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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/24/18 in all areas

  1. Let me add some insight on a few things...and I apologize for the length of the reply, too many words, etc. Fields - his sister will attend Georgia to play softball and that family has been all Georgia FOREVER. His transfer is strictly playing time related and the racism cry is just an excuse. Rising and Thompson (and possibly Overshown) - welcome to a new generation of athlete and kid. This portal stuff will be the worst thing to happen to college athletics in a long time. Some will call it entitled, and to a degree it is, but this generation of kids is used to instant gratification, in all facets of life. Patience is a word that does not exist in this generations vocabulary. The Portal - I have pretty intimate knowledge with it and how it works. I can tell you that currently, in one small female NCAA D1 sport, there are 160ish players on the portal, today. That is for a non-revenue, no life after college, female sport. I can't imagine what Football, Basketball and Baseball look like. Here are some facts on how the portal works: A student-athlete does NOT have to inform their coach of an intent to transfer. They can walk into the compliance office and request to be put on the portal. Once that request is made, the compliance office has 48 hours to put the student-athletes name on the portal. Once the student-athlete requests to be put into the portal, all contact from any sport coach to that athlete is cut-off. So in this case, no football coach can contact Rising or Thompson directly. That athlete can contact coaches, that is ok, and a coach can request a meeting with the student-athlete but it has to be done through the compliance office and a compliance office official must be present during the meeting. This is assuming the player went in without telling the coach. If the coach was notified prior, the student-athlete can waive the no contact rule. Once on the portal, a student-athlete can be contacted by any coach in the country...it's free reign. And every coach has access to the portal. Yes, a student-athlete can start taking visits, including official ones, if they have any remaining from their original recruitment. Remember, you only get 5 paid official visits. Student-athletes on the portal are not required to sit out a year automatically. The conference transfer rules will be applied to the student-athlete...coaches may NOT individualized transfer rules to be applied to individual student-athletes. Once a student-athlete enters the portal, their future financial aid cutoff. So, if you do it before the beginning of the spring semester, you will not be on scholarship in the spring. So essentially Rising and Thompson have forfeited their scholarships for the spring. Also, your access to athletic facilities, trainers, etc. is immediately terminated. The coach from the sport can ask for that sanction to be waived - so if Rising and Thompson went to Herman and gave him a heads up, and he's ok with it, he can tell compliance that he would still like for them to have access to athletic facilities and such. This is how they can be currently practicing with the team while on the portal. Athletes on the portal do not fall under the same recruiting guidelines as first time recruits when it comes to contact period, dead period, quiet period, signing period, etc. They can be contacted any time after their name shows up on the portal. Football is the only sport that has a set game number to determine a redshirt. All other sports operate as any participation constitutes using a year of eligibility. If you're going to redshirt in non-Football sports it has to be declared before the season begins. The shirt can be pulled at any time, but one can not be applied after the start of the season. Hope this helps give a little bit of clarity on how this thing works. I have no idea how this thing came about, but it really is an awful thing to have right now. I know that several sports have already proposed legislation to change the portal drastically, or to get rid of it all together. But those things only happen every two years, so this will be the model for at least two years.
    20 points
  2. Bill Mitchell looks like Mr. Incredible if his super power was rape.
    14 points
  3. My FIL asked me if I wanted a cup of coffee when I got up this morning. I said yes and he proceeded to pour a cup and put it in the microwave. As he hands it to me he tells me that it was from yesterday’s pot that he wanted to finish off so he could make a fresh one. He’s retired with more money than he will ever be able to spend in his lifetime.
