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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/03/20 in Posts

  1. Vote your conscience in the primary, vote blue in the general. That's it. Stop trying to play pundit, because no one has any idea how this will play out one way or another. This will be a game of incredibly small margins. Bernie may turn some additional people out, Joe might too. Bernie may scare some people away, Joe might not inspire them to go vote. Bernie is not going to be able to turn the US into a socialist haven where all of his wish list items will suddenly become true. He might get one big thing done. Joe is not going to completely sell the people out to corporate interests and will actually probably succeed in making some incremental progressive gains. No one has any clue what the correct path is for a dem victory, and either lane will be 10,000x better than what will happen if Trump wins. So stop bickering like children and just vote and get your neighbors/family/friends to vote.
    13 points
  2. 12 points
  3. What a complete and total piece of shit. Un-fucking-believable. It's "fewer" you damn imbecile.
    11 points
  4. Watch your back Tony ...
    11 points
  5. Listen, I’ve really enjoyed this thread and you’ve been a highlight, but I’ll be sober for a minute. Yes, it is really fucking hard to imagine roughly 30% of the population being infected with this bug shortly. That doesn’t happen with entrenched bugs that circulate yearly. Then beyond that, yes, it’s hard to imagine that 1% is the mortality rate. Just go ahead and admit that you were hoping this thing was Captain Trips and you’re going to be disappointed if that doesn’t come to fruition. Reading some of y’all’s bullshit on this thread is like reading posts ahead of major hurricanes landing. There’s always a faction that secretly wants to see the carnage, talks their way around that fact by disclaiming that they don’t want to see the horror, that they’re not with the crazies, but they really are amazed that the mainstream media and public “just don’t see it coming”. Go ahead and put the tinfoil hat on and let your doomsday flag fly. You’re not fooling anyone, so you might as well own it.
    11 points
  6. In more coronavirus updates, my wife miraculously found the only place left in San Antonio that still had hand sanitizer. It was a custodial supply place that allegedly is the go to source for the local police and fire departments. They apparently have a chemist who supplies them directly, and the alcohol concentration is upward of 75% vs. the regular 60% that the local ignoranti are using. All you 60% motherfuckers are surely going to die or get the heebie jeebies. Unsurprisingly, my wife cleaned them out of whatever stock they had plus she special ordered 4 more fucking gallons of the shit. She somehow spent $137 on got damn hand sanitizer. She's also hoarding the shit from her family -- don't tell Typhoon Mary that we are sitting on the motherlode because we ain't sharing. The good news is that whatever we don't use to clean our hands (I estimate around 3.9 gallons), I'm pretty sure I can mix with Topo Chico and lime and get shitfaced.
    10 points
  7. My mother in law ordered the code red on Sunday, "Get Jake to the ranch." The translation being, "We are all going to the ranch near Gonzalez to hole up until this virus thing blows over. You need to get your ass down here asap." Using the family emergency plan secret phrase for sure added to the drama and urgency. As if someone were going to intercept the encrypted message, crash the survivalist party and abscond with all of our precious resources. Good thing she didn't know that my son had been in the mall food court with the covid patient or I don't think we would have made the cut. I suppose you could live out there indefinitely on catfish out of the lake but I'd rather die on a ventilator in the hospital than be on the lamb with Typhoon Mary for more than a couple of days.
    10 points
  8. “Girl boss”, really? How misogynistically condescending. Be careful, don’t let the mask slip. Not even a week ago all you could post was “Beat us!” when various posters were discussing Bernie’s perceived shortcomings. You’ve been rude and condescending and insulting to anyone not in the Bernie cult ever since Iowa, NH, and Nevada while taking what looks to be in hindsight a very premature victory lap. Now you’re accusing me and other posters on your side as liars and acting out of grievance and spite and claiming we’re fucking over swaths of people because we don’t want to vote for Bernie. I can’t speak for anyone else but I’m forced into making a pragmatic choice from the options left. And considering the distorted disingenuous slanted stuff you’ve continuously posted about other candidates - especially Pete, who I actually despise - it’s really fucking rich that you’re now clutching your pearls at people “lying” about The High Sparrow. In closing, beat us.
