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Donald Trump 2018


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I think Trump is the grown up version of the guy at college parties that anytime somebody brought up a band, or movie, or bar, even though he had no concept of the thing would say, "Oh yeah, I've heard about that." so as not to appear out of the loop.  He just got older and replaced, "Heard about that" to "People don't know that..."  

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4 hours ago, High Plains Drifter said:

Somebody should take DOTUS into an empty hangar with a ladder leading up to nothing. Tell him to walk around and touch the plane. Watch as he wanders around lost for a few moments, trying to touch air. Then comes back and says how awesome the plane feels.

Tell him to climb the ladder and step off onto the wing of the plane. Make sure it's a really tall ladder. 

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How did some Antifa militant fail to tamper with the food supply to one of these hotels?  Although the thing is plastered in fake gold, it's the same Sysco truck parked out back.  

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17 minutes ago, Lobo said:

How did some Antifa militant fail to tamper with the food supply to one of these hotels?  Although the thing is plastered in fake gold, it's the same Sysco truck parked out back.  

Maybe it's because left wing radicals aren't as likely to break the law, murder, and intimidate as the right wing radicals?

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15 minutes ago, Bama Chick said:

“Just go rake the forest! Bingo Bango! No more fires! What do we need Smokey the Bear for? I got this all figured out!”

Someone slap him in his flabby orange face.

What's sadder is that I have heard Trumpkins echo this bullshit almost verbatim. Not sure what website they're learning these talking points, but it's like all of them have become fucking experts in forestry management overnight.

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It's one thing to be an amazingly dumb motherfucker.  It's another thing to be an amazingly dumb motherfucker who is so insanely insecure you're compelled to make people believe you're an expert in areas for which you haven't the first clue.  "I won't name which state where the gentleman told me this."  No, you won't.  Because that never happened and if it did you want to protect this gentleman for having truly unique knowledge.


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3 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:

It's too bad we're not gonna let the caravan past the border.

Here's the perfect opportunity for bipartisanship.  We'll have buses and rakes at the border. For those who are willing, they can be bused to California to rake our forests. If they survive, they get a green card.

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And then you have firefighters out in California battling this terrible fire who still have time to do awesome things like this -

But the beautiful things get lost in the angry noise because we have a president who’s a childish dickwad and sucks all the energy out of everything.

If there’s an actual patriot still working in the White House maybe we can start a GoFundMe to pay them to like lock him in the situation room for a few days.

Just so we can remember what it feels like to live in regular America again.
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9 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

We really shouldn’t get angry at him anymore. He’s an infant repeatedly shitting his pants.

We should just laugh at every moment of stupidity, relentlessly. And we should blast the Curb theme at him wherever he goes. He’s a fucking clown. Treat him like one.


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We already knew this, but we were reminded again today that the president of the US thinks F-35s are invisible. He also thinks that a good raking of CA would have prevented the fires.

He's a five year old who believes anything he sees on TV, and not one damn person in DC will call him out for being an idiot.

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Yesterday the topic of Trump's lying was hot.  Here is a good article I found on a different take on it.  I don't think dotard ever knew the science behind it like explained here, but he learned a long time ago this approach works, and has honed it to an art.  

The article is long, but there are some really good points in it.   Some of you guys talk about how he likes to control the narrative.  Also how he introduces red herrings to detract from the bigger ills:


President Donald Trump has hacked the media.

As Vox’s Ezra Klein argued recently, the press is in a lose-lose situation — and we all know it. Trump thrives on opposition, and often the media plays right into his hands, feverishly chasing every lie and half-truth he utters or tweets.

George Lakoff, a professor of linguistics and cognitive science at UC Berkeley and the author of the 2004 book Don’t Think of an Elephant, recently published an article laying out the media’s dilemma. Trump’s “big lie” strategy, he argues, is to “exploit journalistic convention by providing rapid-fire news events for reporters to chase.”

According to Lakoff, the president uses lies to divert attention from the “big truths,” or the things he doesn’t want the media to cover. This allows Trump to create the controversies he wants and capitalize on the outrage and confusion they generate, while simultaneously stoking his base and forcing the press into the role of “opposition party.”

They mention the "truth sandwich" as a way the press can begin to fight and maybe corner him.  Currently the way the media reports and handles Trump plays right into his hands.


There’s another possibility. Journalists could engage in what I’ve called “truth sandwiches,” which means that you first tell the truth; then you point out what the lie is and how it diverges from the truth. Then you repeat the truth and tell the consequences of the difference between the truth and the lie.

If the media did this consistently, it would matter. It would be more difficult for Trump to lie.

There is a difference in how we compute what is in front of us


A lot of Democrats believe in what is called Enlightenment reasoning, and that if you just tell people the facts, they’ll reach the right conclusion. That just isn’t true.

People think in terms of conceptual structures called frames and metaphors. It’s not just the facts. They have values, and they understand which facts fit into their conceptual framework. You can’t understand something if your brain doesn’t allow it, if your brain filters it out in terms of your values.

Democrats seem not to understand this, and they keep trying to employ reason as a persuasive vehicle. I wish Enlightenment reasoning was an accurate model for how most people think and judge, but it isn’t, and we better acknowledge that fact.

Alternative truths


So on some level, you’re saying that Democrats have to accept that they’re playing a different kind of conversational game, in which truth and falsity are irrelevant. If that’s the case, what use is there for a free press, or for discourse at all?

George Lakoff

Well, that’s why the truth sandwiches are important. Let me say one more thing that’s really crucial in this respect. Kellyanne Conway talked about alternative facts at one point, so the phrase comes from her. When I heard that, it occurred to me that there’s a sense in which she’s right.

If you’re someone who shares Trump’s worldview, there are certain things that follow from that worldview. In other words, certain things have to be true, or have to be believed, in order to sustain that worldview. The things that aren’t actually true but nevertheless preserve that worldview are “alternative facts” — that’s what Conway was getting at, whether she knew it or not.

The conservatives use those alternative facts all the time, and so does Trump. If he’s talking to his base, he’s talking to people who have already bought into a picture of the world, and his job is to tell them things that confirm that picture — and he knows they’ll believe it for that very reason.

I think we have to understand “alternative facts” in this way, and understand that when Trump is lying, he’s lying in ways that register with his audience. So it may be lying, but it’s strategic lying — and it’s effective.


TL;DR:  Trump's lies work.  MSM needs to learn to ignore him and focus on the real stuff.  At the very least they need to learn to question him better.

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The press should stop covering him. The president lies, daily, just about everything he says is a lie. So stop covering it because its not news. It’s just lies.

Well he’s the president the press might say? Well sure. If the president actually does something, like blows up the world or threatens to for no good reason, then sure, cover that. But when the president is up there spouting out lie after lie after lie, about just a bunch of inane bullshit just ignore it and don’t report it.  Because its ultimately worthless information. 

Tell me why I’m wrong?

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