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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/19/21 in Posts

  1. You need to shut the fuck up and move on or you are going to get banned. I'm not going to sit here and let you just spout random bullshit. It's okay to be skeptical, it's okay to defend other people that are skeptical. What you are doing crosses that line.
    39 points
  2. Not nearly as easily and breakthrough infections are much more rare than someone unvaccinated contracting the virus. These are all facts. It's called the preponderance of evidence. Anyone can find 1-2 articles showing bullshit one way. The way we practice medicine is we look at ALL the studies then form a consensus. Sorry, science is not on your side. There's a lot of doctors in buttfuck america supporting your view too...like I said preponderance of evidence. Am I saying the doctors in major academic centers opinions count more and their studies are better? Um...yes, yes that's what I'm saying.
    30 points
  3. This is an absolutely gorgeous stadium and badass place to watch a game... and is also not where Washington State plays.
    23 points
  4. UK population 67 M is averaging 120 Covid deaths per day. 85% vax rate TX + FL 52M around 50% vax rate 370 per day Covid vaccinations unequivocally save lives
    21 points
  5. If I believed for a second that most of these people consulted honestly with their personal doctors, epidemiologists, and local public health experts, but still decided that they're just not comfortable with getting vaccinated yet, I'd have sympathy. But that's not what's happening. Most of them are acting on junk science from bad faith actors with a political agenda (many of whom are vaccinated themselves) and what they hear from social media directly or via family/friends. Then they usually spread that misinformation further in an attempt to justify their choices.
    21 points
  6. Here is a letter I received in 2012 regarding mandatory vaccination or get fired notice. This isn’t new people. If you attended UT you also had mandatory vaccination or GTFO notices. This is the way it always has been. There is no constitutional right to employment. Comply or exercise your right to get fucked.
    21 points
  7. 17 points
  8. A large percentage of the group who isn’t vaccinated, and particularly the more outspoken ones, seem perfectly fine with telling other people what they can do with their own body under different circumstances. Go fuck yourself.
    17 points
  9. Hey you fucking idiots. I don’t have time to fucking babysit all god damned day. Next not football related post gets a day off. The one after that a week. The one after that a month. Fuck around and find out.
    16 points
  10. They also change the rules of the game he was hired to coach every year. I guess he should just be allowed to ignore those rules because they weren't part of the game he was hired to coach.
    16 points
  11. There's a thing called a social contract or community citizenry. Folks sometimes gotta think beyond themselves and/or their nuclear family.
    16 points
  12. Is that what having a live mental breakdown looks like? Holy shit, coocoo for coco puffs
    15 points
  13. Ah yes, the rarely seen "I'm grandfathered in, so new public health mandates don't apply to me" clause. I'm sure that would hold up in court.
    14 points
  14. That man manipulated widespread economic anxiety, deep seated prejudices, junk pseudoscience and propaganda to convince millions of people to make decisions deadly to themselves and others and ruinous to their own country. Much like antivaxxers are manipulated. That’s what we’re talking about right? We’re surely not equating a mandate for a safe, free, effective vaccine to combat a pandemic to organizing the Holocaust because no one is stupid enough to make that logic leap.
    14 points
  15. Well, I guess that makes the needless deaths ok. We probably shouldn't have had vaccines for diseases that had more people survive than die. What a fucking idiot.
    14 points
  16. So people like Colin Powell have more protection. I have a patient right now who is 88, on chemo for prostate cancer. People on chemo are about 40% protected by the vaccine. If they get the virus they can get very sick and die
    14 points
  17. Seeing a game at Wazzou is awesome. You can go to Saguaro National Park during the day and it's so close to Silicon Valley. Maybe check out a concert at the Hollywood Bowl the next day.
    13 points
  18. If not for these dumb fucks clogging up our hospitals every few months, I'd ignore them completely, but they increase my odds of needlessly dying. The logical leaps are outrageous. "You can get covid even if you're vaccinated so what's the point?" (Ignores long covid, hospitalization, death data) "In XXXX (where the vaccination rate is extremely high) most of the deaths are vaccinated!" (Ignores how low the per capita rates are and many of those were immunocompromised with no antibodies despite being fully vaxxed) "China did gain of function bioweapon research on coronavirus and released it into the world!" *US & Allies rapidly produce a miracle of modern science to protect people from the worst effects of covid* "Show me the vaccine's long term health studies!" (Who cares about the unknown long term health effects of covid) "Look at the deaths and adverse effects on VAERS!" (If you sum VAERS death data from Sep 2020 to now you will see that it rounds to 0.00% of the vaccinated american population. There are 95k _reported_ serious reactions which is 0.05%. Meanwhile what, ~1%+ of Americans that have had covid fucking died?) "VAERS is under reporting!" (Ignores that many of the entries are coincidental) Explore this sub and share it with the anti-vaxxers in your life: https://www.reddit.com/r/HermanCainAward/
    13 points
  19. 13 points
  20. What Rona conversation? He was aware of his situation, made a personal decision that he's 100% entitled to make, and is now dealing with the consequences, none of which will put him in jail or give him a criminal record. Sounds pretty cut and dry to me.
