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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/22/21 in Posts

  1. And the women win the team tennis NCAA championship!
    11 points
  2. 11 points
  3. Snow’s this morning.
    10 points
  4. Fucking hell, we had to put Zeus down yesterday. He was a 12-yo Newfie, so we fully realize that we’ve gotten a full life and more out of him, but damn that felt awful. One of the reasons I decided to get a Newfie was the famous epitaph that the English poet Lord Byron wrote on the death of his Newfie Botswain: I thought that was beautiful when I read it and it is more beautiful today because those words just absolutely perfectly describe Zeus. Beauty without vanity? Never seen such a beautiful animal slobber so much... Strength without insolence? In his prime, he weighed 150 with amazing strength. He could have done whatever he wanted in our house, but he only did what he thought we wanted. Courage without ferocity? One trait that I had read about Newfies is that when they sense a threat, they won't bark or growl; they'll just put themselves between the threat and their humans. He was less than a year old when I first saw him do that, stepping between my daughter and a neighbor's new barking dog and just staring it down. Thank you for being in my life for 145 months, buddy.
    10 points
  5. Scoreboard you fucking sacks of shit. Fuck the Clippers.
    9 points
  6. I read an article that the family was talking about suing Kushner and that he wants to settle to avoid the publicity. He invited them to meet at the Saudi consulate in Turkey to hash out a settlement.
    9 points
  7. I suppose it’s more cost effective than buying a lifted truck to signal that you’re bad in bed
    9 points
  8. Moreland does love his crutch words/phrases. I still wouldn't trade our guys for any other "homers" out there. Oh, STFU. It's baseball.
    8 points
  9. My experience is that people are very loyal when they’ve been treated well.
    8 points
  10. Exactly. What if he misses a block because he was promoting his social media instead of studying his play book and the LB breaks both of Card's legs and then they both have to be amputated and Card is in a wheelchair for his entire life and he gets hooked on pain killers during rehab and then he overdoses. I get wanting to do what's best for your career but Blue literally killed Hudson Card in this all too real scenario that will certainly happen.
    8 points
  11. They just ended graduation with “The Eyes”. Good.
    7 points
  12. I can give OP a hint...
    7 points
  13. They finally put up the video
    7 points
  14. Ah, the old John Redcorn treatment. You have any kids that look Native American?
    7 points
  15. Yep. Your "work" on these issues over the years has certainly opened my eyes quite a bit. I suppose one could say, well it's just housing, and home ownership is overrated, and you'd be technically correct. But, home ownership offers an enforced savings and wealth accumulation device that has been a key factor over the years for white folks to accumulate wealth (and the side benefit of stability). And that accumulation occurs over the course of generations, so 20-40 years for just a single generation. And it really only works for those who are able to buy in long-term desirable areas. If you have to buy in a shitty or deteriorating area, it probably doesn't work at all. So, go back a generation or two and you're back in the really bad old days of deed restrictions and flat-out discrimination, so it's no answer to say "well, we fixed all that 10 years ago." I have an anecdotal personal experience to back this up. My parents, on the advice of my Dad's sister and the fact that Dad went to SMU on the GI Bill (whoops, not available to blacks), bought a duplex near SMU with a VA loan (oops, not available to blacks, also in a deed restricted area one year before judicial enforcement was banned). They lived there for 15 years, kept it, and moved into a single-family home in the same area and school district and rented the dupiex (smart moves both, but also not practically or even probably legally available to black folks). Desegregation meant that the value of all property in that city and school district skyrocketed in value through the 70s and 80s into the present. Now, they were smart, and lucky, and they saved and sacrificed to do those things. And it contributed six figures of value to their estate at their passing. And those things were almost categorically unavailable to black people in the same time frame. And, mind you, this was 100 years after the Emancipation Proclamation. The really cynical would say something to the effect that it doesn't matter, there were no blacks at that time that had the economic wherewithal to do what your parents did. That might maybe actually be true (and also prompts a lot of questions about exactly why that was). But at the outset, as a WWII vet, my Dad didn't have a pot to piss in. He had a college degree (two actually) and that's about it. And he was white. My parents weren't overtly racist and they taught me not to be. They didn't stomp on any black people to get ahead. But they benefited in ways that were simply not possible for black Americans at that time. And they passed on their advantages so accumulated to me.
    7 points
  16. We had this problem until I started sitting in driveway and singing "The Door Is Closed!!" at full volume when it touched down. The fact that my daughter would do it too when I wasn't in the car only kicked it up to the next level.
    7 points
  17. The numbers will never live up to the hysteria. I remember when CHL first passed and listening to all the talk about rampant murder. Same with Open carry, now this. Truth is there will always be idiots who take something useful and make it dangerous/deadly. They are the exception not the rule. Folks would be surprised at the number of Texans who carry legally and illegally every day. Yet somehow manage not to leave a dead body in their wake.
    7 points
  18. Open carry is like wearing a “shoot me first” sign.
    7 points
  19. Every time they have a victory, erasing a part of history that has ruined their life, there is another obstacle that wasn’t an issue before but is now ruining their life with an even shakier link to actual racism. At some point you have to just say no.
