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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/10/22 in Posts

  1. And then again, it isn’t. Enjoy them while you can.
    112 points
  2. For those unaware. in addition to inciting the riot to disrupt the certification, Trump had a squad of people, including John Eastman, pressuring Pence not to certify the election for weeks. And it has recently been revealed that Eastman & Co. specifically warned not to employ the courts in any strategy not to certify the election, because they knew the plan was harebrained and unlawful and they would be laughed out of court. And the draft executive orders to have DoD or DHS seize voting machines across the country. This is in addition to the 60 someodd meritless lolsuits they filed and lost, which is at least a halfway legitimate way to contest an election. And the schemes to appoint fake electors at the state level who would insert themselves once the election was not certified. And the attempts to have state election officials "find votes." And the endless dumbass recounts leading to nothing, except confirmation that the election was fair and legitimate. This. Was. A. Conspiracy. To. Keep. Trump. In. Office. And, at the very most minimal interpretation, to create FUD as to American elections without proof of any irregularity. That alone is some insidious shit. It's Hugo Chavez, Daniel Ortega, Kim Jong-un shit. If that doesn't concern you, I really don't know what to tell you.
    38 points
  3. Hoo boy. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but there have absolutely been serious “what do we do about your dad” conversations in their household. (Also, lol at “my son married a black lady, therefore I can’t be racist”)
    31 points
  4. Yep, which is why the neighbors, friends, acquaintances, co-workers, and internet message board posters I'm most exasperated by are the apolitical types and the fake-centrist little-r voters who have the collective voting power to force change in the GQP but refuse to do so because they have been brainwashed by the BOTHSIDES Party and the mainstream media's compulsive need to falsely equate all things in the world of political disagreement as equally partisan and equally blameworthy. They consistently frame everything through this lens such that the dominant power of the party that enabled a conspiracy to overthrow a national presidential election, hijacked the Supreme Court to undermine our most basic privacy rights (i.e. bodily autonomy), lied repeatedly about "vaccine mandates" that never really happened, spent two years spewing out covid disinformation, puts the right to own an AR-15 in higher esteem than the right for elementary school kids to attend school safely, relentlessly attacks the LGBTQ community and won't stfu about their ginned up "border crisis" (only the southern border of course), and exists only to further the interests of the billlionaire class is characterized as equal to the small bloc of progressives who hold a small fraction of power in Congress and advocate for such crazy ideas as a return to sensible tax strategies, income equality, clean water and clean air, green energy initiatives to combat climate change, an increased minimum wage, universal health care for all Americans, de-militarizing the police, inclusion for POC and LGBTQ, and protecting our democracy. I know so many like this in my personal life and when you discuss this with them it's apparent they have soup brain cooked up in the Fox News kitchen or they know better but lack the courage to just own their mistakes and cannot untether themselves from their need to self-identify as something other than a lib. It really is all about their snowflake feelings. Bothsiders are killing this country and hurting democracy.
    24 points
  5. Yep. I wish we would have loaded up last year, when there were several great OL.
    24 points
  6. Greg Abbott puts his pants on with one humiliating and degrading motion like you're shaking a pillow into a case and then he has to be rolled to one side to have everything buttoned and zipped and then have his legs placed back into a more visually suitable and natural position just like the rest of us.
    20 points
  7. And I confess that I'll never get this. I generally hold the same VALUES that I held as my political identity was developing in my late childhood to early adulthood. How those values manifest may have changed, but the values remain. And that means that those values occupy spots all over the spectrum, including some close to either end. For example: 1 -- the first "advocacy group" I ever joined was Greenpeace, when I was 7-8. Because I was totally into cetaceans and was a fishing fool on the Texas coast, wanted to save the whales, and protect the oceans. I still do. 2 -- perhaps the second was the NRA when I was 9-10. Because I loved to shoot and hunt, and read every issue of Field and Stream. I liked that it gave me access to additional writing on guns, different types, shooting and hunting tips, maintenance, and safety advice. 3 -- from my earliest childhood, my friends were a hodgepodge of races and ethnicities, and I'm the product of what many people would have characterized at the time as a mixed-race marriage. It was ingrained in me from the very get-go that we should treat everyone equally, with respect, decency, and kindness. 