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Cairn Horn88

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Just now, HendersonHorns said:

You pray for him to die…..  every day?  Like…..  you take time talking to God and ask him to kill someone?


Sure.  I mean, isn't that how it works?  Direct request, God does what you ask?  



Of course, I use "pray" in the vernacular.  I just hope very, very, very much, that I get a news alert on my phone that "Donald Trump has choked to death on a hamberder" or something like that.  And yes, I actually hope for that, like the thought actually crosses my mind.

Read literally any account of the rise of fascism in Italy and Germany.  Then read what Trump ACTUALLY says and ACTUALLY proposes.  It's the same.  motherfucking.  playbook.  Anyone who doesn't want an asshole like that to disappear from the earth altogether isn't paying attention and/or doesn't actually care about humanity.  Trump is one of the worst figures in modern history.  He's a fucking sick fascist fuck.  And the sooner he dies, the better this planet will be.   Just like Il Duce and Hitler, who improved the planet by their expiration.

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Why, indeed it was. The Brits tossed it aside around the time anything associated with the US, (read Reagan,) was considered ill-bred, oafish, and uncultured.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Football_(word)#:~:text=The term was in use,erroneously seen as an Americanism.
That's an excellent job of bringing a Surly tangent back around to the topic at hand. Trump has all those traits in spades and really has distilled the GOP brand down to its purest form.
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I would have gladly taken the shelters!  My schools' soccer team sucked, but we had an italian coach and an English Headmaster.  Every game was a beating both on and off the fieldpitch.
They don't do shit but make me laugh. Cold rain and wind right in your face with zero protection. Zero fans behind for them to halt thrown beverages. Just good old Lakeway cheese.

Our coach in High School had a Soccer For Dummies book in his office; dumb enough to not hide it, even dumber when he tried to coach us in game. "No we aren't subbing right now sir."
We hated that dumbass.
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16 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

Sure.  I mean, isn't that how it works?  Direct request, God does what you ask?  



Of course, I use "pray" in the vernacular.  I just hope very, very, very much, that I get a news alert on my phone that "Donald Trump has choked to death on a hamberder" or something like that.  And yes, I actually hope for that, like the thought actually crosses my mind.

Read literally any account of the rise of fascism in Italy and Germany.  Then read what Trump ACTUALLY says and ACTUALLY proposes.  It's the same.  motherfucking.  playbook.  Anyone who doesn't want an asshole like that to disappear from the earth altogether isn't paying attention and/or doesn't actually care about humanity.  Trump is one of the worst figures in modern history.  He's a fucking sick fascist fuck.  And the sooner he dies, the better this planet will be.   Just like Il Duce and Hitler, who improved the planet by their expiration.

I'm praying for it and I don't even believe in God. Pulling out all the stops. Of course, if there really were a just and loving God, we wouldn't be having this problem. 

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2 hours ago, locodos said:

You the type that thinks thoughts and prayers are effective, aren't you?   Well bless your heart.


...and he wants his kids to go to Baylor for a good, christian education. 



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1 hour ago, wildcat09 said:

He already fucking lost. What makes you think a second loss will change anything?

There’s already Republicans and some BMDs who have bailed on him because he lost the House, Senate, and White House.   Another loss will seal the deal with a lot of Republicans and BMDs who just vote (R) for reasons, because they want to win, not listen to some old fat fuck whining about his losses in 2020 and 2024 and about how unfair everything is.

And because Trump now controls the GOP and has already began Order 66 purging long-time Republicans in the RNC (who had important institutional knowledge), he is making the RNC about him, and only him, and it’s just an extension of Trump Org. He gives no shit about down-ballot candidates, he won’t simply go away into the night after he loses in November.

He will not give up control of the RNC after he loses again, so he’s a problem that will have to be dealt with by Republicans who want to actually move forward and win.

4 hours ago, SydneyCarton said:

Listen, I'm a human being. I'm wrong all the damn time. I do have a fair amount of angst in my life, but most of it is centered around having a young son and worrying about the shitty country we might be stuck in thanks to Christofascists such as yourself, sir. 

High Five Friends GIF by Amazon Freevee

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3 hours ago, YGIFS said:

I've seen it for 1000 years.  I keep fixing it so they all die and then when the next fad lifts its ugly head, I'll hand it off the next guy or gal.  And around and around we go.  We've  been fixing and cleaning for millennia.  And we don't take coffee breaks.  

Dude, you're giving Armybrat a run for his money.

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19 minutes ago, Biff Tannen said:

Dude, you're giving Armybrat a run for his money.

