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Bleach Blonde Bad Built Butch Body in Congress? Oh you mean Marjorie!


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I dunno, if I'm the democratic congress, I think I'd figure out a way to give her as much floor time as possible. Yield your debate time to her and let her talk about Q Anon. Make the party own her. Make her the face of the party. Don't ask Congress to expel her, call for the Republican Party to expel her from the party. When they don't, explain how that is a tacit endorsement of everything she says and does. 

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Her district is the northwest corner of the state, and it’s the epitome of deep deep Trump country. Giant Trump flags absolutely everywhere. It’s nothing but podunk towns and a couple of huge carpet companies (Mohawk and Shaw). It’s the foothills of the Smokeys and a lot of it is really pretty.

I guess it’s like a supermodel: beautiful but dumb.

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1 minute ago, Buzzrock said:

Her district is the northwest corner of the state, and it’s the epitome of deep deep Trump country. Giant Trump flags absolutely everywhere. It’s nothing but podunk towns and a couple of huge carpet companies (Mohawk and Shaw). It’s the foothills of the Smokeys and a lot of it is really pretty.

I guess it’s like a supermodel: beautiful but dumb.

Reminds me of parts of Arkansas. Beautiful country, shitty politics. Boebert represents some of the beautiful CO ski country 

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6 hours ago, Brisketexan said:

Disagree.  You have your surrogates hit her.  That's what the GOP does.  And it works.

We have learned that relentless and repetitive negative attacks, using fourth grade level words, often full of lies, works.  It works very, very well, because we the people are very, very stupid.  That's the game now.  I'd advise the Dems to play to win.

coordinated messaging: aoc (squad) & amy (center) (( BOTH FEMALE ))..... "we're hearing the administration has agreed to avoid public discussion of lawmakers accused of sedition".

what lawmakers?

what agreement?

with who?


"we're hearing"

use the kraken playbook

run the same exact plays


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she got 230K votes, compared to 78K for her democrat opponent.  it was a landslide.  if you ran the election again, with those 308K voters knowing that they know today, the election would not turn out any different.  that is the republican party right there.  trump empowered the deplorables.  we will be hearing from them for a long time.

She ran unopposed after the previous rep resigned. Her D opponent had to drop out after losing his house in a divorce and moving back in with family in Indiana.

It was within 60 days of the election which meant that by law he couldn’t be replaced, but weirdly he remained on the ballot.

So it’s notable that even in Trumpland, 25% of voters in preferred a disqualified candidate over her.
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6 hours ago, 956 Worldwide said:

There’s no shortage of attack dogs to go after her. But even that may be a mistake.  Deplatforming and ignoring might be the better tack. 

the dems own the hosue and could move to censure immediately and it's not happening.  instead, she got a seat on the education committee.  so much for deplatforming.

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6 hours ago, UpperWestside said:

Nothing good comes of giving this woman one iota of attention from the president or his administration. We just spent four years witnessing the White House air grievances on an hourly basis. I do not want to see the office used to give attention right now to anything outside of the business of helping our country regain some sense of normalcy and that means a focus on COVID at the moment.

just a few short months ago i would have agreed with you.  the krakens, the big lie and 1/6 threaten the republic more so than the virus.  every soldier who has given their life for this country over the past 250 years deserves an accounting.  that doesn't mean the administration needs to get involved.  as brisket postulates, send the attack dogs.  if anything, those suffering the most from the virus might find a little joy seeing the batshit insane seditionists finally get it thrown back in their face for once.  aoc and amy can't manufacture vaccine.

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37 minutes ago, Buzzrock said:

Her district is the northwest corner of the state, and it’s the epitome of deep deep Trump country. Giant Trump flags absolutely everywhere. It’s nothing but podunk towns and a couple of huge carpet companies (Mohawk and Shaw). It’s the foothills of the Smokeys and a lot of it is really pretty.

I guess it’s like a supermodel: beautiful but dumb.

A good percentage out of the 38+ hate groups listed in Georgia are located in that area. Georgia has a share of black centric separatist groups, too (mostly headquartered in Atlanta). 

I agree that the natural resources are lovely but the folks don't get along so well.

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5 hours ago, hpslugga said:

Fucking this. They get far too caught up in this rhetoric about "reconciliation" whenever they take power. They're the party that in certain election cycles both wins the war AND sues for peace. It's fucking ridiculous. And for those who don't agree:

Where was this rhetoric about unity and reconciliation when Trump was inaugurated?
Where was this rhetoric about unity and reconciliation when the D's took back the House in 2018?
Hell, where was this rhetoric about unity and reconciliation when the R's took the Senate in 2014?

Well to the very last question, the answer's very interesting. The answer is that not only was that rhetoric absolutely absent from any mainstream discussion, what we did have was Mitch McConnell telling the whole world "make no mistake: Tonight is a repudiation of President Obama's policies" shortly after the election returns. And that was coming off 4 years of uninterrupted promises to "make Obama a one-term president." Now, republicans might say "oh but he was talking about policies!" Yeah, he certainly was. What he meant was "If President Obama does a Clintonian backflip, if he’s willing to meet us halfway on some of the biggest issues, it’s not inappropriate for us to do business with him...I don’t want the president to fail; I want him to change. So, we’ll see. The next move is going to be up to him."

