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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/28/22 in Posts

  1. Wait in the parking lot until the evening. When you see a bowling ball-headed Armenian guy with a disappearing chin, jump out and clock him on the back of the head. You have about 15 to 20 seconds of confusion time to pull the jacket off of him and get the hell out of their before his assistant’s girlfriend’s monkey attacks you, so be fast.
    17 points
  2. 13 points
  3. I'm going to set up a gofuckyou website where you can donate to shit that would really pissed off the dead person.
    12 points
  4. Remember this guy? Well did not work out well for him.
    11 points
  5. Yeah, this sucked just the same when one of you morons posted it a week ago.
    10 points
  6. Pfft summer of 2007 at a ranch in Aguilares, TX a game warden said he lost count after counting over 90. They’ve been crossing through ranches in south Texas for decades. I’ve seen them more times than I could count, even when your papi trump was president. Maybe instead of trying to “spread American values” in the Middle East maybe we should worry about our neighbors to the south and help fight the cartels over there.
    10 points
  7. Not sure if this belongs here or in the Holy Shit thread
    10 points
  8. That makes one of us. He's spent his life paying lip service to the fact that I'm not a full American. Until he comes out and tells his flock that he was incorrect, and apologizes, and then continuously works on his flock to help them see the error of their ways, then he can fuck right off.
    9 points
  9. Does Huffines think Bitcoin is the same thing as his lucky charms?
    8 points
  10. Cool. Let's go after the employers who hire them then. If you want a real solution. So weird how the GOP's pearl clutching about the border always stops short of punishing companies utilizing cheap labor that they can treat like shit and not pay benefits to. So weird.
    8 points
  11. Ok back in 83 or so I was sophomore at Irving Nimitz HS (Michael Huff and Roderick Walker holla!) and was a big Triumph fan. We had this one dude in our crew who was a year younger, short fat kid who we all not so affectionately called Shitsack. Shitsack was always full of shit but he was the kind of guy you could get do do anything so we always brought him along. His older sister was our age and hot as balls, but of course she wouldn’t give any of us the time of day. So Shitsack all of a sudden starts telling us his cousin was some big time music producer guy in CA and was married to Belinda Fucking Carlisle. Sure dude. Whatever. But he wouldn’t stop with it and he wouldn’t back down. Obviously pre internet there was no way for us regards to verify anything like that. So eventually we’re like alright motherfucker time to prove it. We all had tickets to Triumph on the Never Surender tour. Molly Hatchet opening. Fuck yes. And we had 11th row floor because I had a buddy who had a buddy who worked at LP Goodbuy and would nab us the first tickets that came out of his Rainbow Ticketmaster machine before anyone in line got any. Double fuck yes. The challenge was put to Shitsack: if your cousin is such a big deal, get us some backstage passes to Triumph. Sure he said. Done deal. We’re all like this is such bullshit and it’s going to be beautiful proving this motherfucker wrong when we get there and we don’t have jack shit. The razzing was merciless in the weeks leading up to the show. So we all roll up to Reunion, park under those freeways like you did back then. Shotgun half a dozen Schaefers in the parking lot and make our way to will call. We just knew the fail was about to be epic. And sure as shit. They hand us a goddamn envelope with a couple of after show meet and greet passes. We all nearly fell over. If I’d woken up with my head sewn to the carpet I wouldn’t have been more surprised. Anyway so we go to the show, which fucking rocked (Flirting With Disaster is such an underrated classic) and make our way to the after meet and greet. We’re just hanging out in the room and I had snuck in my dads 35mm and had it around my neck and some dude comes up to me and says hey are you a photographer? Of course I am sir. Ok we need a picture. The whole band comes over and I took a couple. Then we got one with the band, our crew, and a bunch of people I had no idea who they were. Some guy from Q102 gave me a card and said call me when you get them developed and we’ll buy then from you. I called and he never called me back. Didn’t matter. Shitsack had pulled off the most ultimate redemption ever and I’d met my hero Rik Fucking Emmett with a picture to prove it. Never did learn who his cousin was or meet Belinda Carlisle. I don’t think it ever came up again.
    8 points
  12. Hope these PWOs are good considering they’re each going to end up starting like 25 games for us.
    7 points
  13. A personal message to the voice inside my head, which told me that a girl named Tamsyn who graduated from ASU, worked for the Clippers and got hired by UF must be hot, a big "fuck you."
