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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/11/2020 in Posts

  1. Your wife is a moron and it clearly runs in the family with her sister. JFC idiots will believe anything. It started on Reddit. There’s a WORLDWIDE PEDO RING that only had been unearthed by...Reddit, Facebook and Twitter regards
    22 points
  2. He'll show up in a couple of minutes.
    16 points
  3. Two fried eggs, three slices thick cut bacon, yellow heirloom tomato, home made hot sauce, dukes, and sourdough Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk
    14 points
  4. This x 1000. I have no clue when other Americans started using American exceptionalism to justify failure instead of glorifying success. What the fuck has happened here? No other country is exactly like ours so it's OK for us to fail miserably while every other developed country has handled it better than ours and plenty of developing countries where 20 bucks a day in salary is considered pretty damn good somehow handled it better than we did. How is it not a sign of a catastrophic failure in everyone's eyes here that we have basically been embarrassing ourselves consistently on this issue? How is "we're different" a valid excuse in your eyes? How is it an excuse for every other failure? American exceptionalism is supposed to be the reason we're better than everywhere else. More freedom of speech (meaning the government doesn't come after you, very weak slander/libel protections, etc.), better science (more Nobel Prizes, HiCi papers, etc.), better universities (more top 10, 50, 100 universities in the world), cultural center of the world (Hollywood, blue jeans, music, etc.), innovation center of the world, space center of the world, best governmental institutions in the world (you may scoff, but until now CDC and NIH were viewed as unparalleled by the rest of the world before this, the Fed was viewed as the most powerful and effective central bank, NASA is NASA, etc.), etc. and now somehow we went from winning WWI, WWII, the Cold War, beating Japan economically when we thought they may overtake us, to where we are today. How is anyone here pretending this isn't a gigantic, catastrophic failure and acting as thought it was always some fait accompli?
    12 points
  5. This post is peak you. Shitting on teachers. Authoritarianism. Applying free market principles to a non free market. A lack of understanding of the nuance of and how the education system works. Simplifying complex things (just plug college kids in!). And generally applauding the people in charge being assholes. A distaste for the underclass. Well done.
    10 points
  6. They're not, this whole pandemic hoax was cooked up to force the SEC to quit playing their cupcake OOC schedules
    9 points
  7. Don't know if this is the right thread for this, but coincidentally I recently ordered cabinets from Wayfair much like these for a storage area in the garage. When they arrived, 2 kids spilled out? I had them install the cabinets but does anyone know what I'm supposed to do with them now?
    9 points
  8. Trumpism is fascism. Understand that and all of his stupid shit makes sense in context. He and his bootlicks will constantly project power as a way to conceal their weakness and paranoia. They will concoct bogeymen on whom to blame their own failures. They will stoke unfounded fear for the purpose of controlling their supporters and oppressing opposition. Because that’s what fascists do. It is no longer a question of whether it can happen here. It already has.
    9 points
  9. Prior to Covid, the Democratic controlled House passed about 400 bills which are all presently sitting on McConnell's desk and he refuses to even bring them to a vote in the Senate. Your fake interest in a "revolution" is tired and the [sic] played out.
    9 points
  10. 9 points
  11. That article is from May 21st and I am virtually certain it has been discussed. Have any other timely Washington Examiner content?
    8 points
  12. See, that's just it. They're not persecuted; at least no where near the level that many of our sisters and brothers in the developing world have been for their faith (fun fact: Those are the areas where the Church may actually be growing the fastest). But they know that they should be... otherwise, they're "in the world", and they know that they're supposed to be different. So, they create things that show their "persecution", which (as you identified, are most often nothing more than "we want everyone to do things our way because it's easier for us to have our beliefs affirmed and central". Can't have an open moment of sectarian prayer in school led by a school staff person? Persecution. Someone might say "Happy Holidays" and not "Merry Christmas"? Persecution. Super Bowl held on a Sunday night so people won't go to church? Persecution (this was a serious thing my mom believed). Remember, these are the folks who played records backwards to look for ways the devil was out to get them... while ignoring the Reagan administration gutting the social network that sought to help do the things that Jesus taught about. It's been said before: "You know you have privilege when equality feels like oppression". Many Christians in America have yet to have any sort of reckoning with the privilege and blessing and power and influence that they have and have had for years... but it's coming. And when it does, these supposedly sanctified snowflakes will reach deep for the faith that should sustain them as it sustains believers all around the world... and find instead that their faith is as shallow and artificial as the orange hued "President Cyrus" they've elected.