Translation, be like 2nd term Clinton, which was virtually indistinguishable from Reagan/Bush, or else. Be almost literally exactly like us, or else. 

That's not the rhetoric of a party that's even nominally in favor of "unity and reconciliation." That's an ultimatum, which is the exact antithesis of unity and reconciliation.

The Democrats shouldn't be interested in reaching out to Republicans. They should be interested in destroying them. There are factions of the Democratic Party that are interested in that, but that coalition is very small. The establishment wing of the Democratic Party is a roster of filthy compromisers. I've said this before, but they are a party that would rather have one of their own lose a general election to a Republican (even a Trump) than have them primaried by a Bernie or an AOC. That's a problem. As long as their biggest donors are putting their money behind that preference rather than the latter, this vicious cycle will continue, and we all will continue to suffer for it.

One lesson we as voters should learn is this: unity and bipartisanship are not the same thing. Unity means that we are striving as a whole to achieve a common purpose regardless of political affiliation. Bipartisanship means two very similar factions of essentially the same party want to meet in the middle on some wedge issues that are usually used to create artificial divisions. 

this this this this this x 100000000000000000000

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2 hours ago, Francisco 2.0 said:



Nuts like her argue freedom of religion as long as it favors their beliefs, yet won't allow others the same.   What part of "shall make no respect to an establishment of a religion" does she not understand?  She's essentially arguing that Christianity should be favored, but we all knew that.   Hypocrites. 

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5 hours ago, Brisketexan said:

Give it up, folks.  These people are beyond saving.

we don't care if they are saved, we just need them to stay home or vote our way, and we know the electorate can be swayed through the chewbacca attack, so stir the shitstorm and increase the noise in the signal.

i'm spartacus.

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6 minutes ago, NorthTexasCougar said:

Nuts like her argue freedom of religion as long as it favors their beliefs, yet won't allow others the same.   What part of "shall make no respect to an establishment of a religion" does she not understand?  She's essentially arguing that Christianity should be favored, but we all knew that.   Hypocrites. 

She’s a Christian like I am sober. We like to tell people we are, but we don’t really meet the qualifications 

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Look, the United States is a Christian nation.  It's right there in the Pledge of Allegiance:  

"One nation, under GOD . . . "


The official motto of the United States appears on both coin and paper currency:

"In GOD We Trust"


So, BOOM! goes the dynamite, you treasonous heathens.  Treathens.  Whatever.

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1 hour ago, Buzzrock said:

Her district is the northwest corner of the state, and it’s the epitome of deep deep Trump country. Giant Trump flags absolutely everywhere. It’s nothing but podunk towns and a couple of huge carpet companies (Mohawk and Shaw). It’s the foothills of the Smokeys and a lot of it is really pretty.

I guess it’s like a supermodel: beautiful but dumb.

Hazard County?


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I don't know but my wife revealed that she has two friends that are big fans of Congresswoman MTG and it left a very bad taste in our mouths.  Holy shit, you think you know somebody...One of them, if she can has a baby girl...wants to name the girl Marjorie.  Because you know...stability.  

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2 minutes ago, Lobo said:

I don't know but my wife revealed that she has two friends that are big fans of Congresswoman MTG and it left a very bad taste in our mouths.  Holy shit, you think you know somebody...One of them, if she can has a baby girl...wants to name the girl Marjorie.  Because you know...stability.  

Some people are saying that the Crossfit gym that Marjorie Taylor Greene used to own was used for human trafficking and pedophilia. A lot of people are saying that about her Crossfit gym.  I'm sure some of those pedophiles at Marjorie Taylor Greene's gym were good people but some of them were pedophiles.

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31 minutes ago, Lobo said:

I thought she was one of them?  

A pedophile? Or a former Crossfit gym owner that may have been full of pedophiles? Some people are saying that when Marjorie Taylor Greene owned a Crossfit gym that even though it didn't have a basement, there were lots of minors. Or maybe they were saying mirrors. Do pedophiles like mirrors? Because that gym that Marjorie Taylor Greene used to own had a lot of them a lot of people are saying. Did you know that Marjorie Taylor Greene likes to shoot videos? She does, they are all over the internet. You know who else likes to shoot videos, people say? Yep. Pedophiles. Research it. Your wife's friend may want to rethink that baby name. Cause some day that may all be revealed, you know.

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22 minutes ago, 4th&Five said:

That sad thing is this nut is more likely to be a GOP presidential candidate than she is being expelled from congress. 

The sooner the rest of y'all understand the truth of this -- and what it says about the GOP -- the better.

Understanding the nature, and breadth, of the threat is essential to have any chance to stop it.

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Her district:


The district leans heavily Republican. Donald Trump carried the district with over 75 percent of the vote in 2016, his eighth-best showing in the nation. With a Cook Partisan Voting Index of R+27, on paper it is the 10th most Republican district in the nation. Among Georgia's congressional districts, only the neighboring 9th district is more Republican. Since its creation, no Democrat has managed as much as 30 percent of the vote.


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5 minutes ago, HenryJames said:


Don't take your eyes of of her, folks.  And remember this: she IS the GOP base.  She is not a bug, she's a feature.  Insane batshittery believing in vast conspiracies and space lasers....giant, deadly, space lasers coming out of the sky.  That's what the GOP is now.




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