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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/20/22 in all areas

  1. The irony is that the folks who espouse this theory are the ones most in need of replacing.
    36 points
  2. Tik tok face edit makes it better
    20 points
  3. 19 points
  4. Actually, I'm pretty sure it's just that you're full of shit on every subject.
    17 points
  5. It's unfair and incorrect to say the world is not doing anything about it. You could certainly believe, and say, that the world isn't doing enough about it. But many nations around the world, including ours, are certainly doing SOMEthing about it.
    16 points
  6. David Epstein, author of Range, has an interesting blog I follow and I like it because it's short. He brought up a good point about Replacement Theory in his latest, I'll copy and paste it below. Worth a read: Replacement theory is a fear-stoking ideology. I’m not particularly interested in discussing that claim further. But I do wonder if an actual understanding of demographics might make it harder for one to be radicalized around this particular “theory.” At the end of this sentence, please stop reading for a moment and estimate the percentage of the U.S. population that is composed of Muslims. Take at least a few seconds to think… Seriously, just guess; nobody’s grading you. Let’s say you meant to make the three-hour drive from New York City to Harrisburg, Pennsylvania (to check out the incredible Midtown Scholar Bookstore, naturally) and overshot by that magnitude, going 17 times the actual distance. You’d end up in Los Angeles. While we’re at it, what percentage of the American population is Black? Jewish? Make a guess! Again, you’re not getting graded, and according to a psychological finding known as the “generation effect,” you’ll better retain the correct information if you struggle to come up with your own answer first. Answers: I think people's awareness of the numerical context of their world has a major impact on, for example, what they’re afraid of, and how they view inequality. I’ve been in rooms of 0.1-percenters who talk about the 1% as if they’re someone else. On that note, the Ipsos study asked: “What percentage of total household wealth do you think the least wealthy 70% own?” Morning Brew (probably my favorite newsletter, alongside Eric Barker’s Barking Up the Wrong Tree) noted that replacement theory, “once a far-right fringe concept…has been increasingly cited on cable news.” According to a poll conducted in December by The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research, one in three American adults “believes an effort is underway to replace U.S.-born Americans with immigrants for electoral gains.” If there is such a plot afoot, it’s not going so well. According to data from the Census Bureau, immigrants make up a smaller percentage of the American population than they did in the late 19th century. Our values around not killing people obviously shouldn’t depend on how prevalent those people are. At the same time, I can’t help but wonder if these killers would be more resistant to radicalization if, while spelunking the internet, they became as curious about the numbers around them as they are about finding reasons to hate people. I think we should all strive to develop number sense for our world, especially because it’s so easy now to find basic data with a few seconds of search. Perhaps familiarizing young people with the numbers around them would also be a great thing to do in school, year after year. If you’re interested in improving your number sense, just spend a few minutes searching for a relevant number next time a news story intrigues you. Or just peruse the best website on the internet, Our World in Data. No need to be perfect with your number sense, but I think there is an urgent need to be curious.
    16 points
  7. Hey mother fucker I wish every year was 2005.
    13 points
  8. That's a whole lot of words to say that people are stupid, easy to manipulate, and really, really bad at math.
    13 points
  9. Who are you going to believe, Republicans and Fox News who have been pushing the replacement theory bullshit for years or the guy who talked to some guys and doesn’t remember hearing anything.
    12 points
  10. Jimbo is so perfect for them. They couldn't have possibly hired anyone more aligned with their culture and identity. He checks off just about every aggie box: blustery, cheater, liar, insecure, cuck, mediocre (8-4), redneck, Napoleon complex, defensive, cocky, finger pointing, public relations tone deaf, thinks he's smarter than everybody else and completely lacking any semblance of self-awareness.
    12 points
  11. I don’t think true Maga will take kindly to being called dark Maga.
    11 points
  12. Nah. That’s guy literally looks like every Aggy dad out there. There’s 10,000 aggies wondering why their dad is at Kyle Umlangs house.
    10 points
  13. Relax, Frankie Aggie Goes To Hollywood on this kind of drama. They're living those dreams and scheming those schemes. Everyone keeps telling them 'don't do it!' but you know Aggie. They've moved on from national championships and are now creating 'epochs'....
    10 points
  14. The kind of people I’m referring to control my entire state. There’s no getting away from them. Many of them literally have badges. And can pull me over. And maybe beat the everloving shit out of me like one did to my dad. You don’t give a fuck because you’re not the target when you take a road trip for work or go shopping at Walmart. That’s the fucking problem. You and your entire movement have zero fucking empathy for humans who aren’t exactly like you.
    9 points
  15. my favorite post ceremony picture he's a good boy. always has been
    9 points
  16. I’ll take dumbfuck/bitchmade opinions for $500, Zombie Alex.
    9 points
  17. It's pretty bad-ass to know your mayor could beat the shit out of the mayor of every other city on earth. Glory to Ukraine.