Damn, I am getting old.  

csb/   The other night, we were camping out in the hill country, and it was a clear sky with a brilliant display of stars and constellations.  And my oldest asked me how I knew about so many of them.  And I explained to her pattern recognition and celestial navigation.  Through family letters and papers passed down through the ages on her grandmother's side, our bloodline literally runs from Columbus' second voyage from Iberia.  On my father's side, they were everything from Kriegsmarine to the U.S. Navy, all navigators and comms.  And that during the night...they would guide the boats from sailing ships to nuclear powered USN vessels.  And while they were out on deck...they would chart the stars and the course.  And they would pass the time as the rest of the crew slept, by telling tales and jokes and songs and that's why she has storytelling in her blood.  It's why she has the desire to be funny and write stuff down long after I've asked to go to sleep.  I often tell her that when you see what no else sees, you will know what no one else knows.  I am not particularly smart or creative, but she is.  And she reminds me of what's in my blood that I ignored.  This 'Group of Hate'...they were always around us and i simply chose to ignore them.  They were always around me, but we dismissed them as a political afterthought.  And second---their ability to mobilize and destabilize.  My lack of ability to inherit my ancestry's insight and notice their pattern to power---once again my prize lack of imagination.  I saw it, we all saw it.  We just didn't realize the scope of its capacity.  And now my children are condemned to live among them for another 90 years.  


tl;dr      I don't know what I'm more disappointed in...that we let it happen or that we were too ignorant to see it coming.  


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8 hours ago, Gatorubet said:

So I say, again, if the criminal trial is not enough to defeat Trump in an election, then we had a nice run and we do not deserve nice things like a democracy.


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You pray for him to die…..  every day?  Like…..  you take time talking to God and ask him to kill someone?

When's the last time this invisible God actually answered a pray. We should be so lucky. All up in everybody's business 2000 years ago then radio silence.
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14 minutes ago, DaysOff said:

When's the last time this invisible God actually answered a pray. We should be so lucky. All up in everybody's business 2000 years ago then radio silence.

I prayed for the Vince Young 4th quarter scramble for the National Championship win against USC but then again, I prayed for Ewers to complete that pass at the end of the game against Washington this year.  Maybe this God guy doesn't really answer my prayers.  

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8 minutes ago, HendersonHorns said:

I sure hate you feel this way. 

you have to admit, the one President in U.S. history who has never been a member of a Christian Church despite living blocks away from a dozen houses of worship within walking distance for almost his whole life.  Who can't name one verse in either testament.  Who doesn't even know how to hold a bible for a photo opp,  He's the one who most frequently claims he was sent by the Lord, our God, to save our nation from itself.  And that's just a total coincidence?  The biggest sinner is our biggest savior?  

It's been well written throughout human history.  The Devil does not come as evil incarnate.  He comes when you're at your most vulnerable.  He comes as you're at your most weakest moment.  He comes with a smile.  He is charming and alluring.  He validates your worst virtues.  He comes as your friend.  I don't believe in Satan.  But if I did, he is Donald Trump.  We've witnessed this many times through history.  He's just the latest and greatest example.  And he'll be dead soon enough.  And then we'll get to meet the next version.  Hope you guessed his name.  

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32 minutes ago, Pato del Muerto said:

Maybe he prays for god to make the world a better place, wink wink. 

I might pray to God to bless Trump, but it means an entirely different thing when I say it than when MAGA says it. Because what God offers us is not power, glory, and defeating your enemies, but peace. Acceptance. Honesty. Can you imagine if one morning, Trump woke up and suddenly realized that he didn't have to do any of this? That he could tell the truth? That he could accept the lawsuits and the bankruptcies and all that nonsense? It would be better for everyone -- but especially for Donald J. Trump.

But I don't think that's what MAGA means when they say that. I don't think they know what Jesus is about, either.

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14 minutes ago, DaysOff said:

When's the last time this invisible God actually answered a pray. We should be so lucky. All up in everybody's business 2000 years ago then radio silence.

June 9th, 1993, her name was…not important to the conversation.

January 4th, 2006

Cant think of any other times my prayers were answered.

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Trump today, hawking the MAGA Bible: "This Bible is a reminder that the biggest thing we have to bring back is...America to make America great again is our religion..."

So what is worse...Nazis doing the same thing, making the state the religion, and literally mandating the replacement of the Bible and the cross in churches with Mein Kampf and the swastika.

Or Trump co-opting them?

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5 hours ago, safe sex said:

If it doesn't arrive from an email newsletter, he doesn't read it, and his newsletters probably aren't very honest about the history of 1910s-1940s German history.

Fw: fw: fw: fw: 10 reasons Hitler wasn’t really all that bad 

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6 minutes ago, Rimbo said:

I might pray to God to bless Trump, but it means an entirely different thing when I say it than when MAGA says it. Because what God offers us is not power, glory, and defeating your enemies, but peace. Acceptance. Honesty. Can you imagine if one morning, Trump woke up and suddenly realized that he didn't have to do any of this? That he could tell the truth? That he could accept the lawsuits and the bankruptcies and all that nonsense? It would be better for everyone -- but especially for Donald J. Trump.

