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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/10/20 in Posts

  1. Do you think black lives matter? Simple question. Do they matter? If you answer yes, then you are an ally to the idea. If you answer no then I hate to break it to you, but you actually are a racist (with the only exception being the unlikely yet possible scenario where you don't think any lives matter). So please explain where the logic that if you don't believe black lives matter then you're a racist breaks down because I'd love to hear this. I can't imagine living such a privileged life and yet feeling so put upon all the time when some group I'm not a member of tries to improve their lot in life. What a cowardly and mentally weak mindset.
    22 points
  2. I don't pretend to be able to explain why "We" are only just now getting pissed. I'm not a sociologist. I can speak to why I am more energized than ever before. I have always scoffed at the concept of white privilege. I work at a sewer plant, and had to do it for a long time to work my way to a decent pay rate. I live in a double-wide, and my wife and I drive our vehicles until I can no longer repair them. Much of what I have is held together by string, bailing wire, and wishes. I am deeply in debt from helping my daughter through UT. I don't generally feel very privileged, so I couldn't relate to white privilege. Then I watched the video of George Floyd being murdered, slowly and cruelly. I was screaming for someone to tackle that asshole and save Mr. Floyd. Why were they yelling at the cops instead of knocking them off? I always thought that would be my response in that situation. At that point I realized that I was thinking like a white man. The people videoing the incident and imploring the cops to let him live knew that they would be shot to shit, or beaten to death, or strangled just like George Floyd. As a white man it would have never crossed my mind, but the black people there knew. They live it every minute. It hit me in a very visceral way that none of the other police murders have. It made me realize, finally, what I have been missing, and why I am indeed privileged, through no action of my own. Now I have to figure out how I can help make sure that everyone, whatever color, has the same privileges that I have, and no less.
    19 points
  3. Bale’s early work was a little too new wave for my tastes, but when The Machinist came out in '04, I think he really came into his own, commercially and artistically. The whole movie has a clear, crisp sound, and a new sheen of consummate professionalism that really gives the film a big boost.
    16 points
  4. That 4 in 10 Americans think that piece of shit is doing a good job tells you all you need to know about us. Almost half of us are pathetic and racist.
    15 points
  5. Two factors: 1. Covid-19: I think it’s a transformative event that is going to have long-term implications for us as a country, most notably is the divide in income inequality. It made the rich even richer and decimated already decimated segments of our society. People are out of work and angry. And that is going to get worse. 2. Leaders matter. Words matter. Hope and unity and a belief that together we can build a stronger future for our children matters. There is none of that, and it matters. I’ll leave it at that.
    14 points
  6. I recommend posting this on Next Door, Karen.
    12 points
  7. "Hi Kayleigh, Red Five with Surly News. I saw a report that said Trump has molested many young girls, including at least one of his daughters. I know you agree that these are questions that need to be asked and that you can never take one side, because of those things you just said. Thoughts on Trump being a child molester?".
    11 points
  8. This was posted as shitty food porn on reddit. Sounds like them assholes don’t understand fine dining
    11 points
  9. Just curious but how exactly is the staff evaluating Jonathon Jones and Garfield Lawrence anything other than having a coherent recruiting plan? This should actually assuage your fears. Look at those two guys physically and on their HUDLs. Now look at Shemar Turner. If Turner heads to Alabama you have to find the next man up at those positions. If we have already established relationships with those guys -- guys who fit a physical profile and have clear upside, then there's a much higher chance of pulling them in and not having to go to a tertiary player who doesn't have the same amount of upside and will never be more than roster filler, and if pressed into action will be a glaring liability. To me seeing these evals is proof of a coherent strategy. It's a lot better than hearing that we haven't talked to any RBs because "we are going to land one or both of Trey Sanders or Noah Cain". Doing evals and building relationships beyond throwing all of you eggs in the Shemar Turner basket IS having a plan. If Texas lands Turner - fucking awesome - if he goes to Alabama - starting to look for the next SDE and build a relationship after the fact is not having a plan. It's almost like you aren't alone. It feels almost like Herman fired a bunch of guys and brought in an outstanding OC and a DC he trusts that held the crystal football with him in their last go around. As for the players, I expect a lot of guys on defense will suddenly look 2 steps faster and will tackle much better simply by being in position. On offense, I expect them to actually exploit matchup mismatches and take easy first downs.