    13 points
  4. This take is just as fucking stupid now as it was then.
    9 points
  5. 8 points
  6. I understand that a LOT of people do not understand the macro effects of cutting top tax rates for the wealthiest Americans. It is nothing more or less than a reallocation of wealth to those with the greatest ability to shoulder the financial burden of funding our government. There is a reason that Deficits have skyrocketed under Republican Presidencies. Because the POLICY itself does not work!!!! My "team" is the American people, I was a card carrying Republican, I began to move toward the Dems simply because while their economic policies are far from perfect they are simply not a redistribution of wealth to FURTHER enrich the richest. The Dems err in trying too much to help the poorest in some cases, I will give you that. HOWEVER there is a VASTLY greater economic and tax benefit via the effects of money multiplying in making this error. It's simply math. You give a poor or lower middle class person additional dollars they spend every single penny, and mostly in their local economy. I will move toward the GOP when facts, and actual fiscal conservatism become something the GOP again cares about. IT is also a fallacy to point to California's extremely high cost of living as your "evidence" when pointing to Texas in the same breath. Unless you do not understand cost of living? I could give you a tutorial here is you would like? 😉 The biggest problem for the middle class is a tax policy that has shifted to placing more burden on the middle class, in order to remove burden from the most wealthy in the class. There is a reason that the GOP always pretends to twilight these gifts to the wealthy with a future expiraiton date in their legislation. A date that never comes for the wealthy but always comes for the middle tax relief. The reason? Because the scoring on plans without an expiration clearly show the monsterous holes in the budget caused without the fake expriation. It sells the flawed tax poliy much better than using honest numbers. It's like listening to GOP congressmen criticize the "Obama Stimulus" package that was necessary to help boost the economy after the Bush's destruction of the economy. This happened after years of nearly singularly bragging as a GOP talking point about home ownership gains. WOnder why the mortgage industry was not properly supervised and regulated? It would have removed this singular talking point. The "Obama Stimulus" was a necessity ONLY because the GOP controlled congress PUNTED the costs of funding the recovery into Obama's Presidency. Obama cleaned up the mess, and yes there were massive deficits that came with it. Of course the GOP's man contribution was the insistence of adding... you guessed it... tax cuts for the wealthy into the bill. From Memory I believe nearly half of that massive stimuls package was tax cuts. INFRASATRUCTURE building would have been a much, much better stimulus, but the only way to get stimulus in the GOP mind is... yep you guessed it... tax cuts. It is also important to note that while Obama did preside over a masisve increase in the debt and deficits, he also provided an economy strong with massive job job creation. Something Trump inherited. Yet Trump has been unable with the help of complete control of the GOP of all levers of the Federal Government to match Obama's employment numbers. (now don't get excited here ding dongs) you don't get to compare Obama's first days in office after inheriting the Republican orchestrated disaster of not regulating the banking and mortgage businesses (that was their one economic talking point). You compare Obama's last 21 months (or now 22 months) with Trump's 21 months after taking office. It is impossible to find a Trump supporter than believes Obama created more jobs in the same about of time at Trump has. But it's the truth. Overall the biggest problem is the embrace of one party of a tax policy that simple does not, and never has worked. It's an expensive policy that adds to the debt, while at the same time moving nearly all the burden for funding Social Security, medicare and medicaid onto the middle class. Because as I pointed out the rich don't pay into those systems as their income is not catagorized as income the way it is for the working class. You could actally fix the problem and fund the goverment. Simply call ALL increase in annual wealth as income, and tax it the same way the overly burdened middle class does. THEN guess what... with the wealthy sharing this burden, the lower in middle classes burden would be reduced. Then they lower and middle classes could actually stimulate the economy with each and every dollar given back to them by making the wealthy pay their way like the middle class does
    7 points
  7. I posted this on the Recruiting Board in the 2019 thread as well. The Portal - I have pretty intimate knowledge with it and how it works. I can tell you that currently, in one small female NCAA D1 sport, there are 160ish players on the portal, today. That is for a non-revenue, no life after college, female sport. I can't imagine what Football, Basketball and Baseball look like. Here are some facts on how the portal works: A student-athlete does NOT have to inform their coach of an intent to transfer. They can walk into the compliance office and request to be put on the portal. Once that request is made, the compliance office has 48 hours to put the student-athletes name on the portal. Once the student-athlete requests to be put into the portal, all contact from any sport coach to that athlete is cut-off. So in this case, no football coach can contact Rising or Thompson directly. That athlete can contact coaches, that is ok, and a coach can request a meeting with the student-athlete but it has to be done through the compliance office and a compliance office official must be present during the meeting. This is assuming the player went in without telling the coach. If the coach was notified prior, the student-athlete can waive the no contact rule. Once on the portal, a student-athlete can be contacted by any coach in the country...it's free reign. And every coach has access to the portal. Yes, a student-athlete can start taking visits, including official ones, if they have any remaining from their original recruitment. Remember, you only get 5 paid official visits. Student-athletes on the portal are not required to sit out a year automatically. The conference transfer rules will be applied to the student-athlete...coaches may NOT individualized transfer rules to be applied to individual student-athletes. Once a student-athlete enters the portal, their future financial aid cutoff. So, if you do it before the beginning of the spring semester, you will not be on scholarship in the spring. So essentially Rising and Thompson have forfeited their scholarships for the spring. Also, your access to athletic facilities, trainers, etc. is immediately terminated. The coach from the sport can ask for that sanction to be waived - so if Rising and Thompson went to Herman and gave him a heads up, and he's ok with it, he can tell compliance that he would still like for them to have access to athletic facilities and such. This is how they can be currently practicing with the team while on the portal. Athletes on the portal do not fall under the same recruiting guidelines as first time recruits when it comes to contact period, dead period, quiet period, signing period, etc. They can be contacted any time after their name shows up on the portal. Football is the only sport that has a set game number to determine a redshirt. All other sports operate as any participation constitutes using a year of eligibility. If you're going to redshirt in non-Football sports it has to be declared before the season begins. The shirt can be pulled at any time, but one can not be applied after the start of the season. Hope this helps give a little bit of clarity on how this thing works. I have no idea how this thing came about, but it really is an awful thing to have right now. I know that several sports have already proposed legislation to change the portal drastically, or to get rid of it all together. But those things only happen every two years, so this will be the model for at least two years.