    10 points
  9. My FIL this morning in the group chat - "3x as many people died in TN tornado last night as all Coronavirus victims in US... just saying" My response: "Let me know when the rate of tornadoes starts to increase exponentially." He did not like that. Dude has a PhD in Synthetic Organic Chemistry, but Fox News is making him retarded in his old work-from-home age.
    9 points
  10. Because you don’t agree with his posts , he’s a troll? Are you going to claim he’s part of a Russian bot initiative next ? Get a fucking grip, you pussies. This guy isn’t doing anything but carrying his side of a position. Some of you fucks are so brittle it’s nauseating.
    8 points
  11. Now, Biff...are you sure you just finished the second coat of wax on my BMW?
    8 points
  12. 8 points
  13. In 2009 the then-novel H1N1 infected 60M. It turned out to be very mild. Maybe it does turn out to be easier to slow down and stop. That would be awesome. But for now my mom is a 72 year old smoker so I'm tossing out the weird stuff from her freezer and looking up real estate agents to list her house.
    8 points
  14. And what’s the deal with Ovaltine? The jar is round. The glass is round. They should call it Roundtine.
    8 points
  15. This. Guys, a huge percentage of free throws come on plays where the defender has to give him two points or "make him earn it at the line." We don't get any of those free throws. We also don't get any and-1s on drives, because of the whole almost never driving thing. I'll say it again: teams don't foul us becaust they don't have to. AND OH MY FUCKING GOD WHAT DID YOU JUST DO TO THE SOONER MATT COLEMAN, YOU MAGNIFICENT SON OF A BITCH?! FUUUUUUK YOOOUUUUU SOONERS!!!!
    7 points
  16. Listening to Bernie and I always felt like he sounded familiar but I could quite place it. I realized tonight he sounds like George Steinbrenner from Seinfeld.
    7 points
  17. Friend request sent to Tori Egbert.
    7 points
  18. True true good point the stock market definitely prefers Bernie. Solid argument. Well thought out.
    7 points
  19. Now imagine that someone was infected and coughed and sneezed into that tornado.
    7 points
  20. tony romo isn't who i'd be asking for advice.
    7 points
  21. He has actually entered the Transfer Portal but his movement is so slow it is hard to discern movement with the naked eye.
    7 points
  22. I've been someone you've previously gone after with this rhetoric, so I can only assume I'm the type of person you have in mind with this statement. To be clear, Joe Biden is not my first, second, third, fourth... hell, tenth choice to be President. I agree with you on probably 90%+ of the issues, but in a contest between Joe and Bernie, I fear that Bernie will scare away voters. Again, I like what Bernie stands for. I respect his consistent record. In a vacuum, I think he'd make a fine President. I just don't think the country will show up for him. And I recognize that I come from a place of privilege where I can afford for my number one voting criteria to be "get Trump the hell out of here" rather than "how will I feed my family tonight." I personally believe that steering the country away from Trump needs to be the first step, and then we can go to work on the other issues. If I'm wrong, well then fuck me, but this is what I believe. That being said, this type of bullshit that you spew makes me feel better about my decision. To be clear, I am not basing my vote even 1% on what some lunatic on the internet thinks, but it sure prevents me from spending too much time worrying that I made the wrong call (which was Warren, by the way.). Equating someone who has a difference of opinion with Q-Anon? Man, FUCK that. Your team has had five years to figure out how to expand your base, and you dumbasses can't figure out that people don't like to be insulted. Elections are literally goddamn popularity contests and it doesn't matter how good your ideas are (and most of them are VERY good!) if you can't get people to listen to them.
    7 points
  23. You mean the 2013-2016 Ebola outbreak that ended up with ~28,600 cases - with 99.9% of the cases limited to Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea in Western Africa. There were a total of 36 other cases worldwide associated with this and of those, there were 4 in the US, 1 in Italy, 1 in the UK and 1 in Spain. That is it that were outside of Africa. Of the 4 cases in the United States the first one was a guy who got it there then traveled back - the next 2 cases were nurses who treated him, and the fourth case was a doctor who treated Ebola patients in West Africa. There were 0.024% of the cases outside of Africa. This was the most widespread Ebola outbreak in history. Meanwhile, COVID-19 has 92,300 cases worldwide, has cases and deaths on every continent and this number is almost guaranteed to actually be low (who thinks there are only 3 cases in Russia? only 100ish cases in the US? only 9 in all of Africa - with 0 in Sub-Saharan Africa? only 2300 in Iran?) This is a fucking stupid comparison.
