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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/08/20 in all areas

  1. 1) They have responsible leaders, therefore, unlike the USA, they are not leading the world in new COVID cases. As such, they can reward themselves with normal life. 2) Unless I was daydreaming in my middle school civics class, I could have sworn congress controls the purse strings. You can't cut shit you clown. 3) Fuck Trump and anybody who supports this fucking cancer on our country.
    22 points
  2. I'm not moving but I've never been more disillusioned and disappointed with this country than I am today. The politics (on both sides of the aisle) are disgusting enough, but the general populace and its extraordinary level of ignorance, selfishness and irresponsibility is just shocking. I mean, this isn't that fucking difficult. Wear a mask, stay the fuck away from people outside of your household as much as possible, and this shit will subside into something manageable in just a few weeks. Instead, we are going to keep repeatedly shooting ourselves in the dick for the foreseeable future, prolonging the pain and agony while compounding the damage to the economy, the overall mental health of the citizenry, the healthcare system and our educational system/kids. It's fucking embarrassing how poorly our country has failed at addressing this virus. Literally every industrialized nation in the world has handled this better than we have. We should be the leaders in this. We should have heeded the warnings from China, then Italy, then Spain... and for sure in our own backyard in New York. We had a headstart on all those assholes and instead, we drove the car right into the ditch while ignoring science and basic common sense. It's really hard for me to fathom how badly we, as a country, have fucked this thing up.
    19 points
  3. This is the most Iowa State Post I’ve ever read in my life.
    15 points
  4. that's probably metric tho
    14 points
  5. if there is one thing we were all hoping for, it was a thread of just @Axiom of Choice and @bad_teammate posts.
    14 points
  6. have you thought about how less free you'll be?
    14 points
  7. The people starting to talk about school openings now, are the same ones that have been flogging the death rate for the last two weeks, who were talking how well the reopenings were going a month ago, who talked up hydro chloroquine two months ago. They will always keep preaching the end of the pandemic is around the corner, get on with your lives, this is fine. When we are in hard lockdown in 6 weeks, it’ll be a new thing (Vaseline on your nostrils prevents COVID!!! Go shopping!). It’s a transparent panic about the tidal wave building in November.
    13 points
  8. Isn't that approaching 50% of the population? Seems bad to me.
    12 points
  9. ahem... *too. also, point well taken.
    12 points
  10. Trump will sacrifice your kids to get re-elected.
    12 points
  11. I hadn’t shanked in a while but then I thought does shank ever leave ya? No sir it does not. I present to you bad decisions a la 1 am
    12 points
  12. Here's a preview of AB's kids inheritance...
    11 points
  13. This can't be overstated. He's caged kids, and now he's willing to use them as guinea pigs in hopes that he can be President for 4 more years. He's going to graaduate to negligent homicide of children. This man's narcissism knows no bounds. He's not willing to help, lift a finger, or put any skin in the game. All he does is hurl threats with the hope of getting lucky and then claiming credit. He is the worst leader we've ever had. And there's been some terrible, horrible leaders. Trump. Is. The. Worst. He is a flawed human being beyond help. Like a lame horse, he'd be better served if we just took him out back and.... well, you know.
    11 points
  14. Saw the following on secrant. This is unusual for me that conservative bunch of yokels, but nice, nonetheless: ”He’s throwing a tantrum in withdrawing from WHO and blaming China and WHO for not raising more flags. That’s the worst kind of leader there is, one who can’t accept responsibility and has to find a scapegoat for criticism. That fact is , China and the world health organization are not in charge of the United States response to a pandemic. Trump administration had the intel on the virus before any of us. You can’t honestly tell me a country with the intelligence and extensive resources as the United States should have the highest virus rates in the world. It’s absolutely a lapse in proactive measureA from this administration. Trump didn’t read the memos on the outbreak and he didn’t address early warnings from the world health organization which Is ridiculous If you wouldn’t follow the advice of a organization that we are funding. I have never known of such a small person that can’t take any responsibility for the amount of power that he has, let alone the highest office in the country. Now we all have to wear masks and economy is in danger because of his serious lapses in action. FURTHER he dismantle the pandemic response team that Obama had in place. Trump is so incompetent as a leader, I would be embarrassed to say I voted for him.”
