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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/21/22 in Posts

  1. My BIL is a surgeon (did a tour in Iraq). Left yesterday for 2 weeks to volunteer his services in Ukraine. I like my BIL, and I worry about him. Keep him in your thoughts
    35 points
  2. Another WR amirite @Rockethorn1978, he’s probably using a wind aided time amirite @6th Street, no amount of speed will help with our shit O-line amirite @JFKFC. Did I miss anybody? Haha
    16 points
  3. I had forgotten about "Replacement Theory" until a bunch of people with Slavic and Italian names started going on about it.
    15 points
  4. Sounds like a good time to visit a strip club.
    15 points
  5. The New York Times goes Chamberlain: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nytimes.com/2022/05/19/opinion/america-ukraine-war-support.amp.html This is duplicitous language. There is an argument here but the NYT does not want to make it. They need to outline what the “difficult decision” is. “Ukraine should give up more of its territory and surrender its citizens to Russian occupiers who will torture and murder them.” And what kind of “relationship” with Russia does the NYT propose? “Vladimir Putin was right. His poor, frozen, oppressed nation can simply wait out democracies. It’s time to admit his strategy of sparking a food and energy crisis is a good one and it’s the way for him to get what he wants, now and in the future.”
    14 points
  6. 13 points
  7. if you can turn a wrench, (GO ON…) work safe in shitty conditions, (OK…) willing to to be on the road, (I’M LISTENING) and pass a drug test.
    12 points
  8. Quinn will definitely throw more interceptions than Card because Quinn will be playing.
    11 points
  9. I’ve never been a member of any political party, but if I find the majority of my views aligned with a party that embraces fascists, I’m going to disassociate myself from that party, even if it means aligning with another party that I have significant disagreements with on big issues, until that party purges the fascists.
    11 points
  10. That should tell you something about conservatism.
    11 points
  11. What a bunch of nonsense. Civilized societies have safety nets for the least among them. Those cost money, generally speaking, and someone has to pay for it. So yeah, cut them a check forever. Or let them starve. As a recoveing consservative, I am well aware that people abuse social programs because they're shitty and lazy. And social program have a potential for creating discincentives to work. That's a problem. But it's not a problem solved by eliminating the social program altogether so we can lower taxes on those that can easily afford to pay them. Furthermore, the economy is such that just "putting people to work" doesn't insure even subsistence level existence. So that's its own disincentive and that is frankly more troubling than any aspect of any social program.
    11 points
  12. Win or lose, people will still make jokes about aggy.
    10 points
  13. Hold on a sec, did Mr. Bootstraps grow up in a 2 parent household, one of which was a doctor? The same person who thinks people are only not successful in life because they're lazy?
    10 points
  14. Let us know if he needs supplies or funding that surly can back as a group.
    9 points
  15. The parents, coaches and league officials that allow that shit should be punched in the fucking mouf.
    9 points
  16. I should lay out why I think pushing or even making a “negotiated settlement” is inadvisable for us and the West strategically. - Food security and energy blackmail will be a demonstrated, proven weapon in Putin’s arsenal. We would need to expect that it will be deployed early and often in subsequent clashes as Putin will ALWAYS use weapons he believes works. It is far better to absorb the pain now and build systems that are not subject to Russian manipulation, THEN negotiate. - If we give the green light to push for concessions, wavering Allies in Europe will go further. They will seek to ease rising inflation by blaming Ukraine for not conceding enough. And they will use Ukraine’s failure to negotiate quickly enough as an excuse to unwind pressure on Russia. This is as much an exercise in keeping Europeans focused as it is an exercise in pressing Russia. It needs to be publicly unthinkable for responsible European leaders to suggest that Ukraine concede because the next logical step is “and if they don’t, they’re being unreasonable and we are justified in dealing with Russia.” - There is no reason to believe Putin would accept a negotiated settlement as a win he is satisfied with even in the short term. He failed in his primary aims and we should expect him to revisit those in the near future. The Russian experience in Chechnya is illustrative, the Russians got mauled in the first war, negotiated a settlement no one was happy with, then came back with a vengeance under Putin. Any agreement with Putin should be viewed as a pause in the war and it it’s conclusion. - Ukrainians do not want to surrender or concede and doing so will be a heavy blow for democratic governance in that nation. Whoever signs away Ukrainian land will be disgraced and whomever comes next a likely demagogue, irresponsible populist with a bone to pick with the West. We need to get it through our heads that selling out our friends to placate our enemies usually blows up in our faces.