    10 points
  10. Lee was a war criminal. Let's not undersell that. When his army captured black Union soldiers, those prisoners of war were routinely tortured and executed on Lee's direct orders. Lee refused to include black Union soliders in prisoner exchanges, which ensured that rebel soldiers remained in Union prison camps and on Union prison hulks. And on the two times that Lee invaded the North--and in particular during the Gettysburg campaign--he kidnapped free blacks and took them into slavery. By any measure of the laws of war as they existed at the time, Lee was a war criminal. He was a traitor. He should've been shot. The pre-war South didn't die in 1865. That's the feel-good story they tell you in high school. It's false. The South never reconciled itself to the abolition of slavery. And as soon as federal troops left, the South returned the former slaves to a state that closely resembled slavery. Perhaps the former slaves upgraded their station to that of serfdom. But they were denied their civil rights and often tied to the land as "sharecroppers," which is a status that very closely resembles the serfdom that Russia abolished in 1863. The Southern economy's foundations weren't destroyed in 1865. They were strengthened after the end of Reconstruction such that "King Cotton"--produced through the forced labor of black workers--remained the basis for the Southern economy well into the middle of the 20th Century.
    10 points
  11. Of course he wants to be re-elected. He just can’t help himself. Because he is a fat childish piece of shit with no restraint or emotional intelligence.
    10 points
  12. This can't be overstated. Go back and watch the difference in the Texas D, how much faster and more aggressive they looked against a really good Utah offense. Compare that to their outing against Kansas or TCU. That Utah offense was FAR superior and the Utah coaching staff is one of the best in CFB. People have really downplayed that bowl but if you feel that way go back and watch that game again because the defense, by simplifying things just a bit, looked entirely different against an offense that was much better than most of the 2019 scheudle. Crappy teams that befuddled them earlier in the season with Orlando and his patented FS blitz from San Saba on 3rd and 64. Ossai had 9 tackles including SIX TFLs and 3 sacks in that game. It's almost like - if you recruit elite guys to do a thing and then just let them do that thing, instead of scheming their talent out of the gameplan, that they perform at a really fucking high level. That defense absolutely humbled Utah and it did with Cort Jaquess starting at LB.
    9 points
  13. We should rename one of our underground missile silo bunkers Fort Trump
    9 points
  14. Throw up your hands Stick out your tush Hands on your hips Give them a push
    9 points
  15. I have no doubt they are frustrated. But this falls squarely in the "clean your own house" category. If the cops had spent the last few decades making sure they were beholden to the same laws as the citizens they enforce the law against, then they wouldn't be seeing this kind of backlash. Get in front of the problem officers, and show us what you're doing to make improvements in your unions and departments. Until that happens, you aren't going to garner much sympathy if your just the one standing by tsk-tsk-ing while your comrades are suffocating citizens with their knees.