    8 points
  13. two brother o lineman have re entered the recruit/player group chat a certain ol with a mom issue has been more active as well
    7 points
  14. If I’m Puerto Rican I’d be pretty excited about being traded to Denmark at this point.
    7 points
  15. Everything’s a taco if you try hard enough. Peppered bacon, turkey cold cuts, pesto, sour cream, salsa verde, pickled jalapeños and goat cheese.
    7 points
  16. Great idea! Something to pass the time during a pandemic. Got about 4 pounds of choice flank from Costco. Beef jerky time. I've seen some cut against the grain and some cut with the grain. Decided whynotboth.gif. Slightly freezing beforehand makes them so much easier to slice thin... A couple different types of marinade that consisted of just a bunch of shit I had on hand. One spicy... And one regular... Spicy with grain in one bag, against in another... Regular with grain in one bag, against in the other. Ended up leaving them sit for about 36 hours... Laid out on racks. These are the against grain... And here's with the grain... Into the oven at 150* for about 8 hours... L-R against grain regular, with grain regular, with grain spicy, against grain spicy. I think I prefer with the grain spicy, but all 4 slammed.
    7 points
  17. Lier, lier, pants on fier.
    7 points
  18. In any normal presidential administration this Stone/Trump debacle would be an oil tanker strung to your neck and sunk in the middle of the Atlantic. For this piece of shit administration it hardly registers on the scale of unbelievably shitty things that have occurred. We gotta get these pieces of shit out of office this fall. The worst part is that I’ve probably made this post 10 times over the last four years.
    7 points
  19. 7 points
  20. Can y’all go back to talking about rice?
    7 points
  21. The discussion was about countries who have essentially choked the virus out to being almost negligible by putting in strict lockdowns and having a population that actually follows it. We are one of the few first world countries on this planet that has not done that yet: https://www.gzeromedia.com/the-graphic-truth-two-different-pandemics-eu-vs-us-coronavirus-cases-spike-28-june This is Germany's curve. Almost every other first world country looks like this. This.. is America: You can talk about death rates based on the very early stages of Covid when nobody knew what it was, and when it hit Europe earlier and harder than the US. But the bottom line is, and there is absolutely no denying this, we as a country have been one of the worst on Earth in terms of mitigating the ongoing presence of Covid. Almost every other modern country in the world has it down to a manageable number and is slowly getting back to normal. Meanwhile, we've never even gotten past our first wave and we, among such modern stalwarts as Russia and Brazil, are not allowed in to the countries who actually handled the pandemic well. And now, as the country who refused to shut everything down because we're freedom-lovers, we're now having to shut everything back down while the rest of the free modern world is getting back to normal. You can blame whoever you want. You can blame Bill de Blasio or Andrew Cuomo or Greg Abbott or Donald Trump or the protests or the anti-maskers. Regardless of who you blame, there is no argument as to whether or not we have handled the pandemic poorly as a country. We have. We are an embarrassing example of what not to do for the rest of the world.
    7 points
  22. I can understand Evangelicals who voted for Trump in '16- SCOTUS appointments, hating Hilary, "Pro-life = Vote R". I don't agree with any of it, but I logically and cognitively understand it (just as I also understand the underlying fear of "other" that these folks have... brown people, gays, people from other faiths, etc.). Those are the folks that the author of this article referred to as "hold your nose" Evangelical voters. (it's also interesting that they can't understand that there might be progressives who are holding our nose and voting against Trump) But, in my humble online opinion, if you claim relationship with God through the redemption of Christ (and believe that you should follow Christ's teachings) and vote for Trump again given all that he's done (including SCOTUS appointments that seem to be a huge dis-appointments)... just stop calling yourself a Christian. Because you're obviously worshiping a different, orange bloated, God. This is the world that I was brought up in, educated in, worked (and still work) in, and am ordained in. I've worked really hard to "love the Voter and hate their Vote", and to try to be the voice of scriptural reason amidst Fox News bullshit. Even though I know people have tuned me out and condemned me to hell, I've not intentionally severed relationships with anyone based on their beliefs, even if I've created boundaries out of respect for my bi-racial family. That will change in November. Win or lose, if you continue to vote for and support that man... I'm knocking the dust off my feet and rolling. (fun fact- since everyone wore sandals and such and with public sanitation being what it was for animals and humans, "knocking the dust off" can be understood/translated as "I'm not taking any more of your shit").