    9 points
  17. Woke up hungover as hell and wanted chilaquilles. Made fajitas last night so used leftover tortillas and salsa, randomly found a can of refried beans in the pantry so it was perfect actually.
    8 points
  18. This. If I were a true "conservative", I would think I would have ZERO issue voting with the Ds until the GOP is obliterated or purged of the complete shit show nazi clowns that have overtaken it. Yes, I would probably disagree with most policies the Ds put forward, but at least none of those policies lead to an authoritarian destruction of our entire system of government and way of life. I'm pretty sure many on this board are of this ilk.
    8 points
  19. Wiltfong says Arch will OV to Georgia the first weekend in June, followed by Bama' the following weekend, and Texas the next.
    8 points
  20. I just know that I’m not going to look at my retirement account balance until at least 2024.
    8 points
  21. That was the same year Ricky ran all over them on the way to the Heisman.
    8 points
  22. One day a gunman could enter a school and murder fattys grandkids, and he will blame the libs for not being tougher on crime It will be another tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury signifying nothing
    7 points
  23. Where is this better life handed to people by the government? It’s fucking hard to be broke and starting over. Being on unemployment and food stamps isn’t being handed a better life - it’s barely scraping by. Never mind that people end up in fucked up situations through no fault of their own. I guess that never happens in your view of the world. All people on assisted living are lazy… [emoji849]
    7 points
  24. 7 points
  25. 118 Surly posters could move there and run that county. Loving County….home of the County’s largest combination gun store/shooting range/titty bar/bbq restaurant/and THC dispensary. Fuck you Wall Drugs! Bow before the new overlord
    7 points
  26. Today I learned that LiveJournal was still around. https://bmpd.livejournal.com/4528979.html
    7 points
  27. So you were brought up in a two-parent household (one of which is a doctor), but grew up near poor people, so you think you’ve earned some sort of “bootstraps” designation? Good grief, the untalented and entitled offspring of upper-middle class people will be the death of us all.
    7 points
  28. Todd has had a nice conference season. He battles at the plate. His AB before the Skyler slam was the turning point of the game.
    6 points
  29. Spurrier off the top rope 🤣 "I don't know why he is mad at Saban," former Florida and South Carolina coach Steve Spurrier told DawgNation.com. "Did Saban say something that wasn't true?" Spurrier, however, said he didn't find any fault with Saban's original comments. "I don't think Saban told any lies in there, so I don't know what [Fisher] was mad about," Spurrier told DawgNation. "Since [Fisher] beat him last year, I guess he can talk now. He hasn't beat much of anybody, but he beat Saban last year. But they haven't won the division or anything since he's been there." "... Did Saban say something that wasn't true?"
    6 points
  30. There's no whateverthefuckthatwas in baseball.
    6 points
  31. Insurrection and Sabotage Recession already taken?
    6 points
  32. Fatty seems to think that he's somehow fighting back against liberals or the left or whichever monster he imagines is out to get him, but all he is doing is poisoning his soul.
    6 points
  33. No, we aren't going to do that. We're going to talk about the hard working Americans who have to depend on food stamps and child tax credits because the corporate greed heads who own this country hoard capital.
    6 points
  34. The kind of people I’m referring to control my entire state. There’s no getting away from them. Many of them literally have badges. And can pull me over. And maybe beat the everloving shit out of me like one did to my dad. You don’t give a fuck because you’re not the target when you take a road trip for work or go shopping at Walmart. That’s the fucking problem. You and your entire movement have zero fucking empathy for humans who aren’t exactly like you.
    6 points
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