But I don't think that's what MAGA means when they say that. I don't think they know what Jesus is about, either.

They will learn that their Orange Adonai was not a just lord.  He was not good.  He was merely on their side.  And he will make a new covenant.  And sell them into debacle.  And they will be foregone  and all alone.  And I will laugh.

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7 hours ago, Brisketexan said:

Bolded because the qualifier is the killer here.  We do not have a rational and sane society.  We have a society where one party is all-in on authoritarianism.  That....is fucked.

Excellent question.  Also, really stupid question.  Let me ask it another way:

"In what world does lighting a match equate to burning down a house?"  By your standard, we should exhibit zero alarm when someone thoroughly douses a house in gasoline, says "I'm going to burn this motherfucker down," and then stands at the front door and strikes a match.  PARTICULARLY when we have clear and spot-on historical antecedents to look to.


And this.

To the bolded, yes, yes, 1000X YES!  That's EXACTLY what we are doing.  We are -- to continue the metaphor above -- comparing the dude with a lit match in front of the house he just soaked with gasoline and said he's gonna burn down with other arsonists, because HE IS DOING ALL THE THINGS THAT ARSONISTS DO RIGHT UP TO THE POINT THEY LIGHT THE HOUSE ON FIRE.

As just a snapshot, here's a short-form discussion of the rhetoric he employs:

Yep.  See above.  

Bottom line, ask yourself this simple question, honestly:

What did fascist authoritarian leaders do, and sound like, in their run-up to taking absolute power and imposing their horrific regimes on the world?

And you know what the answer to that question is, or you would if you ever picked up a motherfucking book.

They look, and sound, almost exactly like Donald Trump.


So, to get back to your original oh-so-concerned point....you are goddamned right I wish that he would die, right now, this very second.  Because he is an existential threat to the Republic, and by virtue of that every American and indeed every human on earth.  He has no governing or guiding principles other than "show fealty to me," so nobody, regardless of ideology or anything else, is safe.  He wants to be an absolute ruler with absolute power accountable to nobody and without any limits....because he has TOLD US THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT HE FUCKING WANTS.  And he will demonize, and inflict punishment and pain, on whoever it takes to accomplish those things.

Don't blame us because we have enough IQ points and literacy to say "oh fuck, we've seen shit almost exactly like this before, and y'all....you aren't gonna like where it takes us" and you clearly do not.  Pick up a fucking book.  Or hell, do this -- take a visit here, the German History Museum in Berlin:


It has a fantastic, plain-spoken and unvarnished sequence of exhibits showing EXACTLY how the nazis came to power (with genuine popular support), how they consolidated and made that power absolute, and how they then executed on the threats and promises they made on the rise to power.  My family of four walked that exhibit a few years ago, finishing at separate times.  As we all ended up outside together, each of us voiced some version of 'holy shit that was the most terrifying thing I've ever seen because it's happening right fucking now."  And mind you, that exhibit wasn't put together with an agenda of "look at this, it's just like Trump."  It pre-dates him, significantly.  It just tells a story about how fascist regimes that kill millions and destroy nations come to power....and it's a story playing out right here in the US, damned near to the letter.

Go there.  

Laugh emoji from @HendersonHorns


6 hours ago, Brisketexan said:

I'll take the W any way we can get it.  Fucking civilization is literally at stake.

Laugh emoji


6 hours ago, Rimbo said:

My answer to that is: Be careful what you wish for. If he were to fall, he would become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.

The Romans thought they could kill off a cult by killing Jesus... You may snicker, but Trump has replaced Jesus in churches throughout the country as their true Messiah, even if they won't say that quiet part out loud quite yet.

You won't kill the cult off simply by him dying.

Heck, look how many years it took for Elvis sightings to wane. Elvis was being spotted and worshiped for a good 10-15 years after his death. Wouldn't have happened if he'd just been an old, fat druggie for the next ten years instead. THEN you'd have had people talking about how much he sucked, although he had been pretty good once.

Y'all really don't want Trump to die. Y'all want him to lose.

Lose, lose, and keep losing more and more, until his name has become as synonymous with losing as Rimbo has become with Greg Davis Defenders. He won't have a cult, because nobody wants to join the Cult of Loser.

Jail won't end him. Death won't end him. Losing will. Losing court cases. Losing his marbles. Losing the election. Dragging the GOP down with him.

Fuck you emoji - ruh roh, someone offended his sky cake.


2 hours ago, HendersonHorns said:

I sure hate you feel this way. 

