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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/26/19 in all areas

  1. 13 points
  2. We're gonna have to sacrifice the LHN to get our mojo back. Ever since that thing launched our athletic department's "our shit don't stink" attitude has done nothing but breed incompetence. Plus I won't have to listen to Galindo's retarded blabbering.
    11 points
  3. “I don’t have any doubt that Tom is a fine coach. I think he would make a great position coach, maybe a coordinator.”
    11 points
  4. Because we hire a guy and then let him choose safe hires instead of insisting he get the best coaches available? Or because we go with the “hot name” instead of doing a more thorough search?
    10 points
  5. Im starting to really beleive that UGA didnt want to be there last year
    8 points
  6. Klieman watched the game tape from two weeks ago and said "Let's do the opposite of that."
    8 points
  7. We hit a lot of balls hard tonight. Let's break off a 10-spot tomorrow.
    8 points
  8. Urquidy was a f'n assassin tonight Sent from my Pixel 2 using Tapatalk
    7 points
  9. I've lived and died with the Horns since 1961, when I was 6. I remember running around the house crying when we, the number one team in the nation, lost to these very same cockroaches that day, 6-0. While my heart has been broken on occasion, these Horns have given me plenty of great moments. But as of today, I will not watch any more this season during the day unless it is freezing or pouring down rain. Too many other things to do. Herman's arrogance has killed my desire to root for these kids. I thought he was a good coach, but an A-hole of a guy. I didn't care as long as the team played hard for him. But it's now clear to me that his arrogance camouflages his inability to to make the proper adjustments needed to win, either during the week or during the game. He talks the talk, but doesn't know how to walk the walk. Same as its been the past decade. Texas is all hat and no cattle. Pathetic and sad.
    7 points
  10. I looked him square in the face and said "Del Conte, you shifty Italian carpetbagger, I have been a season ticket holder for 15 years since my parents died and they kept sending the tickets to me and I have never seen a team with less desire to win or hearts of champions and you sir are the leader of these men and I cannot let that continue, I will duel you for the honor of my University and my ex-wife." and I could see the fear in his eyes as he said this was an Arby's.
    7 points
  11. The Yankees are in really good shape for the Series. Their bullpen is completely rested.
    7 points
  12. Joe urquiddy can have his way with my wife. I don't give a fuck
    6 points
  13. It's shitty to begin with, is annoying as hell when going back to the main topics page and it sure as shit isn't helping the mojo. Fucking stop this fucking shit, it adds nothing to the site, looks fucking stupid and is just pissing me off. Fucking fat sweaty fucking fuck Fuck you, fuck me, and fuck everybody!
    6 points
  14. We were told Brandon Jones and Collin Johnson were future 1st round picks. We were told Yancy made the S&C program elite. We were told Hand fixed the oline. We were told Dicker was elite. We were told this is finally a player led program. We were told the Charlie loser mentality was out of the locker room. We were told this is the most close knit team Herman has coached. We need to question everything we've been told.
    6 points
  15. All of y’all wanting Urban are shitty human beings. Dude had 47 arrests at Florida. Y’all disgust me
    6 points
  16. Beating GA might have been one of the worst things that could have happened
    6 points
  17. Congratulations Kansas State! Fuck ou.
    6 points
  18. Some of you piss ants need to lighten up and let the season play itself out. We are 5-2 and that alone is better than we have been in awhile. Reflect back on what we had before and what we have now. If some 18 year kid decides this is not the place for him, so be it. Rather he move on now than waste a scholly. Been a following my beloved horns since Wooster days. Seen it all, lived a bit of it. Hang tough and let the season play out. If I have offended anyone with this post, run to the unisex bathroom and cry your eyes out.
    6 points
  19. He needs to apologize to the Central Park 5 before the words "African-American" ever leaves his lips again.
    6 points
  20. And now, here's DreamHouse CEO Eric Martinez presenting your 2019 New Mexico Bowl champions with the Ron McKelvey Cup...
    6 points
    5 points
  22. And Texas fans will continue to pat themselves on the back of how noble they are for not wanting someone like that and how every other program is dirty. That is what teams of losing ass teams resort to. Being a "clean" program. When in reality, no one gave a damn of all the arrests and trouble the players got into when we were winning big. People only latch onto this shit when the losing starts. If Urban came in here and started to have the success like he did at Florida and Ohio St, I guarantee you many would not give a shit about what kind of person he is or his past. Winning is a cure for a lot. It's easy to jump on the high horse when you are losing because you need to latch onto anything to make yourself feel better about your program.
    5 points
  23. Actually the more that I think about it, I'll go ahead and cut my dick off. "Nice guys" like tom herman who snort coke off hookers tits are too conservative. I hate losing more than I like winning. I'll take urban in a second right now.
    5 points
  24. What have you seen out of Texas that shows we wouldn’t make Mond look like a Heisman candidate?
    5 points
  25. Herman: "We expected TCU to run more on us." Follow-up question should have been: Why you have the worse pass defense in the country?
    5 points
  26. I challenged him to a duel outside the stadium after the game and he refused. Coward.
    5 points
  27. Promote Fedora to OC with play calling authority Find a homeless person on Guadalupe and promote them to DC. Install whatever scheme they recommend.
    5 points
  28. 5 points
  29. Let the game end before celebrating.
    5 points
  30. Crab Cake Benedict is a no bullshit hangover cure:
    5 points
  31. It's official: Another QB has had a career day against Texas.
    4 points
  32. Orlando still uses 3 man rush, he really shouldn't be employed after today
    4 points
  33. You’re in the fucking RZ. Run the fucking ball. Quit being a bitch ass Group of 5 pussy and run it down their throats. How fucking hard is this to grasp for the head coach of the University of Texas. Use your athletes. Use your physicality. Stop asking for miracles from Sam.
    4 points
  34. No one is going to read your thread because everyone will assume it is about whale cunt.
    4 points
  35. Anyone remember those days when we struggled to be .500 and bowl eligible? Waiting until a month from now to get 6 wins? Lot of entitled chicken littles on here lately. Kansas game was shit, I get it. NOBODY was happy with that performance. OU hangover, decimated with injuries. Add in some more poor tackling and questionable play calling...It was a tough watch, to say the least. But we got a W. Let's move forward and get another. Persevere through the adversity. I get the frustration but the collective bitchassedness on here lately is frankly embarrassing. Deal with it.
    4 points
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