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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/01/22 in Posts

  1. Texas wins ou loses aggy loses And they were all by 18+. This is a great day. Also, fuck ou.
    42 points
  2. Leach: "not really sure, I've not really had to do much. They always line up in 3 man fronts and also give away what they are going to do. So truthfully, they have just handed it to me time and time again
    25 points
  3. OU sucks loses, aggy loses, Texas wins. Universe restored for a day.
    21 points
  4. Line is Texas -9, people say all week it’s free money. We’re winning by 18 and people still aren’t happy. Y’all need to learn how to enjoy a win, you joyless fucks.
    17 points
  5. Worthy to Card after that latest missed deep shot.
    16 points
  6. This is a HIPAA violation. You’ll be hearing from my lawyer.
    16 points
  7. i don't give a fuck that they gargle balls this year, i want them to fucking feel all the pain of an early era mack brown in the rrs beatdown. fuck them.
    15 points
  8. I mean…look, Card did what he had to do tonight. But goddamn he blew 2 TDs with terrible throws to wide ass open receivers. The last TD to Worthy probably should have been an INT. He still holds the ball too long. This was a good win. Card did some things well. He can be an average college QB. But he’s just limited in what he can do.
    15 points
  9. Pay very close attention to this, those of you that tune in to Tucker Carlson nightly for your “news”. You are the pawn in a very dangerous game.
    14 points
  10. 13 points
  11. This tweet from the Czech defense ministry is fucking savage and I love it: “Our assistance is working! Approximately 5,500 Russian soldiers are surrounded in the strategic city of Lyman and according to Ukrainian forces some of them are surrendering and many of them are dead or injured. We’re on the right path. We must continue and help Ukraine kick out the occupiers.”
    13 points
  12. i've said it before but it bears repeating - there were more trump voters in california in 2020 than in any other state. they're not that hard to find if you're trying to find them. they're just as stupid and just as desperate as the red state redhats. the difference is that biden won here by 5mm votes and ca legislates with that mandate. texas legislates like trump won by 10mm votes, when he really won by 600,000. that's a problem. i see what you did there.
    13 points
  13. Faithful dog lies by his human who was killed by a Russian rocket.
    12 points
  14. AP: ABC/ESPN: 10/1: for the first time ever, the Red River Rivalry will be flexed to the 8am CST spot.
    12 points
  15. I watched and later read the English transcript of Putin’s annexation speech so you don’t have to. http://en.kremlin.ru/events/president/transcripts/69465 The Western Allies bombed Germany to scare the USSR. Keep an eye on this, as I expect some person in the newly annexed territories to announce they were experimented on. This is a new one. “Anglo-Saxons”’ is a weird tic that creeps into pro-Kremlin discourse in all Slavic languages and it’s quite clearly a bid to create a civilizational foil to “pan-Slavism.” Putin is going to make the food crisis worse. That’s the message here. Russia is special and doesn’t have to follow rules. Please remember this the next time you hear how it’s all about NATO.
    12 points
  16. 11 points
  17. Like a Swiss cuckoo motherfucking clock.
    11 points
  18. Billy needs to be careful or he is going to lose his access.
    11 points
  19. It is clear that Putin's long game had been to destabilize the west so that he could reclaim the former borders of the Soviet Union and perhaps go farther. He was hoping that his election interference in our democracies, promotion of candidates and ideals that would turn western countries inward, and large-scale ideological warfare via social media and other sources, would divide and weaken the west so that he could reclaim all of the former eastern bloc countries without much of a fight. And he came really close to breaking apart NATO.
    11 points
  20. my man had a real o-line. I wish bijan did.
    10 points
  21. The first couple minutes of his opening statement is vintage Jimbo Boomhauer. this dude is a f'n clown. I love it.
    10 points
  22. Need trifecta of OU Sucks loss, aggy loss and Texas win.
    10 points
  23. What you said but more concise and much hotter. I would click your avatar button if it showed her naked.
    10 points
  24. Behold the glory that is Texags right now.
    10 points
  25. “It’s fine, honey. You just know I don’t care for Thai food so I don’t know why you suggested it. But we can go since you and the kids like it. It would just be nice to go out to someplace everyone enjoys. But I’m not upset, let’s get Thai food.” Dmitry! This speech is ten minutes long and there’s nothing about NATO or missiles. Work it in there somewhere, Meaesheimer and Chomsky need something to work with. I need some stuff in here for Такер Карлсон and Алекс Джонс to work with, too. Yep to all of these. Putin has been at war with us for 30 years. We’re just too fucking stupid to realize it. And…en entire political party is a gleeful fifth column.
    10 points
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