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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/22/22 in all areas

  1. ^ losing the war below: losing the hearts and minds doggos doing their duty:
    22 points
  2. people like the former president, his chief of staff, the governor of the largest republican state, and the biggest mouthpieces for the party in the media are not representative of mainstream views within the party. as republicans we can report with every fiber of our integrity that not only do we not vote for these people but in our own circles we talk about nothing but small government and following the teachings of our lord and savior Jesus Christ.
    14 points
  3. Man, fuck the NYT with a rusty butter knife for pushing that cede territory narrative. Has no one learned how to deal with expansionist autocrats yet? Fucking appeasers.
    14 points
    12 points
  5. 12 points
  6. And eliminated the aggy softball team was...20-0 land thieves (in just 5 innings) for the largest margin of victory in ncaa tournament history 🤷‍♂️🤣
    11 points
  7. Who knew that constant economic stimulus during fat years (2017-2019) would leave us with little to no options when shit actually did hit the fan?? Don't act surprised, you cheered on the policy that got us here
    11 points
  8. It’s important to understand the constraints on Russia. It spends a comparatively large percent of GDP on its military, but that’s a GDP a bit smaller than New York state’s economy. Imagine the strain it would put on Albany to keep a degraded carrier afloat and rebuild a destroyed dry-dock while also trying to be a major air and land power in Eurasia. Also consider that the Kuznetsov is mostly a vanity item that is useful mostly to prove that they are a power projecting blue-water navy. It’s a smoke belching rust bucket that would be worse than useless against a peer competitor and is absolutely useless in the actual war that Russia is in and has been planning for. Then factor in persistent corruption and graft across the entire process. The state of the Kuznetsov speaks powerfully to what Russia actually can do as a major power.
    11 points
  9. Hell yeah they geolocated the russians again off their propaganda news and picked off one of the big mortars
    10 points
  10. Another WR amirite @Rockethorn1978, he’s probably using a wind aided time amirite @6th Street, no amount of speed will help with our shit O-line amirite @JFKFC. Did I miss anybody? Haha
    10 points
  11. Poverty in the US. This is designed for Europeans, but it demonstrates how little safety net we have here. One fellow, who lives out of his car, takes the display case pizza and shares it with his fellow homeless. He used to be a programmer but had some health issue that caused him to be unable to work and unemployment didn't help enough and he burned through his savings thinking he could get back on track. He didn't and is living out of his car. One lady works as a caregiver and has a gym membership so she can take a daily shower and keep her job. Poor people can be given tickets to games. If you are poor and someone hands you 5 tickets to a game, something you will likely not be able to afford and might not get that opportunity to do again? You take your kids and go or you sell them if you can. That doesn't mean you'll get $300 for each ticket. I do find it hypocritical how many of you America First types like to point out the poverty of Burundi and then assume that because we are not all delivering crops on bicycles for 14 hours a day our poor have it easy. As if that job could exist here. Also the suffering/challenges of one does not minimize the suffering/challenges of another. If your kid came home and said the teacher tried to touch him would you respond "Well son, in Ukraine you could be raped in front of your mother, so stop your bitching?" The bold is a bullshit line so overused as to be meaningless. It is like saying one is honest. Liars say that too.
    9 points
  12. So my analysis of the match: Texas came out ready in doubles and OU seemed to be flat footed. Collins was great at the net with her hands. Pretty sure Collins and Stearns would have won too if their match had played out. Also with Chantra out, the change was evident. Don't think the new pairing of Staker and Guzman is the best doubles combination; both seem to grind and don't make 'set up shots' for their partners. Line 1- Peyton was Peyton. If you include the previous matches, she has won 25 straight games against Sleeth! Sleeth has actually had a good season too. Line 2-Expected with the split sets. Both Collins and the younger Corley like to slug things out. Line 3-Also expected I guess. The older Corley (and to some extent her younger sister) plays a high risk game- low toss, stands extremely close to the service line for second serve, tends to hit on the rise with a compact swing. Zeynalova is just too consistent. Even when down 2-5, I had no doubts Zeynalova would win. Line 4-Wow did Charlotte hit a brick wall. After breaking her opponent in the first game of the second set, she would go on to lose 11 of the next 12 games! Nice to see her fight and she was on the verge of 3-5 when the match ended. Line 5-Got to admit Zamarippa was the surprise of the tournament for me! She played better with each match. Her serve was better than in the regular season and I think that was what the difference was in yesterday's and today's match. Her UNC third set was really high quality. Both players were holding serves until the last game, much better than the stress inducing breakathons you'd expect in college tennis. Line 6-Ovrootsky did not play the big points well. Seemed like she lost every deuce point. In the back of my mind, I was wondering if Rapolu would get the chance to play. Ovrootsky has not had a good NCAA tournament. Also I'd like to say Joffe really outcoached his counterpart. Made a change in line three late doubles so late in the season takes guts. The new pairing (Zeynalova and B. Zamarripa) went undefeated this weekend!
    8 points
  13. Did a beer can chicken for the first time on my WSM. Damn tasty and moist.
    8 points
  14. Hahahahah they say 41% of all dollars were created in 2 years…then show that number as calculated with the 2020 dollars as the denominator. That aside, they changed how they calculate M2: https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/M2 You’re a fucking idiot.