    11 points
  15. Or as that plan is known around the Trump administration, "Operation Sosa"
    10 points
  16. Screw that. Mrs Shooter complained I should help with cleaning the grout about 20 something years ago. OK I said and turned around and opened the cutlery drawer, turned around and walked out of the kitchen and into the bathroom and waited. Sure enough a few seconds later I heard her holler "oh shit". Just as she flew into the bathroom I drug the point of an old butter knife down a grout line. "What are you doing"? I'm cleaning the grout. "Well you don't do it like that". Well, that's the way I've always done it. "Nevermind I'll just do it myself". The subject has never come up again, I've never been asked again, and the grout is spotless and beautiful if I do say so myself.
    9 points
  17. Uh, last time I checked this was America and there's a little something called the Constitution.
    9 points
  18. Wife: How long should I bake this? Me: 45 minutes should be about right. Wife: It takes an hour. I always bake it for an hour. Me: ..........................................................................................................
    9 points
  19. Moving overseas because of Covid. Jesus.
    9 points
  20. Also when you show up to one of those 57 hospitals and need ICU care they often transfer you. Your odds of dying go up exponentially when you’re in an ambulance or chopper vs an ICU. This shouldn’t be happening in the USA. Also doctors right now often maintain some capacity by only allowing the worst of the worst to end up in the ICU. If I have to explain why that’s dangerous too, you might be too stupid to discuss any of this with.
    9 points
  21. NU has been approaching that point for a while
    9 points
  22. 8 points
  23. I like to crush my potatoes, see them mashed before me, and hear the lamentation of the spuds
    8 points
  24. I love it when they use their own words against them.
    7 points
  25. No, one of the two main reasons I argue with you is because you are helplessly emotional when it comes to politics. You admitted on this thread that the reason you don't like the Black Lives Matter movement is because they hurt your feelings by saying they want to disrupt Western-prescribed social requirements. So you spend your time on this forum pretending like you want intellectual discourse even though in reality you simply react emotionally to the people you view as on the other side of things. Many people are simply emotional when it comes to politics, and in fact a lot of the time emotional responses are 100% valid and called for. I mean discussing politics means that in many cases you are discussing peoples lives, their well-being, and their future. Of course it gets emotional. The problem is that you try to affect a persona that pretends to be intellectual, rational, and above the emotional fray when you're absolutely not. Hypocrisy will get lambasted here just like it does most places and just like it should. The other reason is that in spite of your bluster, you don't actually answer any questions. Let's take the latest example here that you quite obviously avoided. In the above post bad_teammate asks a specific and clear question. Not only is it specific and clear, it would actually allow you to clarify your position, explain why you hold it, and possibly make headway in the conversation. So did you answer the question in any productive way whatsoever? No, you responded with the above. Absolutely zero effort to answer the question but rather a naked and blatant attempt to run away from it and cling to anything else in his post that can help you avoid answering it. Then you moved on to some weird sort of personal exposition on bad_teammate, the kind of thing you later decried from other posters. The reason why I argue with you on this forum is because you are an emotional hypocrite trying to pretend like you're a purely rational thinker just looking for clarification. On many topics you're able to behave the way that you claim to behave. In fact, I think you probably truly want to be a rational thinker when it comes to politics, too. But you're not, you're an emotional hypocrite so you should either keep working on your ability to approach politics rationally and unemotionally or you should embrace the truth, that your political arguments are guided and formed not by rational thought but rather by emotional reaction.
    7 points
  26. "Mom, I need another 4 quarters or the door will close on the window again."
