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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/20/2020 in Posts

  1. I want to hear the announcers talking about Herman and Aranda being bros - just as Texas goes 2-minute hurry up offense while up 40 in the middle of the 3rd quarter. A shot of Fedora yelling at Wickline would be a bonus.
    17 points
  2. 3adays: I’d like to go to Vegas with the boys 3adays wife: okay 3adays: *loses life savings, gets arrested, fucks a stripper* ... three years later... 3adays: I’d like to go to Vegas with the boys 3adays wife: nah 3adays: omg but three years ago you said you didn’t have a problem with it?!?!
    16 points
  3. I'm not a racist but those blacks really need to appreciate what the whites have allowed then to do more
    14 points
  4. The details of my life are quite inconsequential.... My father was a relentlessly self-improving boulangerie owner from Belgium with low-grade narcolepsy.... My mother was a 15-year-old French prostitute named Chloé with webbed feet. My father would womanize; he would drink; he would make outrageous claims like he invented the question mark. Sometime, he would accuse chestnuts of being lazy, the sort of general malaise that only the genius possess and the insane lament.
    13 points
  5. Can anyone point me to the Hurricane thread?
    12 points
  6. I would like to see Texas just shitpump Tech and not let up until 00:00 is left on the clock. Nothing against Tech, I just want Texas to send a message. No more country club, milquetoast, "nice guy" BS. "Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war" and so on.
    11 points
  7. Look, I’m not going to kink shame, Every one has an itch. But sitting in your Mom’s basement masturbating to getting group banned from a board you’ve been active on for years defending *checks notes* Mitch McConnell is......Something.
    11 points
  8. Think of yourself, but add reason and accountability.
    10 points
  9. Made my first political donation ever to Biden a few weeks ago. Now, just threw some money at Harrison, Greenfield, Gideon, and Cunningham. Don’t have as much disposable income as we used to thanks to Covid zapping my wife’s job, but fuck it. Ready to burn this motherfucker down.
    10 points
  10. Not much to tell. I was one of the authors of the Port Huron Statement. The original Port Huron Statement, not the abridged second draft. Then I... you ever hear of the Seattle Seven? That was me. And there were six other guys. Then the music business briefly. Roadie for Metallica. Speed of sound tour. Bunch of assholes. Then uh, you know. Little of this, little of that. My careers slowed down a little lately. The usual, bowl, drive around, occasional acid flashback.
    9 points
  11. But he’s really not....if you gave the average American moron a shitload of money and inexplicable “prestige,” they’d do exactly what he’s done with it: live in gaudy, gold-plated horror shows, fuck skanks, and brag constantly, all while remaining racist morons. Trump is what you get when you make a cruel, selfish moron “rich.” So, he IS America.
    9 points
  12. yeah...but those are all quotes from 2016. see, what you have to understand is, they are fucking hypocrits.
    9 points
  13. This is what Dems have to understand and act on. The rules are gone. If you continue to pretend there are rules, you will lose. You have to play this dirty game. There is no getting around it without losing. Bill Maher has been saying this for years and it turns out he is 100% right. It doesn't feel good, but it's the only way forward. Destroy them. Destroy them all.
    9 points
  14. Well. Just helped organize a protest/pussy hat sit in to take place next week at all of Senator Richard Shelby’s Alabama offices. We already have over 6,500 RSVPs to the Facebook group in just over 24 hours. Women of all ages adored RBG. These crusty old white men in the senate are going to be very surprised. I think they assume the average voter can’t even name a Supreme Court justice. RBG is the exception - especially for white educated suburban women. Hold on to your penis pump, Senator Shelby. We coming.
    9 points
  15. Ask and you shall receive.
    9 points
  16. My time finally came last Friday AM. I have survived around a dozen, give or take 1-2, since ‘08. I was consulting for a project set to go in ‘22, but with all the uncertainty, it sounds like they’ve pretty much stalled the project. Our Q4 had already been approved, and Q1 was looking iffy, until it wasn’t I guess. I’ve been blessed in the fact I haven’t had an unpaid day since the week I graduated, always left on Friday and started new gig on Monday, so I was struggling a bit with that. Got a call Weds asking if I was able to travel immediately to clean up a project, so here I am, in a hotel across the country. Didn’t even call the wife, just said yes. I know too many good folks that have been out for far too long and I didn’t want to take that chance. Took a little haircut, but still able to run contract for the moment, which is nice. Actually able to bill both a bit until my handover is complete. Think there’s a place for me here after the project, it’s out of O&G proper, but supports the industry at times. (real) Thoughts and Prayers to those that are out of work right now.
