has blackened this country for his own benefit. I hope he dies a lonely, painful death.
    4 points
  44. My thermos. In the winter, it keeps my coffee hot. In the summer, my tea stays cold. Question is: how does it know?
    4 points
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