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Bomb Bomb Bomb, Bomb Bomb Iran.


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15 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

Tell that to the 200 Russians we murdered in Syria last year. 

Meh, why ? Putin doesn't care about a couple hundred dead soldiers his or anyone else's.

As long as America is tied up in a bad situation he's game to throw in a few casualties  to sweeten the pot.

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On 6/19/2019 at 12:27 PM, DefinitelyNotHollywoodColt said:

so do we think @Iconoclast Texan is in favor of bombing the shit out of Iran or nah?

Sink, sink, sink the mullah navy. I have been humming that tune for several days now. I can’t wait for the US Navy to obliterate the IRGC’s speedboat operation. I have never been this excited about change in Iran happening as I am now. I hope to see lots of blown up boats and dead Islamic true believers floating in the Persian Gulf.

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Just now, Iconoclast Texan said:

Sink, sink, sink the mullah navy. I have been humming that tune for several days now. I can’t wait for the US Navy to obliterate the IRGC’s speedboat operation. I have never been this excited about change in Iran happening as I am now. I hope to see lots of blown up boats and dead Islamic true believers floating in the Persian Gulf.

You're going to be disappointed. Donald Trump is a pussy.

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2 minutes ago, David Dennison said:

You're going to be disappointed. Donald Trump is a pussy.

I missed you during my month long ban. We have Iranian-American patriots like Bijan Kian at the Naval Postgraduate School that have prepared our guys extremely well to destroy the mullah navy. I will be busting out the 18 year scotch when I start seeing Iranian speedboats and true believers torn asunder. The liberation of the Iranian homeland from the Islamic occupation is getting closer by the day. 

Edited by Iconoclast Texan
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8 minutes ago, Iconoclast Texan said:

Sink, sink, sink the mullah navy. I have been humming that tune for several days now. I can’t wait for the US Navy to obliterate the IRGC’s speedboat operation. I have never been this excited about change in Iran happening as I am now. I hope to see lots of blown up boats and dead Islamic true believers floating in the Persian Gulf.

The US sinking a few speedboats isnt going to do a damn thing to bring about regime change. That will take boots on the ground. Is that your wish? 

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9 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

Looks like the call to Lockheed was made.


Benjamin Netanyahu himself could have a verified live video of him dropping a Palestinian infant from a helicopter hovering over his own home, and this sniveling little dickhead would have his jock-sniffing staff come up with some excuse to justify it...but he's all too ready to accept this shit at face value and to blow the military industrial complex until the fucking cows come home, and immoral liars like Icono will be all too ready to declare him a clairvoyant intellectual with a keen observation of detail. This is so abhorrently predictable.

Edited by hpslugga
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1 hour ago, Onboard 2.0 said:

The irony is the young, and middle class would welcome a change and more open, western type society.  Not a reason to go to war though, by any stretch of the imagination.

Yep. People get irate when a foreign army rolls over their borders or lobs high explosives at their friends and family. We've got to stop seeing ourselves as marching through Paris in every conflict we cook up.

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1 hour ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

Tell that to the 200 Russians we murdered in Syria last year. 

They were told not to attack American Green Berets and Marines.  Their superiors ignored warnings from US commanders, and they ignored the radioed warnings.  They weren’t some drunks stumbling down an alley and getting jumped.  They had to cross dozens of miles of open space to get to the American positions, that they knew were American positions.  Their superiors knew the USAF was getting everything in place to fuck them up if they didn’t back down.  

They may have been mercenaries, and I think that term is being used loosely, but they only marched on American positions with Putin’s blessing.  

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18 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

They were told not to attack American Green Berets and Marines.  Their superiors ignored warnings from US commanders, and they ignored the radioed warnings.  They weren’t some drunks stumbling down an alley and getting jumped.  They had to cross dozens of miles of open space to get to the American positions, that they knew were American positions.  Their superiors knew the USAF was getting everything in place to fuck them up if they didn’t back down.  

They may have been mercenaries, and I think that term is being used loosely, but they only marched on American positions with Putin’s blessing.  

Yep. If I recall correctly they wanted that position for the oil and gas contract with Assad.  The oligarch running that mercenary group was the main Russian indicted in the Mueller IRA case. 

