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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/13/23 in Posts

  1. Haven't seen this posted. Saw it on the rant, anybody hear/see this?
    37 points
  2. Did he answer "I'd buy the radio station you work for and fire you"?
    34 points
  3. The two happiest days of an aggy football fan's life are the day they pay an obscene amount to hire a new head coach and the day they pay even more to fire that coach.
    28 points
  4. 24 points
  5. Joel Klatt: A&M is the 4th best job in that region. Texas, Oklahoma, and LSU are better. A&M is the 7th best job in the SEC.
    21 points
  6. Sark hires fisher as analyst for $1 a year on an 8 year contract. Aggie meltdown over paying Jimbo's salary at "t.u." Cycle complete.
    21 points
  7. Maybe he didn't no-show. Did anybody bother to look down?
    20 points
  8. Texas is 9-1 and the press can't keep aggy out of their mouth. Best $76M aggy ever spent.
    20 points
  9. aggy move to the SEC just exposed their idiocy to the rest of the nation.
    19 points
  10. The graft choice is one of the biggest influences on how fast players can be released to full go. Bone-tendon-bone autograft means harvesting a bit of patella, a bit of tibia, and the patellar tendon connecting them to use as the new ACL. The literature supports trusting the maturation of the graft at 3 months with return to play occasionally as early as three months but with the average closer to 10 months. A lot of that average likely has to do with the fact that mid-season surgery for one-season-per-year athletes means most of a year until the next game. For the average human, quadriceps tendon autograft (your own stuff) or hamstring allograft (from the bone bank) often makes more sense, but those are slower to incorporate (to go from being a graft implanted in the knee to being an ACL). Even with the "slower" grafts, I've seen people back at the competitive level as early as 5 months. TLDR: It is optimistic, but not foolishly so, to look for Brooks to be 100% next season.
    17 points
  11. Some of them have figured it out and are aware.
    17 points
  12. Man if this isn’t Texas fans in a nutshell.
    17 points
  13. She is delusional as fuck and propagating the myth that aggy is rich while digging themselves into debt.
    17 points
  14. Ha, hell will freeze over before ATM hires Deion Sanders. It would be a real life version of the Sheriff is near scene in Blazing Saddles.
    16 points
  15. This website would have burned itself to the ground if we were Georgia and we only beat South Carolina by 10 and Auburn by 7. 2005 gave this fanbase has a warped perception of what success looks like, when that roster was arguably one of the top 5 ever constructed in college football history. Much more often, good teams look like 2009 - Some elite players covering up absolute black holes. Also, is this bolded quote from 2011? We've known this for like over a decade, and it's a really weird statement to make right after we DID beat TCU in what is apparently the worst game of football ever played, according to most on this website. I was lucky enough to avoid this website over the weekend, and it's apparent that many of you have lost your minds.
    16 points
  16. Conclusion: Aggy is flailing and made an impulsive decision after losing to Ole Miss (or Tennessee). How do we know this? There's only two possibilities: (1) it was planned before those losses or (2) it wasn't. Let's use the process of elimination to determine which of these possibilities is more likely. If this had been planned out... Jimbo probably should have been given a chance to talk to his team. The search for a replacement should be much further along if not already done. There would be basically nothing to gain from releasing the coach this late into the season. Every penny of the buyout as well as the true cost of getting the new staff (consultants, interviews, onboarding, the contracts themselves) would have been budgeted If this was not planned out... Dumpster fire optics No clear frontrunner. Players hitting the portal early. Weasel words in the presser about how the buyout will be paid and no details about the true cost of the decision. I feel pretty safe in concluding that Aggy leadership made a rash decision here with suboptimal consequences to ensue. Thinking Aloud: Why would Aggy make such an important decision impulsively rather than strategically? I'll treat two related questions separately here: (1) Why fire Jimbo Fisher and (2) Why fire him now? 1. He hadn't been winning (duh) but from Aggy's perspective the decision to fire is more complicated than that. It is affected by the $76 million dollar elephant in the room and can't be made exclusively based on whether he's winning--you ALSO have to (A) reach a firm (and I mean VERY firm) belief that Jimbo is not going to turn things around and (B) convince yourself that the cost of delaying the inevitable