Aw, we got a true believer in here don't we?

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2 hours ago, DaysOff said:

I hate I wasted 50 years on that nonsense.

I pray that 50,000 kids across the globe don't die of starvation tonight. Let's check back in the morning and see how it went.

God is either a sociopath or doesn’t exist. There’s no other option. Either way, it doesn’t deserve your time to bother with it.

Unless you’re in it for the grift.

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2 hours ago, DaysOff said:

I hate I wasted 50 years on that nonsense.

I pray that 50,000 kids across the globe don't die of starvation tonight. Let's check back in the morning and see how it went.

If they die tomorrow instead, prayer answered?

And how do you measure this?

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6 minutes ago, GenXer said:

God is either a sociopath or doesn’t exist. There’s no other option. Either way, it doesn’t deserve your time to bother with it.

Unless you’re in it for the grift.

There is something behind all of this creation.  It goes by many names and carved many paths.  The creator isn’t the problem.  The people who lay cruelty to others in its name are the issue.  It will take centuries to evacuate the problem.  Bad news is, there’ll be no place Left to enjoy the vista. 

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46 minutes ago, YGIFS said:

There is something behind all of this creation.  It goes by many names and carved many paths.  The creator isn’t the problem.  The people who lay cruelty to others in its name are the issue.  It will take centuries to evacuate the problem.  Bad news is, there’ll be no place Left to enjoy the vista. 

So the omnipotent one that can wave his finger and remove disease but can’t be bothered to do so isn’t a problem? I am in violent disagreement with this opinion.

The idea of God was invented by people that couldn’t understand why the big yellow round thing in the sky appeared for a while then disappeared later.

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16 minutes ago, GenXer said:

So the omnipotent one that can wave his finger and remove disease but can’t be bothered to do so isn’t a problem? I am in violent disagreement with this opinion.

I think you're very busy disbelieving in a very different God than the one I'm believing in. Which is fine, because it means we have your disbelief in common.

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53 minutes ago, Rimbo said:

I think you're very busy disbelieving in a very different God than the one I'm believing in. Which is fine, because it means we have your disbelief in common.

You all limit yourselves to just one god?

ryan reynolds hd GIF

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4 hours ago, YGIFS said:

 I don't believe in Satan.  But if I did, he is Donald Trump.  We've witnessed this many times through history.  He's just the latest and greatest example.  And he'll be dead soon enough.  And then we'll get to meet the next version.  Hope you guessed his name.  


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5 hours ago, Beantown Express 2.0 said:

I prayed for the Vince Young 4th quarter scramble for the National Championship win against USC but then again, I prayed for Ewers to complete that pass at the end of the game against Washington this year.  Maybe this God guy doesn't really answer my prayers.  

Sounds like you brought some weak ass prayer and got out prayed by the other guys.  

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3 hours ago, GenXer said:

God is either a sociopath or doesn’t exist. There’s no other option. Either way, it doesn’t deserve your time to bother with it.

Unless you’re in it for the grift.

And if he was real he also went out spontaneously knocking up married chicks.  He couldn’t have chosen a single girl?  Total dick move.  

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11 hours ago, Willfully Horn said:

My MIL (89 years) says she prays someone with excellent aim will step up.

She's talking about toilet, right?  They have artsy signs for that at Hobby Lobby

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13 hours ago, HendersonHorns said:

You pray for him to die…..  every day?  Like…..  you take time talking to God and ask him to kill someone?


When you read the bible for the first time, your heads going to be spinning.  

PS start with the Old Testament, if really sets the stage nicely for the trilogy.


13 hours ago, Born to Run said:
On 3/26/2024 at 12:40 AM, Willfully Horn said:
Why, indeed it was. The Brits tossed it aside around the time anything associated with the US, (read Reagan,) was considered ill-bred, oafish, and uncultured.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Football_(word)#:~:text=The term was in use,erroneously seen as an Americanism.

That's an excellent job of bringing a Surly tangent back around to the topic at hand. Trump has all those traits in spades and really has distilled the GOP brand down to its purest form.

Distilled Stupidity  great band name!

They even have a variety of album covers photos to choose from, but this is a timely favorite of mine.



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3 minutes ago, The Dog said:

he just violated the gag order:


As I said in a previous post, there is no order that prohibits his ability to threatent. There's only consequences if he does, and he doesn't ever face consequences. 

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I actually don't think he violated the order there. IIRC, the judge did not include himself or his family as part of the order, only witnesses and prosecutors.

Edit: missed the line about DA lies. That might be enough 

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4 minutes ago, Francisco 2.0 said:







Chapter infinity.


The Rule of Law is over.  It's all rule of the fist/gun now.  Plan accordingly (either be ready to fight, have an exit strategy, or both).  

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