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Fox News beating those drums. 


In a statement, House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy and Ranking Members Rep. Michael McCaul (House Foreign Affairs), Rep. Devin Nunes (House Intelligence), and Rep. Mac Thornberry (House Armed Services) all condemned Iran's "direct attack," and demanded "measured" retaliation.

"Iran directly attacked a United States asset over international waters," the Republicans wrote. "This provocation comes a week after they attacked and destroyed two commercial tankers in international waters. There must be a measured response to these actions. President Trump and his national security team remain clear-eyed on the situation and what must be done in response to increased Iranian aggression. In Congress, we stand ready to support our men and women in uniform, our country, and our allies in the region.”

Didn’t realize those tankers were destroyed.  

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In March of his third year in office, Bush invaded Iraq and made a quagmire we are still paying for to this day. 

Fast forward 15 years, in June of his third year in office Trump is agitating to invade Iran and make the last quagmire look like a chocolate milkshake.

Grand ole party my ass, more like the wag the dog party. GOP should be WTD from now on, although WTF would also work. 

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Must have been some drone.



The U.S. military drone Iran shot down over the Persian Gulf on Thursday was a high-flying prototype model belonging to the Navy.

The Navy for years has deployed the Broad Area Maritime Surveillance Demonstrator, or BAMS-D, drones on an emergency basis, stationing the 737-size unmanned aerial vehicles to watch over Syria and Iran.



A single Global Hawk sells for more than $200 million, counting the cost of its sensors. Operators control the drone from work stations on the ground, beaming commands via satellite to the pilotless aircraft.

The Pentagon began developing the Global Hawk and its variants back in the 1990s, hoping to replace Cold War-vintage U-2 spy planes. The idea was that a drone, with no pilot aboard, could stay aloft longer and fly riskier missions than a U-2 could do.

The Global Hawk and its variants can circle at up to 65,000 feet for as many as 30 hours while simultaneously carrying a camera, an infrared sensor, and a radar that can track moving targets.


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[mention=791]Iconoclast Texan[/mention]
Wonder what Alannis morresette would think about his extended family ending up as collateral damage in another bogus invasion of a ME country?

Maybe we need to concentrate on rounding up iranian americans and relocating them, you know to make sure they are not terrorists. We will make sure they get soap.
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Fox News is fucking dangerous. I usually don't pay them much attention because I don't watch cable news and if the olds and hicks want their hate TV, whatever. But banging the war drum so their base continues to put money in their pocket is irresponsible and disgusting. Fuck them.





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11 minutes ago, BradInATX said:

Fox News is fucking dangerous. I usually don't pay them much attention because I don't watch cable news and if the olds and hicks want their hate TV, whatever. But banging the war drum so their base continues to put money in their pocket is irresponsible and disgusting. Fuck them.





this defines America 

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19 minutes ago, BradInATX said:

Fox News is fucking dangerous. I usually don't pay them much attention because I don't watch cable news and if the olds and hicks want their hate TV, whatever. But banging the war drum so their base continues to put money in their pocket is irresponsible and disgusting. Fuck them.





Then your mind wants to explode when you realize they worship at the alter of a conman that campaigned on getting us out of never-ending conflicts in the ME.

But drink four bud diesels, fire up Toby Keith, and LET’S FUCKING BOMB THESE FILTHY CAMELFUCKERS!

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2 minutes ago, DefinitelyNotHollywoodColt said:

Then your mind wants to explode when you realize they worship at the alter of a conman that campaigned on getting us out of never-ending conflicts in the ME.

But drink four bud diesels, fire up Toby Keith, and LET’S FUCKING BOMB THESE FILTHY CAMELFUCKERS!

...all while realizing that ConDon was lying throughout the entire campaign in the first place about his being against the never-ending conflict in the ME.

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8 minutes ago, Irwin F Fletcher said:

Did you not see the crayon track that Iran did of the drone's flight path. It clearly crossed over the well marked 12 nautical mile teritorial sea line of Iran in the 35 mile wide Straight of Hormuz.

The Strait of Hormuz is 21 miles wide. Iran's territorial waters overlap those of Oman. 


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