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Donald Trump 2018


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Question....when the trendlines before you took over point in one direction, and once you took over, the trendlines continue to point in the exact same direction, how is that a "turnaround?"  I mean, I'm pretty good with directions and shit.  I know that when I turn around, it almost always means that I have changed direction -- typically, that phrase means that I am now going in the OPPOSITE direction.  So, color me just a tad confused when continuing to travel in the same direction is characterized as a "turnaround."

However, I need to account for the fact that DOTUS is a fucking moron and his followers are even more moronic than he is.  So, there's that.  Perhaps that explains it.

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4 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

Question....when the trendlines before you took over point in one direction, and once you took over, the trendlines continue to point in the exact same direction, how is that a "turnaround?"  I mean, I'm pretty good with directions and shit.  I know that when I turn around, it almost always means that I have changed direction -- typically, that phrase means that I am now going in the OPPOSITE direction.  So, color me just a tad confused when continuing to travel in the same direction is characterized as a "turnaround."

However, I need to account for the fact that DOTUS is a fucking moron and his followers are even more moronic than he is.  So, there's that.  Perhaps that explains it.

trump has completed a full 360 degree turnaround of our economy!

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2 minutes ago, Captainant said:

The Russia if you're listening line was so bizarre, even for Trump, that even at that time I wondered if that was actually a direct plea to the Kremlin and not a lighthearted throwaway comment.

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I would have a big problem with censorship of ideas on social media.

I have no problem at all with censorship of shitposting on social media

These imbeciles whose political commentary consists of 100 US Flag emojis and a U MAD? TRUMP 2020 posted individually, over and over again @ 100 different national media personalities deserve to be muted.

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2 hours ago, triplehorn said:


My favorite part of the interview was when Cuomo pointed out that "Cohen's" statement meant that Jr was guilty of perjury and Giuliani slammed his fist on the table. I think that was the moment Giuliani realized his plan for a fake leak and character assasiation of Cohen threw Jr under the bus.

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trump has completed a full 360 degree turnaround of our economy!
Going to be awesome when growth dips below 2% next quarter. Back to blaming Obama I guess. This islike when he had the house GOP caucus to the Whitehouse after they passed the Obamacare repeal and that had no chance of making it through the Senate.
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2 hours ago, Mojo Hand said:

Trump reportedly willing to go to Moscow after Putin turned him down for a WH visit.   So weak. 

At least he's crawling to kiss the feet of an autocrat who rules a major player on the world stage. Things are looking up!

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28 minutes ago, Gil Bang said:

United Sates. 

But are there 57 of them?  BUT OBAMA!

Also....so, we're doing this?  We're extrapolating from our BEST quarterly growth, and say "if the economy continues at this pace?"  Are we doing that?  Because if so, Obama's best quarter beats your best quarter.


Or, maybe this -- "My favorite football team had a scoring drive that took only 30 seconds.  At that pace, they'll score 120 touchdowns a game!"

But it doesn't matter.  The idiots will eat it up.

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1 minute ago, Brisketexan said:

Or, maybe this -- "My favorite football team had a scoring drive that took only 30 seconds.  At that pace, they'll score 120 touchdowns a game!"

This is exactly where my head went.  After the M's won the first game of the season I figured we're on a 162-0 pace!  STFU dotus.  

Also, "more than 10 years faster"?  The fuck kind of grammar is that?

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24 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:

Let's see, it takes about 20 minutes to go around the room so everyone can praise Trump, and then there's the snack break, followed by closing remarks ("NO COLLUSION!!!").

Yeah, 30 minutes sounds good.

30 minutes to weigh the second most critical issue of 2018 (just behind having a straight up traitor in the WH) seems about right for this administration.

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2 minutes ago, Francisco 2.0 said:

30 minutes on a Friday afternoon so the White House, Trump, etc. can honestly say they held a "meeting" concerning election interference.


Yeah, sounds as productive as a Friday afternoon  meeting at the local McDonald's to go over what transpired during the week.  

I bet they discussed some pretty serious things.


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