    8 points
  18. We really shouldn't allow billionaires to be a thing if none of them are willing to allow democracy to be a thing.
    8 points
  19. Pippa update - just had her first oncology visit today. Confirmed the adenocarcinoma, and like Penelope's pup, we're starting off on Palladia. Reading the literature, it's supposed to be for mast cell tumors, but our oncology vet (again like Penelope) said he had really good success on adenocarcinomas. Surgery isn't really an option for where it is, and radiation at this point seems still a bit severe (worried about side effects). So - 2 weeks of Palladia to see how she handles it, another checkup, then 4 weeks of Palladia and a checkup. If the mass is the same or shrinking, then we may have given Pippa an extension on life. Oncologist said he had a similar terrier with the same thing and got 18 months additional. At this point, I'd be THRILLED just getting to the end of this year, and we'll talk more after that. Fingers crossed and Horns Up for Pips.
    8 points
  20. Majority is the greater number. It can also be defined politically in the US as having the greater number than all other candidates combined, or it could be defined as the party the receives the greater number of votes (UK) than the next rank. So it is true. You are just trying to spin it to one of the subordinate definitions knowing exactly what he intended to say. In a political discussion this would be fair, but an honest man would be prudent and point out his layman's use of the term makes him also correct (since most of us are not politicians that is fair on his behalf). Once again, you flail around trying to act smart, but just come across as a jackass and you only acknowledge a partial truth. How consistent of you.
    8 points
  21. I hope he whispers in Jimbos ear at midfield, “I was truly thinking of retiring. I’m going to stay here until you leave aggy, cuck” and walks off.
    8 points
  22. Got damnit, don't fuck up my Fort Worth.
    8 points
  23. America was not built on racism and we cannot allow that to be taught in our schools. Also, it's critical that whites remain the majority.
    8 points
  24. Anyone wanna explain the math to them RE abortions…
    8 points
  25. MLB hit me up with a survey.
    8 points
  26. Yeah Jimbo won't ever look good when he goes full on Boomhauer on meth. I tell you what man, that cheatin' Saban, man. I worked for Saban man damn recruitin' talkin' about Whack Whack Woo Loo Loo. Dang ol' Saban, man.
    8 points
  27. The only people worse than the Elon fans are the “why does anyone care” people. He’s the richest man in the history of the world and he’s a giant loser baby who wants so bad to be cool and tries so so hard and fails miserably every time. Of course people fucking talk about him.
    7 points
  28. Y'all are panicky for believing we might do what we say we'll do, and I don't support the stuff the people I vote for say they're going to do anyway, but I'll just attack the people who are against the stuff I don't really support.
    7 points
  29. Fuck you all the way to hell. I hope that minorities do take over this state, are as giant assholes as the dominant class has been, and a minority cop pulls you over and does to you exactly what a redneck cop did to my dad. Then, I'll come laugh at your fearmongering as you are bruised from head to toe, after being tossed in a jail with no call home so your family thinks you died in a wreck on the way home. I wish for you nothing more than was visited on me. Wait, maybe I wish for mexicans to be as riled up as angry white people are, so one shoots up a store where YOU shop. Maybe it's the day your family is there. Maybe it isn't. Who knows? But I know one thing -- as you cry over their shattered bodies, I'll just mock you the same way you mock us. Again, I won't do anything that you aren't doing right here, right now. I hope you enjoy it. It's not that you assholes don't think that "conservatives" are happily fomenting stochastic terrorism at the expense of human lives -- hispanic, black, jewish. You know that they are. You just deny it, as you grin, satisfied and happy with the results. You are happy and willing accomplices to murder. It's what you are, and nothing will ever wash away that stain.
    7 points
  30. I listened to an actual cop talking about how he hoped to win a rifle in a raffle because it would be good for going foe to the border and shooting wetbacks. I’m 100% certain this cop was not a Biden voter. This shit is absolutely openly discussed in “friendly” crowds, often to laughter and amens. And when right wing mouthpiece after mouthpiece characterizes immigrants as an “existential threat”…I mean, shit, what are you supposed to do about existential threats? The only rational response is to eliminate them. It is the necessary call to action when you characterize something as an existential threat. So STFU with your denialist bullshit. When you spend years talking about how people with names like mine are destroying Texas, it is a given that someone is gong to hear that and take the Texas-saving action of killing Mexicans in an El Paso Walmart.
    7 points
  31. I’m in Tulsa. Went yesterday and going today. Free fried pies in the 1916 Hospitality tent.
    7 points
  32. Dad or not, he'd either lose the shirt and cup or hit the road.
    7 points
  33. Jimbo, why don’t you make like a tree, and get out of here.
    7 points
  34. Sir, this is a Wendy's drive-thru.
    7 points
  35. The article at the link is bone chilling. The NYT has all the receipts of these war crimes. They're going to be able to say with specificity exactly who killed these poor Ukrainians. Imagine if the holocaust had been documented in real time like the atrocities the Russians are currently committing.
    6 points
  36. And yet Jimbo is the one who looks most like a jackass. That's pretty impressive. Everyone would have shit on Saban just as much as always and yet jimbo has to go full aggy and make them look equally bad if not worse. Pure fucking aggy.
    6 points
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