    9 points
  16. Because it's much, much bigger than George Floyd. Part of it is a frustration across the board with how this country is policed - from black felons to white traffic violators, vice versa and everything in between - cops fucking suck to deal with and everyone is sick of it. Our prison system is not out to reform anybody. People are still incarcerated for marijuana crimes. Lawyers are expensive. Dealing with courts sucks. Drug charges are blown out of proportion and simply being charged with anything is a huge pain in the ass - while cops have had and still have basically zero repercussions for charging/arresting/detaining/tasing/pepper spraying all the way up to fucking shooting and killing people. The wealth gap and income inequality in this country has destroyed the middle class. Kids are held to higher standards, school (and basically everything along with it) is more expensive, virtually no single earner can support a family without living paycheck to paycheck or in debt. We value the wrong shit. We obsess over meaningless garbage. Instead of doing the right thing we do the politically correct thing. No one thinks for themselves - we consume information at an unfathomable rate in the context of human history and most of the time we never stop to think about it. I don't give a fuck who you vote for: our president is a self absorbed lunatic. Our politicians are too white, too wealthy and too old (and that includes people like Pelosi and Biden). The right is too far right and the left is too far left. And this is all ignoring the fact that we may very well be in the midst of irreversible environmental devastation. The world is less transparent and scarier than it's ever been and the working class is fed up with the folks running the show. (plus Texas hasn't had a great season in over a decade)
    9 points
  17. I keep asking that question in my head and to my close friends and we can't find a good answer. A close black woman friend asked me that and truth be known, I was embarrassed at what she was asking. Why did it take us this long? Maybe years from now philosophers or sociologists will figure it out but until then, all I have is this august body of intellectual heavyweights. I didn't see the Floyd video until late the day it happened as I was busy. As bad as it was (and this will sound horrible), it didn't seem any worse than the others over the past few years. I cynically thought we'd have a weeks worth of internet memes and we'd move on to something else like we always have. Yet, much to my pleasant surprise, we decided we ain't havin' it anymore. The question is why now? Was it a culmination of recent cases? Is it that we're all sitting at home anyway? My personal theory (and this applies to me) is that we as a country are on our last fucking nerve right now for obvious reasons. We then looked up one day and saw that some people think it's still business as usual. That's my best offering. What does everyone else think? Thanks. I'll hang up and listen.
    8 points
  18. Just for the benefit of the next page, the last three minutes are really very powerful (you can start at 31:45). And those of us who appreciate political philosophy can get down here her (rather animated) discussion of the social contract. I would also add that there are other important issues of political philosophy right now. Like the issue of legitimacy. We have a real crisis of legitimacy right now. We have a president who refuses to lead. He's incapable of it. He has no moral authority. He had only the shakiest of democratic legitimacy. And he lost that 10 days ago when he violently cleared out peaceful protesters from Lafayette Square. And now on top of that, the police have lost their legitimacy. The police need to be seen as enforcing the law. Now they're not by a majority of Americans. They're seen as enforcing the privilege of the few. And in doing so violently, they increasingly lose what legitimacy they had. As the NYPD FOP rep said, they're now being viewed as animals and thugs. And that dual crises of legitimacy is really not great for the survival of the Republic. It echos what we've seen in so many revolutionary societies, from Ukraine to Egypt to Hong Kong.
    8 points
  19. Oh my Lord. I saw the tweet remarking about upcoming rallies and saw Oklahoma was listed, but figured OKC. Tulsa on Juneteenth? Oh, that is incredible.
    8 points
  20. Nothing says history of winning and victory like Braxton Bragg and John Bell Hood, who lost the battles, but lost the war.
    8 points
  21. There is literally no wording that would prevent them from creating a false narrative to scare the mouth breathing voters. They call literally any effort to expand social safety nets or increase tax revenues as "socialism." Any efforts to regulate within the capitalist economy is "socialist" and sometimes even called "communist." Any gun regulation, even as benign as background checks, is "taking y'ur guns." With everything Biden says, trump tweets that he is "far left," even though Biden is extraordinarily conservative for a Democrat, refusing thus far to embrace universal healthcare or police defunding. Anyone who is not paying much attention (blazing saddles: "you know, morons") will always fall for the far right soundbites that they have developed for decades. "Police reform" has been a buzzword for decades, including since at least Rodney King , and has resulted in literally nothing helpful. There is more attention paid by changing the language, because the past language has been ineffective.
    8 points
  22. Fine, Texas has plenty of fans. Don't need "those" kind of fans anyhow.
    8 points
  23. Great messaging as usual. I'm surprised it wasn't named "Kill the police". Oh no you see, we don't mean "kill" as in kill, we mean "adjust and improve".
