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Huge Piece of Shit and alleged Woman Abuser Chris Beard has been hired at Mississippi

The Ace of Aces

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20 minutes ago, Hermanator said:

This place is overreaction central. We don't know any facts of the case and this jabroni is saying his career is over. 

Aren't a lot of you lawyers? Shit I'd hate to be your client if you act like this. 

Your denial is beneath you and, because of the use of hallucinogenic drugs, I see through you.

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I appreciate the sunshine in this thread but the guys careers is done. Maybe he can do some briles type work but fuck, we are going to go from #2 to unranked and we aren’t even texas’ing it. Fuck 
He'll definitely be done here but I seriously doubt his career will be over for good. You underestimate how bad programs want to win and in some years, the whole he's a new person and been rehabilitated angle will be made. If you're good at what you do, you get much more rope. He'll be fine.
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7 minutes ago, closetohumping said:

You’re common law married if you live with a girl for over 6 months.  Thsi is domestic abuse

Who told you that bullshit?


I don’t think you fire the guy over an arrest.

if there’s any reasonable possibility he did what is alleged, it’s buh bye. 

Edited by Doc Daneeka
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Just now, Vic Mackey said:
5 minutes ago, RockyMountainHighHorn said:
I appreciate the sunshine in this thread but the guys careers is done. Maybe he can do some briles type work but fuck, we are going to go from #2 to unranked and we aren’t even texas’ing it. Fuck 

He'll definitely be done here but I seriously doubt his career will be over for good. You underestimate how bad programs want to win and in some years, the whole he's a new person and been rehabilitated angle will be made. If you're good at what you do, you get much more rope.

I don't think people understand the charge. He tried to strangle someone to death and likely got interrupted by the police. He's not going to coach anywhere another day ever. 

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Although...I mean, wait a minute, let's not be too hasty.  He is charged with impeding breath circulation.  Shit, I do that to my wife all the time when I give her the post-chili dog dutch oven treatment.  Maybe Beard was just farting under the covers a lot.  Maybe that's it, guys?  Wadda ya think?  Think there's a shot?


Yeah...shit....me neither.

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Outside of an absolutely ridiculous set of facts the likelihood apd may not have even arrested the guy in the first place for and definitely wouldn't have charged him with third degree, he's gone.  

Maybe we hire the Tech headcoach to replace him he did good last year replacing him.  Lol.  Jk

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