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Carpetbagging weasel faced smarmy little bitch, Ted Cruz

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  • 2 weeks later...

Maybe they're also mad because of the piece on Stephen Miller and Immigration. For Trump it takes away the spotlight, for Cruz it's probably because there is no place for him in Stephen Miller's America. He has several strikes against him.


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Don't get me wrong because I would definitely benefit if this tax cut went through, but I cannot endorse this chicanery and that Ted Cruz is pushing for it drives me further away. I believe in fiscal conservatism, but I agree with the op-ed that this cut and the means by which they wish to obtain it is not in any way good for America's future. Would it be good for my pocketbook? Sure, but using an executive order to circumvent what is already a reasonable tax code is malignant.


Brief bit:



t issue is a Republican proposal to reduce the bite of capital gains taxes by making gains appear smaller for tax purposes. Today, the calculation is straightforward: the gain from the sale of an investment (shares of stock, for example, or a piece of real estate) is equal to how much more the item sold for than it cost to buy. Under the alternative being pushed by some Senate Republicans and anti-tax groups, the calculation wouldn’t be based on the original cost but on a higher number that takes into account all the inflation that has occurred since the item was purchased, lowering the gain.

In a sense, this is just another effort by the all-taxes-are-evil crowd to pay less for the services the federal government provides and shift the costs onto future generations. What makes this proposal unusual is that proponents aren’t calling for Congress to make the change; they want the president to do it unilaterally, through an executive order directing the Treasury Department to redefine the cost of a capital good as the price paid plus inflation.



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Cruz going off on the media and New York Times trump style this morning. Positioning for his next presidential run. 

Guy as smart as Cruz can't think of anything between news and editorial that a newspaper might do, such as oh I don't know, publish a series of essays and news analysis on their mahazine. Meanwhile you have Fox News. Dishonest fuck.

As an aside, I thought the 1619 project was great and important work. Others did too. 



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  • 2 weeks later...
1 hour ago, Mrs Whiggins said:

Teddy, this narrative is just not working. Really. Chicago is the third largest city in the country. Yes, it has a crime problem, but you know what we have in America? A gun problem.



Number of Deaths in 2019



So dishonest...and he knows exactly what he's doing. Chew on they for a while. 



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The only reason the GOP & Fox have singled out Chicago is because of Obama's ties to the city. They started this when he was still president.

On a per capita basis, New Orleans, Memphis, Birmingham, Baltimore, Louisville, Kansas City, and a few others have more gun-related killings than Chicago (which is also unacceptably high).

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9 minutes ago, bolverk said:

The only reason the GOP & Fox have singled out Chicago is because of Obama's ties to the city. They started this when he was still president.

Also has something to do with the example of the effectiveness of extremely restrictive gun control. But meh Fox News!

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Just now, Anastasis said:

Also has something to do with the example of the effectiveness of extremely restrictive gun control. But meh Fox News!

Doesn't help much when a city is bounded by two other states with weak gun control laws and are the sources of much of the gun supply. But meh guns!

And there's good evidence that being next-door to those states keeps Chicago criminals well-supplied with guns. A 2015 study of guns in Chicago, co-authored by Cook, found that more than 60 percent of new guns used in Chicago gang-related crimes and 31.6 percent used in non-gang-related crimes between 2009 and 2013 were bought in other states. Indiana was a particularly heavy supplier, providing nearly one-third of the gang guns and nearly one-fifth of the non-gang guns.


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19 minutes ago, longhornmatt said:

we didn’t allow any random guy to go to Academy and purchase basically the same weapon our infantry uses. 

Yeah, basically. Except for the full auto thing. But pretty much exactly the same thing.  A soldier probably  couldn’t even tell the difference. 

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On 9/2/2019 at 10:03 PM, Hugo Stiglitz said:



The right to stone adulterers at the city gates (or was it in the city square) is also recognized in the Bible, you scripture cherry-picking hypocrite.


Maybe Ted should brush up on the New Testament:


But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also.


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