    8 points
  17. I live in the Fifth and West Building on 5th Street on the 11th floor. My name is Neonmoon. I believe in taking care of myself, and a balanced diet and a rigorous exercise routine. In the morning, if my face is a little puffy, I’ll put on an ice pack while doing my stomach crunches. I can do a thousand now. After I remove the ice pack I use a deep pore cleanser lotion. In the shower I use a water activated gel cleanser, then a honey almond body scrub, and on the face an exfoliating gel scrub. Then I apply an herb-mint facial masque which I leave on for 10 minutes while I prepare the rest of my routine. I always use an after shave lotion with little or no alcohol, because alcohol dries your face out and makes you look older. Then moisturizer, then an anti-aging eye balm followed by a final moisturizing protective lotion. There is an idea of a Neonmoon. Some kind of abstraction. But there is no real me. Only an entity. Something illusory. And though I can hide my cold gaze, and you can shake my hand and feel flesh gripping yours, and maybe you can even sense our lifestyles are probably comparable, I simply am not there.
    8 points
  18. And I'm going to spend the weekend convincing the Kansas lottery office that I really intended to pick the winning numbers last night, but just didn't get to the store to buy the ticket.
    8 points
  19. Are you talking about someone in particular or making blanket assumptions? Fozzz is a terrible poster regardless of his political beliefs, which we don't know because he's never made a single post arguing for what he believes in, just 6,000+ vague posts shitting on others.
    8 points
  20. Sick fucks need an intervention. Tough love. I have no issue with friends and family being told they are part of the Trump Voter Venn Diagram. They are: 1) Deplorable racist, nativist, homophobic pieces of shit haters, and or; 2) Dumb as a bag of hammers, and or; 3) Gullible, turnip truck falling off naive to the umpteenth power rubes, and or; 4) Single minded partisans who do not care two shits for facts or logic or an absence if hypocrisy, so long as their Trump/GOP team wins and libtards lose, and or; 5) Folks who go to work, raise kids, follow sports and who ‘don’t like politics’, and know what they know from watching Fox or listening to Rush on the way home... people who could not tell you the names of cabinet members or Supreme Court Justices or the top stories on Politico - but who can give you the minutia of this season’s Dancing With the Stars episodes. That is the Trump world. Obviously, the Venn Diagrams can be linked with more than one category.
    8 points
  21. Before you call everyone an idiot for disagreeing with your viewpoints, you should do a little research, on the “overwhelming science”. Masks are useful for some situations to help prevent spread of the disease, if that’s the goal. There is also the “overwhelming science” of herd immunity, which has helped in control and even elimination of serious viral illnesses. Are you a “herd immunity denier?” Or “anti-herder”. Ad hominem attacks don’t strengthen your position. There have been examples of successful strategies utilizing strict lockdown controls ( New Zealand, South Korea) and full opposite , (Sweden, South Dakota.) The best strategy will likely take a lot of time to unravel. Using masks around susceptible/ vulnerable populations appears to be useful, but allowing the development of herd immunity in the rest of the population also can control the disease. I wish people who use “science “in their arguments would use all science, not just those elements that serve their position or allow them to attack opposing views.
    8 points
  22. BTW, you will always see a clockwise flow of clouds that seems kind of weird. This is somewhat fascinating. The reason is... because aloft, a hurricane is actually a high pressure system. Yep, that's right. The kind that gives us sunny clear days. What gives? Well, hurricanes funnel air in and force it downward, and that air sinks around the eye. This is why the eye is clear and calm. The pressure aloft is much higher than the rest of the storm, so no clouds can form.. Sinking air prohibits cloud formation. But that cylinder of air in the eye remains warm (it gets sun) and therefore the air stays warm up to the top (around 10 miles). The surrounding air is cooler so it continues to spiral counterclockwise. But when that air is forced up and outward above the hurricane, it cools, and spirals clockwise because the high pressure in the eye cylinder forces it to. So this is why when you look at animation of a hurricane you see clouds going in opposite directions. Warmer air gets pushed aloft, cools, but spirals outward, and eventually clouds form when the air gets far enough away from the high pressure high over the eye - this is why often you'll see those counterclockwise clouds way out at the edges. Meanwhile, the storm below it does its counterclockwise thing. These things are very complex.
    7 points
  23. Moderately successful and moderately kind. I try to be more of both. What are you like? Do you revel in intentional ignorance in real life or do you save it for the board?
    7 points
  24. I'm an Aries. I like hiking, keeping it real and not burning my own furniture.
    7 points
  25. If the GOP hadn't pulled what they did in 2016, I think this appointment might (key word being might) be less acrimonious. On the RBG front, for many women like myself who are in positions of seniority in largely male dominated industries/careers, she is an inspiration. She fought the fight she did so that her children, and the generations after, could make their own path without antiquated views on sex/gender hampering them. We still have more to go on equal pay and equal representation in the boardrooms and halls of power, and I hope we can continue with the same spirit and decorum that RBG exhibited during her life.