    13 points
  21. The federal mandate is to take the vaccine or face weekly testing. Again, I wonder why that last part is left out? You can keep your job, just need to be tested and many employers ask the unvaccinated wear a mask. It's not just about "muh freedomes," others around you also have freedom to not be exposed to a highly contagious virus when the hospitals are at capacity. The fact that you people only mention the vaccine part is to maintain your political outrage.
    12 points
  22. You can think whatever you like, but there is actual proven value attached to games started together and average age for offensive lines in CFB. Obviously Kerstetter and Imade are gone after this season, as well as Okafor I assume, so there will certainly be at least 2 new starters next season. Does that means Majors, Jones, Angilau and Karic are absolute shit and none of them will be starting next season as well? Maybe. At the same time, adversity leads to experience and experience leads to wisdom. Within teams of any sort, shared adversity leads to trust and trust can often lead to success. The reality is that a 3rd year starter in Jones, a 4th year starter in Angilau, and a Jones/Karic with 1.5 seasons of playing starter snaps and another offseason might be the best 3 OL combo the program can muster with whatever other 2 additions are made. Does that mean the staff shouldn't be hustling to find better fits? No. And they will chase guys in the portal and they'll land a few and we might get lucky and find one above replacement for the incumbents, maybe even two. But if we're heading into next season with the same offensive coordinator and the same OL coach, 3 of those 4 guys as starters won't be a cause for outright disgust at where we are as a program. To present otherwise assumes you do not fundamentally believe that both the player and the program are capable of any natural growth and development along the learning curve.
    12 points
  23. 12 points
  24. 11 points
  25. I assume the perv didn't rat you and your other teammate out.
    11 points
  26. I keep seeing morons bring up the “it’s a personal decision” argument, specifically in the WSU thread. People shouldn’t be shamed for making a personal decision. The mob rule is bad, etc. Fuck that. It may be a personal decision, but it’s a fucking dumb one, and you should be shamed, fired, and shunned from society for making it. We have had vaccine mandates for over a hundred years to protect society from disease. It works. It has always worked. People have been required to have vaccines to attend school, college, work, etc. this isn’t new. This isn’t novel. When people refused in the past. We shunned their dumbasses too. I’m tired of hearing people feel sympathy for making stupid decisions. Replace covid with measles. Would you say he’s brave and making a personal decision because he refuses to get vaccinated for measles or polio?
    11 points
  27. "I got vaccinated but..." is the new "I am the father of daughters" or "I have many black friends"
    11 points
  28. I agree. The Chinese flu is a hoax. 700k dead is just hospitals making bucks off the government. Fauci is the antchrist and hates horse paste. The vaccine is killing people left and right and is the mark of the beast. We should hang and discuss our thoughts about “the data.” I’ve been doing research too.
    11 points
  29. Thanks to all of y'all. It was pretty humbling to be on the dais. Meeting Miss Texas was probably the highlight, though.
    11 points
  30. The Texas legislature honored Hornius Emeritus (aka Traces of Texas) on Monday with a special resolution. I just read the non-partisan resolution and it says that the State of Texas thanks him for promoting Texas history and culture on his social media and website. No CR, but as far as I'm concerned it's the best thing to come out of Austin in this legislative session. Congratulations to my longtime friend!
    10 points
  31. “Oh I’m not supposed to get on the bed huh? How bout….fuck you?”
    10 points
  32. Ty for sharing that - didn't realize you were just referencing the Israeli study. First sentence of the third paragraph: The researchers also found that people who had SARS-CoV-2 previously and received one dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccine were more highly protected against reinfection than those who once had the virus and were still unvaccinated.
    10 points
  33. I got the vaccine. I think everyone should get the vaccine. I think it sucks that governments are forcing people who aren’t comfortable getting the vaccine to get it or they lose their job. Neg away.
    10 points
  34. Fuck him and everyone like him. No CR, definitely CR, don’t fucking care….
    10 points
  35. Considering that you are a gullible simp with a totally defective understanding of any of this means you are not changing anyone's opinion. So, why do you keep bothering?
    9 points
  36. I'm begging you, man: diversify your information sources.
    9 points
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