    7 points
  24. Look, man--if we win tonight (and it's looking favorable at present), we're going to need every man on deck to win in November. Let's be magnanimous in victory. I don't like Bernie. I think his supporters can be obnoxious. But they feel passionately about their positions. We ought to listen to what they have to say.
    6 points
  25. I just returned to South Korea yesterday after 16 days in the USA. Interesting to see the change in a couple weeks. When I left there had only been a few cases like the USA, but while I was gone it started spreading quickly. First flight back here was canceled (Japan Airlines), but I was able to fly American Airlines over. The flight over to the USA was full; however, on the flight back every single passenger had 3 seats to themselves. You could nap laying down. The airport immigration is usually 10-15 minute wait. Most stations were closed, I waited less than 2 minutes. They had temperature cameras set up and people in full body suits between the gates and immigration. The only people getting special attention were the Chinese who had to go through a different line, and the people with body suits, to enter. I was actually surprised how easy it was to enter, if you were not Chinese. Pretty much business as usual for non-Chinese travelers. I flew to Seoul then took the high speed train to where I live, since my city flies through Tokyo when you go east to the USA and Japan suspended all flights to S. Korea. If I flew there, I would have had to wait a day, so it was faster just to take train down from Seoul. The KTX (high speed train) was almost empty. Of 15 cars, only 2-3 had people and those cars were like 15-20% full. The subways/buses I have taken the last couple days were also very empty, like 10% of capacity. Everyone has a mask (99%). Masks were already in high supply here as people often wear them when sick here and/or on days when the pollution that blows over from China is very bad. Though the average mask is not going to be very effective keeping you safe from infection, they are much better at keeping a sick person wearing one from passing it on. So everyone wearing one should help a lot. Hand sanitizer is provided at many businesses for people entering and exiting the building. A lot of businesses are closed or open only during the busiest part of the day and are extremely slow even then. Schools are suspended 3 weeks. My employer requires a mask to enter the building. Everyone spends as much time as they can isolated at home for the most part.
    6 points
  26. Do yourself a favor and stop trying to tie TSLA stock performance to anything other than rampant speculation. There is no tangible real life metric that explains the stock price. It would be similar to trying to explain bitcoin price swings. It is also is a heavily shorted stock which can skew price movements as well. It currently has a market cap much greater than Ford, GM, and Chrysler combined, yet has a fraction of the revenue and has never turned an annual profit. Last year TSLA revenue grew less than 15% and the stock tripled. Here's a screenshot of their revenues and earnings For comparisons sake, here is Toyota's financials: A few weeks ago TSLA had a higher market cap than Toyota. There are plenty of believers in TSLA, and they will make the argument that the stock is undervalued today. At the end of the day, TSLA is in the business of selling large hunks of moving metal. They haven't figured out a way to do so profitably yet.
    6 points
  27. 6 points
  28. This is the key information here, and it matches up with what several of us here have suggested thus far: This will be more virulent (that is, more transmittable) than the flu. So, more people will get it - maybe twice as many will get it. Then, from THAT group of infected, the death rate will be significantly greater than the flu -- maybe 10 times the death rate. So, 10 times the death rate, in a pool of 2 times as many infected people, gets you 20 times the number of deaths. If those numbers end up being correct (and again, WAY early still -- they could be off significantly in either direction), then this is really, really bad....but not catastrophic. Flu kills 12k to 60k per year in the US. Multiply that by 20....you get a range of deaths from 240,000 to over 1.2 million. That's....bad...really bad....as in, most of us will know someone who dies from it, but again, not catastrophic to society as a whole. Buckle up - it's not going to be as bad as some alarmists would say. Which doesn't matter, because it will be plenty bad enough.
    6 points
  29. Are you serious Clark? You realize that the total population of the US has grown from 210m to 330m from 1975 to today. The number of hospital beds over that same time period shrunk from 1.5 m to just over 900k. Additionally many of these beds are currently occupied because hospitals are businesses here, they're not going to just keep excess inventory sitting around unused. This also disproportionately targets the old and sick/unhealthy. We have a ton more unhealthy people waddling around these days that might start getting hit with this. Throw in a 2 week hospitalization per infection and we could be in some shit.