    7 points
  26. “I’ve never been a racist, but my gut level reaction is to be racist”
    7 points
  27. I want a close up of Fat Gare sweating a river with a 50 spot on the screen below his doughface.
    7 points
  28. There was never any such “rule.” That was made up bullshit that was convenient for them to invoke when their boy wasn’t in the White House. Now? They can’t wait to nominate someone to replace RBG...even though the SCOTUS isn’t in session and a bunch of those GOP senators are out campaigning for the very seats they seek to retain in order to make such nominations. Anyways, a “rule” implies a principle. They have none. Over the last 40 years they have worked so tirelessly to pander to the religious right while whoring themselves to the very wealthiest Americans that, in the process, they’ve become totally stripped of pride. Too much pride, of course, is a bad thing but there’s such thing as too little and it’s just as bad. In losing pride, you lose two other things: honor and shame. One thing we can surely say about this lot of cretinous buffoons that call themselves “the Republicans”: they have no honor, and they have no shame.
    7 points
  29. Here lies fozz. A bigger POS there never was.
    6 points
  30. This guy is a straight shooter with management potential.
    6 points
  31. Tab? I can't give you a tab unless you order something.
    6 points
  32. He became a hero to them because he was the leader of the racist Birther movement and gave them a hook to hate Obama besides the fact that he was black, because that is why they hated him. He was a black man more successful than them. Couldn’t abide that. Trump and Putin exploited the never resolved racial divisions in this country and made trump, a bankrupt liberal New Yorker a hero to the white evangelicals because he gave them an excuse to oppose Obama Not because was black. Oh no! But because he was actually born in Kenya! It was brilliant and it worked because this country is chalk full of ignorant rubes thanks to our shitty education system. Now it’s a cult movement that can’t be rationalized with and needs to be destroyed.
    6 points
  33. If she loses, it's because she's in a blue state, and more importantly, Trump dragged her down. This was a woman who won with 68% of the vote just 6 years ago, and thanks to Trump, she's got a decent chance of losing Yeah, it’s a shame she had to make decisions against her will because of trump. If only she could have done something different. I guess spines don’t just grow on trees.
    6 points
  34. If you are in blue states, call your rep and tell them “if the GOP does this, get rid of the filibuster and pack the court. If you don’t, I will actively support your primary opponent.”
    6 points
  35. Kenyon Green is now getting some run at Center??
    6 points
  36. Would be fun to drive down, get ready, hop out of the car, run up to this group of women, say "Hi, I'm from the internet, we just wanted to tell you that, unlike these other women, your husband actually cares about you, and you should probably keep an extremely close eye on the weather so that you don't get stranded", run back to the car, put my clothes back on, and head back to Austin.
    6 points
  37. There was only 1 butcher at SMU and he killed 5 hookers.
    6 points
  38. And you could have “fixed the cable” while you were there.
    6 points
  39. Crazy tough week for the Huckleberry family. Oldest child has been in the hospital since Tuesday night (relapse of chronic condition). Our team had lost a game earlier that evening to move to 1-1 on the season. Things went real shitty at the hospital and we had to eventually demand a transfer back to the first hospital when the second one sucked. Daughter was Life Flighted from the first to the second, then rode an ambulance back. But things were slowly getting better back at the first hospital. Then had a game this morning. We won, highlight of the game for us was my boy coming up with the bases loaded in the second inning and hitting the very tip top of the fence. It bounced almost straight up...but barely back in the field of play. Ha. Frustrating to say the least. But it cleared the bases, we won the game, he got to tell the story to his mom and sister in the hospital and it made everyone smile. Good stuff. Now we have a week of canceled practices and games I'm sure due to Beta.
    6 points
  40. Kudos for you to recognizing your past misjudgments of political affiliation. I grew up lower middle class in a single parent home in the Montrose area of Houston during the height of the AIDS epidemic and watched my mother watch three of her close friends die of the disease while the Reagan administration did nothing except stoke homophobia in the American public. I moved to Austin to attend UT in the late 80's/early 90's, voted for Dukakis as a freshman in '88 living in a frat-infested Goodall Wooten, and was Another Man for Ann in her campaign against Clayton Williams. I have never supported Republicans in Texas and doubt I ever will because I saw them as the party of the privileged few and not the party of the common Jane. I proudly voted for Gore and Hillary and supported Hillary over Obama in the primary wars of 2008 because I believed she was best qualified to lead the fight for health care reform. I'm glad you've seen the light, but I always believed in the general principles of the Democratic Party and saw the glaringly obvious con game of trickle down bullshit the God, Guns, and Guts racists, xenophobes, and homophobes in the GOP sold its supporters. In twenty years time the GOP has given us the two worst presidents in modern American history, both of whom lost the popular vote. They deprived two strong candidates and morally decent human beings from becoming president in favor of a cabal of war criminals and a man in Donald J Trump who represents the apex of Nixonian and Reaganism run amok. /rant
    6 points
  41. In fairness, both students graduate from an ash heap
    6 points
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