    8 points
  15. Reports this morning of another failed RU bridging attempt with lots of destroyed RU equipment.
    8 points
  16. Fucking classic. All your solutions involve time travel.
    8 points
  17. Take this shit to the Movies & TV board, or where-ever you and your girlfriends talk about hairstyles.
    8 points
  18. They haven't recovered from the iceberg ol Jimbo ran them into. Every year at this time I get a couple guys who realize their kids are relegated to aggy or Blinndergarten and start reading Looch. With no background, they will toss Loochisms at me not knowing I know what he will say before he says it. One came at me with the "TU is overrated every year Yada Yada Yada lol" so I countered with this article Aggy gonna aggy showing aggy has finished lower than their preseason ranking exactly 100% of the time. And that FSU is #2 in that category with Jimbo at the helm for many of those seasons. So congrats on that hire and subsequent raise. Facts are so hard for aggy to process because they're programed to regurgitate what Looch et al say without question ..it's really hilarious.
    8 points
  19. Let us know if he needs supplies or funding that surly can back as a group.
    8 points
  20. 7 points
  21. 7 points
  22. The Jesus I know doesn’t
    7 points
  23. Recession by the classic definition (2Q of negative growth) is extremely likely. Market sentiment tied to that means a bear market is extremely likely. The other hallmarks of dark economic times? I don’t think they’re likely. There are 5M more job openings than people looking for work. % of people on unemployment is lower than it’s been in 50 years. Demographic trends point to a labor shortage in the short, medium, and long term. So I just don’t see us getting into double digit unemployment, at least for many years, and possibly ever. The dollar is very strong compared to other currencies. So while we are seeing dramatic inflation, it’s a worldwide phenomenon. That tells me it’s not an issue of money supply or access to capital, but an issue wholly related to the supply of goods and services. Aside from the labor shortage, geopolitical issues are by far the largest cause. It is difficult to predict the outcome of the Russia-Ukraine conflict. But I am hopeful it will largely resolve over the course of this year. Certainly financial stimulus is a contributing factor to what we’re seeing, but I think it’s 3rd or 4th or 5th down the list of primary causes. If a “soft landing” means avoiding recession, I think that ship has sailed. I predict a deep but quick recession. If soft landing means just getting inflation under control without sending unemployment to uncomfortable levels, I am very optimistic they’ll achieve that outcome.
    7 points
  24. Czech also deserves some credit! Her playing a complete game Friday meant MW could squeeze as much as he could out of Dolcini
    6 points
  25. Not sure if already posted but too fun to pass up. One of the better Hitler-Putin mashups.
    6 points
  26. And its so fitting and a testament to resiliency that her "lowest of low" moment was losing to OU in Norman after shanking an easy overhead at the match that would have beaten OU and given Texas the Big 12 regular season title. Here, she wins the tiebreaker against OU to win the national championship. Yeah, thats how you make amends
    6 points
  27. Me, an hour ago. . .inner dialog. "how many dumbasses from Texas end up with Chilean flag tattoos" Actual conversation just now. Me: "I think this guy from Chile is going to win." Wife: "Oh, the country whose flag looks a little like the Texas flag?" Me: "color me impressed." Wife: "if you ever run into my ex husband, look at his ankle. He got drunk once and ended up with the Chilean flag on his ankle."
    6 points
  28. I think there are some people on this board who have a fundamental misunderstanding of government assistance available in the United States.
    6 points
  29. Nice Ukrainian color Garfield on the window.
    6 points
  30. Probably shouldn't allow children to decide whether they want to give their life to Christ being how temperamental they are. Making a child decide such a thing with eternal ramifications sounds like a form of child abuse. Better get CPS involved.
    6 points
  31. You don’t know shit about fuck.
    6 points
  32. I heart 2/3 pit stop races. Lots of strategy, moving parts without a bunch of wrecks. Tires should always be this soft. Entertaining race
    6 points
  33. It's really tempting to neg him into purgatory but he'll be right back with the same bullshit.
    6 points
  34. Nordgren had some sweet moves. Nobody ever gave him a chance.
    6 points
  35. He’s a cornerback, and he’s on you like a seatbelt. Pretty fucking awesome nickname.
    6 points
  36. I’ve never been a member of any political party, but if I find the majority of my views aligned with a party that embraces fascists, I’m going to disassociate myself from that party, even if it means aligning with another party that I have significant disagreements with on big issues, until that party purges the fascists.
    6 points
  37. The amount of time and emotion I can invest in anything is spread pretty thin in my late 40’s. So the only remaining fandom I have left is Longhorn football. Even in our era of suckage, I still go to most every home game, watch them on TV, and get my heart repeatedly broken by them. When I was in high school I LOVED the Chicago Bulls. There was a three-year period (1989-1992) growing up on the east coast, right as the Bulls were entering their run of 6 titles, when for some reason we got WGN, the local Chicago station. Long before the era of numerous sports channels broadcasting games on a nightly basis, that station showed almost every Bulls home and away game that otherwise wasn’t on one of the major networks during the weekend, and I watched just about every damn one of them. And I had a panoramic poster of Michael Jordan in the air dunking from the free throw line in my bedroom. But clearly my allegiance was to Jordan, because after he left, I felt no other real connection to the team, so I stopped following them as much. Now, I’m at best a casual NBA fan.
    6 points
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