    8 points
  24. For me it has zero to do with politics. It has everything to do with how the man was already subdued/ in cuffs and offered zero threat to the officer(s.) And that brings up the contributing yet equally horrific factor of 3 officers being complicit in the direct abuse of a citizen. George Floyd wasn't a model citizen and I don't care. The police are not there to try and sentence a citizen. I'd say for me, the Houston Five situation is what turned me at my own core beliefs and destroyed my denial on the corruption of the police; and had me already voicing my opinion that we should be going after the leadership of the police organization if we ever wanted the abuses to stop/ wane. The Floyd death was an exponential amplification of the extreme lack of accountability for police. At work we have had no fewer than 6 'wellness checks' where the forum is opened and people just say what's on their hearts and minds regarding the whole past 8-9 days. So many people are truly hurting/ scared/ angry. I am an admitted flag waving sonofabitch, who has never hidden that. Hell i think I have about 5 tshirts in my wardrobe that are not Army/ West Point/ Navy/ or Marines. On a couple of the calls I have shared how we say as a nation that "liberty and justice for all" is who we claim to be, yet we are so dreadfully short of that right now. Both times I went there it was dead silence on the call, and I have no idea if people agreed with me or were shocked that i said it. I am very disappointed/ pissed off that we have citizens who don't feel protected by our laws, and it shouldn't take anyone having to convince them otherwise. It should be an innate part of being an American. That's where I am at these days. It is a tragic situation, absolutely; yet, we are not a nation of perfection. We never have been. We can be a society that moves towards justice and what's right for our people. We have to. We have no choice. Be who we say we are...
    8 points
  25. Now see...let me give an example of how things... I don't know, "maybe" should work? I've always enjoyed Hates posts and opinions. Why is that strange? I'm a conservative Trump supporter, although it's getting harder every day. Yet I don't remember ever negging him, as a matter of fact I do remember +repping the hell out of him. Why? Leave the personal differences out of things. We have differences politically, but that doesn't mean we can't find common ground on things, and not focus on differences.
    8 points
  26. Because most of america had never seen someone slowly choke the life out of another human being with such nonchalance and entitlement. I never felt more empathy for the black population than when I saw that video. George floyd was not a human being to that cop. That is what resonated with me unlike any other social injustice I had ever witnessed.
    8 points
  27. He's buying ad time on local Houston TV and then introducing local businesses who talk up their store. The big (local) guy helping the little guy. This dude gets it.
    7 points
  28. And I'll take it a step further... If yall and the internet thought the Dems were pandering to Black people with the kneeling and Kente cloth they were wearing, this is setting up to be pandering of the highest order: - met with (conservative only) Black folk today - announced a speech in Tulsa (known for Black Wall Street Massacre) - announced said speech on Juneteenth, a prominent "holiday" for Blacks in the Souf - and is supposed to give a race/race issues speech to America sometime within the next few days??? Talk about pandering...
    7 points
  29. I love that Trump is furious about his terrible polling and decides to celebrate Confederate generals while one of his top advisers says systemic racism doesn't exist anywhere in America. Truly overwhelmed by his 4D chess abilities.
    7 points
  30. Surly News. News with an attitude. Damn right it's 5 O'clock somewhere and ou still sucks!
    7 points
  31. Per TFB Am told 2021 OT, Savion Byrd did a virtual visit with Texas last week. Before that visit, I felt Texas had fallen a bit behind SMU and OU. I think Texas has narrowed the gap. I’d still lean a bit away from Texas until I hear something a little more definitive.
    7 points
  32. Jesus fucking Christ dude, you are actively hunting for things to hate on the past couple days. This is all normal recruiting evaluation stuff, especially before anyone's played their senior year. Once they actually take a commitment from a guy like this (hi Casey Cain!) is the appropriate time to work yourself up into a lather.
    7 points
  33. I don't agree. For those that don't pay that much attention, but still vote, it's an easy layup for dotard to push the narrative, just based off the labeling. Biden needs to push back hard on this point.