    7 points
  27. Always good to see a scientist dedicated to science with no political agenda!
    7 points
  28. Her deal is that she would rather be a WHOOOOOOP redass aggy than to have her son go to Texas --- which is the single best fit for him and his track career, by far. He clearly wanted to commit to Texas. He has clear and realistic olympic dreams as a thrower and his shit ass mother would rather him throw that potential away and go to OU simply so that he doesn't go to tu, WHOOOOOOOOOP. Fucking cultist piece of shit. evidence of what kind of thrower we are talking about ::
    7 points
  29. Slightly off topic, but relevant. Schools are asking for $250B federal assistance for additional teachers, OT, facilities and enhanced cleaning. I fully understand the first 3. But on the 4th, I'll argue that having a janitorial staff do extra cleaning every night will not be as effective as having the kids clean their classrooms at the beginning of every school day. Kids in Japan and Taiwan clean their classrooms at least every week (and can do it every damn day) by sweeping, mopping, cleaning desks and windows, and taking out the trash. I did it when I went to school in Taiwan, and it took no more than 30 minutes to get the classroom sparkling. Having 25 (or in my case 50) kids cleaning their classrooms in 30 minutes will be a lot more effective than a crew of maybe janitor doing all that in the evening. Plus it teaches kids how to clean and develop good habits. It'll take a change in mindset, and parents to stop treating their kids like snowflakes, but this can be done cut down on some of the costs to taxpayers. Rant over.
    7 points
  30. translation: "I have an opportunity to go wherever I want. Why would I become a fuckin aggy?"
    7 points
  31. There's a nice thread on Moving to Toledo on the Help Board
    7 points
  32. Lol at people still acting like it’s just fear mongering, and not really anything to worry about. I know we have some ‘fuck no to your masks’ winners here, but they won’t admit it.
    7 points
  33. I thought hospitals were over counting for Medicare or whatever as part of a diabolical plan to make money?
    7 points
  34. Well generally registration trials are not powered to safety endpoints, they are powered to clinical efficacy endpoints. From a safety perspective, the multi-phase clinical trial system is good at generating safety signals and detecting common adverse events, but is really not built to detect serious side effects that may not be as common or are clouded by background noise. I am speaking more generally than vax trials, but the same principles apply. Many people do not appreciate that there are actually four phases to drug development and approval. It does not stop at phase III with an initial approval. Phase IV is post-marketing research. It is not uncommon at all for the FDA to approval a drug conditional on certain post-marketing commitments. These commitments may involve observational studies, registries, or other studies intended to evaluate the relationship between drug exposure and very common events such as AMI or stroke, neoplasms, etc. or any variety of various serious but rare adverse events. These PMR studies can often take many years to complete after the drug is released to the market. Only then do we really have a comprehensive understanding of the safety profile. I am not as familiar with how things work on the vax side, but same general limitations of the registration process apply. So with that general perspective, that's why I think that this is a bad setup for a safety issue. We are compressing a vax development process that typically takes 5, 10, 15+ years into 5, 10, 15+ months. Protocol are being rushed, some of the companies really do not have the expertise for this (looking at you MRNA), and there is overwhelming pressure to ramp production and roll out in mass. Layer in that we have some really neat, but novel mechanisms of action here using viral vectors to deliver viral material, DNA or RNA injections...things that are basically first in human vaccine types, and it puts me on alert. It's a fucking pandemic, and a vax appears to be the only way out at the moment. I don't want to stoke a fire needlessly. The vax issue and vax safety is already a toxic topic, and this line of reasoning is not intended to and should not be used to feed into an antivax narrative. So we will do what we need to do, but let's be clear eyed about it, and ensure that we have the proper surveillance systems in place to be able to quickly detect safety events when we start lining up 300MM+ people for shots. This will be an unprecedented vaccination effort and should be treated as such. That's the bottom line for me.
    7 points
  35. The problem is that they won’t go home when this is over.
    6 points
  36. Disgraceful that we prioritize ensuring businesses can open and stay viable over schools. Next to hospitals, safely opening schools should be the country’s top priority. We inject $6T to keep businesses going, but we can’t find the money to quickly make the sweeping changes needed to safely open schools? Dramatic reduction in student/adult ratio. A deep roster of teacher assistants, substitutes, and tutors. A consensus curriculum for online learning. Reasonable measures to ensure sick kids/staff don’t spread (small groups, temp checks, staying in one room except for outdoor recess, etc.). It’s doable, we just don’t have the political/financial will, and it’s a fucking disgrace.
    6 points
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