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Donald Trump 2019

Francisco 2.0

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This shit is so dangerous.  And fuck every single congressman who just ignores when the President of the United States ignores what our intelligence services say and then lies about what they said.  Vote them all out.

"The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command." - George Orwell, 1984

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1 hour ago, 4th&Five said:

Trump just said the intel chiefs were misquoted and it’s fake news. 


But the true believers will believe him, and that's all that matters.  They don't watch any tv but Fox, and since Fox probably hasn't ran any clips of the hearing.....

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8 minutes ago, Stringer said:

"The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command." - George Orwell, 1984

"What you're seeing and what you're reading is not what's happening."  -  Donald Trump , July 24, 2018


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3 minutes ago, retread said:

If you're Haspel, Coats, Wray or one of the others, how do you not resign after that tweet?

Because you took an oath to serve the country, not Donald Trump. Because you know resigning would put more Americans in danger.  Because someone has to hold the line between truth and fiction.  Because you are going to do your duty and not let a tweet rattle you.

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4 hours ago, 4th&Five said:

Trump just said the intel chiefs were misquoted and it’s fake news. 


Who cares?  It makes liberals mad.  It’s great.  /Slorch

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6 hours ago, Asithappens said:

This kind of bullshit really, really infuriates me. Or, if you're a Sarah Palin fan, infuridiates me.

I love America (and hate Trump). I think Mexico is a friendly nation and, while we may not be "lucky" to have them as southern neighbors, they are a net benefit. Mexicans (and other latinos), in my experience work hard and contribute to our society. Fuck the white dipshits who insult them. Fuck. Them.  

Do I want unlimited immigration? No. But let's not go full retard here. Why not help them out? Is that not the Christian way to do things? I think so. 

I agree wholeheartedly we should help if we can, it's the people that come here and don't want to integrate or want to change our entire culture to what they are familiar with that get me amped up...

It always amazes me that people from countries where the government has failed and their culture has eroded to a place where peaceful existence is no longer possible, flee to our country and want to bring the very thing that caused the demise of their nation to ours....that has got to be the epitome of stupid! I’m not sure if they are the dumbest or if the people that embrace their ideas are.

Edited by tazhorn
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24 minutes ago, tazhorn said:

I agree wholeheartedly we should help if we can, it's the people that come here and don't want to integrate or want to change our entire culture to what they are familiar with that get me amped up...

It always amazes me that people from countries where the government has failed and their culture has eroded to a place where peaceful existence is no longer possible, flee to our country and want to bring the very thing that caused the demise of their nation to ours....that has got to be the epitome of stupid! I’m not sure if they are the dumbest or if the people that embrace their ideas are.

They are largely fleeing countries where the leaders have sacrificed the well being of the common man in favor of corruption so they can enrich themselves. Why would they need to bring that with them? You ain't gonna out-Trump the Dotard.

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6 minutes ago, WhatTheBuck said:

Except that doesn't happen. 

We got our own politicians coming up with socialist ideals even as we speak, while Socialism has historically miserably failed. Even continues to fail in other countries...Wonder where they are getting these ideals from?

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53 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:


The best thing about that is he is so stump fucking dumb when he's in "I'm gonna lecture and inform you of things you didn't know mode" that he even feels like he has to explain what "blue tape" is while he has no idea that everyone knows he has no idea what he's talking about.  "Blue tape.  They use blue tape.  They call it blue tape.  Tough stuff.  Very tough stuff."  

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4 minutes ago, tazhorn said:

We got our own politicians coming up with socialist ideals even as we speak, while Socialism has historically miserably failed. Even continues to fail in other countries...Wonder where they are getting these ideals from?

You have no idea what socialism is.

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28 minutes ago, tazhorn said:

We got our own politicians coming up with socialist ideals even as we speak, while Socialism has historically miserably failed. Even continues to fail in other countries...Wonder where they are getting these ideals from?

Maybe they're getting them from Donald Trump who told the Australian Prime Minister that their system of health care is better than ours. 

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17 minutes ago, Chooky said:

The best thing about that is he is so stump fucking dumb when he's in "I'm gonna lecture and inform you of things you didn't know mode" that he even feels like he has to explain what "blue tape" is while he has no idea that everyone knows he has no idea what he's talking about.  "Blue tape.  They use blue tape.  They call it blue tape.  Tough stuff.  Very tough stuff."  