    7 points
  14. As one who has been a fan of the program since long before Barnes, seeing an NBA littered with Horns is truly amazing. Texas Longhorn basketball exists in the minds of today's utes because of one man, Rick Barnes. Even a couple of decades later it can still be said. There's no Arterio without Barnes getting T.J. on campus. He changed the entire trajectory of Texas Longhorn basketball.
    7 points
  15. Only so many times you can say Blake Shelton sucks before it gets obnoxious.
    7 points
  16. It's never going to change until comprehensive border legislation is passed. And the whole "it's never been this bad" or "it's worse than it has ever been" arguments get trotted out whenever a Democrat is in the White House. The things you complain about happen just as often under Republican administrations.
    7 points
  17. Love seeing Kyle put Looch in his place
    7 points
  18. I'm glad that my happiness in this world isn't influenced by my right to own guns that can take other lives. Unfortunately much of the sadness I have in this world is due to many people who do value gun ownership over basic human rights of others.
    7 points
  19. Bolded is absolutely wrong. I talked to one of the park rangers there about it. He said that Kareem called them up out of the blue and said that he had a huge interest in the buffalo soldiers and that he'd like work on the project. They said, "We'd love to have you, but we can't pay you." He said No big deal, bought his own plane ticket to El Paso, rented his own car, and spent a week living in the Hotel Limpia on his own dime.
    7 points
  20. Clemson 247 reporting that Arch informed Dabo and co that they're out of the running
    7 points
  21. Well that pension didn’t last long. State wins again
    6 points
  22. The '05 Rose Bowl is / was the pinnacle for most Texas fans, justifiably so. But for me it's a (close) second to that March '03 afternoon in San Antonio.Texas basketball going to a Final Four was beyond a pipe dream in my mind. But Ford dribbled out the clock against Michigan State, he and Barnes embraced at midcoast and something I simply never could imagine happening was happening. I think we stayed in our seats for 15-plus minutes after the game just soaking it in and reveling in the moment. So sweet.
    6 points
  23. I have no real issue with ranchers protecting their livestock from coyotes. Stringing them up on the fence doesn't deter other coyotes. Not sure the point of it. Here are a couple I have run across, one being the biggest coyote I have ever seen. Maybe a coydog? Regarding stray and dumped dogs, it is a really big problem in Houston. No secret I spend a lot of time in Houston's rougher neighborhoods doing photography. I see so many dogs. Strays, dumped, dead and dumped (some bait dogs, others fighers that lost). It is sickening. I have helped rescue several of them. A couple of them were flea infested or mangy. Got them homed though. Just look at these terrifying monsters. This is the last one I helped. Beautiful bully breed. Still had a 10 foot chain attached to its neck. It wouldn't let me get close enough to remove it, was scared to death. I left him some food while the rescue group came to get him. I couldn't stick around, hope they got him. People are so fucked up. It is shocking so many people aren't self aware enough to recognize they can not or should not own a dog (or have kids). As bad as I feel for these dogs, canines will likely out last the human race.
    6 points
  24. The whole deal with Darlene didn't make sense. She had no muscle backing her, she was just a crazy old lady with a shotgun. Not sure what took so long to take her out.
    6 points
  25. so our players are making so much nil money they can hire our own staff away from us?
    6 points
  26. It’s the GQP way. I deserve what I got, bootstraps and all. The rest of y’all schlubs can get fucked. Abbott and closing the courthouse doors, etc. Pulling up the ladder behind them is a bedrock principle for these guys.
    6 points
  27. Don’t think so, his zipper’s up.
    6 points
  28. I'll just be over here taking my allergy meds..
    6 points
  29. Narrator “Shortly after the mugshot Dylan learned a new meaning for ATM…..”
    6 points
  30. Flattyfatty is a microcosm of the current GOP Fox News parrot. In the same breath it's: "They wanna take my guns away!" (which isn't happening) and "Calm down, snowflake, no one is burning books" (as books really are being blacklisted from public schools)
    6 points
  31. Sorry Roger. I tried to hang with you through the bad (roids) and the worst (frosted tips), but enough is enough. Douchebag.
    5 points
  32. The whole posts reads like it should start with “Do you like Huey Lewis and the News?”
    5 points
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