    6 points
  30. So several of my patients had their appointment with the infectious disease doctor cancelled today. I’m definitely more anxious than I was this AM. Politics are in full play here. Pathetic. Test more people you fucking idiots.
    6 points
  31. I mentioned it in another thread a couple of months ago, but my great great grandfather was the Sheriff of Llano County and fought off the Comanche during the Civil War days when a large percentage of the male population was off fighting in that war. He was posthumously (obviously) awarded Texas Ranger status a couple of years ago and a star was placed on his tombstone. /csb
    6 points
  32. He looks like a dude named Yuri that sells Tiger "sex pills" and questionably legal ex-Soviet weaponry out his trunk
    6 points
  33. You missed the full quote. This is what the donor side update says: ***Interestingly, Texas wasn’t actually recruiting Henderson until Boulware was hired. Boulware had been recruiting Henderson at Oklahoma and when he got to Texas, he reached out to Henderson and introduced Tre to coach Drayton because it turns out Drayton wasn’t actually recruiting anyone besides some unheralded 3 star he could land without leaving the confines of his own home. Our sources tell us Drayton’s plan for the cycle before Boulware connected him to Henderson was to rest on his laurels and skip that whole recruiting thing for a couple years. Our sources also tell us that when Drayton stops by to pick up his monthly paycheck of almost $50,000 Herman and others in Belmont ask him why he won’t get off his ass and go recruit a real running back, Drayton simply replies with a one word response, “Bijan” and then scurries back to his office so as to not miss too much of the MASH episode he’s currently watching his office.
    6 points
  34. Well this lifelong Republican voter is going to happily vote for Bernie later today. That's one Texas vote for positive change.
    6 points
  35. hahahahaha, if you're a trumpster, you're a fucking idiot
    6 points
  36. Joe Biden’s brain is clearly turning to mush. Everyone saw it and he was dead in the water. But he took an afternoon nap and had a debate where he was semi lucid and shouted a bit and it fired some people up. Now 2/3 of the Democratic Party has thrown its support behind a guy that will just get fucking murdered on a debate stage by trump because he’ll just fire lie after lie and old joe won’t be able to articulate that it’s all bullshit. Every mental lapse will get highlighted and broadcast across every battleground state. Bernie was the closest thing the dems have to a fighting chance against what should be the easiest presidential candidate to defeat in decades and they are going to blow it for a second time. Not because Bernie is a great candidate (he’s just a bit too extreme for my taste with the forcing companies to shift 20% ownership to employees and immediate fracking ban, but other than that he’s a good candidate), but because he’s clearly the only one that has a chance of beating trump. every single demographic except uneducated rural white people has been shifting away from the GOP, and the dems are gonna blow it for a second time.
    6 points
  37. My teenager just walked by and casually mentioned his girlfriend was at North Star mall this weekend.
    6 points
  38. Using the abortion issue as a cover for the most loathsome of beliefs, for cruelty and contempt for fellow humans, especially minorities...again, the broken psyche isn’t particularly original. Never mind that you’re championing a party that’s holding up legislation to work towards treatment/vaccines of a deadly illness...because the legislation would provide govt help, and in return would limit a company to a fair profit...which isn’t enough. Profits over lives. Worship of mammon...my wife has thoughts on that, I know. You think you’re clever and original. You’re not. You’re an entirely predictable broken soul, who tries in vain to use wealth as a substitute for human worth. It doesn’t work. Nobody’s buying it. Not even you.
    5 points
  39. These threads sure have gone off the rails, I guess that’s the genesis of the Cloak Room though. Walked in today and cast my first vote in a Democratic primary. It felt a little odd just for the record.
    5 points
  40. I haven’t been that excited about a Horns win on ou senior day since...
    5 points
  41. Yeah, you love your senile racist dictators. Got it. Congrats on being a shittier person than I thought you were in 2016. I thought you were shitty then. Turns out that you are actually one of the most despicable people on the planet. Yet you're still a scared fucking pussy who has to jog with a gun. Probably too afraid to even pull it out if needed. Wonder why that is.
    5 points
  42. He should have sniffed them. That’s why he smells people. He only recognizes and hunts by scent
    5 points
  43. The new Pornhub "Most Searched For" video categories for each country/region are out:
    5 points
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