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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/20/2018 in all areas

  1. Do it and when they freak out, tell them you heard Mueller was ordering Fox to be shut down as part of the investigation.
    16 points
  2. Caught on a pool slide, No escape from the aggy. Open your eyes, Look down on the Hamm and see... He's just a pool boy, he need no sympathy. His jobs are easy come, easy go. Little man always goes low. Anyway the recruit goes doesn't really matter to he, so long as its aggy.
    15 points
  3. cool moment during Jordan's signing
    14 points
  4. At Texas, the 'Shhhh' happens when the school and player have secretly agreed to join up. At Baylor, the 'Shhhh' happens when the rapists tells his victim to clam up or else.
    12 points
  5. I don't think the suggestion is to send more or less troops. I don't even think people are completely against pulling out. I do think every rational person should be against leaving on an idiot's whim, without any advise or suggestions from the experts, and without any planning.
    12 points
  6. Guess what? NGD at Casa de Fuck. I wasn’t really planning on a new bass, but I just couldn’t pass up the deal. 2012 American Deluxe Jazz Bass: It has the “new” knocked off of it, which means a deal for me and I don’t have to worry about “ruining” a mint guitar for what will a play-out instrument. It already has the hip-shot dropped D mod. I’m going to give the N3 pups a try, but if they don’t work out then I’ll just drop in some Lollars.
    12 points
  7. ztejas, if you post in a thread other than your thread on the recruiting board you're taking a vacaion
    12 points
  8. It was a hard decision. I love USC. Fight on, forever! But I wouldn't have time to move my furniture and shit into the dorm after the All Star Game, (puts on burnt orange hat), so it's Texas! Hook 'em! I'll have time to put the drapes up and everything down there. Throw pillows, rugs, the works!
    11 points
  9. First Sputnik of the year. I’ve drank in worse places.
    10 points
  10. My favorite new recruiting posters are the ones that show up already having negative rep. What dumb shit did they say elsewhere to get it? What will they say here? Find out on the next episode of "Opening This Thread Was a Mistake"
    9 points
  11. All of this, everything in this shit show, can be summed up in one fucking sentence: What the fuck do you expect when you elect a reality star conman as President?
    7 points
  12. Surely there are some drunk hooligans they can round up in that area.
    7 points
  13. people who bemoan taxes as theft are now voluntarily paying additional taxes they likely can't afford to raise a meaningless amount of money that will never be spent on building a wall that is the pointless whim of a fake billionaire. amazing.
    7 points
  14. It's a fancy way to say Facts.
    7 points
  15. Has this been shared here yet?
    7 points
  16. I split off ztejas and earl of texas to antother thread. feel free to report any posts from other people that showed up today and I'll move those over to that thread ztejas and earl of texas, there is a thread if you want to continue in the recruting forum. don't post in this thread
    7 points
  17. Hookfin, "Hey coach Hand. You left your book here the other day." Hand, "Oh, my mistake. Oops."
    6 points
  18. Don't get to excited, but Roach changed his Jake Majors pick to Texas.
    6 points
  19. 6 points
  20. So in 6 weeks time. 1) The US Attorney General is fired, 2) the Secretary of Interior resigns in scandal, 3) the WH Chief of Staff is no longer talking to the President and says adios, 4) the Secretary of Defense calls is fed up with the recklessness of the CiC and quits, and 5) The Sec. of Commerce lied about his stock holdings, so his resignation is eminen ***oh, yeah, his former National Security Advisor, his long time personal lawyer, and his former 2016 Campaign Manager are all convicted felons. all normal?
    6 points
  21. My wife is now showing her mother her Ancestry. com family tree she's been working on for the past 9 months. Her dad just came by and asked what they were doing. They explained it to him & showed the overview back to the 1500s. His response? "If you find any n****** don't tell me. I don't want to know." I really need a drink.
    6 points
  22. USC 24/7 reporter thinks Bru is going to Texas https://twitter.com/ChrisPSwanson/status/1075508131310952448
    6 points
  23. 6 points
  24. Trump is doing this so Turkey will drop their investigation into the Khashoggi murder at the bidding of his Saudi masters. Turkey gets to go after the Kurds, who we abandoned after the first Gulf war and looks like we are going to abandon again. This is terrible. We once again demonstrate we cannot be depended on as an ally on the world stage. Russia is loving this.
    6 points
  25. You don't cut military spending in the long term by creating circumstances that make future military action reasonably foreseeable.