    7 points
  34. Any of you fuckers in S. Carolina? You need to get a group of people together and dress up as ladybugs and show up to one of his campaign events with signs that say "Lindsey's Ladybugs".
    7 points
  35. Hayseed U makes a concerted effort to expand enrollment to over 65,000 students, then gets mad when all those new students don't cling to the same ass-backward, outdated, irrational country-wisdom that the traditional ags all hold near and dear to their hearts. Then they respond with the extraordinarily predictable red-ass/tough-guy act that they're known for (and by "known for," I mean that they have long obviously overcompensated for their insecurity with their own masculinity by shouting about how masculine they are). So...essentially, in an effort to grow the student population (in order to be "bigger than tu" and make the ag "brand" nationally-recognized), they must expand their recruitment beyond rural towns and insular suburbs, which means bringing in a lot of students who will be dissatisfied with their school's backwoods culture and push to change it ("change" itself being the thing the ags hate most).
    7 points
  36. Orange is the new black
    7 points
  37. I think everyone agrees that the police aren't just shitty to black people. They're shitty to all kinds of people. The numbers just show that they're disproportionately shitty to black people. In other words, I have no idea what point you're trying to make. "They kill other people too, so systematic racism isn't an issue." Something like that?
    7 points
  38. 7 points
  39. Cool man. You have your opinion. Now stop derailing the thread or just say out loud that “you wish these fucking n-words would stop complaining, get back to work, stick to sports, and stop disrespecting my flag before I call the police on them” since that’s what it seems like you want to say.
    7 points
  40. https://newrepublic.com/article/158033/jared-kushner-coronavirus-pandemic-response
    7 points
  41. I think the amplified response to this has a lot to do with Donald Trump. What happened to George Floyd has happened to others, obviously, but never with a president who publicly approved of the bad things that bad cops do. And it's compounded by the cops' awful responses to the protestors. The "few bad apples" bullshit is out the window, and combine that with the inflammatory and aggressive words from a would-be despot at the top, instead of the compassion that any normal leader would be showing, and the whole thing takes on a new sense of urgency. We'd better stand up for each other, NOW.
    7 points
  42. Great post, I only really take issue with the bolded part. The overton window in this country has shifted so far right since 9/11 that people like Bernie Sanders, who would be considered center to center-right in Europe (possibly with the exception of the UK), is considered by many to be far left by the sole merit of wanting to fix our hilariously broken health care system. Hillary Clinton is a poster child of a right wing politician through and through, Biden is a senile wingnut, the list goes on. The Republican party has just become a crazy caricature of what it used to be. Prior to Obama's election, Trump would have been laughed out of office by now. Hell, we're at a point where fucking W looks like the adult in the room. It's shifted so far right that the police in this country generally behave in an overtly fascist manner, but it's just brushed aside by half the country. The president has spent most of the duration of these protests attempting to viciously curtail the rights of peaceful protests while being cheered in by his base. It's completely insane.
    7 points
  43. Actually I'm pretty sure you're right - I'll look again but the number of O people that had zero symptoms stuck out most to me. The truth is all the others are kind of in the same category since I don't really vet 'how sick' when I'm testing people that I didn't actively treat (lots of friends/family). That's in my informal poll - certainly not saying there was no difference, but I'd believe those articles over my observation 100 times out of 100. Edit: I see how AB worse stuck in my head. If you see the article I posted to Anastasis, and see the graphic. Type AB shows the most surface antigens and type O has the least - but this is NOT what determines who does well or struggles with the virus. The article explains it well. https://www.news-medical.net/news/20200603/Blood-group-type-may-affect-susceptibility-to-COVID-19-respiratory-failure.aspx Was wondering where I got that and glad you asked. You fuckers keep me on my toes. I need to post on dirtburglars/texags so I can post hammered and not worry about accuracy, facts, and other such bullshit.
    7 points
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