I would garner a guess that man has never taped anything outside of a christmas present in his life.  Just like he has never once shopped in a grocery store or sat at home and opened the bible.  

Bitch about millennials, fuck that.  It's old fuckers who think new information is another universe and actually learning to fumble through it shoots you up to the top of a mountain.

I'm old and I know how to tweet and watch the YouTube.  I must be the smartest person in the world.

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27 minutes ago, retread said:



Some fucking gold in this interview 


Mr. Trump sat behind the Resolute Desk, sipping periodically from a glass of Diet Coke with ice cubes floating in it and resting on a gold coaster. His acting chief of staff, Mick Mulvaney; his senior communications adviser, Bill Shine; and his press secretary, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, sat in on the session with Mr. Sulzberger and the two Times reporters.

Mr. Trump spoke with a low voice, his arms folded tightly during questions about the Russia inquiry. But he was more good humored at other points. He grew most animated when describing media coverage he considers unfair. At one point, he scoffed at the notion that he was making money from the presidency, calling the job a “loser” financially.

“I lost massive amounts of money doing this job,” he said. “This is not the money. This one of the great losers of all time. You know, fortunately, I don’t need money. This is one of the great losers of all time. But they’ll say that somebody from some country stayed at a hotel. And I’ll say, ‘Yeah.’ But I lose, I mean, the numbers are incredible.”

Still, he dismissed any speculation that he might not run for re-election next year. “I love this job,” he said. And he said he did not think he would face a challenger for the Republican presidential nomination, even though several candidates are mulling a race. “I don’t see it,” he said. “I have great support in the party.”

Watching the emerging Democratic field, Mr. Trump said the opposition party has “really drifted far left,” and he derided Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts as damaged while expressing admiration for the campaign kickoff of Senator Kamala Harris of California, who drew thousands of supporters.

“I would say the best opening so far would be Kamala Harris,” he said, pronouncing it “Kameela.” “I would say in terms of the opening act, I would say, would be her.” He added, “A better crowd, better crowd, better enthusiasm.”

“Some of the others were very flat,” he added. “I do think Elizabeth Warren’s been hurt very badly with the Pocahontas trap,” he added, using a favorite slur to refer to the senator’s effort to prove she has Native American heritage. “I think she’s been hurt badly. I may be wrong, but I think that was a big part of her credibility and now all of a sudden it’s gone.”

He had tough words as well for Ms. Pelosi, who has adamantly refused to approve even a dollar of the $5.7 billion he has sought for his border wall.

“I’ve actually always gotten along with her, but now I don’t think I will any more,” Mr. Trump said. “I think she’s doing a tremendous disservice to the country. If she doesn’t approve the wall, the rest of it’s just a waste of money and time and energy because it’s desperately needed.”

Mr. Trump has been considering an emergency declaration to spend money on a wall even without congressional approval, an action that would most likely draw a court challenge, and he said Ms. Pelosi would not be able to stop him. “I’ll continue to build the wall, and we’ll get the wall finished,” he said. “Now whether or not I declare a national emergency — that you’ll see.”

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1 hour ago, tazhorn said:

I agree wholeheartedly we should help if we can, it's the people that come here and don't want to integrate or want to change our entire culture to what they are familiar with that get me amped up...

It always amazes me that people from countries where the government has failed and their culture has eroded to a place where peaceful existence is no longer possible, flee to our country and want to bring the very thing that caused the demise of their nation to ours....that has got to be the epitome of stupid! I’m not sure if they are the dumbest or if the people that embrace their ideas are.

If you had to guess, what were you saying here?

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5 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

I’m kinda looking forward to seeing what the bad actors are going to throw at us. 

I expect they'll be significantly more entertaining than the current aggy trolls.  And the Russians have won a world war more recently than the aggy have won a national championship.  They can talk some shit if they want.  And their English is probably better.  I'm looking forward to it. 

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16 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

His acting chief of staff, Mick Mulvaney; his senior communications adviser, Bill Shine; and his press secretary, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, sat in on the session with Mr. Sulzberger and the two Times reporters.


Motherfucker needs more aides around him to talk with a couple of reporters than when he meets with America's number one foe.

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11 minutes ago, bolverk said:

Motherfucker needs more aides around him to talk with a couple of reporters than when he meets with America's number one foe.

This is something the Democrats need to highlight and talk about repeatedly. A damned armada with him (Sanders big backside alone can pull that off) for an interview, but complete secrecy while meeting with the dictator from the country who did everything they could to help him win in 2016.

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