is greater than the cost of the buyout. Part A is the "leash" most coaches at other programs get for at least two years, although when the expectations are so high that you're receiving national championship plaques based on the foregone conclusions of your future successes, it's fair to say that the leash would have been a bit shorter in Collie Station than anywhere else. Good thing for Jimbo there's that Part B, which had the perverse effect of greatly lengthening the leash. Part B, again, is about the appraised value of the future success Aggy believes (in its mind) it would be missing out on because of Jimbo's performance compared to the knowable dollar amount it would cost to break up with Jimbo. You don't fire him unless this appraised value is pretty high. Even in a mediocre season, Aggy football probably makes a decent amount of money. So how much more would Aggy be making if their team had been CFP contenders, and how much more does Aggy believe (in its mind) it could make? Not much, and a whole lot, respectively. Aggy therefore appraised its hypothetical future success an astronomical amount. When the case could be made, behind closed doors, that the only thing standing between Aggy and that hypothetical future success was Jimbo Fisher, it would not be a matter of if, but when and how, to fire him. 2. Why now? This gets back to Aggy's self-appraisal of the value of its hypothetical future success in the absence of Fisher. Like a married man convinced he would be drowning in a sea of post-separation pussy, Aggy reasoned to itself that the quicker the bandage is ripped the quicker they could transition to those hypothetical future successes. But... ...that doesn't quite answer the question of why now because it leaves unanswered the question of why not before? After all, all the same factors were in place last season. His trajectory was near or worse than Sumlin's, and you don't pay top dollar to get the exact same results. What could it be, then? I wonder, what is different about 2023 that makes the prospect of another year of Jimbo Fisher absolutely intolerable? Did they really think, in 2022, that Jimbo's team would turn a corner this season? I suppose anything is possible. So rather than draw any firm conclusions I'll simply speculate. An Educated Guess: Jimbo Fisher already would have been a dead man walking into the 2024 season; the looming possibility of an embarrassing narrative (Jimbo's firing caused by a loss to Texas) so terrified Aggy that they were spooked into an impulsive decision intended to pre-emptively squash that possibility, consequences (and budget) be damned. TLDR: $100M paid for a built-in excuse for losing to us in 2024.
    16 points
  17. Summary: she was a giant corrupt piece of shit. And even SHE thought that Dotard was a giant, phony, cruel piece of shit. He's the biggest piece of shit in modern American history, and there's nobody close.
    15 points
  18. SIAP (recently) but this argument by her is never not amazingly ridiculous and oh so aggy
    15 points
  19. Y’all are thinking this is a big win for you, a nice moment of schadenfreude. Don’t let me ruin your fun. But think about this before you smirk too much: 1. We are about to pay the biggest buyout EVER. How many teams win a national championship? One per year. But how many have paid out the largest buyout in history? I don’t know and neither do you, but it’s fewer than one per year. Literally making CFB history here. And that’s catnip to recruits: come make history. 2. What was the story line coming into this week? A&M playing ACU at 6-4 and looking to play its way into a second tier bowl instead of third year. Not now. Now, it’s history making A&M looking for a new coach. Biggest story of the week in CFB. That’s what they’ll talk about on ESPN. And who watches ESPN? That’s right, recruits. Script flipped! Enjoy not being the biggest story in Texas CFB this week! 3. We are getting a new coach and you know what that means? We have at least two, maybe three years where the new guy has a pass to get his guys and the right chemistry. That’s longer than Sark’s leash! Ha! Owned. So yuk it up. We’ll just be over here making historic power moves.
    15 points
  20. We're going to blow these fuckers out... I could see us winning by 5, maybe even 6 points.
    15 points
  21. Elko is pushing hard for the gig. All of the defensive coaches are stanning for him. His team's regular season ends in 12 days and you wouldn't have to pay buyouts on the defensive side. He'd hit the ground running in recruiting and the portal, and he'd retain the defensive guys on the roster because they all know him. Outside of Kliff Kingsbury or Schumann, Elko is the hire I would like to see ATM make the most. He's beaten no one and the record he has put up ties heavily to an excellent QB. In addition, if the stories are correct, ATM idiots would need to start treading really lightly on the jokes about Sarkisian and booze.
