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Huge Piece of Shit and alleged Woman Abuser Chris Beard has been hired at Mississippi

The Ace of Aces

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1 minute ago, immamac said:

I don't think people understand the charge. He tried to strangle someone to death and likely got interrupted by the police. He's not going to coach anywhere another day ever. 

I've heard horror stories of guys defending themselves from drunk girlfriends and being hauled to jail. Honestly the optics are so bad he's probably going to be fired no matter what the facts say, so he's gotta go.

On the specific topic of whether he "tried to strangle someone to death" I agree with the posters saying let's wait for the facts to come out. I want to hear more facts before I say he's an attempted murderer. But right now it doesn't look good at all.

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6 minutes ago, chainsaw said:

I've heard horror stories of guys defending themselves from drunk girlfriends and being hauled to jail. Honestly the optics are so bad he's probably going to be fired no matter what the facts say, so he's gotta go.

On the specific topic of whether he "tried to strangle someone to death" I agree with the posters saying let's wait for the facts to come out. I want to hear more facts before I say he's an attempted murderer. But right now it doesn't look good at all.

In less than 4 hours from time of incident he was charged with a felony. The facts are not going to get any better than they are right now

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9 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

Although...I mean, wait a minute, let's not be too hasty.  He is charged with impeding breath circulation.  Shit, I do that to my wife all the time when I give her the post-chili dog dutch oven treatment.  Maybe Beard was just farting under the covers a lot.  Maybe that's it, guys?  Wadda ya think?  Think there's a shot?


Yeah...shit....me neither.

Felony Dutch Oven

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There are two other possibilities we may need to consider ...

1. That Beard, his wife and/or Mistress are into the S&M, B&D lifestyle. And after trussing up his wife and/or girlfriend like a Thanksgiving turkey, he was restricting their airflow to increase the intensity of their orgasm, or;

2. Maybe... and just work with me here... maybe, a certain male appendage is so HUGE, that during casual sexual play, that appendage was placed in her oral cavity too deeply and aggressively.


He's toast on a stick.

I will be the engineer on the "Rush to Judgment" train. He needs to be gone as in ... now.

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1 minute ago, Al_4_ISU said:

You guys will fire him by noon.

He'll take a year or two off of coaching.

Liberty will hire him, and there will be a narrative that he's "a changed man" and a "man of Christ".

He'll take Liberty to a Sweet 16.

Baylor hires him when Drew retires.

Knowing absolutely nothing other than the charge... this is what I would think.

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18 minutes ago, Techsan23 said:

another morally bankrupt UT fan. Will you people please go support Baylor.

All the fans reacting with the "Fuck you" emoticon for this message. Go to church, you're all pathetic human beings and a drain on society. This world would be a better place without you scumbags.


Sports shouldn't matter this much, go fix your lives.


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53 minutes ago, Hermanator said:

Nah he won't get fired for 1 offense with a top 10 team in the country. 

He needs to be in therapy and get help for whatever issue caused him to get violent. Whether it's alcohol, anger management, maybe needs to get divorced, or whatever it is. 

This just fucking sucks. 

We’re not Penn State. He’s gone. What a disgrace.

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Just now, Techsan23 said:

All the fans reacting with the "Fuck you" emoticon for this message. Go to church, you're all pathetic human beings and a drain on society. This world would be a better place without you scumbags.


Sports shouldn't matter this much, go fix your lives.


Issue is you’re a tech fan calling Texas fans trash

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well... Fuck me....

That's not good. I guess we are going to see the coaching prowess of Rodney Terry tonight?

Most likely his wife.  These things can be nuanced.  Seen the scumbag spouse get the arrest, as they played the right carts to instigate it. HOWEVER, Chris Beard is a big guy with a known hot temper.  Which can be great for coaching, but not so good when you get arrested.  Not a good day for a team that was rising


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