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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/29/22 in Posts

  1. Absolutely. If Satchel cannot define "assault rifle" to Vibes' satisfaction, then the obvious conclusion would be that no action should be taken at any level.
    19 points
  2. Breaking: Kelvin Banks has been named starter at LT after beating out every other tackle on the roster by walking into the building.
    17 points
  3. 17 points
  4. this is the transfer thread. Take this defensive coaching slapfight somewhere else. Off topic posts will be taking time off
    16 points
  5. Good. These fuckers should know no peace.
    13 points
  6. Its result requires a DNA swab from a relative to identify the victim. Start with that.
    12 points
  7. So now the Kherson referendum to join Russia is scheduled towards next year.
    12 points
  8. Edit: to head off the obvious retort, he did the math
    11 points
  9. Damn shame about the Goons and Frogs. You hate to see it, but more than that...you love to see it.
    10 points
  10. Abbott, Cornyn, and Cruz should not be able to show themselves anywhere in public for the rest of their lives without being loudly confronted and reminded of their part in blocking efforts to prevent this tragedy.
    10 points
  11. Let’s hope they staff that armed security with Uvalde PD.
    10 points
  12. Harsh but I'll allow it:
    10 points
  13. 10 points
  14. Good news. It’s no longer necessary to post. I’ve written an AI bot to automatically respond to any positive post about the program with: “You’re just a sunshine pumper worse than an aggie” And any post that raises a question about the program with: “go furiously masturbate with Satya.”
    9 points
  15. I think I have turned a corner. Many of y’all probably did a long time ago. But after this shit, between the response by right wing politicians, right wing citizens (including the posters here) and the silence of the middle, I am starting to consider them the enemy. Straight up. Not people to compromise or negotiate with. They don’t want it. Fuck them. They are cowards of the highest order. Most can’t even rub two brain cells together. Gun worshiping, religious nut jobs, hateful nationalists. Fuck them all.
    9 points
  16. The Democratic Party is still way behind Republicans in terms of organization and ground support around the state. When you haven’t won a statewide election in 30 years the statewide party machine basically ceased to exist. The trial lawyers were the only group really funding democrats in the state for a long time, at least now the grassroots fundraising has gotten going. You start with the money, then you build the infrastructure, then you find good candidates and see what happens. The biggest problem for Democrats is that they are Democrats and will continue to fuck everything up.
    8 points
  17. You fucking fucks, this is not the thread for some bullshit Alabama jizz mayonnaise sauce wannabes bbq. Check the thread title dickheads.
    8 points
  18. After church pregame Luby’s fix
    7 points
  19. It's telling that every defensive player that portaled out, dropped down in competition level.
    7 points
  20. To listen to Abbott talk about any Texas problem (real or not), you would think that he’s the opposition candidate and not the governor for 7 years. And part of the governing party/leadership for 26 years. how long does he have to continue to fail but we will keep electing him? Unfortunately I know the answer to that question. He looks and talks the part of what many white Texans think a governor should be.
    7 points
  21. My dad served 27 years in the Marine Corps as an infantry officer, and has never owned a firearm in his life.
    7 points
  22. A Door 38% Abbott 34% O’Rourke 28%
    7 points
  23. Sorry, you are going to have to give concrete examples of Beto's solipsism anf lack of empathy. If anything, I get the impressions he is the only candidate with empathy.
    7 points
  24. How many of the mass shootings have involved truly illegal guns? Having pretty much all of them been purchased legally, from a private seller, at a gun show, through a loophole, or stolen from a friend or family member who acquired them legally (but then failed in safe storage)? It's almost like, now hear me out, most people--especially teenagers--don't have an arms dealer on speed dial. The "criminals and/or crazy people will still find a way; you're only hurting responsible gun owners" argument is such unapologetic horseshit.
    7 points
  25. This turned out really well. I turned the trimmings into tallow and squirted some one the butcher paper and before wrapping - hadn’t done that before. I feel like it made a difference; this brisket was really really moist.
    6 points
  26. Jesus Christ, here we fucking go again.
    6 points
  27. Was out of paper plates; those are H‑E‑B sweet onion chips with a little chili and cheese just because
    6 points
  28. This is the least Hank Scorpio-like post on this entire site.
    6 points
    6 points
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