    14 points
  22. OK people, hear me out. We are going to win this game. Why, you ask? Well pull up a chair and listen to this truth serum. 1. Iowa State is a pretty good football team. They have good coaches, they have good schemes, but they do not have players that can really threaten us outside of maybe Jayden Higgens. Last year they survived on running the same pass route to the same guy over and over again in critical situations to move the chains. That guy is gone, the QB who threw those passes is in gamblers anonymous. The skill talent is not nearly as dangerous as last year, although they have two quality receivers. Rocco Becht has become a serviceable QB for them this season, but he is not a run threat, having run for a total of 81 yards all season. That means we get to play things a bit more honestly instead of selling out to stop the QB run like we did against Houston - which opened up all of those deep crossing routes. 2. They do not have an explosive run game. Their leading rusher has 460 yards on the season. I think we will shut that down very quickly and make them one dimensional. 3. Referees - What?! Fuck B12 Refs amirite? Yeah, you are right, except this. When we get late into the season and there is a B12 team in the running for the CFP or BCS, historically the refs tend to give some calls to the teams in the hunt. It means money for the conference, it means money for the schools, and they get to decide that maybe a missed PI or holding call will be soothed by a couple million dollars extra to the school that season. 4. You know who won't be soothed? Matt Campbell. I fully expect his head to explode off of his shoulders and shoot into space due to the blood pressure when we start beating their asses. Death of a coach on the field is always distracting for a team. 5. Sark has figured out the 3-3-5 flyover defense to an extent in the passing game. He spent a good portion of the game in trips sets, which forced the defense to come out of their shell and declare their coverage. Gundy did this earlier in the season and I think Sark caught on and used it against TCU. That is why we were getting those deep shots in the first half, and how we got 1 on 1 coverage to AD Mitchell on the crucial third down play late in the game. Ewers went for over 300 on Saturday against a team running exclusively 3-3-5. I think we do it again this week to clean up the reads for Quinn pre snap. 6. Iowa States top 3 leading tacklers are all DBs. That is a problem. Their top LB has 21 tackles on the year. That tells me that they have front 7 issues. If they want to keep those safeties back trying to confuse the pass game, we should have some room to run provided Sark doesn't get as predictable as he got last week. I was literally screaming for an RPO in the fourth quarter. I expect Iowa State to come out with their safeties deep and prove that we can run the ball before they break their shell. So long as Baxter and Blue run patiently and not up the backs of our linemen, I think we will see some quality rushing yards this week. To me that all adds up to a road W provided we don't run into some bullshit 40 MPH wind with a -5 windchill.
    14 points
  23. Yeah did we ever get a look at the date of that check? Post-dated for "November 13, 20 _ _" perhaps?
    14 points
  24. And that would represent substantial progress. Hell, 9-1 is already progress from where we were In Year 1 under Sark no matter what happens from here. Personally, I don't think we can win the whole thing so I'm not overly fixated on the CFP. I just want to win the last Big 12 Championship that we will play for. If that gets us into the Final 4, that's great. Otherwise, I'm going to feel pretty good with a 10, 11 or 12-win season that includes the Big 12 trophy as a final "fuck you" to the rest of the league on our way out the door.
    14 points
  25. Fuck that. I've been laughing about that shit show, and everything related to it, since yesterday morning, including that video. It's all hysterical.
    14 points
  26. Biden is a legitimately good President. It's very sad that he's not also a popular one.
    13 points
  27. 13 points
  28. People here see the recruiting rankings and don't understand that it means potential. A lot of these kids don't know shit and have just been getting by on pure athletic ability. We still have a ton of shortcomings and we tend to lose intensity once we get up on a team. 0-line- Our center and LG are weak in the run game and our RG is strong but busts some assignments here and there. We struggle with consistency and cannot just line up and run on a team when we want to. Receivers- We have one receiver that catches everything but loafs, and another receiver who is dynamic with the ball in his hands but gets pushed around by DBs and never wins a physical contest with a defender. Every game they take turns trying to see who can get a receiver killed by missing blocks. TEs- Our superstar TE struggles blocking. RBs- One RB is nails, another one is big and physical but tip-toes and doesn't run with good feet, another one is too lite, and the other one is fast but doesn't run with patience. D-line- Our starting tackles are monsters against the run, but as TCU showed if you wait til they sub out you can go with pace to keep them on the bench and run on the backups. Ends cannot get home with any kind of consistency. We have no natural pass rushers. LBs- One is slow when in conflict. The other one busts assignments on the regular. The young dude is fast and physical but doesn't know shit yet and is constantly flying all over the place but is wrong often. CBs- Watts is physical but slow. Brooks doesn't challenge receivers enough allowing QBs to throw perfectly on rhythm, and loses inside leverage constantly. Other guys are young. Barron is a stud but hurt. Safeties- Slow. Late. Bad angles. Only make plays when the call confuses the QB or a deflection or such. None have made a break on a ball that was thrown well. Over the course of a 60 min football game each one of these rears its ugly head. All of them showed up against TCU. They are who they are. Accept it.
    13 points
  29. I’ll wait to wager until after I hear what how the Iowa State players are betting.
    13 points
  30. Dear Sark, I have it on good authority that you should try winning the remaining two games. Love, RomaVicta
    13 points
  31. Dude, your internet search history is insanely specific. CBD, ex-Navy Seal Flannel, and John Deere tractors tailored ads. Are you actually @Al_4_ISU in disguise?
    12 points
  32. Arch isn't going anywhere you dumb mother fuckers.
    12 points
  33. If he came back and Arch received meaningful back up snaps (means we would have to put teams away) then Arch could start as a sophomore with previous game experience. That’s probably the best outcome we could hope for.
    12 points
  34. Wordle 877 3/6 🟨⬛⬛⬛🟨 ⬛⬛🟨🟩🟨 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
    12 points
  35. FUCK! HUGE IF TRUE. I’ll call them up right away. Thanks for the heads up. You are a true friend of the program.
    12 points
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