    7 points
  20. Say hello to the newest member of the surly dog mafia. Name pending.
    6 points
  21. Worse than losing to UTSA in 2019? Or getting eliminated by Dallas Baptist in 2015? Or any of the countless other embarrassing losses over the last 10 years? God damn you’re a fucking drama queen
    6 points
  22. Wife is driving 1.5 hours to see her. They think Aussie shepherd/Aussie cattle do mix. 8 weeks. If she gets a good vibe, she’ll be ours tonight. We shall see.
    6 points
  23. I don't want to speak for anyone else but I'd bet most CCL holders would agree with me: I have zero desire to shoot anyone or even draw my weapon. My only goal would be to GTFO of the situation alive. I'm not trying to shoot 3 guys, I'm trying to make my escape and keep myself/my family safe. If some shit goes down in the 7-11, I'm not going to save the clerk, I'm going for the safest exit. I wouldn't draw down on someone unless I was cornered. I've had my license for almost 3 years, never even came close to needing it but I'm glad I have the option.
    6 points
  24. Why would I give a fuck about the motivation when the resulting effect puts me in the exact same place? People need get out of this mentality where they think the worst thing about racism is individuals hating each other. Fuck feelings!!! The worst thing about racism is the power imbalance. The issue with redlining wasn't the inability of black people to move next to someone who hates them. It was the resulting affect meant the grandchildren of steeleworkers in Pittsburgh eventually attained the ability to raise capital, build communities, businesses, and most importantly self esteem while the grandchildren of teachers in Atlanta had no ability to do the same. And in this systematic pedagogy of oppression those children now attach value and human self-worth to that power disparity. You're now less than human when you're poor. Then laws are created punishing that lack of humanity. Before you know it you have an entire hierarchal society based on this discrepancy in power and voila people like @Johnny Sack get to justify the treatment of these lower level human beings because the closed loop system keeps sustaining itself.
    6 points
  25. This congressional letter lays it out https://www.finance.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/120920 Wyden Castro Gast letter.pdf Qatar declined to rescues property because it makes no sense financially Trumps reverses and goes against State and DoD to now support Saudi blockade of Qatar Magically, an investment firm linked to Qatar bails out Kushner property Weird
    6 points
  26. I’m still trying to figure out how someone with those tiny shoulders can have that big fucking melon.
    6 points
  27. This seems to be getting close to a sovereign citizen mindset. Do you identify that way? Why do you think a “natural right” to self defense has any influence on whether a government can or should require a permit to conceal? I have a natural right to transport myself, to move across the landscape; therefore, a government shouldn’t set speed limits? I have a natural right to feed myself therefor I can take food from the grocery store without paying for it? FYI, the “law abiding citizen” label is simply something to attempt to differentiate yourself from the “others.” It’s like labeling good guys and bad guys. It’s intended to make you feel special and therefore immune to any minor inconvenience, like taking a class or getting a permit. For folks who listen to the gun debate, the law abiding citizen trope kind of rings similar to muh freedoms or some other pointless idea.
    6 points
  28. I think people driving with their face stuck looking at a screen is a far bigger danger to Texans than the latest hysteria over carrying. But, this may be hitting too close to home for some people.
    6 points
  29. Like a dumbass, I forgot to get photos of the finished food since the guests came and I just got tied up. But last weekend I made maybe my favorite grilled food that isn’t steak.....Georgian style shashlyk, sort of like a kabob. Shashlyk is street food across the entire former Soviet Union and just about any meat is used, and it can have a simple prep or complex marinade like the Georgians do. Muslim regions tend to use lamb, Russians and Ukrainians like beef, pork, and chicken. By the ocean, fish shashlyk is popular. This version is pork shoulder. I serve this with a pretty simple salad of cucumbers/tomatoes/peppers/goat cheese and dressing because it’s a heavy meal. And some home quick pickled onions. Cube the pork into one inch pieces. Marinade is some red wine vinegar, red wine, sunflower or vegetable oil, tomato paste, fresh thyme, fresh parsley, paprika, garlic, red pepper, and an onion. Grate— don’t dice or slice the onion. Salt and pepper. The marinade should be really gloppy and coat the meat. Let that sit in the fridge overnight at least. These skewers are awesome. The twists on the end and the shape mean that you can rotate to get the meat cooked on each side and they’ll stay in place. Don’t wipe the marinade off. This is the last photo I got before they were plated and devoured. About halfway done.
    6 points
  30. People did walk out. Some people in my section did. On the field level a couple PhDs and Masters students walked out too. I couldn't see anything else. I made sure to sing the Eyes like its my last time ever in DKR.
    5 points
  31. for whatever it is worth, women's tennis won the national championship 4-3 with a 7-5 third set win. clutch!
    5 points
  32. He's right. We can no longer sit back and allow Communist infiltration, Communist indoctrination, Communist subversion, and the international Communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids.
    5 points
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