    6 points
  26. Clearly you've never served, so please do those us who have the honor of shutting the fuck up. Your post is both extremely insulting and stupid.
    6 points
  27. There are plenty of good reasons to withdraw, but to declare victory over ISIS is fucking absurd, and to quote his lackeys giving him credit and shitting on Obama is just fucking ridiculous, as with everything in his presidency. How about a diplomatic, well thought, well supported description of the decision, some legitimate reasons, and doing so in consultation with your fucking military guys, with a plan to do so with as little instability as possible? Nope, let's just say a bunch of lies, announce it on twitter, and do it myself without speaking to the generals. Fucking worthless idiot cult leader.
    6 points
  28. Heading into NSD2 the number of blue-chip recruits (composite 4 and 5 stars) each school has landed the last 2 cycles: Georgia 41 Alabama 40 Ohio State 34 Texas 32 Penn State 32 ND 29 OU 27 A&M 27 Auburn 26 LSU 26 USC 26 Florida 26 Clemson 24 Oregon 24 FSU 23 Michigan 23 Washington 22 Yes I know there are different interpretations of "blue-chips" but this the interpretation used when evaluating the blue-chip ratio.
    6 points
  29. I remember how fucked we were when we didn't sign Adrian Peterson and Rhett Bomar, or how we were ruined cause Ryan Perrilloux decommitted
    6 points
  30. How about a " if you haven't posted on this sub before such and such a time, you cant post during signing periods." Rule. Show of hands? And Football board(or where ever the hell yall came from.) votes dont count.
    6 points
  31. I’m enjoying watching fellating sycophants like Cornyn whining about Trump moving to pull out troops from Syria “without informing congress” etc etc. FUCK. YOU. You created, enabled, empowered, and excused the fucking monster. And now...you bitch about the monster doing what monsters do? Oh, Cornyn, you’re DELIGHTFUL.
    6 points
  32. I posted this a few years ago on the old site. It needs to live on.
    6 points
  33. I just learned of a photo series called Little Kids and Their Big Dogs and it's the best thing I've seen in forever.
    5 points
  34. Based on that twitter feed, USC is in flames. Too bad we won't be able to capitalize next year due to the inevitable Jeff Fisher recruiting bump.
    5 points
  35. THERE IS NO END GAME. Thus, the strength of your point about starting a dance that you can't just walk away from. What is the GOAL? To keep the circumstances that allow a violent jihadist movement, proven to inflict horrendous suffering both locally and globally, below a boil. That's it. Diseases, fires, floods, ISIS: if your argument is "you can't totally eliminate them, so don't do anything," that's bad logic. PARTICULARLY when we helped create the "disease" at issue. You don't stop them from happening. You manage them. It's a messy fucking business. Again, a big reason why we shouldn't have entered into it so cavalierly. But we're in this business now.
    5 points
  36. If so there are about 10 posters here who will be claiming they were just joking about looping off their manhood and eating it in a burrito
    5 points
  37. One trivial thing that makes me surly is major, brick-and-mortar retailers which have a website that can't even tell me if a specific product is in stock at a given physical store location. Why would you not use your website to leverage and support sales at your own stores? If I wanted to order online and wait, I'd use Amazon. Sometimes I need something FAST and I just need to know, before I drive all over town, whether or not it's in stock. Yet (some) companies still make it a total pain in the ass to find this out. I swear, some companies have their online shit set up like it's designed to compete with their own brick and mortar assets, rather than complement them.
    5 points
  38. Ryan was never about "reform." His game was always about simply cutting taxes and gutting entitlements to pay for it. First, he'd cut taxes and increase the debt. Then, he'd use the debt as an excuse to cut SS and Medicare. Oh, and this was the same person who got SSDI as a teenager and then spent his entire career trying to gut SS before he retired as on a government pension at 48. Fuck Paul Ryan.
    5 points
  39. Republicans may figure out impeaching Trump is their best move. Otherwise every negotiation will go like this... Nancy/Chuck - "Donnyboy, let's go discuss this in private" In private Nancy hints at the democratic house going after his taxes - Donny2scoops folds every motherfucking time. Seriously, what's to prevent this from happening? The Russians aren't the only ones that can play this game with the dumbest prez of all time. If it comes to saving his ass vs caving to Democratic politicians, does anyone think Trump would stand up for anything? Fuck no, it's always about saving his ass. This will bring the Lulz.
    5 points
  40. Jeff Fisher. Just call him up at home and tell him he's fired, even though he doesn't have a job.
    5 points
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