    7 points
  8. Soybean farmers can pay their bills with liberal tears.
    6 points
  9. Hickory. Smoked. Rack. Of. Pork. Not pictured: smoked au ju, scalloped taters, grilled asparagus. For the uninitiated, think pork prime rib. Get these while you can at Costco; I usually only find them during TG, Xmas, and (this year) Easter.
    6 points
  10. What kind of assface shows up to a holiday party, takes off his shoes, and lays on the living room couch leaving only a couple of chairs for the other 8 people to fight over? My idiot BIL, that's who. What a fucking ass clown.
    6 points
  11. Josh Norman would kick Taylor Lewan's ass. Don't believe me? Well maybe this picture of me and my wife will change your mind.
    6 points
  12. I don't get drunk on coffee. Are you a fucking wino? Kahlua tastes good in coffee. Mimosas with fresh OJ taste good too. If that threatens your masculinity, I'll just have to live with it.
    5 points
  13. That is your best retort? You fucking fraud. You supported a child predator. You supported Trump. Your bow and apologize bullshit went on for years but you bent over and spread cheeks for every backwater authoritarian fuckhead. Fuck off again. And don’t come back.
    5 points
  14. Chain migratin' while the stereo plays No-wall, No-wall.
    5 points
  15. ^^^^ Great post. The GOP has been pushing trickle down economics under various brand names for decades. It never worked to stimulate the economy or reduce deficits. Why does the GOP keep banging its head against the same wall? Is the whole party stupid? I don’t think so. I think they know exactly what they’re doing. It was never the goal to reduce deficits or help the middle class. It was always the goal to give more money to their super wealthy backers, and tax cuts for the rich certainly achieve that goal. That’s why Republicans continue to push the exact same solution under different names and supported by slightly different crackpot theories (trickle down, stimulus, etc.). They don’t need it to actually benefit the middle class; they just need to trick the middle class into believing that a policy designed solely to benefit the rich will actually benefit them. And it has worked, over and over again. Insane, really.
    5 points
  16. These aren’t the drones you are looking for
    5 points
  17. You should email back and suggest he use campaign funding to pay for the wall, since if it works for sluts, it should work for slats!
    5 points
  18. We put our faith in Blast Hardcheese
    5 points
  19. This is pretty cool that this young man is flourishing in accomplishing his goals..!
    5 points
  20. “I prefer migrant kids who don’t get captured.”
    4 points
  21. May I present to you Trump, First of His Name, Father of Beavis & Butthead, Breaker of Children's Dreams, Ruiner of Economies, Skin of Orange & Hair of Endless Swirls, Traitor, Conman, PT Barnum's Greatest Carnival Barker, and President of the United States!
    4 points
  22. Holy shit, this is the longest, weirdest salvia trip I’ve ever been on
    4 points
  23. 4 points
  24. “SWIM” someone frequents drug boards.
    4 points
  25. Wellll.....here's a sampling: https://twitter.com/search?l=&q=from%3Arealdonaldtrump since%3A2012-11-06 until%3A2012-11-07&src=typd
    4 points
  26. 4 points
  27. I'm busy drinking, can someone please go post this in the Hillary thread. Rep and good fortune await our hero.
    4 points
  28. Are you always this much of a douche? STFU already you know it all windbag.
    4 points
  29. Finally, we have someone with the balls to do it! And we know that there is no way he would set up a quiet deal with some rich out of town oligarchs to set off a sure market decline so they could all sell short,* don't we? Hmmm. Surely his Mar-al-Lago cabinet didn't get some say in this when they weren't fleecing the Defense Department. I predict that there may be a new investigation into market manipulation. If you knew for certain that the market would fall like it has, wouldn't you be able to turn a buck or a million with that knowledge? I'm guessing Trump was finessed into attacking the Fed or is in on the returns from this. He no longer gets the benefit of any doubt. He should be hung in a gilt birdcage from the top of a renamed Trump Tower for the rest of his life. *I think I have the concept right. I'm no investor genius.
