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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/12/22 in all areas

  1. 1st LT BearSchlong Jr arrived home from Poland today. Shifting good vibes to the men and women of the 101st that relieved the 82nd.
    29 points
  2. It's crazy how unintelligent and noncritical these guys are about what has transpired and what is transpiring. They were begging, BEGGING, for their money guys to get aggressive with the bags. Then, those guys did get aggressive. I mean, they won some bidding wars ahead of last year, such as McKinley Jackson, and they had a tactic that worked with Leal, Robertson, Wright, Demas, JJones and a few others, but last year, they went aaaaallll the way in. The fans on the forums got what they wanted. Now? It was all clean. They're the victim. Everyone else is now apparently "cheating" by using the freshly available above-board approach of NIL with on-campus players that obviously translates to visiting recruits and families, and ATM is the virtuous idiot, standing to the side, tsk-tsking everyone else for ... not breaking any rules and using their competitive advantages where available. It's just fucking bizarre. For the ATM regime as a whole, it looks like someone pointed out to them at some point that FOIA was a problem for claiming any NIL work with the past guys. Inventing NIL programs after the fact is a lot harder than expected. So then they sprint out there and claim just good ol'hard work leading to the greatest class of all time without a fucking DC on staff as numerous 4 and 5 stars committed late. That doesn't sit well with guys like Kiffin, Day, and Saban, who know they fucking cheated in bigger ways than they were supposed to in the "handshake agreement" environment of bag game recruiting. So they start talking about it. ATM can't handle someone implying they're dishonorable in some way, while they've been brazenly dishonorable, and so Ritz Bitz scampers out and goes nuts on the most respected and powerful entity in CFB at the moment - Darth Saban. The fallout from there has been thorough, and the rock and the hard place that the program has put itself in has made staying aggressive with the bags a non-starter and diving into real NIL a game of starting from behind, by multiple laps, and with less major resources on the up and up for the process. Meanwhile, the insecure aggie fans, needing a white knight and a fairy tale, love the little cracker getting after it and love the notion of their program being the lone wolf of righteousness. They think they're William Wallace. They're looking more like George Custer.
    28 points
  3. How about we just vote for politicians that want to focus only on the mundane of governing instead of hypocritical church deacons who want to criminalize gay sex while they jerk each other off in back rooms?
    23 points
  4. If the DOJ doesn't indict after all this stuff then America is fucked and the people who can do something about it are choosing not to do anything about it. DOJ should prosecute under the fullest extent of the law and let the Supreme Court get exposed, don't just refuse because you know that the SC will toss it.
    19 points
  5. I am home now, but not without a few run-ins across the heartland. I will say, the craziest moment was yesterday afternoon driving through Nacogdoches. I tried to move into the right lane after passing a guy in his big duely so I could exit. Just a typical SUV going down the road. But no, this east Texas meth head viewed my passing him to exit as a challenge to his shitty manhood. He guns it and tries to prevent me from getting over. I know when I'm acting like a psycho driving and this wasn't it. I was kind of stunned, even if I've been in ET a million times and have shitheels like this in my family. Anyway, I didn't give a fuck if his feelings were hurt. I got over nonetheless, which threw him into the shoulder. My wife at this point is doing her best Ellen Griswold and worrying about the crazy meth head. He eventually rights his big ass truck and comes flying up alongside me on my driver-side, cigarette hanging out of his mouth, cutoff shirt showing bicep tats on both arms, dirty fishnet hat, and he's got the window down, screaming violent shit over his passenger, who was a female ducking. Dude's all of 25-ish. I don't know what he was thinking I was going to do, but he's shouting that I need to pull over. I rolled my window down, told him to go fuck himself, and he could follow me to Houston if he wanted a fistfight. He then gunned it, swerved in front of me, fishtailed, and spun into the shoulder again. I laughed at him as I drove by, gave him the universal sign for pussy and kept on going while my wife shrieked and called me an imbecile. Then we went to eat dinner at Casa Ole in Lufkin while she fumed and the kids complained about the enchilada quality. Anywho. Where were we?
    19 points
  6. Can we move the a pathetic man's downfall to daily texan now?
    17 points
  7. *walks into one of the dumbest threads on the site to congratulate dipshit OP. *walks out of thread shaking his head at Kenny the Tiger.
    14 points
  8. 14 points
  9. 14 points
  10. As a Latino and a San Antonian, I declare Jill's statement not offensive. My ruling is final.
    13 points
  11. If they had any honor, each of them would eat a bullet tonight.
    12 points
  12. Guess there won’t be any recent CBs for this guy….
    12 points
  13. do you realize that you just made the op not the dumbest fucking post in this thread? and i genuinely thought that was impossible. edit: formermav beat me to it.
    11 points
  14. The op reads like an excerpt from the manifesto of a mad man. And yet, this is the most insane post on this thread.
    11 points
  15. Used to be a dude on 6th that would spray paint stuff like this in ten minutes and sell them for $20. All while blasting EDM.
    11 points
  16. Vince Young- "If you want to beat Ohio State, meet me at the field at 7 AM" Roschon Johnson- "If you want to cover the spread against Bama, meet me at the field at 7 AM"
    11 points
  17. I don't know, that seems like a question for the person who runs the whole fucking website.
    10 points
  18. Let's all congratulate OP for correctly posting this in the CR, as opposed to his usual practice of whining in the Daily Texan about liberals and wokeness. Way to go OP. Now we just gotta fix that carbon monoxide leak in your house
    10 points
  19. Imagine how many people out there right now are fuckin' man. Just goin' at it.
    10 points
  20. Agreed. I'm on record as saying I doubt anyone significant sees the inside of a jail cell over this. They'll stall it in the courts until President DeSantis or Trump pardons everyone. Do it anyway. History needs to show that someone tried to stop these people.
    9 points
  21. Seeing a lot of people on the left side of this chart in this segment.
    9 points
  22. I love this one, as one of my courses in my Master's program was titled "Interacting Galaxies" - and was every bit as awesome as the title implied. The final project for the course was setting up these large point-models to simulate a pair of rotating spiral galaxies and run it through mathematical models to show how the gravitational pull of larger galaxies would literally rip apart smaller ones, but if they were "similar" on a gross scale in total stellar mass/galactic core size, they'd form those wonderful paired spirals like you see in the center of this image.
    9 points
  23. Abbott encouraged a lot of bitcoin miners to move their operations here, which increased demand substantially. So he personally managed to actually make things worse since the freeze.
    9 points
  24. Wordle 388 2/6* 🟨⬛⬛🟨🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
    9 points
  25. This will come as no surprise to anyone, but Sidney Powell is flat fucking insane.
    8 points
  26. Old fashioned pray off, first god that answers wins.
    8 points
  27. Saw this bumped and assumed the cowboys traded a first round pick for him
    8 points
  28. I’m somewhat of a connoisseur in the ass eating department. I do believe this falls in line with the A5 wagu would eat this ass after she completed a marathon
    8 points
  29. So Brauninger is saying Jimbo would rather have Novosad over Moore, yet... He offers Moore and not Novosad, 3 days after Holstein decommits. Novosad visits A&M the same week as Moore but isn't offered. ... 3 months pass with Moore being A&M target #1.... After Moore visits Oregon for second time and word is out he's planning to commit... Jimbo finally offers Novosad. Moore commits to Oregon and now Novosad was REALLY Jimbos first choice. In the end the family pull is going to be hard to overcome even it has been obviously he was a leftover pick for them.
    8 points
  30. Hudson Standish. (3. Texas is the current leader for five-star linebacker Anthony Hill Jr.) Complete article below.
    8 points
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