4 -- by my adolescent years, I was exposed to enough gay people to think about them the same way I think about other races. They're folks, treat em with kindness and don't be a hurtful discriminatory dick. 5 -- I thought that many policy decisions should be made on an economic cost-benefit basis. That analysis could be complex, but if it was significantly skewed one way or the other in the "bang for your buck" standard, that should decide its fate. 6 -- I believed that military force has its place, because it is one of the tools in the toolkit of economic integration and cooperation, diplomacy, and conflict. Sometimes, you need to roll of the sleeves and fight. Now, as a result of some of those things, I took positions on specific policies that have changed over the years: an easy example is "trickle down" economics. Based on my principles of ROI and policies that have economic benefit, I thought it was a good hypothesis. HOWEVER, multiple iterations of attempting it have shown me that they hypothesis is pure shite, and does not work. I believed X, but when the evidence demonstrated that X was not the case, I concluded that X was shite. Likewise, I used to be opposed to same-sex "marriage." I had enough internal discomfort about homosexuality that I held onto a position that "yes, they should have all the LEGAL rights everyone else has, but you shouldn't call it 'marriage,' because that's something special reserved for men and women." Now, the more I forced myself to think about it logically, and consistently with other principles that I believed in, I realized that I was being both an asshole and a dumbass. I was wrong to oppose same sex 'marriage.' I was more hawkish when I was younger. I was too cavalier about sending young men and women into harm's way. I still believe that force is a tool, but one that should be wielded only when all other reasonable paths have been exhausted. I don't think that our problem is so much that Americans can't admit they have been wrong (although that's a problem). It's that they don't have any underlying guiding principles that they follow. That is demonstrated by how they reacted to January 6th, as compared to other events. If they had an underlying principle of genuine love of their country and countrymen, they would have reacted like this: When 9/11 happened: I was horrified beyond belief in real-time. I was quick to anger against those who were attacking my country, my homeland. I was devastatingly sad about what we had lost. When Jan 6 happened: THE EXACT SAME FUCKING SEQUENCE HAPPENED FOR ME. Two sets of terrorists attacked foundations of my country. I reacted the same to both. That's what an actual patriot who loves this country and wants it to survive feels. But the Jan 6 apologists don't actually love this country or the people in it. They do not follow that guiding principle. They follow some sort of transitory whim. They are in the thrall of a cult built on contempt, cruelty, and directionless anger. When you follow that, and not underlying principles, you go to some pretty shitty places. Places like the halls of Congress, looking to kill the Vice President. I hate those people. I hated the terrorists of 9/11, and those who supported and facilitated them. And I hate the terrorists and their facilitators of January 6th. You know how hard we cheered when Bin Laden was finally taken out? I will cheer that loudly when Trump and his minions are gone. You should too.
    16 points
  8. Even worse than that, they have instinctual guiding principles... but they are willing to ignore or change them if it benefits their team. EVERYONE knew it was wrong the day of - that's why there were so many rumors of Antifa infiltrating the mob, etc. Anyone with eyes and a working circulatory system knew this situation was fucked up as they watched the live footage. The fact that so many are willing to act like it was no big deal now is a damning indictment of their character and the state of the country, and I honestly don't know how you govern a country when one of the two political parties is primarily comprised of folks who allow a political party to shape their belief system, rather than vice versa.
    15 points
  9. We’re putting down our 13 year old collie today. I married into him. My wife has had him ever since he was a pup. The sweetest dog you’ll ever meet. Now, he was kind of a priss. He didn’t play fetch. He wasn’t athletic. He was kind of a diva. He liked to prance down the street on walks. If the leash got caught behind his leg, he’d stop until you removed it. But he loved everybody. He never met an animal or human that he didn’t think was his friend. But he’s been struggling to stand on his own the last few weeks. And he’s disoriented. His quality of life is crap so today is the day. Gonna miss him. Looking back, I’m so glad we took him on a road trip to Wyoming and South Dakota and Montana in 2020 during the pandemic. He was so happy. And he could look pretty damn majestic. IMG_7031.MOV
    15 points
  10. it's amazing how people act like we didn't fucking witness the 18 months leading up to the election. the time magazine covers and references to multiple terms. the insistence on announcing investigations into biden well before he was even the candidate. the constant claims that the only way he loses is if it's rigged. the nonstop attacks on voting by mail. january 6th wasn't the disease, it was just a symptom.
    15 points
  11. Yep, and we learned last night that before Trump sent out the tweet on 12/19 announcing the 1/6 rally, he’d met with Rudy Giuliani, Sidney Powell, and Mike Flynn. (What a pack of loons.) Mike Flynn, a former general, who had openly called for Trump to impose martial law (or Marshall law if you’re MTG), in order to stay in power. Everyone from Trump on down who ever swore an oath to defend the Constitution and then actively worked to betray that oath should hang. An oath is supposed to have a meaning and betraying one’s oath should have consequences. And yet these traitors are defended by a right-wing militia group that calls themselves the Oath Keepers and tried to overturn democracy. It’s Bizarro World.
    13 points
  12. the reason for these hearings is the same as the reason for the impeachment hearings. because while having them seems hopeless, not having them is far worse. this is america.
    12 points
  13. Last year, I got to hang w Casey Thompson and Micah Parsons. This summer, it was Quinn Ewers and DeMarvion Overshown. Both are super nice guys. DeMarion is so chill and Quinn is just relaxed and really approachable. He's taller than I thought he would be. I told him his game against our Chaps was one of the greatest performances I've seen a HS player make and he really appreciated it. And what is now becoming a tradition, lol, I got to play catch with him. He has such a nice, super-tight spiral and it sails out of his hand. He arrived in an awesome, throwback, heavy-metal shirt. Can't wait to see what he can do this fall. DeMarvion Overshown is a great guy. He looks like a model and I wouldn't be surprised if he did that after football. Man it was fun.