    7 points
  23. hahaha. Carl coming back to life for about the tenth time only to actually stick around and drop bombs in the recruiting thread on the reg is easily one of the weirdest, most unexpected things I could have imaged. pretty much par for the course in 2020.
    6 points
  24. Popeye's chicken sandwich? Yes, don't mind if I do
    6 points
  25. Leftover smoked feral hog nachos
    6 points
  26. Hopefully everyone makes fun of him for how stupid he looks.
    6 points
  27. I say this in all seriousness: if you really believe this insane quackfuckery to be true, go to your kitchen, grab the filet knife and jab it in your dick/cunt. Then stab it in your throat, and in your last moments watch the world improve ever so incrementally until you are dead.
    6 points
  28. Going through the fridge this afternoon while deciding what to make for lunch, I found myself inspired by @Steel Shank’s earlier submission.
    6 points
  29. I 'member something called Operation Jade Helm, and how a portion of our population lost their collective minds over that example of federal "overreach". Today, that same portion of the population is probably cheering this on.
    6 points
  30. The shit sandwich of Hillary was by the Right's baking. Benghazi--nothing proven. Whitewater--Bill had extra marital affairs so we went all moral on him because that's all they had. Aside from a blue dress, there hasn't been evidence of jack shit and certainly nothing they cared about in regards to Mr. Grab 'em by the Pussy. If anybody has something, it's decades late but still bring it forward so Trump and the right can beat that dead horse again, maybe jail it. I used to ride that train and realized at some point, it was never going anywhere. Hillary was a moderate if anything and actually probably more to the right aside from healthcare. What she sucked at was campaigning and being something other than a politician, like a human being. She would have been fine as a president, just based on competence. And she was the only one that provided plans. Trump said elect me and I'll show you my taxes, my simple and cheaper healthcare, my wall (and internment camps), my better trade agreements, stronger economy because the current models and employment numbers were lies, yada bs yada. As it is, I'm glad Hillary didn't win. Republicans would still be fake conservatives, still probably have both Houses of Congress, still be investigating Hillary without evidence, and still be closet racists. The current US is a republican wet dream--exactly how they envisioned government. They said it was broken and if you elect them, they'll prove it. Well, they're breaking the f'k out of it. Nobody said Hillary was a steak sandwich but she was a hell of a lot better than the shit sandwich that continues to stink up the US.
    6 points
  31. Man, it's so wild. He was pimping that stupid bitch salon owner for defying Clay Jenkins orders. Now he's going to lock shit back up.
    6 points
  32. 5 points
  33. Negligent is how people are acting currently, negligible is the amount of change in the amount of something
    5 points
  34. Delete fucking Facebook. Your life will instantly improve.
    5 points
  35. And his family puts out a statement asking everyone to pray for him. Yet when he had the chance to actually help pass legislation to help his fellow man, he threw up his fat middle finger and said fuck all y’all.
    5 points
  36. Yay...another 'principled Republican' who is shocked, disappointed & disgusted by Trump...but not so much that they wouldn't vote for the tangerine twatwaffle again.
    5 points
  37. And 99% of those are recovered - https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-missing-children/missing-children-in-u-s-nearly-always-make-it-home-alive-idUSBRE83P14020120426 And of those 800,00, only 115 are stranger abduction cases. Don’t fall for the bullshit moral panic statistics.
    5 points
  38. They extracted him from incarceration with hydraulic-powered forceps.
    5 points
  39. Some of you are thinking way too hard about this. They're just the taliban, that's all they are. Small, resentful, regressive little men (mostly) who hate change and hunger for the power to control others, because that power makes them feel strong. Religion has always been a very convenient tool for their kind and it doesn't much matter what religion it is.
    5 points
  40. stop getting my hopes up
    5 points
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