    4 points
  30. May be the largest football player ever to play the game.
    4 points
  31. The Stampede: Intel on remaining 2019 targets; scoop from state
    4 points
  32. Or Barron was too busy holed up in his room playing Call of Duty while listening to Rammstein.
    4 points
  33. It fucking blows my mind how many people don't know the rule. It more blows my mind how many people don't know the rule but act like they do. JESUS. FUCK.
    4 points
  34. Bernie is like an awesome band like the Stones that you listen to, support, and love - except the band has a fanbase that operates like Ariana Grande's hyper-defensive teenage girl twitter militia. It almost makes you question the band because all the most fanatical followers suck so bad. Sorry, but I'm still purging 2016 resentment toward the Bernie people who allegedly cared about progressive values so much that they stayed home on election day or voted Jill Stein. I get the distrust of Hillary/the establishment and that resentment. I sympathize. But anyone who didn't vote in the general because Bernie wasn't the D candidate can get fucked. I learned my lesson when I voted for Ralph Nader at age 18. I was told there was essentially "no difference" between Bush and Gore. They were both beholden to corporate interests and two sides of the same coin. Voting for a third party candidate was the only way to really send a message that the two party system wasn't working. The democrats simply did not offer a meaningful alternative to republicans. I heard all of the rationales. I voted in Texas, so my vote made no difference, but Nader likely spoiled that fucking election. And think of how insanely consequential that election became post-911. Iraq, massive deficits, US (then worldwide) economic collapse. So unless Al Gore would have gone to war with Iraq while cutting taxes, increasing spending, and deregulating banks and financial institutions, there did seem to be a difference. This "lesser of two evils" thing turned out to be a game I needed to get used to playing. Maybe it's not wise to throw one's vote into a paper shredder just to "make a point." If Bernie gets the nomination, I will be fucking first in line to vote for him even though "Bernie or Bust" people make me ragey. I just don't get these people. No matter how liberal or bona fide you insist you are, anyone who would actively make a decision that politically benefits Donald Trump might as well be Sean Hannity in my book. Worse than useless. To repurpose a phrase from the alt-right: fuck your feelings.
    4 points
  35. In Jurassic Park they used a Betsy Seisgun (shotgun) as a source to locate and image of a fully articulated fossil using GPR. An acoustic source for an electromagnetic technique. It is bullshit. That is not how it works. It is a wave technique that looks a lot like a seismic signal. The depth of investigation is based on the properties of the media being explored in conjunction with the antenna frequency, and the higher the frequency the better the resolution generally. If you want to explore less than a foot below the surface for rebar/utility lines, dead body in a basement - then 1 GHz antenna are ideal. If you are looking for a few feet then 250 MHz antenna are idea, if you need to go deeper then you drop it down to 150 MHz. As you lower the frequency you increase the size of the antennae which makes the surveying more cumbersome. That and the battery weight makes things a bit tricky to deploy. The UXO work typically involves helicopters flying a few feet off the ground to run their surveys. This has two benefits in order of speed and safety, and they are not running GPR.
    4 points
  36. These people disgust me. Get over yourself and compromise like the rest of us adults have to do on a daily basis. I am having to unfollow people like this on twitter who just shit on "establishment" or allegedly defective progressives in their feed. It's as if they give no fucks that Trump is president and our country, constitution, and institutions are being disgraced and mocked on a daily basis. Seriously, what fucking world do you live in where ANY democrat is more of a concern than Trump (and his enablers)? Berniebros, after we get rid of Trump, avert World War III, and clean up the corruption/treason/malfeasance vomit/shit puddle he and his cronies left behind, we will have all the time in the world to fight about the soul/control of the progressive platform. In the meantime, show up and fucking vote. Better yet, campaign for all progressives up and down the ballot, even the non-Bernies. Your crosshairs are on the wrong guy.
    4 points
  37. Apologies for my contributions and major props to @T’Boo Ted Marshall for having a lovely wife and a good sense of humor.
    4 points
  38. 4 points
  39. 10 lb. Prime bone in ribeye roast thawing in the fridge with a growler of Fredericksburg Brewing Peace Pipe Pale Ale and one of Harper Valley IPA chilling for the family. The foo-foo Pinot Grigio is for Mrs. Brat, who usually drinks that boxed Almaden Chardonnay swill. Son somehow missed the last of the Leffe when he was here yesterday.
    4 points
  40. Went to the sink just now to rinse out a bowl. Saw there was a lemon in the drain that hadn't gone down all the way. I guess Mrs CL was trying to air out the disposal. No problem. I'll turn it on and run it for a few seconds. Damn thing wouldn't even turn. Just buzzed. Didn't take long to figure out why.
    4 points
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