    11 points
  14. thanks for this post. i read all 11ish pages of this thread this morning. your posts, and others on here, that were interacting with the trumpers was well, strange. If you get what has happened, what is happening, and what you see in real time posted on this thread - what is left to understand? I read people barking back at the accusation/confession of this being a ploy to deflect from biden I read people bitching about how laborsome Benghazi was. I read people still interacting with the trolls. here is the deal - they aren't trolls. Either you are an American, or they are. You both can't be any longer. And no rational exchange of ideas, evidence, or stories of any kind will change that. There is no mechanism for correction left. We can both sides it, whatabout it, and goatfuck it but we cannot have any rational conversation about it. That ship has sailed. This is no different than dealing with that bearfucker in Moscow. Same Same. As @washparkhorn has mentioned numerous times - we are up against a wall of nihilism. anyway back to laughing at this mess best I can. slowest civil war ever
    11 points
  15. 11 points
  16. As a white dude married to a Mexican gal (no pics) I've witnessed and experienced racism like this, but not to this extreme. Unfortunately this kind of attitude is not all that uncommon. We were at Dillard's once and I was pushing the stroller on the other side of the aisle when one fo the employees (an older woman) suggested my wife shop in another section until they could get more people there (presumably to keep an eye on her). I wonder how her attitude shifted after it became clear that I was with her. Another instance, we were in Jasper, Arkansas at a rock climbing destination and went into town for a meal. Everything was great and we had good service until a few old guys got seated across from us. Our server never came around again. Best we could figure she was afraid of what they would say or think. I ended up having to go up to the hostess and asking for our bill just so we could leave. I'm not sure what I'm getting at, other than if you are a typical white guy who doesn't care about skin color you don't get exposed to racism much, and it is easy to think that it is something for history books. It ain't. But as someone who never had to deal with any of this due to white privilege or whatever you want to call it, it's kinda like trying to hit an unexpected curveball.
    11 points
  17. GRUHorn/IV still posting Russian disinformation?
    10 points
  18. 10 points
  19. Yep, there were two prongs to the attempted coup. What we saw on tv was the paramilitary attempt to invade the Capitol and stop the certification of Biden’s victory. The other was a political one, directed by politicians and lawyers to try to overturn the election by installing false electors and basically faking a victory. They needed Mike Pence to take part in that and he didn’t. As wretched of a person he is, he stood up for democracy that day so credit to him for that. There was a third group who were present at the Capitol on 1/6 and those were just people there for the rally and the riot. They weren’t part of any conspiracy. They were just caught up in the mob. Those are the people the Republicans will focus on and try to tell us that’s all that happened. But the first two prongs illustrate what was really going on and we need to understand how close we came to having the coup succeed. I can’t even begin to imagine what would’ve happened if the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers had managed to assassinate Pence and/or Pelosi. I fear that that there are millions of Americans who wouldn’t have cared. I think that’s probably true but I desperately don’t want to believe it.
    10 points
  20. Do you often start conversations with your wife of 40 years with "Hey dumb cunt, what do you want for dinner?" and then calmly ask for reasoned response afterwards?
    10 points
  21. Dinner at Perry’s, then WoF, turn in at 9:30.
    9 points
  22. Most of this board doesn't give a fuck why you hate Texas.
    9 points
  23. Every person that engages Incredulity the Troll deserves a neg. Jesus Christ.
    8 points
  24. Depends on whether or not you're a bitchmade pussy.
    8 points
  25. This is really dumb, and you should be ashamed you made it.
    8 points
  26. 8 points
  27. Nahhhh - Liz Cheney is a ghoul. Just because she’s only 94% rotten doesn’t make her “good”. Her voting record is hot garbage and she’s her father’s daughter.
    8 points
  28. Naoch and a little guac for dippin
    8 points
  29. Casualties should have been in the 1000's, because the Capitol should have been properly staffed with police and National Guard who were ordered to open fire as soon as that horde breached the building.
    8 points
  30. This whole thing kicked off long before Joe Biden ran into trouble, whether of his own making or beyond his control. If the Committee wanted to be even more "tactical" or strategic or cynically political about these hearings, they could have held them closer to midterm elections. They're doing it now because they've finished their investigative work. The idea that this is simply a distraction from Joe Biden completely minimizes or misses the fact that there was a serious, orchestrated attempt, of which the actual 1/6 riot was but a fairly small part, to overturn the result of a free and fair election. You can quibble about voter suppression, gerrymandering, voter id and all of that shit, but elections, and honoring their results is a core, fundamental part of The United States of America. Trump, and apparently the majority of the GOP, is perfectly willing to ignore the results of an election that they don't like. That is un-American by about any standard you want to apply.
    8 points
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